北京林业大学园林学院 北京 100083
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目31770736
作者简介:吴学峰, 主要研究方向为园林植物应用与生态。E-mail:2636203727@qq.com
通讯作者:高亦珂, 主要研究方向为园林植物应用与生态。E-mail:gaoyk@bjfu.edu.cn
Application of wildflower strips for agricultural landscaping
WU Xuefeng,GAO Yike,,
XIE Zhecheng,
XU Jun
School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31770736
Abstract:Wildflower strips in the agricultural landscape are constructed in strip or matrix forms as buffers on headlands, orchards, vegetable fields, etc. by means of mixture sowing. By combining different functional plants into communities, the wildflower strips provide nectar and pollen resources as well as habitats for natural enemies and pollinators. They also contribute in improving the quality of habitats; strengthen the support system for natural enemies; and provide different ecosystem services, such as improving pollination rates, reducing pesticide use, improving and restoring farmland soil, purifying water sources, and inhibiting weeds. The application and development of wildflower strips in Central and Western Europe and the United States were reviewed in this study. Wildflower strips originated in Switzerland but were first applied with the intention of ecological conservation in agricultural settings in Belgium. Over time, the ecological compensation mechanism improved in these countries. In United Kingdom, wildflower strip application occured with strong, detailed policy support involving the use of a variety of methods. However, in the United States, the promotion of native plants, grassland habitat restoration, and the conservation of key pollinators were emphasized. In China, the lack of landscape heterogeneity and habitat fragmentation was mainly caused by the invasion of exotic species and human intervention. The introduction of these methods of wildflower strip implementation as a means for habitat management and planning was crucial. The study on wildflower strip usage in China was still in the early stages of development and was not yet to be practically applied at larger scales. In the future, wildflower strip implementation would be initiated with simultaneous dynamic monitoring and investigation of plant community interactions along with various insect communities in existing non-crop habitats. These investigations will provide the data necessary to construct ecological networks after delimitation of ecological protection areas on a large scale. In addition, these studies will facilitate decision-making on suitable vegetation structures to combine natural and semi-natural habitats based on spatial and temporal dynamics of arthropod functional groups.
Key words:Wildflower meadow/
Habitat management/
Wildflower strip/
Ecosystem services
Table1.Beneficial arthropod functional groups and relative key functional traits in the wildflower strip community
主要自然天敌及传粉者功能团 Main natural enemy & pollinator functional group | 相关植物群落关键功能性状 Key functional traits related to wildflower strip community | ||
自然天敌功能团 Natural enemy functional group | 捕食性天敌 Predators | 蜻科、蜓科、蟌科、跳蛛科、蟹蛛科、狼蛛科、皿蛛科、管巢蛛科、猫蛛科、球腹蛛科、步甲科、虎甲科、隐翅虫科、瓢甲亚科、姬蝽科、猎蝽科、跳蝽科、花蝽科、花萤科、郭公甲科、草蛉科 Libellulidae, Aeshnidae, Coenagrionidae, Salticidae, Thomisidae, Lycosidae, Linyphiidae, Clubionidae, Oxyopidae, Theridiidae, Carabidae, Cicindelidae, Staphylinidae, Coccinellinae, Nabidae, Reduviidae, Saldidae, Anthocoridae, Cantharidae, Cleridae, Chrysopidae | 冠层密度、冠层结构、冠幅、冠层高度、株高、茎干结构 Canopy density, canopy structure, canopy width, canopy height, plant height, stem structure |
寄生性天敌 Parasitoids | 姬蜂总科、小蜂总科、广腹细蜂总科、细蜂总科、瘿蜂总科、锤角细蜂总科、青蜂总科、寄蝇科 Ichneumonoidea, Chalcidoidea, Platygastroidea, Proctotrypoidea, Cynipoidea, Diaprioidea, Chrysidoidea, Tachinidae | 初花期、冠层密度、冠层结构、单株花量、花序蜜量、紫外光反射、花序类型、花色、冠幅、冠层高度、株高、茎干结构、花期、花序高度、传粉者报酬 Initial blooming stage, canopy density, canopy structure, flower number per plant, inflorescence nectar volume, flower UV light reflectance, inflorescence type, flower color, canopy width, canopy height, plant height, stem structure, flowering duration, inflorescence height, flower pollinator and type of reward. | |
传粉者功能团 Pollinator functional group | 蝇类 Flies | 丽蝇科、蝇科Calliphoridae, Muscidae | 初花期、单株花量、花序蜜量、紫外光反射、花期、传粉者报酬、花序类型、花色、花序高度、冠层高度、株高、茎干结构 Initial blooming stage, flower number per plant, inflorescence nectar volume, flower UV light reflectance, flowering duration, flower pollinator and type of reward, inflorescence type, flower color, inflorescence height, canopy height, plant height, stem structure |
社会性蜂类 Social bees | 蜜蜂科、熊蜂科 Apidae, Bombidae | ||
独居蜂类 Solitary bees | 地蜂科、条蜂科、分舌蜂科、隧蜂科、切叶蜂科 Andrenidae, Anthophoridae, Colletidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae | ||
蝶类 Butterflies | 灰蝶科、蛱蝶科、凤蝶科、粉蝶科、蚬蝶科 Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae | ||
蛾类Moths | 天蛾科、斑蛾科Sphingidae, Zygaenidae | ||
弄蝶类Hesperiidae | |||
蚁类Formicidae |

Table2.Common trap crops & host plants along with the main pests in the wildflower strip
诱集及寄主植物种类 Trap crop & host plant | 已知吸引的主要害虫种类 Attracted pest |
蓍属Achillea | 长管蚜属、小长管蚜属、斜纹夜蛾属幼虫Macrosiphum, Macrosiphoniella, Prodenia larva |
霍香蓟属Ageratum | |
葱属Allium | 瘤蚜属、葱蚜属、蓟马属、地种蝇属、潢尺蛾属幼虫、条跳甲属Myzus, Neotoxoptera, Thrips, Delia, Xanthorhoe larva, Phyllotreta |
庭荠属Alyssum | 二尾蚜属、西圆尾蚜属、凤蝶属幼虫Cavariella, Dysaphis, Papilio larva |
莳萝属Anethum | |
当归属Angelica | 黑潜蝇属、植潜蝇属幼虫、蚜属、凤蝶属幼虫Melanagromyza, Phytomyza larva, Aphis, Papilio larva |
春黄菊属Anthemis | 异盲蝽属、粉蚧属、同斑螟属幼虫Polymerus, Pseudococcus, Homoeosoma larva |
紫菀属Aster | 冬夜蛾属、球果尺蛾属、花象属、草盲蝽属Cucullia, Eupithecia, Anthonomus, Lygus |
赝靛属Baptisia | 豆粉蝶属、小食心虫属幼虫、新绢蓟马属Colias, Grapholita larva, Neohydatothrips |
芸薹属Brassica | 粉蝶属幼虫、斑潜蝇属、苜蓿盲蝽属、野螟属Pieris larva, Liriomyza, Adelphocoris, Hellula |
青葙属Celosia | 斜纹夜蛾属幼虫、小长蝽属Prodenia larva, Nysius |
胡萝卜属Daucus | 双尾蚜属、斑潜蝇属、凤蝶属幼虫Cavariella, Liriomyza, Papilio larva |
翠雀属Delphinium | 短尾蚜属、实夜蛾属、指管蚜属、植潜蝇属幼虫Brachycaudus, Heliothis, Uroleucon, Phytomyza larva |
石竹属Dianthus | 蚜属、瘤蚜属、盗夜蛾属、斜纹夜蛾属幼虫Aphis, Myzus, Hadena, Prodenia larva |
松果菊属Echinacea | 同斑螟属、球果尺蛾属幼虫、指管蚜属Homoeosoma larva, Eupithecia larva, Uroleucon |
蓝蓟属Echium | 斜唇盲蝽属、短尾蚜属Plagiognathus, Brachycaudu |
飞蓬属Erigeron | 姬花蚤属、异盲蝽属、冬夜蛾属幼虫、蚜属Mordellistena, Polymerus, Cucullia larva, Aphis |
泽兰属Eupatorium | 长跗跳甲属、秆野螟属、疆夜蛾属、球果尺蛾属、缢管蚜属、瘤蚜属 |
拉拉藤属Galium | Longitarsus, Ostrinia, Peridroma, Eupithecia, Rhopalosiphum, Myzus |
山桃草属Gaura | 跳甲属、波翅天蛾属、长管蚜属Altica, Proserpinus, Macrosiphum |
向日葵属Helianthus | 顶灯蛾属、大蓟马属、白灯蛾属、同斑螟属、粉蝶属幼虫、蚜属 |
蛇鞭菊属Liatris | Estigmene, Megalurothrips, Spilosoma, Homoeosoma, Pieris larva, Aphis |
锦葵属Malva | 无网长管蚜属、桥夜蛾属、绵粉蚧属、蚜属Acyrthosiphon, Anomis, Phenacoccus, Aphis |
苜蓿属Medicago | 无网长管蚜属、潜蝇属、根瘤象属Acyrthosiphon, Agromyza, Sitona |
月见草属Oenothera | 跳甲属、蚜属、长管蚜属、波翅天蛾属Altica, Aphis, Macrosiphum, Proserpinus |
罂粟属Papaver | 蚜属、长管蚜属、无网长管蚜属Aphis, Macrosiphum, Acyrthosiphon |
蓼属Persicaria | 剑纹夜蛾属、肖叶甲属、小卵象属、短尾蚜属Acronicta, Colaspis, Homorosoma, Brachycaudus |
毛茛属Ranunculus | 长须卷蛾属幼虫、狭叶甲属、短角叶蜂属Sparganothis larva, Prasocuris, Monophadnus |
蔊菜属Rorippa | 粉蝶属、蚜属、铃夜蛾属、疆夜蛾属Pieris, Aphis, Helicoverpa, Peridroma |
金光菊属Rudbeckia | 同斑螟属幼虫、萼潜蝇属、指管蚜属Homoeosoma larva, Calycomyza, Uroleucon |
酸模属Rumex | 肖叶甲属、苜蓿盲蝽属、蚜属、长管蚜属、粉蚧属Colaspis, Adelphocoris, Aphis, Macrosiphum, Pseudococcus |
鼠尾草属Salvia | 红节天蛾属、绵粉蚧属Sphinx, Phenacoccus |
千里光属Senecio | 萼潜蝇属、短尾蚜属、指管蚜属Calycomyza, Brachycaudus, Uroleucon |
菊蒿属Tanacetum | 短尾蚜属、小长管蚜属Brachycaudus, Macrosiphoniella |
车轴草属Trifolium | 球果尺蛾属、豆粉蝶属幼虫、根瘤象属、潜蝇属、叶瘿蚊属、跳盲蜻属、无网长管蚜属、苜蓿盲蝽属、草盲蝽属、蓟马属 Eupithecia, Colias larva, Sitona, Agromyza, Dasineura, Halticus, Acyrthosiphon, Adelphocoris, Lygus, Thrips |
旱金莲属Tropaeolum | 粉蝶属幼虫、斑潜蝇属Pieris larva, Liriomyza |
毛蕊花属Verbascum | 乌夜蛾属、黑小卷蛾属、微刺盲蝽属幼虫Melanchra, Endothenia, Campylomma larva |
马鞭草属Verbena | 微刺盲蝽属、黑小卷蛾属幼虫、长管蚜属、白灯蛾属 Campylomma, Endothenia larva, Macrosiphum, Spilosoma |
婆婆纳属Veronica | 蚜属、瘤蚜属Aphis, Myzus |
野豌豆属Vicia | 豆粉蝶属、云卷蛾属幼虫、无网长管蚜属、蚜属、小绿叶蝉属 Colias, Cnephasia larva, Acyrthosiphon, Aphis, Empoasca |

Table3.Comparison among various countries in plant composition, width & management of wildflower strips
国家 Country | 植物构成 Plants component | 野花带宽度 Width of wildflower strip | 管理方式 Management |
英国 United Kingdom | 本土野花和少量外来草地植物为主体, 有时与禾草、豆科植物混播 Mainly include native wildflowers and little exotic grassland plants, sometimes mix with grasses and legumes | 2~6 m, 传粉靶向型条带最好在6 m Generally 2-6 m for pollinators, 6 m is the best width | 播种第1年后每年9月中旬后修剪1次, 传粉型条带可于冬季刈割 After first-year sowing, better to mow after mid-September; for pollinator strips, mowing can be delayed in winter |
瑞士 Switzerland | 24~37种花卉植物, 本土野花为主, 一般无禾草 24-37 flora species, mainly are native, generally without grasses | 常为3~4 m Generally 3-4 m | 官方建议一年刈割1次, 实际未执行 Relevant departments advise to mow once a year, but fail on practice |
比利时 Belgium | 禾草-花卉混播(禾草85%, 豆类4%, 多年生11%) Mixture of grasses and flowers (85% grasses, 4% legumes, 11% perennials) | / | 整体花期前后可刈割 Mowing after or before overall blooming time |
德国 Germany | 一般多达30种植物, 混播组合中必有少于10%的豆科植物 More than 30 species, at least 10% legumes | 常为3~24 m Generally 3-24 m | 整体花期前后可刈割 Mowing after or before overall blooming time |
法国 France | 早期(1997年左右)以一、二年生花卉组合为多, 后期优选为4~6种或更多覆盖力强的多年生植物组合 Annual and biennial mixtures prevailed in the early stage (around 1997), till now, perennial mixtures including 4-6 species occupy the priority | / | 整体花期前后可刈割 Mowing after or before overall blooming time |
美国 The United States | 多年生植物以北美草原物种为主, 一、二年生以美国南部、南美及欧亚大陆原产植物为主 Most perennial species native to Prairies, annuals and biennials mainly from Southern United States, South America and Eurasia | / | 粗放管理 Extensive management |

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