1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 北京 100081
2.陕西省延安市农业科学研究所 延安 716000
基金项目: 国家绿肥产业技术体系CARS-22
作者简介:任静, 主要研究方向为农业资源利用与资源环境经济。E-mail:renjing@caas.cn
通讯作者:尹昌斌, 主要研究方向为资源利用与管理。E-mail:yinchangbin@caas.cn
Discussion on the ecological compensation standard of green manure planting based on the willingness of fruit farmers to accept
REN Jing1,,YIN Changbin1,,,
DUAN Zhilong2
1. Institute of Agriculture Resources and Regional Planning of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2. Yan'an Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Shaanxi Province, Yan'an 716000, China
Funds: the China Agriculture Research SysteCARS-22
the National Natural Science Foundation of China71273264
More Information
Corresponding author:YIN Changbin, E-mail: yinchangbin@caas.cn
摘要:为探讨果农绿肥种植合理的生态补偿标准,以效用理论为指导,运用生态补偿理论,依托陕西省423份果农绿肥种植样本,构建果农受偿意愿的效用函数,测定果农绿肥种植的生态补偿标准,并通过Binary Logistic回归模型检验果农受偿意愿的影响因素。研究表明:绿肥种植生态补偿标准参数估计结果为2 611.80 ¥·hm-2,非参数估计结果为3 660.75 ¥·hm-2,两个数值作为陕西省果园绿肥种植生态补偿标准的动态调整区间。调研结果显示,约有77%的果农倾向于在果园种植绿肥,但是具有不同个人特征、家庭特征、认知水平的果农会表现出不同的绿肥种植意愿。回归分析表明,在陕西果农绿肥种植中,果农的个人禀赋以及家庭生产经营特征对受偿意愿的影响并不显著,村干部建议、果农对绿肥的认知和果农对国家绿肥产业政策的认知是主要影响因素,政策认知中种植补贴是农户绿肥种植的根本动因。基于上述结论,建议绿肥种植的大力推行首先应尊重果农意愿,其次应确定适当的生态补偿标准,建立管控与激励相结合的市场化、多元化的生态补偿制度。
Abstract:To explore the reasonable ecological compensation standard of green manure planting for fruit farmers, the theories of utility as guides, relying on 423 green manure planting samples of fruit farmers in Shaanxi Province, and using ecological compensation theory, this paper constructed the utility function of fruit farmers' willingness to accept, and determined the compensation standard for fruit farmers. In addition, using the Binary Logistic regression model, this paper tests the factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept. The calculation results of the ecological compensation standard for green manure planting showed that the parameter estimation result was 2 611.80 ¥·hm-2, and the non-parametric estimation result was 3 660.75 ¥·hm-2, both of which are dynamic adjustment intervals of the ecological compensation standards for green manure planting in orchards in Shaanxi Province. According to the survey results, approximately 77% of fruit growers tended to use green manure in orchards. Fruit growers with different personal characteristics, family characteristics, and cognitive levels would show different levels of willingness to use green manure. The regression analysis showed that for the fruit farmers in Shaanxi, the personal endowment of the fruit farmers and the family production and management characteristics had no significant impacts on the willingness to accept. The villagers suggested that the awareness of green manure and the national green manure industry policy had become the main influencing factors. The planting subsidy in the policy was the fundamental motivation for farmers to plant green manure. Based on the above conclusions, it is suggested that the vigorous implementation of green manure should first respect the willingness of farmers, and secondly, determined appropriate ecological compensation standards, and established a market-based and diversified ecological compensation system that combined control and incentives.
Key words:Green manure/
Willingness to accept/
Ecological compensation/
Incentive mechanism/
Logit model/
Compensating variation
Table1.Specific issues and assignment methods for fruit farmers' cognition of ecological benefits of green manure in Shaanxi Province
测量变量 Measuring variable | 具体问题 Specific issue | 赋值方法 Assignment method |
对绿肥生态效益认知程度 Cognition of ecological benefits of green manure | 您认为种植绿肥对改善耕地质量有何影响? What do you think the impact of planting green manure on improving the quality of cultivated land? | 没有影响=1;影响很小=2;稍有提升=3;提升较大=4;显著提升=5 No effect = 1; little effect = 2; slight improvement = 3; large improvement = 4; significant improvement = 5 |
您认为种植绿肥对节约化学肥料投入有何影响? What do you think the impact of planting green manure on saving chemical fertilizert? | 没有节约=1;节约很少=2;一般=3;节约较大=4;节约很大=5 No saving = 1; little savings = 2; normal = 3; big savings = 4; significant savings = 5 | |
您认为种植绿肥对节约农药投入有何影响? What do you think the impact of planting green manure on saving pesticide input? | 没有节约=1;节约很少=2;一般=3;节约较大=4;节约很大=5 No saving = 1; little savings = 2; normal = 3; big savings = 4; significant savings = 5 | |
您认为种植绿肥对改善局域空气质量有何影响? What do you think the impact of planting green manure on improving local air quality? | 没有影响=1;影响很小=2;稍有提升=3;提升较大=4;显著提升=5 No effect = 1; little effect = 2; slight improvement = 3; large improvement = 4; significant improvement = 5 | |
您认为种植绿肥对提高水土保持强度有何影响? What do you think the impact of planting green manure on improving soil and water conservation strength? | 没有影响=1;影响很小=2;稍有提升=3;提升较大=4;显著提升=5 No effect = 1; little effect = 2; slight improvement = 3; large improvement = 4; significant improvement = 5 | |
您认为种植绿肥能否减少农业面源? Do you think planting green manure can reduce agricultural non-point source? | 没有减少=1;减少很小=2;一般=3;减少较多=4;显著减少=5 No reduction = 1; small reduction = 2; normal = 3; more reduction = 4; significant reduction = 5 | |
您认为种植绿肥能否改善区域文化景观? Do you think planting green manure can improve the regional cultural landscape? | 不能改善=1;改善很小=2;一般=3;改善较大=4;显著改善=5 No improve = 1; little improvement = 2; normal = 3; large improvement = 4; significant improvement = 5 |

Table2.Variables explanation of influencing factors of fruit farmers' willingness to plant green manure in Shaanxi Province
变量分类 Variable classification | 变量名称 Variable name | 变量代码 Variable code | 变量定义解释 Variable definition interpretation | |
果农绿肥种植意愿 Green manure planting willingness | pla_asp | 不种植=0;种植=1 Not planting = 0; planting = 1 | ||
果农个人禀赋变量 Fruit farmers’ individual endowment variables | 性别Gender | sex | 男=0;女=1 Male = 0; female = 1 | |
年龄Age | age | 周岁Years of life | ||
是否村干部Village cadres | cadr | 是=1;否=0 Yes = 1; no = 0 | ||
受教育程度 Education | educ | 小学及以下=1;初中(中专)=2;高中=3;专科及以上=4 Primary school or below = 1; middle school (secondary school) = 2; high school = 3; college or above = 4 | ||
果农生产经营变量 Fruit production and management variables | 家庭人口 Household population | fam_num | 人Person | |
农业劳动力占比 Proportion of agricultural labor | agri_labp | % | ||
人均收入Per capita income | incop | 元·人-1·年-1 ¥·person-1·a-1 | ||
耕地面积Cultivated area | land | 公顷Hectare | ||
耕地质量 Arable land quality | owl_qua | 很好=5;较好=4;一般=3;较差=2;很差=1 Very good = 5; good = 4; fair = 3; poor = 2; very poor = 1 | ||
信任特征变量 Trust feature variables | 对亲属信任 Trust in relatives | rel_adv | 不信任=1;不太信任=2;一般=3;信任=4;很信任=5 Distrust = 1; not so trust = 2; average = 3; trust = 4; very trust = 5 | |
对邻居信任 Trust in neighbors | nab_adv | 不信任=1;不太信任=2;一般=3;信任=4;很信任=5 Distrust = 1; not so trust = 2; average = 3; trust = 4; very trust = 5 | ||
对村干部信任 Trust in village cadres | cad_adv | 不信任=1;不太信任=2;一般=3;信任=4;很信任=5 Distrust = 1; not so trust = 2; average = 3; trust = 4; very trust = 5 | ||
绿肥认知变量 Green manure cognitive variables | 绿肥认知 Cognition of green manure | gm_cog | 没听说过=1;听说过, 但不了解=2;一般=3;比较了解=4;很了解=5 Haven’t heard = 1; have heard, but don’t know = 2; fair = 3; better understand = 4; very understand = 5 | |
对经济效益认知 Cognition of economic benefits | econcog | 没有影响=1;影响很小=2;稍有提升=3;提升较大=4;显著提升=5 No effect = 1; little effect = 2; slight improvement = 3; large improvement = 4; significant improvement = 5 | ||
对生态效益认知 Cognition of ecological benefits | ecolcog | 赋值情况详见表 1 See Table 1 for details | ||
政策认知变量 Policy cognitive variables | 政府政策 Government policy | gov_pol | 不了解=1;不太了解=2;基本了解=3;比较了解=4;非常了解=5 No understand = 1; little understand = 2; basic understanding = 3; more understanding = 4; very understanding = 5 | |
政府宣传 Government propaganda | gm_pro | 没在意=1;没有=2;有=3 Not care = 1; none = 2; yes = 3 | ||
技术培训 Technical training | trai | 是=1, 否=0 Yes = 1; no = 0 | ||
最低补偿金额 Minimum compensation | sub_sta | ¥?hm-2 |

Table3.Variable descriptive statistics of influencing factors of fruit farmers' willingness to plant green manure in Shaanxi Province
变量分类 Variable classification | 变量名称 Variable name | 最小值 Minimum | 最大值 Maximum | 平均值 Average value | 标准差 Standard deviation | |||
果农绿肥种植意愿 Green manure planting willingness | 0 | 1 | 0.77 | 0.42 | ||||
果农个人禀赋变量 Fruit farmers’ individual endowment variables | 性别Gender | 0 | 1 | 0.30 | 0.46 | |||
年龄Age | 25 | 75 | 52.66 | 10.14 | ||||
是否村干部Village cadres | 0 | 1 | 0.08 | 0.28 | ||||
受教育程度Education | 1 | 4 | 1.81 | 0.75 | ||||
果农生产经营变量Fruit production and management variables | 家庭人口Household population | 1 | 13 | 4.62 | 1.77 | |||
农业劳动力占比Proportion of agricultural labor (%) | 10.00 | 100.00 | 63.05 | 26.54 | ||||
人均收入Per capita income (¥·person-1·a-1) | -2 000 | 125 000 | 7 002.29 | 10 721.90 | ||||
耕地面积Cultivated area (hm2) | 1 | 75 | 6.45 | 6.56 | ||||
耕地质量Arable land quality | 1 | 5 | 2.78 | 0.95 | ||||
信任特征变量Trust feature variable | 对亲属信任Trust in relatives | 1 | 5 | 3.70 | 0.93 | |||
对邻居信任Trust in neighbors | 1 | 5 | 3.80 | 0.86 | ||||
对村干部信任Trust in village cadres | 1 | 5 | 3.82 | 0.81 | ||||
绿肥认知变量 Green manure cognitive variable | 绿肥认知Cognition of green manure | 1 | 5 | 3.18 | 1.29 | |||
对经济效益认知Cognition of economic benefits | 1 | 5 | 2.27 | 1.30 | ||||
对生态效益认知Cognition of ecological benefits | 0 | 1 | 0.48 | 0.50 | ||||
政策认知变量 Policy cognitive variable | 政府政策Government policy | 1 | 5 | 1.94 | 1.11 | |||
政府宣传Government propaganda | 1 | 3 | 2.20 | 0.74 | ||||
技术培训Technical Training | 0 | 1 | 0.35 | 0.48 | ||||
最低补偿金额Minimum compensation | 1 | 3 000 | 244.06 | 365.43 |

Table4.Model regression results of fruit farmers' willingness to accept compensation for planting green manure in Shaanxi Province
变量代码 Variable code | 模型1 (B) Model 1 (B) | Exp(B) | 模型2(B) Model 2(B) | Exp(B) | 模型3(B) Model 3(B) | Exp(B) | 模型4(B) Model 4(B) | Exo(B) | 模型5(B) Model 5(B) | Exp(B) |
sex | -0.006(0.982) | 0.994 | -0.057(0.827) | 0.944 | -0.093(0.727) | 0.911 | -0.097(0.721) | 0.907 | -0.081(0.775) | 0.922 |
age | 0.021(0.086) | 1.021 | 0.022(0.081) | 1.022 | 0.017(0.168) | 1.018 | 0.018(0.154) | 1.019 | 0.015(0.264) | 1.015 |
educ | 0.144(0.403) | 1.154 | 0.133(0.444) | 1.142 | 0.064(0.723) | 1.066 | -0.037(0.843) | 0.964 | -0.072(0.707) | 0.931 |
cadr | 0.894(0.103) | 2.445 | 0.800(0.156) | 2.227 | 0.841(0.148) | 2.318 | 0.644(0.272) | 1.905 | 0.452(0.454) | 1.571 |
fam num | 0.001(0.981) | 1.001 | 0.007(0.897) | 1.007 | 0.007(0.896) | 1.007 | 0.007(0.895) | 1.007 | ||
agri labp | 0.002(0.580) | 1.002 | 0.003(0.493) | 1.003 | 0.002(0.583) | 1.002 | 0.003(0.489) | 1.003 | ||
incop | 0.000(0.295) | 1.000 | 0.000(0.251) | 1.000 | 0.000(0.304) | 1.000 | 0.000(0.485) | 1.000 | ||
land | 0.002(0.925) | 1.002 | -0.002(0.928) | 0.998 | -0.007(0.691) | 0.993 | -0.007(0.711) | 0.993 | ||
owln qua | 0.202(0.113) | 1.224 | 0.203(0.113) | 1.225 | 0.265**(0.048) | 1.304 | 0.286**(0.036) | 1.331 | ||
rel adv | 0.266(0.169) | 1.305 | 0.374(0.068) | 1.453 | 0.401*(0.063) | 1.494 | ||||
nab adv | -0.301(0.234) | 0.740 | -0.397(0.135) | 0.672 | -0.501*(0.072) | 0.606 | ||||
cad adv | 0.519**(0.022) | 1.681 | 0.523**(0.028) | 1.686 | 0.585**(0.017) | 1.796 | ||||
gm cog | 0.326***(0.002) | 0.722 | 0.254***(0.010) | 0.775 | ||||||
econcog | 0.034(0.748) | 1.035 | 0.064(0.565) | 1.066 | ||||||
ecolcog | -0.110(0.691) | 0.896 | -0.246(0.389) | 0.782 | ||||||
gov pol | 0.118(0.382) | 1.126 | ||||||||
gm pro | 0.357**(0.039) | 1.429 | ||||||||
trai | 0.122(0.663) | 1.130 | ||||||||
sub sta | 0.009*(0.071) | 1.009 | ||||||||
C | -0.217 | 0.805 | -1.052 | 0.349 | -2.543 | 0.079 | -1.479 | 0.228 | -2.332 | 0.097 |
Nagelkerke R2 | 0.024 | 0.037 | 20.658 | 51.322 | 70.922 | |||||
Chi-square value | 6.686 | 10.528 | 30.244 | 54.635 | 91.723 | |||||
括号中的数值为P值; ***、**和*分别表示变量通过1%、5%和10%显著性检验。The values in parentheses are P values. ***, **, and * indicate that the variables pass the 1%, 5%, and 10% significance tests. |

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