陈玉成1, 2,,,
陈庆华1, 2,
1.西南大学资源环境学院 重庆 400716
2.农村清洁工程重庆市工程研究中心 重庆 400716
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41761144081
作者简介:孔凡靖, 研究方向为农田重金属风险评估。E-mail:503845560@qq.com
通讯作者:陈玉成, 研究方向为环境规划与管理。E-mail:chenyucheng@swu.edu.cn
Temporal and spatial variation and driving factors of farmland ecological service value in Chongqing
KONG Fanjing1, 2,,CHEN Yucheng1, 2,,,
CHEN Qinghua1, 2,
MOU Qinjie1,
YAN Jianzhong1
1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China
2. Chongqing Engineering Research Center of Rural Cleaning, Chongqing 400716, China
Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China41761144081
National Natural Science Foundation of China41571093
More Information
Corresponding author:Corresponding author. E-mail:chenyucheng@swu.edu.cn
摘要:农田对保障区域物质供给、生态系统服务供给有着不可替代的作用,为探究区域农田生态服务价值的时空变化和驱动因素,本文基于重庆市2007-2016年统计年鉴及相关年份区县年鉴数据信息,构建农田生态服务价值指标体系,引入物价指数,通过列表清单法对重庆市农田生态服务价值进行评估,利用STIRPAT模型分析各区县间人均农田生态服务价值差异的社会驱动因素。研究表明:①2007年、2012年和2016年重庆市农田生态服务价值分别为898.06亿元、938.97亿元和1 038.45亿元,呈明显上升趋势,增幅为15.63%;年均农田正向服务价值(1 024.49亿元)远高于其负向价值(59.02亿元)。②就农田生态服务价值空间变化而言,渝西片区的总量和人均变化幅度最大,为30.32%和16.80%,其中农业较为发达的永川区、江津区农田负向价值相对突出;人均年农田生态服务价值排序为:渝东南片区(5 855元·人-1)>渝东北片区(4 027元·人-1)>渝西片区(3 846元·人-1)>主城片区(840元·人-1)。③农业人口、城市化率、万元GDP能耗是重庆市各区县人均农田生态服务价值空间差异的社会驱动因素,主城片区的发展对其农田生态系统造成较大的压力,该区域应合理调整产业结构,以提升农田生态服务价值。研究结果为重庆市农田生态环境保护、恢复以及耕地补偿等提供科学依据。
Abstract:Farmland plays an irreplaceable role in ensuring the supply of materials and of ecosystem services. In this study, we aimed to explore the regional farmland ecological service value in terms of spatial and temporal changes as well as driving factors, based on the statistical yearbook of Chongqing from 2007 to 2016 and the counterpart annual data of the districts and counties in Chongqing in the relevant years. We constructed a farmland ecological service value index system, evaluated the farmland ecological service value in Chongqing based on the price index and tabulation and list method, and analyzed the social driving factors contributing to the difference in per capita farmland ecological service value among districts and counties in Chongqing using the STIRPAT model. The results showed that the values of farmland ecological services in Chongqing in 2007, 2012 and 2016 were ¥89.80 billion, ¥93.89 billion and ¥103.84 billion, respectively. The farmland ecological service value showed an evident upward trend with an increase rate of 15.63%. The 10-year mean farmland positive service value (¥102.45 billion) was considerably higher than its negative value (¥5.90 billion). In terms of the temporal change of farmland ecological services value, the total amount and per capita difference in the west of Chongqing were the most significant (30.32% and 16.80%, respectively). In the west of Chongqing, the farmland negative value of the Yongchuan and Jiangjin Districts, where agriculture is more developed, was relatively prominent. The farmland ecological service value ranked as follows:southeast of Chongqing (¥5 855 per person) > northeast of Chongqing (¥4 027 per person) > west of Chongqing (¥3 846 per person) > center of Chongqing (¥40 per person). The agricultural population, urbanization rate and energy consumption per ¥10 000 of GDP were the social driving factors attributable for the spatial difference of the per capita farmland ecological service value in all districts and counties of Chongqing. Development of the main city area had exerted a substantial pressure on its farmland ecosystem. The industry structure in this area should be rationally adjusted to improve the farmland ecological service value. The research results provide a scientific basis for the ecological environment protection, restoration, and compensation of farmland in Chongqing.
Key words:Farmland/
Ecological service value/
Tabulation and list method/
Positive service value/
Negative value/
Chongqing City

Figure1.Values of farmland ecological services in Chongqing from 2007 to 2016

Figure2.Value distribution of farmland ecological services in Chongqing in 2007, 2012 and 2016

Figure3.Distribution of negative value of farmland in Chongqing in 2016

Figure4.Per capita farmland ecological service value and urbanization rate in Chongqing in 2016

Table1.Farmland ecological service value indexes of Chongqing
一级指标 First-level index | 二级指标 Second-level index | 三级指标 Third-level index | 评估方法 Assessment method |
生态正向价值 Positive ecological value | 大气生态价值 Atmosphere ecological value | 固碳价值(V1) Value of carbon sequestration (V1) | 碳税法 Carbon tax method |
释氧价值(V2) Releasing oxygen value (V2) | 工程替代法 Alternative engineering method | ||
水生态价值 Water ecological value | 涵蓄降水价值(V3) Value of storing precipitation (V3) | 影子工程法 Shadow engineering method | |
土壤生态价值 Soil ecological value | 土壤保持价值(V4) Soil conservation value (V4) | 机会成本法 Opportunity cost method | |
养分循环价值(V5) Nutrient cycling value (V5) | 机会成本法 Opportunity cost method | ||
生物生态价值 Biological ecological value | 授粉价值(V6) Pollination value (V6) | 机会成本法 Opportunity cost method | |
生物多样性价值(V7) Biodiversity value (V7) | 系数修正法 Coefficient correction method | ||
防灾减灾价值 Value of disaster prevention and reduction | 洪水调蓄价值(V8) Flood control value (V8) | 影子工程法 Shadow engineering method | |
防风固沙减淤价值(V9) Value of reducing silt (V9) | 影子工程法 Shadow engineering method | ||
环境正向价值 Positive environmental value | 环境净化价值 Environmental purification value | 秸秆还田价值(V10) Value of straw returning to field (V10) | 机会成本法 Opportunity cost method |
消纳畜禽粪便价值(V11) Value of handling livestock manure (V11) | 机会成本法 Opportunity cost method | ||
生态环境负向价值 Negative value of ecological environment | 农田负向价值 Negative value of farmland | 地膜负面价值(V12) Negative value of plastic film mulching (V12) | 市场价值法 Market valuation method |
化肥负面价值(V13) Negative value of fertilizers (V13) | 市场价值法 Market valuation method | ||
农药负面价值(V14) Negative value of pesticides (V14) | 市场价值法 Market valuation method | ||
温室气体排放价值(V15) Value of greenhouse gas emissions (V15) | 碳税法 Carbon tax method |

Table2.Farmland ecological service value assessment methods in Chongqing
生态服务价值类型 Type of ecological service value | 测算方法 Calculating method | 参数含义 Meaning of parameter |
固碳价值(V1) Value of carbon sequestration (V1) | $\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{V_1} = {\rm{NP}}{{\rm{P}}_i} \times {S_i} \times {E_{\rm{c}}} \times {P_\mathit{c}}}\\{{\rm{NP}}{{\rm{P}}_i} = [B \times \left( {1 - D} \right)]/\left( {F \times {S_i}} \right)}\end{array}$ | Si为播种面积(hm2)[15], Pc为固碳成本( ?kg-1)[16], NPPi为净生物量(kg?hm-2?a-1), Ec为固碳系数[17], B为作物产量(t)[15], D为作物含水量(%)[18], F为经济系数[18]。(表中相同的符号表示一个含义, 故不重复解释) Si is the planting area (hm2)[15], Pc is the cost of carbon fixation ( ?kg-1)[16], NPPi is net biomass (kg?hm-2?a-1), Ec is the carbon sequestration coefficient[17], B is the crop yield (t)[15], D is the crop water content (%)[18], F is the economic coefficient[18]. (The same symbols in the table indicate the same meaning, so the explanation is not repeated). |
释氧价值(V2) Releasing oxygen value (V2) | $\begin{array}{l}{V_2} = {\rm{NP}}{{\rm{P}}_i} \times {S_i} \times {E_{\rm{o}}} \times {P_{\rm{o}}}\\{\rm{NP}}{{\rm{P}}_i} = [\mathit{B} \times \left( {1 - D} \right)]/\left( {F \times {S_i}} \right)\end{array}$ | Eo为释氧系数[17], Po为释氧成本[16] Eo is the oxygen release coefficient[17], Po is the cost of industrial oxygen production[16]. |
涵蓄降水价值(V3) Value of storing precipitation (V3) | ${V_3} = {P_i} \times A \times S \times E \times {P_k}$ | Pi为降水量(mm?a-1)[15], A为多年平均产流降雨占降雨总量比例[19], E为产流降雨条件下农田与裸地降雨径流率之差[4], S为农田面积(hm2)[15], Pk为库容造价( ?t-1)[20] Pj is the amount of precipitation (mm?a-1)[15], A is the ratio of average annual runoff rainfall to total rainfall[19], E is the difference in runoff rates between farmland and bare land under runoff rainfall conditions[4], S is the farmland area (hm2)[15], Pk is the cost of storage capacity ( ?t-1)[20]. |
土壤保持价值(V4) Soil conservation value (V4) | ${V_4} = \frac{{\left( {{A_i} \times {S_i} \times {B_i}} \right)}}{{\left( {H \times 10\;000 \times \rho } \right)}}$ | Ai为土壤保持量(t?hm-2?a-1)[21], B1为农田多年平均收益(104 ?hm-2?a-1)[15], ρ为土壤容重(t?m-3)[22], H为表层土平均厚度(m)[23] Ai is the amount of soil retained (t?hm-2?a-1)[21], B1 is the average annual income of farmland[15], ρ is the soil bulk density (t?m-3)[22], H is the average thickness of the topsoil (m)[23]. |
养分循环价值(V5) Nutrient cycling value (V5) | ${V_5} = {S_i} \times \left( {{X_2} - {X_1}} \right) \times \left( {N \times {C_1}/{R_1} + P \times {C_1}/{R_2} + K \times {C_2}/{R_3} + M \times {C_3}} \right)$ | X1为农田侵蚀模数(t?hm-2?a-1), X2为裸地侵蚀模数(t?hm-2?a-1)[24], N、P、K、M分别为土壤N、P、K和有机质含量(g?kg-1)[25]。C1、C2、C3分别为磷酸二铵化肥、氯化钾化肥和有机质价格( ?t-1)[26]。R1为磷酸二铵化肥含氮量, R2为磷酸二铵化肥含磷量, R3为氯化钾化肥含钾量[26] X1 is the farmland erosion modulus, X2 is the bare ground erosion modulus (t?hm-2?a-1)[24]; N, P, K, and M are soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and organic matter contents (g?kg-1)[25]; C1, C2, and C3 are the prices of diammonium phosphate fertilizer, potassium chloride fertilizer, and organic matter ( ?t-1)[26]; R1 is the nitrogen content of the diammonium phosphate fertilizer, R2 is the phosphorus content of the diammonium phosphate fertilizer, and R3 is the potassium content of the potassium chloride fertilizer[26]. |
授粉价值(V6) Pollination value (V6) | ${V_6} = {S_i} \times {P_{\rm{p}}}$ | Pp为传粉功能价值( ?hm-2?a-1)[27] Pp is the value of pollination function ( ?hm-2?a-1)[27]. |
生物多样性价值(V7) Biodiversity value (V7) | ${V_7} = \left( {{B_j}/{B_i}} \right) \times W \times S$ | Bj为耕地潜在经济产量(t?hm-2)[28]; Bi为全国耕地潜在经济产量(t?hm-2); W为耕地生物多样性价值( ?hm-2)[28] Bj is the potential economic output of cultivated land (t?hm-2)[28], Bi is the potential economic output of cultivated land in China (t?hm-2), W is the value of cultivated land biodiversity ( ?hm-2)[28]. |
洪水调蓄价值(V8) Flood control value (V8) | ${V_8} = {H_1} \times {S_{\rm{f}}} \times {P_k}$ | H1为田埂平均高度(m); Sf为耕地面积(hm2?a-1)[15] H1 is the average height of the field (m), Sf is the area of cultivated land (hm2?a-1)[15]. |
防风固沙减淤价值(V9) Value of reducing silt (V9) | ${V_9} = 24\% \times {A_i} \times {P_k}/\rho $ | |
秸秆还田价值(V10) Value of straw returning to field (V10) | ${V_{10}} = 45 \times {S_i} + {P_{\rm{z}}} \times 3/365$ | Pz为大气治理费用(108 ?a-1)[29] Pz is the cost of managing the atmosphere (108 ?a-1)[29]. |
消纳畜禽粪便价值(V11) Value of handling livestock manure (V11) | $\begin{array}{l}{N_1} < {N_2}:\\{V_{11}} = \left( {2{N_1} - {N_2}} \right) \times {E_{\rm{f}}} \times {P_{\rm{f}}}\\{N_1} > {N_2}:\\{V_{11}} = {N_2} \times {E_{\rm{f}}} \times {P_{\rm{f}}}\\{N_1} = L \times S\end{array}$ | N2为实际猪当总量[15], N1为最大承载猪当总量, L为单位面积最大承载猪当量(头?hm-2)[30], Ef为单位猪当量粪便排泄量(kg?头-1), Pf为粪便处理成本( ?kg-1) N2 is the actual pig equivalent[15], N1 is the maximum load of pig equivalent, L is the maximum load of pig equivalent per unit area (pigs?hm-2)[30], Ef is the fecal excretion per unit pig equivalent (kg?pig-1), Pf is the cost of manure treatment ( ?kg-1). |
地膜负面价值(V12) Negative value of plastic film mulching (V12) | ${V_{12}} = J \times C \times B \times r \times p$ | J为地膜覆盖面积(hm2)[15], C为地膜残留比例(%)[31], r为粮食损失率(%)[32], p为粮食价格( ?t-1)[33] J is the mulch cover area (hm2)[15], C is the ratio of mulch residue (%)[31], r is the rate of food loss (%)[32], p is the price of food ( ?t-1)[33]. |
化肥负面价值(V13) Negative value of fertilizer (V13) | $\begin{array}{l}流失\\{V_{13}} = {M_1} \times \left( {1 - {r_1}} \right) \times {p_1}\\治理:\\{V_{13}} = {V_{\rm{s}}} \times {F_1} \times {F_2}\end{array}$ | M1为化肥用量(t)[15], r1为化肥利用率(%)[34], p1为化肥价格( ?t-1), Vs为水环境污染的经济损失( ?a-1)[15, 35], F1为全国平均农业面源污染负荷占水体污染负荷的比例[35], F2为重庆市农业面源污染中化肥的贡献率[36] M1 is the amount of fertilizer (t)[15], r1 is the fertilizer utilization rate (%)[34], P1 is the price of fertilizer ( ?t-1), Vs is the economic loss of water pollution ( ?a-1)[15, 35], F1 is the ratio of the national average agricultural non-point source pollution load to the water pollution load[35], F2 is the contribution ratio of chemical fertilizers in agricultural non-point source pollution in Chongqing[36]. |
农药负面价值(V14) Negative value of pesticides (V14) | ${V_{14}} = {M_2} \times \left( {1 - {r_2}} \right) \times {p_2}$ | M2为农药用量(t)[15], r2为农药利用率(%)[34], p2为农药价格( ?t-1) M2 is the amount of pesticide (t)[15], r2 is the pesticide utilization rate (%)[34], P2 is the price of pesticides ( ?t-1). |
温室气体排放价值(V15) Value of greenhouse gas emissions (V15) | ${V_{15}} = {\rm{EF}} \times {\rm{AD}} \times {\rm{25}} \times {P_{\rm{c}}}$ | EF为稻田甲烷排放因子(kg?hm-2)[18], AD为水稻播种面积(hm2)[15] EF is rice field methane emission factor (kg?hm-2)[18], AD is rice planting area (hm2)[15]. |

Table3.Changes in the values of farmland ecological services in Chongqing from 2007 to 2016
生态服务价值类型Type of ecological services value | 价值量Value (108 ) | 两年间的变化量Change from 2007 to 2016 | |||
2007 | 2016 | 数量 Quantity (108 ) | 幅度 Rate (%) | ||
固碳价值(V1) Value of carbon sequestration (V1) | 253.92 | 293.81 | 39.89 | 15.71 | |
释氧价值(V2) Releasing oxygen value (V2) | 172.39 | 199.47 | 27.08 | 15.71 | |
涵蓄降水价值(V3) Value of storing precipitation (V3) | 210.36 | 283.12 | 72.76 | 34.59 | |
土壤保持价值(V4) Soil conservation value (V4) | 20.84 | 28.08 | 7.24 | 34.74 | |
养分循环价值(V5) Nutrient cycling value (V5) | 53.17 | 58.20 | 5.03 | 9.46 | |
授粉(V6) Pollination value (V6) | 2.46 | 2.69 | 0.23 | 9.35 | |
生物多样性价值(V7) Biodiversity value (V7) | 21.28 | 23.30 | 2.02 | 9.49 | |
洪水调蓄价值(V8) Flood control value (V8) | 162.12 | 156.31 | -5.81 | -3.58 | |
防风固沙减淤价值(V9) Value of reducing silt (V9) | 10.59 | 11.59 | 1.00 | 9.44 | |
秸秆还田价值(V10) Value of straw returning to field (V10) | 19.86 | 21.53 | 1.67 | 8.41 | |
消纳畜禽粪便价值(V11) Value of handling livestock manure (V11) | 24.14 | 26.75 | 2.61 | 10.81 | |
地膜负面价值(V12) Negative value of mulch (V12) | 0.62 | 0.48 | -0.14 | -22.58 | |
化肥负面价值(V13) Negative value of fertilizer (V13) | 15.45 | 31.24 | 15.79 | 102.20 | |
农药负面价值(V14) Negative value of pesticides (V14) | 10.31 | 8.95 | -1.36 | -13.19 | |
温室气体排放价值(V15) Value of greenhouse gas emissions (V15) | 26.69 | 25.73 | -0.96 | -3.60 | |
总计Total | 898.06 | 1 038.45 | 140.39 | 15.63 |

Table4.Farmland ecological service value in Chongqing in 2007, 2012 and 2016
地区 Area | 2007 | 2012 | 2016 | 总量变化率Total change rate (%) | 人均变化率Per capita change rate (%) | |||||
总量 Total amount (108 ) | 人均 Per capita ( ) | 总量 Total amount (108 ) | 人均 Per capita ( ) | 总量 Total amount (108 ) | 人均 Per capita ( ) | |||||
主城片区 Main city area | 64.66 | 994.71 | 57.48 | 784.84 | 55.03 | 740.84 | -13.35 | -25.52 | ||
渝西片区 Western Chongqing | 358.64 | 3 653.29 | 381.93 | 3 617.29 | 466.37 | 4 267.38 | 30.32 | 16.80 | ||
渝东北片区 Northeastern Chongqing | 317.23 | 3 755.11 | 343.73 | 4 071.90 | 342.38 | 4 254.85 | 7.93 | 13.30 | ||
渝东南片区 Southeastern Chongqing | 157.53 | 5 661.83 | 155.83 | 5 445.59 | 174.67 | 6 456.32 | 10.20 | 14.03 |

Table5.Negative value of farmland and its' proportion of total ecological services values in Chongqing in 2007, 2012 and 2016
地区Area | 2007 | 2012 | 2016 | |||||
负向价值 Negative value (108 ) | 占比 Proportion (%) | 负向价值 Negative value (108 ) | 占比 Proportion (%) | 负向价值 Negative value (108 ) | 占比 Proportion (%) | |||
主城片区Main city area | 5.54 | 8.57 | 7.60 | 13.23 | 9.78 | 17.77 | ||
渝西片区Western Chongqing | 24.62 | 6.86 | 27.24 | 7.13 | 29.21 | 6.14 | ||
渝东北片区Northeastern Chongqing | 16.01 | 4.81 | 17.55 | 5.11 | 20.09 | 5.37 | ||
渝东南片区Southeastern Chongqing | 6.90 | 4.38 | 7.07 | 4.54 | 7.32 | 4.15 |

Table6.STIRPAT model analysis of spatial difference in ecological services value of each county (district) of Chongqing
模型 Model | 常数 constant | lnP | lnA1 | lnA2 | lnT1 | lnT2 | lnT3 | R2 | 样本量 Sample size | D-W |
模型1 Model 1 | 3.877 | 1.099** | 0.646 | 37 | ||||||
模型2 Model 2 | 4.000 | 0.746** | -1.886** | 0.796 | 37 | |||||
模型3 Model 3 | 4.166 | 0.813** | -1.791** | 0.584* | 0.834 | 37 | 1.329 | |||
??????P:农业总人口; A1:人均GDP; A2:农村居民人均可支配收入; T1:第二产业比重; T2:城市化率; T3:万元GDP能耗。**和*分别表示在1%、5%水平显著。P: agricultural population; A1: GDP per capita; A2: disposable income per farmer; T1: proportion of the secondary industry; T2: urbanization rate; T3: energy consumption for ten thousand CNY. ** and * mean significant effects of the variables at 1% and 5% levels, respectively. |

Table7.Farmland ecological value equivalent and its ecological service value of Chongqing
生态功能 Ecosystem service function | 当量 Equivalent | 服务价值 Service value (108 ) |
气体调节Air regulation | 0.52 | 70.14 |
气候调节Climate regulation | 0.92 | 124.10 |
水源涵养Water conservation | 0.62 | 83.63 |
土壤形成与保护Soil formation and protection | 1.51 | 203.69 |
废物处理Waste treatment | 1.70 | 229.32 |
生物多样性保护Biodiversity conservation | 0.74 | 99.82 |
生态娱乐Ecological recreation | 0.01 | 1.34 |
合计Total | 6.02 | 812.04 |

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