1.烟台市农业科学院 烟台 265500
2.山东海洋文化旅游发展有限公司 日照 276800
3.山东省花生研究所 青岛 266100
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31801309
作者简介:王春晓, 主要从事农产品质量安全风险评估与花生栽培生理研究。E-mail:chunxiaosd@126.com
通讯作者:王志新, 主要研究方向为农产品质量安全风险评估与花生栽培生理, E-mail:13953568369@126.com
郑永美, 主要研究方向为花生生理生态研究, E-mail:ymzhengrice@163.com
Characteristics of nitrogen accumulation and utilization in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) with different nitrogen use efficiencies
WANG Chunxiao1,,LING Fei2,
LU Zeqi1,
ZANG Hongwei1,
YAO Jie1,
LAN Feng1,
LIU Xuan1,
WANG Zhixin1,,,
ZHENG Yongmei3,,
1. Yantai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yantai 265500, China
2. Shandong Ocean Culture Tourism Development Co., Ltd., Rizhao 276800, China
3. Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31801309
the Major Technology Innovation Program of Shandong Province2018YFJH0601
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Zhixin, E-mail:13953568369@126.com;ZHENG Yongmei, E-mail:ymzhengrice@163.com
摘要:氮是花生(Arachis hypogaea)生长发育必需的大量元素之一,明确不同品种氮素利用特点,可为花生氮高效品种筛选、培育及节氮栽培提供依据。桶栽条件下,利用15N示踪技术,测定了19个花生品种产量、植株氮含量、氮素积累量及3种氮源供氮量等指标,并以供试品种的产量及氮效率平均值为基准,将品种划分为高产氮高效、高产氮低效、低产氮高效和低产氮低效4种类型,分析了4种类型品种氮素累积与利用特征。结果表明:1)不同类型花生品种氮效率存在较大差异,氮高效型品种荚果氮效率平均为25.0 kg·kg-1,比氮低效型品种平均值高13.6%。2)营养体氮含量中等的品种有利于产量和氮效率同时提高,生殖体和整株氮含量不同类型品种间差异不大;在植株有足够氮积累的前提下,提高氮向生殖体的分配比例是高产氮高效品种的基本特征。3)不同类型花生品种土壤氮和肥料氮供氮水平与氮效率一致,根瘤供氮水平与氮效率因品种产量水平而异;当氮效率相近时,根瘤供氮水平高,有利于产量形成;氮高效型土壤供氮比例略高于低效型,根瘤供氮比例与土壤供氮比例相反,土壤氮与根瘤氮有较好的补偿效应;不同类型品种肥料供氮比例相差不大。4)不同类型品种产量和氮效率与氮肥利用率和氮肥偏生产力高度一致,而不同类型品种间氮素生物效率差异较小。综上,不同类型花生品种产量和氮效率存在显著差异,选育产量和氮效率双高的品种不仅必要,而且可行,是未来花生节氮栽培的有效途径之一。
Abstract:Enhancing nitrogen (N) use efficiency at a genetic level would be an effective way to reduce N use and strive toward green cultivation. Understanding the N use characteristics of different peanut (Arachis hypogaea) varieties could provide some valuable insight for selecting and breeding peanut varieties with high N use efficiency and reduce applied N use in cultivation. In total, 19 peanut varieties were used to investigate the N accumulation and utilization characteristics under different N use efficiency conditions of varieties with differing yield potentials in a pot experiment via 15N isotope tracing analysis. Based on the average yields and N use efficiencies, the 19 peanut varieties were divided into the following four types:high yield and high N use efficiency (HYHN), high yield and low N use efficiency (HYLN), low yield and high N use efficiency (LYHN), and low yield and low N use efficiency (LYLN). The results showed that there were significant differences in different peanut varieties. The varieties with moderate N content in the vegetative organs were conducive to a simultaneous increase in the yield and N use efficiency, while no significant differences were detected in the N content of the reproductive organs or whole plants across various peanut varieties. Increases in the N allocation rates in reproductive organs were characteristic of the HYHN varieties under the assumption that there was sufficient N accumulation in the peanut plants. The results also showed that the available N levels and N use efficiencies of the soil's N source and fertilizer's N source were consistent in various peanut varieties, whereas different yields among the varieties determined the fixed N from the N source at nodulation. In addition, under similar N use efficiency conditions, a higher N-fixing nodule level favored increased yield. The N supplying from the soil's N source increased in the high-N type varieties compared with that in the low-N type varieties; however, it was the opposite with regards to the fixed N source at nodulation. This showed that were desirable compensatory effects between the soil's N and fixed N sources. Meanwhile, there were no significant differences in the N supplying ratios with regards to the fertilizer's N source in various varieties. The yields and N use efficiencies of different varieties were highly consistent with the N use efficiency and partial productivity of the N fertilizer, whereas there were negligible differences in the N use efficiencies among various peanut varieties. In conclusion, there were significant differences among different peanut varieties with respect to the yield and N use efficiency. Breeding a HYHN peanut variety is of great importance and appears feasible. This is an effective method to decrease the N use in peanut cultivation in the future.
Key words:Peanut/
Variety type/
Nitrogen efficiency/
Nitrogen accumulation and utilization

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。数字1~19分别代表品种‘潍花2000-1’ ‘T104’ ‘冀花5号’ ‘冀花6号’ ‘花育22号’ ‘山花7号’ ‘豫花9326’ ‘汕油523’ ‘鲁花11号’ ‘天府20’ ‘山花10号’ ‘白沙1016’ ‘花育39号’ ‘花育626’ ‘日本千叶半蔓’ ‘远杂9307’ ‘花育20号’ ‘红色大白沙’和‘日花1号’。
Figure1.Classification of peanut varieties with different yields and N use efficiencies
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type. The numbers 1-19 represent varieties of 'Weihua 2000-1' 'T104' 'Jihua 5' 'Jihua 6' 'Huayu 22' 'Shanhua 7' 'Yuhua 9326' 'Shanyou 523' 'Luhua 11' 'Tianfu 20' 'Shanhua 10' 'Baisha 1016' 'Huayu 39' 'Huayu 626' 'Qianyebanman of Japan' 'Yuanza 9307' 'Huayu 20' 'Red dabaisha' and 'Rihua1', respectively.

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。不同小写字母表示同一部位不同品种类型在0.05水平差异显著。
Figure2.N contents of different plant parts of different types of peanut varieties
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in the same plant part among variety types at 0.05 level.

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。不同小写字母表示同一部位不同品种类型在0.05水平差异显著。
Figure3.N accumulation of different plant parts of different types of peanut varieties
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in the same plant part among variety types at 0.05 level.

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。不同小写字母表示同一氮源不同品种类型在0.05水平差异显著。
Figure4.Amounts of N supply from soil N (SN), fertilizer N (FN) and nodule N (NN) sources of different types of peanut varieties
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in the same nitrogen source among different variety types at 0.05 level.

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。
Figure5.Ratios of N supply from soil N (SN), fertilizer N (FN) and nodule N (NN) sources of different types of peanut varieties
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type.

HYHE:高产氮高效型; HYLE:高产氮低效型; LYHE:低产氮高效型; LYLE:低产氮低效型。不同小写字母表示不同品种类型在0.05水平差异显著。
Figure6.Nitrogen utilization in peanut with different types
HYHE: high yield and high N efficiency type; HYLE: high yield and low N efficiency type; LYHE: low yield and high N efficiency type; LYLE: low yield and low N efficiency type. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different variety types at 0.05 level.

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