1.皖西学院环境与旅游学院 六安 237012
2.安徽财经大学会计学院 蚌埠 233030
基金项目: 安徽高校省级自然科学重点研究项目KJ2018A0418
作者简介:孙贤斌, 研究方向为资源生态与GIS。E-mail:532679342@qq.com
Construction and application of an ecological compensation model based on GIS for cross-basin areas—A case study of the Dabie Mountain areas in Anhui Province
SUN Xianbin1,,,SUN Liangping2,
WANG Shengtang1,
LI Guangyao1,
1. College of Environment and Tourism, Wanxi University, Lu'an 237012, China
2. College of Accounting, Anhui University of Finance & Economics, Bengbu 233030, China
Funds: the Key Natural Science Research Project of Anhui UniversitiesKJ2018A0418
the Key Natural Science Research Project of Anhui UniversitiesKJ2016A746
the Key Natural Science Research Project of Anhui UniversitiesKJ2018A0421
the Key Project of Outstanding Young Talents Support Program of Anhui UniversitiesgxyqZD2016246
the Anhui Provincial Quality Engineering Project2017jyxm0393
the Anhui Provincial Quality Engineering Project2019kfkc112
More Information
Corresponding author:SUN Xianbin, E-mail: 532679342@qq.com
摘要:构建市场化与多元化生态补偿机制是完善主体功能区配套政策之一,探索跨流域主体功能区之间生态补偿对推进生态文明建设具有重要意义。本研究通过修正参数的生态足迹法构建生态补偿标准模型,利用生态流和引力模型理论构建跨流域功能区之间的生态补偿费用分配模型,借助GIS技术开展安徽省大别山区实证分析。结果表明:1)根据开发型区域的支付能力和生态承载力,结合保护型区域提供的生态系统服务价值和效用影响范围、生态补偿标准和生态流系数等,依据大别山区生态环境条件,构建的跨流域主体功能区生态补偿模型能够符合实际,因此生态补偿标准核算科学、可行。跨流域生态补偿模型具有可应用操作性,可用于安徽省大别山区空间差异化、定量化生态补偿标准的分析。2)2015年,金寨-霍山水源地、岳西-太湖-潜山水源地均对合肥市区-肥西-肥东开发区生态辐射面积最大,分别为4 521.92 km2、5 102.92 km2,生态辐射价值总量也最大,分别为3 617.82万元、3 858.15万元。所以此开发区是水源地最主要的生态补偿费用来源。合肥市区-肥东-肥西距离两个农业主产区近,被影响的生态辐射的面积也最大,所以辐射到的生态服务价值也均最大,分别为2 098.23万元、2 717.19万元。3)安徽省大别山及其周围的4个开发型区域支付生态补偿资金总额为14 243.95万元,各区所占比例分别为78.38%(合肥市区-肥东-肥西)、9.28%(安庆市区)、9.34%(淮南市区)和2.99%(金安区)。合肥市区是最主要生态补偿来源。4)安徽省大别山区的金寨-霍山水源地、岳西-太湖-潜山水源地分别为开发型区域提供5 767.97万元(占29.1%)、5 873.52万元(占29.63%)的生态功能服务,周围的农业主产区也提供了8 177.17万元(占41.26%)的生态功能服务。5)金寨-霍山水源地、岳西-太湖-潜山水源地获得补偿资金分别是4 236.75万元(占29.74%)、4 421.54万元(占31.04%),是受偿的主要区域。周围的农业主产区也获得5 585.66万元(占39.22%)的补偿。生态补偿模型及标准可为主体功能区环境保护和建设提供科学参考依据。
Abstract:Marketization and diversified ecological compensation are the supporting policies to improve the main functional zones. In this paper, a standard model of ecological compensation was established using the modified ecological footprint method. And the model of ecological compensation cost distribution among functional areas across river basins was established using the theories of ecological flow and gravitational model theory. An empirical analysis of the Dabie Mountain areas in Anhui Province was carried out using the GIS technology. The results revealed the following:1) According to the ability to pay for development areas and the ecological carrying capacity, combining the value and effect scope of ecosystem services, the ecological compensation standard, and the ecological flow coefficient provided by the protected areas, the ecological compensation model of inter-basin function area were constructed based on the environment conditions in the Dabie Mountain area. Therefore, the ecological compensation model could be scientifically adapted to the real world and could be applied to analyze spatial differentiation and quantify ecological compensation standards in the Dabie Mountain area. 2) In 2015, Jinzhai-Huoshan water source and Yuexi-Taihu-Qianshan water source had the largest ecological radiation area in the urban area of Hefei-Feixi-Feidong development zone (4 521.92 km2 and 5 102.92 km2, respectively), and the total value of ecological radiation of the two water sources was also the largest (36.178 2 and 38.885 million ¥, respectively). Therefore, the development zone was the main source of ecological compensation costs for the water source area. The Hefei-Feixi-Feidong development zone was close to two major agricultural producing areas, and the area affected by ecological radiation was also the largest; therefore, the value of ecological services was the largest, which was 20.982 3 million ¥ and 27.171 9 million ¥, respectively. 3) The total amount of ecological compensation provided by the four development areas was 142.439 5 million ¥, and the proportion of each area was 78.38% (Hefei Urban Region, Feidong County, and Feixi County), 9.28% (Anqing Urban Region), 9.34% (Huainan Urban Region), and 2.99% (Jin'an Region). The ecological compensation was mainly provided by Hefei City. 4) Jinzhai-Huoshan water source and Yuexi-Taihu-Qianshan water source provided ecological services valued at 57.679 7 million ¥ (accounting for 29.1%) and 58.735 2 million ¥ (accounting for 29.63%), respectively, for the development area. The surrounding main agricultural production areas also provided eco-functional services valued at 81.771 7 million ¥ (accounting for 41.26%). 5) The compensation funds provided for two water source areas were 42.367 5 million ¥ (accounting for 29.74%) and 44.245 4 million ¥ (accounting for 31.04%), respectively, and they were the main areas of compensation. The surrounding main agricultural areas also received a compensation of 55.856 6 million ¥ (accounting for 39.22%). The ecological compensation model and standard provide a scientific reference for environmental protection and construction of main functional areas.
Key words:Cross-basin area/
Ecological compensation model/
Ecosystem services value/
Main functional area/
Dabie Mountain areas in Anhui Province

Figure1.Map of the study area and distribution of the main functional areas

Figure2.Land use types of the study area in 2015

Figure3.Types of main functional areas and radiating range of ecological functions of water sources in the study area

Table1.Matrix of ecological compensation allocation provided by different development areas for different reserves in the study area
支付生态补偿区域 Paying area of ecological compensation | 提供支付 Provided payment | 获得生态补偿的区域Area accepting ecological compensation | |
保护区a Reserve a | 保护区b Reserve b | ||
开发区1 Development area 1 | A | A×α/(α+γ) | A×γ/(α+γ) |
开发区2 Development area 2 | B | B×β/(β+θ) | B×θ/(β+θ) |
获得分配总和Total distribution | A+B | A×α/(α+γ)+B×β/(β+θ) | A×γ/(α+γ)+B×θ/(β+θ) |
α和β分别为保护区a为开发区1和开发区2提供的生态服务价值, γ和θ分别为保护区b为开发区1和开发区2提供的生态服务价值。α and β are ecological services values of the Reserve a providing for the development area 1 and 2; γ and θ are ecological services values of the Reserve b providing for the development area 1 and 2. |

Table2.Ecological footprint and compensation payment of the development areas in the study area in 2015
开发区域 Development area | 人均生态承载力(ec) Ecological carrying capacity per cap.(hm2?cap.–1) | 生态足迹(Ef) Ecological footprint (hm2?cap.–1) | 生态承载力(ED) Ecological carrying capacity (×104 hm2) | GDP (×108 ¥) | 总生态足迹(AEF) Total ecological footprint (×104 hm2) | 地方财政收入(Fi) Local financial revenue (×108 ¥) | 总财政收入(F) Total financial revenue (×108 ¥) | 支付生态补偿标准(EC) Paying ecological compensation (×104 ¥) |
合肥市区 Hefei Urban Region | 0.160 | 2.042 | 39.264 | 3 434.45 | 501.107 | 312.78 | 500.34 | 8 692.44 |
肥东 Feidong County | 0.160 | 2.042 | 16.880 | 448.51 | 215.431 | 23.27 | 40.34 | 1 230.18 |
肥西 Feixi County | 0.160 | 2.042 | 12.816 | 508.80 | 163.565 | 33.15 | 56.34 | 1 368.17 |
安庆市区 Anqing Urban Region | 0.261 | 2.683 | 19.184 | 432.39 | 197.201 | 23.91 | 42.65 | 1 321.79 |
淮南市区 Huainan Urban Region | 0.261 | 2.117 | 44.266 | 565.94 | 359.043 | 36.36 | 60.36 | 1 330.34 |
金安区 Jin’an Region | 0.329 | 2.717 | 28.788 | 141.28 | 237.738 | 11.69 | 18.86 | 427.56 |

Table3.Payment in development areas and compensation distribution in reserves in the study area ?
开发区域 Development area | 保护区域 Reserve | 提供支付 Provided payment | |||
金寨-霍山水源地 Jinzhai-Huoshan water source | 岳西-太湖-潜山水源地 Yuexi-Taihu-Qianshan water source | 淮农主产区 Huai-nong main production area | 长农主产区 Chang-nong main production area | ||
合肥市区-肥西-肥东 Hefei Urban Region-Feixi-Feidong | 3 354.96 | 3 560.32 | 1 913.13 | 2 335.85 | 11 164.26 |
安庆市区 Anqing Urban Region | 397.21 | 421.52 | 226.51 | 276.55 | 1 321.79 |
淮南市区 Huainan Urban Region | 366.72 | 332.76 | 230.73 | 400.13 | 1 330.34 |
金安区 Jin’an Region | 117.86 | 106.94 | 74.16 | 128.60 | 427.56 |
获得补偿总额 Total compensation | 4 236.75 | 4 421.54 | 2 444.53 | 3 141.13 | 14 243.95 |

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