郝琨2, 3,
刘利华2, 3,
1.昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院 昆明 650500
2.西安理工大学水利水电学院 西安 710048
3.省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室 西安 710048
4.云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所 保山 678025
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目51469010
作者简介:韩志慧, 主要从事节水灌溉理论与新技术研究。E-mail:zhihuiim@126.com
通讯作者:刘小刚, 主要从事节水灌溉理论与新技术研究。E-mail:liuxiaogangjy@126.com
Effects of shade cultivation and deficit irrigation on the growth and canopy structure of Coffea arabica L. in dry-hot region
HAN Zhihui1,,HAO Kun2, 3,
LIU Xiaogang1,,,
HE Hongyan4,
LIU Lihua2, 3,
YANG Qiliang1
1. Faculty of Modern Agricultural Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
2. Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-electric Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Eco-hydraulic in Northwest Arid Region of China, Xi'an 710048, China
4. Tropical and Subtropical Economic Crops In-stitute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Baoshan 678025, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China51469010
the National Natural Science Foundation of China51979133
the National Natural Science Foundation of China51769010
the Basic Research Project of Yunnan Province2014FB130
More Information
Corresponding author:LIU Xiaogang, E-mail: liuxiaogangjy@126.com
Abstract:Highly efficient production of Coffea arabica L. is limited due to irrigation and light management challenges in dry-hot regions. To investigate the effects of an irrigation deficit on the growth and canopy structure of C. arabica under the shade of banana plants, a field experiment was performed using different irrigation levels and shade cultivation modes. A complete combination design was adopted, with three levels of irrigation, i.e. full irrigation (FI), light-deficit irrigation (DIL) and severe deficit irrigation (DIS), and four modes of shade cultivation, i.e. no shade cultivation (S0:monoculture C. arabica), light shade cultivation (SL:intercropping of four lines of C. arabica and one line of banana), moderate shade cultivation (SM:intercropping of three lines of C. arabica and one line of banana) and severe shade cultivation (SS:intercropping of two lines of C. arabica and one line of banana). Compared with FI treatment, other treatments of irrigation decreased the height increment and shoot length by 13.62%-23.94% and 8.82%-13.96%, respectively, and increased the total fixed-point factor by 9.55%-34.97%. Compared with S0 treatment, other shading cultivation treatments increased the height increment, stem diameter increment, crown width increment, shoot length, and leaf area index of the canopy by 18.33%-33.65%, 6.43%-15.47%, 5.38%-12.60%, 8.82%-24.69% and 5.18%-22.85%, respectively; and decreased the opening, gap fraction, mean leaf dip angle, total fixed-point factor and transmittance of the canopy by 4.42%-15.50%, 4.85%-16.49%, 5.50%-15.07%, 13.78%-41.44% and 10.36%-31.78%, respectively. The opening, gap fraction, mean leaf dip angle, direct fixed-point factor, indirect fixed-point factor, total fixed-point factor, direct radiation of the crown, indirect radiation of the crown, transmittance, and extinction coefficient of the C. arabica canopy were significantly positively correlated with each other and were significantly negatively correlated with leaf area index. Cluster analysis indicated that the twelve treatments could be divided into three categories. The first category was FISS, DILSS and FISM; the second category was FISL, DILSL, DILSM, DISSS, FIS0 and DISSM; and the third category was DILS0, DISSL and DISS0, when the distances between classes was five. It was clear that the best growth condition was the first category, which can be used as a suitable combination of irrigation and banana shade cultivation mode for C. arabica in dry-hot regions. The results of this study provide theoretical guidance for the irrigation and light management of C. arabica in dry-hot regions.
Key words:Coffea arabica/
Shade cultivation modes/
Deficit irrigation/
Canopy structure/
Cluster analysis

FI、DIL和DIS分别表示充分灌水、轻度亏缺灌水和重度亏缺灌水, S0、SL、SM和SS分别表示无荫蔽栽培、轻度荫蔽栽培、中度荫蔽栽培和重度荫蔽栽培。不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平下差异显著。
Figure1.Effects of shade cultivation and deficit irrigation on light transmittance and extinction coefficient of Coffea arabica L. canopy
FI, DIL and DIS mean full irrigation, light deficit irrigation and severe deficit irrigation, respectively. S0, SL, SM and SS mean no shade cultivation, light shade cultivation, moderate shade cultivation and severe shade cultivation, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level.

FI、DIL和DIS分别表示充分灌水、轻度亏缺灌水和重度亏缺灌水, S0、SL、SM和SS分别表示无荫蔽栽培、轻度荫蔽栽培、中度荫蔽栽培和重度荫蔽栽培。
Figure2.Cluster dendrogram of eleven indicators of Coffea arabica L. canopy
FI, DIL and DIS mean full irrigation, light deficit irrigation and severe deficit irrigation, respectively. S0, SL, SM and SS mean no shade cultivation, light shade cultivation, moderate shade cultivation and severe shade cultivation, respectively.

Table1.Effects of shade cultivation and deficit irrigation on growth of Coffea arabica L.
灌水水平 Irrigation level (I) | 荫蔽栽培模式 Shade cultivation mode (S) | 株高增量 Height increment (cm) | 茎粗增量 Stem diameter increment (mm) | 冠幅增量 Crown width increment (cm) | 新梢长度 New twig length (cm) |
FI | S0 | 23.95±1.11efg | 9.99±0.10d | 20.88±1.59bc | 15.82±0.81efg |
SL | 30.50±1.26b | 10.38±0.25c | 21.70±0.55abc | 17.13±0.75cd | |
SM | 32.15±2.12b | 10.78±0.08b | 22.58±0.83ab | 18.76±0.91ab | |
SS | 34.33±1.06a | 11.18±0.15a | 23.00±1.36a | 19.34±0.37a | |
DIL | S0 | 22.85±0.68g | 9.43±0.17e | 20.28±1.27cd | 14.41±1.12h |
SL | 25.35±1.74ef | 10.08±0.13d | 21.25±0.99abc | 15.40±0.40fgh | |
SM | 27.75±1.26cd | 10.44±0.10c | 22.18±0.81ab | 16.96±0.39cde | |
SS | 28.50±0.85c | 10.80±0.14b | 22.65±0.81ab | 18.01±0.78bc | |
DIS | S0 | 19.63±1.40h | 8.54±0.14f | 18.75±0.89d | 13.31±1.12i |
SL | 22.75±1.80g | 9.30±0.06e | 20.18±1.05cd | 14.84±0.73gh | |
SM | 23.65±1.06fg | 9.96±0.17d | 21.15±1.3bc | 16.05±0.75def | |
SS | 25.95±0.75de | 10.31±0.12c | 21.80±1.07abc | 16.93±0.38cde | |
显著性检验(F值) Significance test (F value) | |||||
I | 119.665** | 223.869** | 8.958** | 44.089** | |
S | 69.132** | 229.614** | 12.604** | 52.889** | |
I×S | 3.325* | 4.597** | 0.143 | 0.172 | |
数据为平均值±标准差(n=4), 同列数据后不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平下差异显著, *表示5%显著水平, **表示1%显著水平。FI、DIL和DIS分别表示充分灌水、轻度亏缺灌水和重度亏缺灌水, S0、SL、SM和SS分别表示无荫蔽栽培、轻度荫蔽栽培、中度荫蔽栽培和重度荫蔽栽培。Data are expressed as mean ± SD (standard deviation, n=4). Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. * means significance at 5%, ** means significance at 1%. FI, DIL and DIS mean full irrigation, light deficit irrigation and severe deficit irrigation, respectively. S0, SL, SM and SS mean no shade cultivation, light shade cultivation, moderate shade cultivation and severe shade cultivation, respectively. |

Table2.Effects of shade cultivation and deficit irrigation on indicators of major indicators of Coffea arabica L. canopy
灌水水平 Irrigation level (I) | 荫蔽栽培模式 Shadecultivation mode (S) | Op (%) | GF (%) | LAI | MLDA (°) | DFPF (%) | IFPF (%) | TFPF (%) | DRC (mol?m-2?d-1) | IRC (mol?m-2?d-1) |
FI | S0 | 9.74±0.18b | 11.76±0.19cd | 4.10±0.06fg | 9.63±0.17bc | 5.52±0.70bc | 5.82±0.72bcde | 6.06±0.29cd | 2.26±0.08b | 0.31±0.01ab |
SL | 9.28±0.09c | 11.38±0.11def | 4.35±0.07e | 9.20±0.18cde | 5.44±0.19c | 4.78±1.22ef | 5.15±0.08efg | 1.94±0.10cd | 0.28±0.04ab | |
SM | 8.72±0.10d | 10.38±0.17h | 4.86±0.08b | 8.55±0.17fg | 4.14±0.52de | 4.60±0.67f | 4.34±0.37h | 1.66±0.07f | 0.27±0.03ab | |
SS | 7.96±0.15f | 9.63±0.15i | 5.15±0.06a | 8.23±0.26g | 3.43±0.57e | 4.98±0.40def | 3.49±0.13i | 1.41±0.02g | 0.27±0.03ab | |
DIL | S0 | 9.88±0.08b | 12.02±0.22c | 4.11±0.05fg | 9.78±0.28b | 6.38±0.54b | 6.73±0.82ab | 6.46±0.49c | 2.26±0.06b | 0.31±0.01a |
SL | 9.30±0.41c | 11.22±0.47efg | 4.39±0.28de | 9.30±0.36cd | 5.73±0.99bc | 5.37±1.01cdef | 5.25±0.65ef | 1.89±0.28cde | 0.30±0.01ab | |
SM | 8.95±0.38d | 10.86±0.64g | 4.70±0.37bc | 8.83±0.55ef | 5.11±0.73c | 5.55±0.58cdef | 4.64±0.60gh | 1.77±0.24def | 0.27±0.03ab | |
SS | 8.38±0.23e | 10.15±0.09h | 5.08±0.06a | 8.33±0.17g | 3.68±0.24e | 4.45±0.40f | 3.78±0.19i | 1.47±0.03g | 0.27±0.03b | |
DIS | S0 | 10.31±0.12a | 13.03±0.14a | 3.87±0.05h | 10.63±0.40a | 7.49±0.34a | 7.12±0.72a | 8.05±0.45a | 2.49±0.05a | 0.31±0.02a |
SL | 10.04±0.03ab | 12.44±0.15b | 3.96±0.03gh | 9.88±0.38b | 7.28±0.82a | 6.26±0.82abc | 7.34±0.21b | 2.40±0.02ab | 0.31±0.02a | |
SM | 9.43±0.12c | 11.47±0.24de | 4.27±0.13ef | 9.43±0.15bc | 5.28±0.25c | 6.12±0.49abcd | 5.53±0.33de | 2.05±0.10c | 0.29±0.04ab | |
SS | 8.96±0.05d | 10.97±0.27fg | 4.60±0.09cd | 8.95±0.19def | 4.86±0.51cd | 4.88±0.49ef | 4.78±0.25fgh | 1.73±0.03ef | 0.28±0.05ab | |
显著性检验(F值) Significance test (F value) | ||||||||||
I | 61.746** | 76.955** | 41.801** | 34.224** | 30.732** | 8.184** | 89.860** | 40.550** | 1.633 | |
S | 133.012** | 116.566** | 88.697** | 57.906** | 46.886** | 12.173** | 129.925** | 95.095** | 5.350** | |
I×S | 1.291 | 1.508 | 1.364 | 0.337 | 1.246 | 1.387 | 2.689* | 1.426 | 0.344 | |
数据为平均值±标准差(n=4), 同列数据后不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平下差异显著, *表示5%显著水平, **表示1%显著水平。FI、DIL和DIS分别表示充分灌水、轻度亏缺灌水和重度亏缺灌水, S0、SL、SM和SS分别表示无荫蔽栽培、轻度荫蔽栽培、中度荫蔽栽培和重度荫蔽栽培。Op、GF、LAI、MLDA、DFPF、IFPF、TFPF、DRC和IRC分别表示开度、林隙分数、叶面积指数、平均叶倾角、直接定点因子、间接定点因子、总定点因子、冠下直接辐射和冠下间接辐射。Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n=4). Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level. * means significance at 5%, ** means significance at 1%. FI, DIL and DIS mean full irrigation, light deficit irrigation and severe deficit irrigation, respectively. S0, SL, SM and SS mean no shade cultivation, light shade cultivation, moderate shade cultivation and severe shade cultivation, respectively. Op, GF, LAI, MLDA, DFPF, IFPF, TFPF, DRC and IRC mean opening, gap fraction, leaf area index, mean leaf dip angle, direct fixed-point factor, indirect fixed-point factor, total fixed-point factor, direct radiation of the crown and indirect radiation of the crown, respectively. |

Table3.Correlation coefficient matrix of major indicators of Coffea arabica L. canopy
Op | GF | LAI | MLDA | DFPF | IFPF | TFPF | DRC | IRC | Tr | EC | |
Op | 1.000 | ||||||||||
GF | 0.975** | 1.000 | |||||||||
LAI | -0.972** | -0.961** | 1.000 | ||||||||
MLDA | 0.923** | 0.941** | -0.932** | 1.000 | |||||||
DFPF | 0.891** | 0.910** | -0.880** | 0.865** | 1.000 | ||||||
IFPF | 0.688** | 0.684** | -0.667** | 0.694** | 0.677** | 1.000 | |||||
TFPF | 0.960** | 0.974** | -0.934** | 0.931** | 0.920** | 0.696** | 1.000 | ||||
DRC | 0.973** | 0.963** | -0.975** | 0.934** | 0.871** | 0.707** | 0.956** | 1.000 | |||
IRC | 0.497** | 0.499** | -0.502** | 0.493** | 0.503** | 0.435* | 0.536** | 0.455* | 1.000 | ||
Tr | 0.975** | 0.965** | -0.977** | 0.937** | 0.878** | 0.715** | 0.962** | 0.997** | 0.519** | 1.000 | |
EC | 0.917** | 0.918** | -0.973** | 0.897** | 0.853** | 0.596** | 0.877** | 0.906** | 0.465* | 0.908** | 1.000 |
Op、GF、LAI、MLDA、DFPF、IFPF、TFPF、DRC、IRC、Tr和EC分别表示开度、林隙分数、叶面积指数、平均叶倾角、直接定点因子、间接定点因子、总定点因子、冠下直接辐射、冠下间接辐射、透光率和消光系数。*、**分别表示在0.05、0.01水平上显著相关。Op, GF, LAI, MLDA, DFPF, IFPF, TFPF, DRC and IRC mean opening, gap fraction, leaf area index, mean leaf dip angle, direct fixed-point factor, indirect fixed-point factor, total fixed-point factor, direct radiation of the crown, indirect radiation of the crown, transmittance and extinction coefficient, respectively. * and ** mean significant correlation at 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively. |

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