张正2, 3,
万书波1, 2,,
1.湖南农业大学农学院 长沙 410128
2.山东省农业科学院/山东省作物遗传改良与生态生理重点实验室 济南 250100
3.山东师范大学生命科学学院 济南 250000
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0201000
作者简介:林松明, 主要从事花生高产优质栽培生理生态研究。E-mail:linsm6312@163.com
通讯作者:李林, 主要从事花生栽培研究, E-mail:lilindw@163.com
万书波, 主要从事花生栽培生理研究, E-mail:wansb@saas.ac.cn
Canopy microenvironment change of peanut intercropped with maize and its correlation with pod yield
LIN Songming1, 2,,MENG Weiwei2,
NAN Zhenwu2,
XU Jie2,
LI Lin1,,,
ZHANG Zheng2, 3,
LI Xinguo2,
GUO Feng2,
WAN Shubo1, 2,,
1. College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
2. Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement and Ecological Physiology of Shandong Province, Jinan 250100, China
3. College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250000, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Program of China2018YFD0201000
the Major Agricultural Applied Technological Innovation Projects of Shandong ProvinceSD2019ZZ011
the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shandong Academy of Agricultural SciencesCXGC2018E01
Shandong Key Research and Development Program2017GNC13107
More Information
Corresponding author:LI Lin, E-mail: lilindw@163.com;WAN Shubo, E-mail: wansb@saas.ac.cn
Abstract:Field trials of the single cropping of peanuts and broad-sown intercropping of maize and peanuts were conducted in 2015 and 2016. Changes in peanut canopy transmittance, light intensity, canopy temperature, and humidity after the podding stage under different planting modes were monitored, and the correlations between them and pod yield were analyzed. Our results showed that, first, compared with a peanut monoculture, maize/peanut intercropping significantly reduced the light intensity of the canopy, the transmittance of the top and middle canopy, and the average temperature of the canopy from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and increased the average humidity of the canopy. Second, peanut canopy light intensity exhibited a single peak curve on sunny days, and the canopy light intensity of monocultured peanuts was significantly higher than that of intercropping. The difference in light intensity between a monoculture and intercropping was greater in the morning (when light intensity increased) and the afternoon (when light intensity decreased), while the difference between the two values decreased at noon during the direct-sunlight period. The ambient canopy temperature of peanuts decreased under intercropping in the night and before and after noon, compared with monoculture, with an observed highest difference of 4.9℃. Intercropping increased the relative humidity of the canopy during daytime, with a recorded highest difference of 21.03%. Third, under experimental conditions, the canopy environmental temperature and illumination at the podding stage were positively correlated with peanut pod yield, while the canopy environmental humidity was negatively correlated with pod yield, especially at the podding stage. Multivariate linear stepwise regression analysis showed that the most important environmental factors affecting peanut yield were canopy illumination and circumferential humidity at podding stage, and canopy circumferential humidity at the full-fruit stage. Path analysis showed that, besides directly affecting yield, illumination had a high impact on peanut pod yield by affecting canopy environmental humidity, indicating that the positive effect of illumination on yield can be improved by coordinating the relationship between illumination and humidity under intercropping conditions. In this experiment, the decrease in canopy light intensity and transmittance of intercropping and the increase in canopy relative humidity of intercropping were the main climatic factors limiting pod yield. It is possible that the yield of intercropped peanuts could be increased by planting them from east to west, which will increase the effective illuminance of the canopy at 9:00-11:00 a.m. and reduce the relative humidity.
Key words:Maize/peanut intercropping/
Key growth stages of peanut/
Wide row-spacing intercropping/
Canopy micro-environment/
Peanut pod yield

Figure1.Field layout of maize/peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio

MP表示单作花生, IP表示间作花生。MP is mono-cropping peanut, IP is intercropping peanut.
Figure2.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on diurnal variation of canopy light intensity of peanut at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016

MP表示单作花生, IP表示间作花生。MP is mono-cropping peanut, IP is intercropping peanut.
Figure3.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on diurnal variation of canopy temperature of peanut canopy at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016

Figure4.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on diurnal variation of canopy relative humidity of peanut at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016

Table1.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on canopy light transmittance rate of peanut at key growth stages ?
部位 Position | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 结荚期 Pod-setting stage | 饱果期 Pod-filling stage |
冠层顶部Canopy top | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 100.00±0.69a | 100.00±5.69a |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 61.43±6.70b | 66.00±4.91b | |
冠层中部Mid canopy | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 28.78±2.23a | 28.33±6.53a |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 22.46±1.23b | 10.29±2.42b | |
冠层下部Lower canopy | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 7.35±1.43a | 9.37±4.02a |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 4.62±1.12a | 3.17±0.97a | |
不同小写字母单作和间作间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences between intercropping and mono-cropping at 0.05 level. |

Table2.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on light intensities of peanut canopy at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016 ?
年份 Year | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 结荚期 Pod-setting stage | 饱果期 Pod-filling stage | 成熟期 Maturation stage |
2015 | 单作花生Mono-cropping peanut | 60 631.7±1 105.4a | 53 600.3±1 665.0a | 52 146.3±6 465.5a |
间作花生Intercropping peanut | 42 029.7±2 924.0b | 35 792.0±872.6b | 28 233.0±1 704.9b | |
2016 | 单作花生Mono-cropping peanut | 62 178.0±310.6a | 51 628.3±1 361.3a | 46 179.7±962.7a |
间作花生Intercropping peanut | 48 369.7±2 071.8b | 34 383.7±1 220.1b | 30 536.7±1 348.1b | |
不同小写字母单作和间作间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences between intercropping and mono-cropping at 0.05 level. |

Table3.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on canopy temperature of peanut at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016 ?
年份 Year | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 结荚期 Pod-setting stage | 饱果期 Pod-filling stage | 成熟期 Maturation stage |
2015 | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 28.79±0.63a | 29.42±0.53a | 26.61±0.49a |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 26.78±0.37b | 27.45±0.31b | 24.92±0.74b | |
2016 | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 26.77±0.55a | 29.19±0.29a | 22.81±0.19a |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 25.24±0.67b | 27.80±0.24b | 20.92±0.26b | |
不同小写字母单作和间作间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences between intercropping and mono-cropping at 0.05 level. |

Table4.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on canopy relative humidity of peanut at key growth stages in 2015 and 2016 ?
年份 Year | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 结荚期 Pod-setting stage | 饱果期 Pod-filling stage | 成熟期 Maturation stage |
2015 | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 65.95±2.54b | 63.66±2.79b | 62.93±2.11b |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 79.21±1.56a | 70.67±2.79a | 68.10±2.18a | |
2016 | 单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 61.33±2.58b | 59.80±1.28b | 48.61±1.47b |
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 71.04±1.82a | 68.52±0.71a | 55.51±1.81a | |
不同小写字母单作和间作间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences between intercropping and mono-cropping at 0.05 level. |

Table5.Effect of maize and peanut intercropping with 3/4 lines ratio on yield and its components of peanut in 2015 and 2016, and correlation among yield and its components
年份 Year | 种植模式 Planting pattern | 株数 Plant density (×104plants?hm-2) | 单株饱果数 Full pod number per plant | 百果重 100-berry weight (g) | 百仁重 100-kernel weight (g) | 出仁率 Kernel rate (%) | 荚果产量 Pod yield (kg·hm-2) |
2015 | MP | 21.57±0.55a | 14.58±0.90a | 155.56±2.74b | 66.61±2.11a | 68.78±0.61a | 4 691.67±212.61a |
ERIP | 20.59±1.39a | 10.83±0.85b | 162.80±7.97ab | 68.45±3.74a | 69.74±0.25a | 3 376.47±176.00b | |
MRIP | 21.58±0.81a | 11.08±0.34b | 169.84±4.42a | 70.72±2.22a | 70.07±1.18a | 3 592.16±219.87b | |
2016 | MP | 21.86±0.40a | 13.67±1.01a | 161.20±1.94a | 67.09±1.46a | 69.53±0.61a | 4 593.14±253.22a |
ERIP | 20.98±1.60a | 10.25±0.59b | 165.83±3.49a | 69.09±2.03a | 70.14±0.24a | 3 400.00±225.58b | |
MRIP | 21.76±1.05a | 10.75±0.59b | 168.92±5.72a | 70.36±1.27a | 71.00±1.23a | 3 622.55±223.98b | |
单作相关性分析 Relevance analysis of mono-cropping | 株数Plant number | 1.000 | |||||
单株饱果数Full pod number per plant | -0.582 | 1.000 | |||||
百果重100-berry weight | -0.113 | -0.365 | 1.000 | ||||
百仁重100-kernel weight | 0.795 | -0.750 | -0.113 | 1.000 | |||
出仁率Kernel rate | 0.415 | -0.242 | 0.603 | 0.064 | 1.000 | ||
荚果产量Pod yield | -0.582 | 0.945** | -0.160 | -0.685 | -0.183 | 1.000 | |
间作相关性分析 Relevance analysis of intercropping | 株数Plant number | 1.000 | |||||
单株饱果数Full pod number per plant | -0.713** | 1.000 | |||||
百果重100-berry weight | 0.552 | -0.263 | 1.000 | ||||
百仁重 100-kernel weight | -0.183 | 0.454 | -0.206 | 1.000 | |||
出仁率Kernel rate | 0.073 | 0.157 | 0.692* | -0.028 | 1.000 | ||
荚果产量Pod yield | 0.406 | 0.027 | 0.809** | 0.047 | 0.768** | 1.000 | |
不同小写字母单作和间作间差异显著(P < 0.05)。**和*分别表示相关性极显著水平(P < 0.01)和显著水平(P < 0.05)。MP表示单作花生, ERIP表示间作边行花生, MRIP表示间作中间行花生。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences between intercropping and mono-cropping at 0.05 level. ** and * mean significant correlation at 0.01 and 0.05 levels, respectively. MP is mono-cropping peanut, ERIP is edge row of intercropping peanut, MRIP is middle row of intercropping peanut. |

Table6.Correlation analysis between pod yield of mono-cropping and intercropping peanut and canopy microenvironment factors at key growth stages
种植模式 Planting pattern | 环境因子 Environmental factor | 结荚期Pod-setting stage | 饱果期Pod-filling stage | |||||||
温度 Temperature | 相对湿度 Relative humidity | 光照强度 Light intensity | 荚果产量 Pod yield | 温度 Temperature | 相对湿度 Relative humidity | 光照强度 Light intensity | 荚果产量 Pod yield | |||
单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 温度 Temperature | 1.000 | 1.000 | |||||||
相对湿度 Relative humidity | -0.607 | 1.000 | -0.345 | 1.000 | ||||||
光照强度 Light intensity | 0.087 | -0.425 | 1.000 | 0.259 | 0.257 | 1.000 | ||||
荚果产量 Pod yield | 0.495 | -0.958** | 0.331 | 1.000 | 0.148 | 0.750 | 0.099 | 1.000 | ||
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 温度Temperature | 1.000 | 1.000 | |||||||
相对湿度 Relative humidity | -0.960** | 1.000 | -0.268 | 1.000 | ||||||
光照强度 Light intensity | 0.481 | -0.505 | 1.000 | -0.705 | -0.468 | 1.000 | ||||
荚果产量 Pod yield | 0.872* | -0.965** | 0.370 | 1.000 | -0.562 | 0.288 | 0.337 | 1.000 | ||
综合 Comprehensive | 温度 Temperature | 1.000 | 1.000 | |||||||
相对湿度 Relative humidity | -0.819** | 1.000 | -0.709** | 1.000 | ||||||
光照强度 Light intensity | 0.620* | -0.788** | 1.000 | 0.738** | -0.670* | 1.000 | ||||
荚果产量 Pod yield | 0.714** | -0.903** | 0.939** | 1.000 | 0.721** | -0.569 | 0.905** | 1.000 | ||
**和*分别表示相关性极显著水平(P < 0.01)和显著水平(P < 0.05)。** and * mean significant correlation at 0.01 and 0.05 levels, respectively. |

Table7.Coefficient of regression models between pod yield of mono-cropping and intercropping peanut and canopy environmental factors
种植模式 Planting pattern | 模型 Model | 非标准化系数 Un-standardized coefficient | 标准系数 Standardized coefficient | ||||
B | Std. error | Beta | t | Sig. | |||
单作花生 Mono-cropping peanut | 常量Constant | 7 093.231 | 370.474 | 19.146 | 0.000 | ||
结荚期冠层湿度(X2) Relative humidity at pod-setting stage (X2) | -40.505 | 6.101 | -0.958 | -6.640 | 0.003 | ||
间作花生 Intercropping peanut | 常量Constant | 7 253.638 | 354.157 | 20.481 | 0.000 | ||
饱果期冠层湿度(X2) Relative humidity at pod-setting stage (X2) | ?40.645 | 2.611 | -1.109 | -15.568 | 0.001 | ||
饱果期冠层湿度(X2) Relative humidity at pod-filling stage (X2) | ?12.424 | 3.149 | -0.281 | -3.946 | 0.029 | ||
综合 Comprehensive | 常量Constant | 8 474.331 | 1 145.321 | 7.399 | 0.000 | ||
结荚期冠层光照度(X3) Light intensity at pod-setting stage (X3) | 0.011 | 0.004 | 0.327 | 2.429 | 0.041 | ||
结荚期冠层湿度(X2) Relative humidity at pod-setting stage (X2) | -50.344 | 9.197 | -0.593 | -5.474 | 0.001 | ||
饱果期冠层湿度(X5) Relative humidity at pod-filling stage (X5) | -22.447 | 8.133 | -0.234 | -2.760 | 0.025 | ||
因变量为荚果产量(Y)。Dependent variable is pod yield. |

Table8.Path coefficients of different canopy microenvironment factors and peanut pod yield
自变量 Variable | 综合作用 Comprehensive effect | 通径系数(直接作用) Path coefficient (direct effect) | 间接通径系数(间接作用)Indirect effect | |||
X2 | X3 | X5 | 合计Total | |||
结荚期冠层湿度(X2) Relative humidity at pod-setting stage (X2) | -0.902 7 | -0.592 9 | — | -0.257 5 | -0.052 3 | -0.309 8 |
结荚期冠层光照度(X3) Light intensity at pod-setting stage (X3) | 0.939 1 | 0.326 6 | 0.467 5 | — | 0.145 0 | 0.612 5 |
饱果期冠层湿度(X5) Relative humidity at pod-filling stage (X5) | -0.568 8 | -0.234 2 | -0.132 4 | -0.202 2 | — | -0.334 6 |

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