1.中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022
2.河北省沧州市农林科学院 沧州 061000
3.山西省农业科学院旱地农业研究中心 太原 030000
4.河北科技师范学院 昌黎 066600
5.沧州市南大港管理区农业科学研究所 沧州 061000
6.国家半干旱农业工程技术研究中心 石家庄 050051
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0300305
作者简介:王金涛, 主要从事作物水盐生理及调控研究。E-mail:jtwang@sjziam.ac.cn
通讯作者:孙宏勇, 主要从事农田水盐运移过程机理与调控研究。E-mail:hysun@sjziam.ac.cn
Analysis of kernel dry down process after physiological maturity of spring maize based on diffusion theory in the North China
WANG Jintao1,,DONG Xinliang1,
LIU Qingsong2,
ZHANG Dongmei3,
HAN Jinling4,
LIU Yi5,
GAO Guangrui6,
LIU Zhanmao6,
SUN Hongyong1,,
1. Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050022, China
2. Cangzhou Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Cangzhou 061000, China
3. Research Center for Drying Farming, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030000, China
4. Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology, Changli 066600, China
5. Agricultural Science Institute of Nandagang Management Zone, Cangzhou 061000, China
6. The Semi-arid Agriculture Engineering & Technology Research Center of P. R. China, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
Funds: This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300305
the Key Research and Development Project of Hebei Province18227008D
the Key Research and Development Project of Hebei Province19227004D
More Information
Corresponding author:SUN Hongyong, E-mail:hysun@sjziam.ac.cn
摘要:玉米机收籽粒可以显著提高玉米的生产效率,是玉米生产的发展方向。生理成熟后的籽粒含水率是决定机收质量的关键,受品种、密度和气候等多种因素影响。准确估算生理成熟后玉米籽粒含水率,进而分析其主要影响因素,最终确定玉米收获时间和筛选适宜机收的品种,对玉米主产区华北的春玉米籽粒机收发展具有重要意义。因此,于2017年和2018年在河北省泊头、南大港、玉田和山西榆次进行了两年田间春玉米试验,每年设置7个共性品种,每个品种3个密度,对生理成熟后籽粒含水率、品种性状、气象和管理要素进行了监测,并利用基于扩散理论考虑空气温湿度的脱水模型对籽粒含水率进行了模拟,进而计算脱水曲线下的面积(AUDDC),用以筛选脱水优异的玉米品种。结果表明,基于扩散理论的籽粒脱水模型对玉米生理成熟后籽粒含水率的模拟效果较好;年份、地点和品种对生理成熟时籽粒含水率(M0)和水分扩散速率(k)具有显著影响,密度对脱水参数影响不显著。逐步线性回归分析得到灌浆期参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET0)、最高气温和灌水量对M0具有显著的正效应,生理成熟后30 d内ET0和灌浆中后期降雨对k具有显著的正效应,全生育期降雨对k具有显著的负效应。品种性状中对M0影响最大的为苞叶层数(正效应),对k影响最大的为叶片数(负效应)。通过模型计算得到,生理成熟后10 d华北地区春玉米籽粒含水率可以下降到28%,籽粒含水率下降到25%的概率为50%。由模型计算得到各品种生理成熟后10 d内的AUDDC,与AUDDC平均值比较发现‘京农科728’‘张1453’‘华农887’‘广德5’和‘金科玉3306’为脱水表现优异的品种。
Abstract:The moisture content of grains after physiological maturity (MCAM) is the key determinant of the quality of mechanical grain harvesting (MGH), which can significantly improve the production efficiency of maize. Therefore, the aim of this study was to accurately estimate MCAM, analyze the main influencing factors, and determine the harvest time of maize, and select appropriate varieties for MGH. In 2017 and 2018, spring maize field experiments were carried out in Botou, Nandagang, and Yutian of Hebei Province; and Yuci of Shanxi Province. Seven common maize varieties and three densities of each variety were set up each year to monitor MCAM. Variety characteristics, management, meteorological data, and grain moisture content after physiological maturity were determined. A model based on the diffusion theory was used to simulate MCAM considering the atmospheric temperature and humidity. The area under the dry down curve (AUDDC) was used to select the varieties that performed well in the grain dry down. The results showed that the model based on diffusion theory could simulate MCAM well. The year, site, and variety had significant influence on the grain moisture content at physiological maturity (M0) and the moisture diffusion rate (k), which were parameters of the model. However, the planting density had no significant effect on these two parameters. Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that ET0, the maximum temperature, and irrigation amount at grain-filling stage had significant positive effects on M0. The ET0 during the 30 days after physiological maturity and the rainfall in the middle-late grain-filling stage had significant positive effects on k. In contrast, rainfall during the entire growth period had a significant negative effect on k. The number of husk layers had the greatest influence on M0 (positive effect), and the number of leaves had the greatest influence on k (negative effect). Ten days after physiological maturity, the MCAM of spring maize in North China could be reduced to 28% in almost all circumstances and to 25% in half of the circumstances. The AUDDC during the 10 days after physiological maturity of each variety, was calculated using the model. Compared with the average AUDDC, it was found that 'Jingnongke 728' 'Zhang1453' 'Huanong 887' 'Guangde 5' and 'Jinkeyu 3306' displayed excellent dry down performance.
Key words:Spring maize in North China/
Mechanical grain harvesting/
Physiological maturity/
Moisture content of grains/
Grain dry down/
Diffusion theory
图12017年不同试验地点不同密度(60 000株?hm–2、75 000株?hm–2和90 000株?hm–2)下不同玉米品种生理成熟后籽粒脱水的模拟值(实线)与实测值(圆点)的对比(a、b、c分别代表泊头、南大港和榆次;1~7分别代表玉米品种‘郑单958’ ‘粒收1号’ ‘东单913’ ‘华农887’ ‘金科玉3306’ ‘广德5’和‘张1453’; Me为籽粒平衡含水量, R2为决定系数, RRMSE为相对均方根误差)
Figure1.Comparison between the simulated (solid lines) and measured (dotted lines) grain moisture contents after physiological maturity of different spring maize varieties with different planting densities (60 000 plants-hm'2, 75 000 plants-hm'2 and 90 000 plants-hm'2) in different experiment sites in 2017. The a, b and c represent experiment sites of Botou, Nandagang, Yuci, respectively. The 1 to 7 represent maize varieties of 'Zhengdan 9585 4Lishou No. V 'Dongdan 9135 'Huanong 8875 'Jinkeyu 33065 'Guangde 55 and 'Zhang 1453'. Me is the grain equilibrium moisture content. R2 is the coefficient of deter- mination; RRMSE is the relative root mean square error.
图22018年不同试验地点不同密度(60 000株?hm–2、75 000株?hm–2和90 000株?hm–2)下不同玉米品种生理成熟后籽粒脱水的模拟值(实线)与实测值(圆点)的对比(a、b、c分别代表泊头、南大港和榆次;1~7分别代表玉米品种‘郑单958’ ‘粒收1号’ ‘东单913’ ‘华农887’ ‘金科玉3306’ ‘广德5’和‘京农科728’; Me为籽粒平衡含水量, R2为决定系数, RRMSE为相对均方根误差)
Figure2.Comparison between the simulated (solid lines) and measured (dotted lines) grain moisture contents after physiological maturity of different spring maize varieties with different planting densities (60 000 plants-hm'2, 75 000 plants-hm'2 and 90 000 plants-hm'2) in different experiment sites in 2018. The a, b and c represent experiment sites of Botou, Nandagang, Yuci, respectively. The 1 to 7 represent maize varieties of 'Zhengdan 9585 4Lishou No. V 'Dongdan 9135 'Huanong 8875 'Jinkeyu 33065 'Guangde 55 and 'Jingnongke 728'. Me is the grain equilibrium moisture content. R2 is the coefficient of deter- mination; RRMSE is the relative root mean square error.
Figure3.Days after physiological maturity when spring maize grain moisture drying to 28% (a) and 25% (b) at each experiment site
图4春玉米生理成熟后籽粒平均脱水曲线(虚线为所有品种和地点两年平均脱水曲线, 实线为各品种所有地点两年平均脱水曲线)
Figure4.Average spring maize grain dry down curve after physiological maturity. (The dashed line represents the average maize grain dry down curve of all years, sites and varieties. The solid line represents the average maize grain dry down curve of all years and sites for each variety.)
Table1.Elevation and meteorological conditions of the four spring maize experimental sites
地点Site | 高程 Elevation (m) | 多年平均降雨量 Average annual precipitation (mm) | 多年平均蒸发量 Average annual evaporation (mm) | 多年平均气温 Average temperature (℃) | 多年平均相对湿度 Average relative humidity (%) | 多年平均日照时数 Average sunshine hours (h) |
泊头?Botou | 13.2 | 583.0 | 1 862.7 | 14.5 | 57.9 | 6.7 |
南大港?Nandagang | 6.6 | 575.7 | 1 977.0 | 14.0 | 61.3 | 7.8 |
榆次?Yuci | 831.2 | 507.2 | 1 833.0 | 11.6 | 55.9 | 7.5 |
玉田?Yutian | 14.4 | 569.0 | 1 576.8 | 11.5 | 64.3 | 6.8 |
Table2.Tillage method, sowing date, fertilization and irrigation of the four spring maize experiment sites in 2017 and 2018
年份Year | 地点Site | 耕作方式Tillage method | 播种日期(月-日) Sowing date (month-day) | 施肥量 Fertilization rate (kg·hm-2) | 灌溉量 Irrigation | |||||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | 时间(月-日) Date (month-day) | 灌水量 Irrigation amount (mm) | ||||||||
2017 | 泊头 Botou | 翻耕 Ploughing | 05-13 | 225 | 113 | 113.0 | 05-13 | 75 | ||||
06-18 | 75 | |||||||||||
南大港 Nandagang | 深翻旋耕 Deep ploughing and rotary tillage | 05-27 | 180 | 210 | 0 | 05-27 | 80 | |||||
榆次 Yuci | 深翻旋耕 Deep ploughing and rotary tillage | 05-08 | 240 | 124 | 74.5 | 07-12 | 75 | |||||
08-10 | 60 | |||||||||||
玉田Yutian | 旋耕Rotary tillage | 05-21 | 210 | 120 | 80.0 | 06-03 | 45 | |||||
2018 | 泊头Botou | 翻耕Ploughing | 05-10 | 225 | 113 | 113.0 | 05-02 | 75 | ||||
南大港 Nandagang | 深翻旋耕 Deep ploughing and rotary tillage | 05-23 | 180 | 210 | 0 | 05-23 | 80 | |||||
榆次 Yuci | 深翻旋耕 Deep ploughing and rotary tillage | 04-24 | 240 | 125 | 73.5 | 06-24 | 52.5 | |||||
07-02 | 52.5 | |||||||||||
08-03 | 52.5 |
Table3.Silking date (mouth-day) and physiological maturity date (mouth-day) of different spring maize varieties in different densities at four experiment sites in 2017 and 2018
年份 Year | 地点 Site | 密度 Plant density (plants·hm-2) | 郑单958 Zhengdan 958 | 粒收1号 Lishou No. 1 | 东单913 Dongdan 913 | 华农887 Huanong 887 | 金科玉3306 Jinkeyu 3306 | 广德5 Guangde 5 | 张1453 /京农科728 Zhang 1453 / Jingnongke 728 | |||||||||||||
吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | 吐丝 Silking | 生理成熟 Physiological maturity | |||||||||
2017 | 泊头 | 60 000 | 07-18 | 10-07 | 07-22 | 09-30 | 07-15 | 09-02 | 07-19 | 09-30 | 07-18 | 09-16 | 07-18 | 09-23 | 07-22 | 09-23 | ||||||
Botou | 75 000 | 07-19 | 10-07 | 07-22 | 09-30 | 07-16 | 09-02 | 07-19 | 09-30 | 07-18 | 09-16 | 07-18 | 09-23 | 07-22 | 09-23 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-20 | 10-07 | 07-22 | 09-30 | 07-16 | 09-02 | 07-19 | 09-30 | 07-18 | 09-16 | 07-18 | 09-23 | 07-22 | 09-23 | ||||||||
南大港 | 60 000 | 08-02 | 09-14 | 08-01 | 09-12 | 07-30 | 09-09 | 07-29 | 09-10 | 07-28 | 09-08 | 08-03 | 09-11 | 07-29 | 09-07 | |||||||
Nandagang | 75 000 | 08-02 | 09-14 | 08-01 | 09-12 | 07-30 | 09-09 | 07-29 | 09-10 | 07-28 | 09-08 | 08-03 | 09-11 | 07-29 | 09-07 | |||||||
90 000 | 08-02 | 09-14 | 08-01 | 09-12 | 07-30 | 09-09 | 07-29 | 09-10 | 07-28 | 09-08 | 08-03 | 09-11 | 07-29 | 09-07 | ||||||||
榆次 | 60 000 | 07-19 | 09-28 | 07-19 | 09-27 | 07-17 | 09-25 | 07-17 | 09-21 | 07-19 | 09-26 | 07-18 | 09-21 | 07-17 | 09-23 | |||||||
Yuci | 75 000 | 07-19 | 09-28 | 07-19 | 09-27 | 07-17 | 09-25 | 07-17 | 09-20 | 07-18 | 09-26 | 07-19 | 09-21 | 07-17 | 09-23 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-22 | 09-28 | 07-20 | 09-27 | 07-18 | 09-26 | 07-18 | 09-20 | 07-19 | 09-26 | 07-20 | 09-21 | 07-18 | 09-23 | ||||||||
玉田 | 60 000 | 07-22 | 09-16 | 07-21 | 09-19 | 07-20 | 09-14 | 07-20 | 09-18 | 07-20 | 09-12 | 07-29 | 09-15 | 07-02 | 09-14 | |||||||
Yutian | 75 000 | 07-23 | 09-16 | 07-21 | 09-19 | 07-20 | 09-17 | 07-20 | 09-18 | 07-20 | 09-12 | 07-29 | 09-16 | 07-02 | 09-20 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-24 | 09-16 | 07-21 | 09-20 | 07-20 | 09-16 | 07-20 | 09-18 | 07-20 | 09-12 | 07-29 | 09-16 | 07-02 | 09-20 | ||||||||
2018 | 泊头 | 60 000 | 07-13 | 09-17 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-09 | 08-29 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-01 | 08-29 | 07-11 | 08-29 | 07-08 | 08-29 | ||||||
Botou | 75 000 | 07-13 | 09-17 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-09 | 08-29 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-01 | 08-29 | 07-11 | 08-29 | 07-09 | 08-29 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-15 | 09-17 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-09 | 08-29 | 07-01 | 09-04 | 07-01 | 08-29 | 07-12 | 08-29 | 07-08 | 08-29 | ||||||||
南大港 | 60 000 | 07-22 | 09-21 | 07-25 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-17 | 07-21 | 09-16 | 07-22 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-19 | 07-22 | 09-13 | |||||||
Nandagang | 75 000 | 07-22 | 09-21 | 07-25 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-17 | 07-21 | 09-16 | 07-22 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-19 | 07-22 | 09-13 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-22 | 09-21 | 07-25 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-17 | 07-21 | 09-16 | 07-22 | 09-19 | 07-21 | 09-19 | 07-22 | 09-13 | ||||||||
榆次 | 60 000 | 07-04 | 09-17 | 07-06 | 09-20 | 07-04 | 09-11 | 07-03 | 09-12 | 07-06 | 09-13 | 07-05 | 09-06 | 07-05 | 09-06 | |||||||
Yuci | 75 000 | 07-05 | 09-17 | 07-06 | 09-20 | 07-04 | 09-11 | 07-04 | 09-12 | 07-06 | 09-13 | 07-05 | 09-06 | 07-05 | 09-06 | |||||||
90 000 | 07-05 | 09-17 | 07-06 | 09-20 | 07-03 | 09-11 | 07-03 | 09-12 | 07-06 | 09-13 | 07-05 | 09-06 | 07-05 | 09-06 |
Table4.Meteorological and management factors influencing dry down parameters of spring maize grain after physiological maturity
因素 Factor | 全生育期 Whole growth period | 灌浆期 Grain-filling stage | 灌浆中后期 Middle-late grain-filling stage | 成熟后30 d 30 days after maturity |
累积降雨量Cumulative precipitation | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 |
累积ET0 Cumulative ET0 | ET01 | ET02 | ET03 | ET04 |
积温Cumulative temperature | GDD1 | GDD2 | GDD3 | GDD4 |
平均气温Average temperature | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 |
平均最高气温Average maximum temperature | MaxT1 | MaxT2 | MaxT3 | MaxT4 |
平均最低气温Average minimum temperature | MinT1 | MinT2 | MinT3 | MinT4 |
平均风速Average wind speed | u1 | u2 | u3 | u4 |
平均日照时数Average sunshine hours | Sunhour1 | Sunhour2 | Sunhour3 | Sunhour4 |
平均相对湿度Average relative humidity | RH1 | RH2 | RH3 | RH4 |
灌水量Irrigation amount | IRRI1 | IRRI2 | IRRI3 | IRRI4 |
水分输入Water input | WATER1 | WATER2 | WATER3 | WATER4 |
水分输入/ET0 Water input / ET0 | WATER1ET01 | WATER1ET02 | WATER1ET03 | WATER1ET04 |
Table5.Analysis of variance on the effect of year, site, variety and density on spring maize grain moisture content at physiological maturity (M0) and grain dry down rate after physiological maturity (k)
差异来源 Sources of variance | P (Sig.) | |
M0 | k | |
年份Year (Y) | 0.000** | 0.034* |
地点Site (S) | 0.003** | 0.006** |
品种Variety(G) | 0.000** | 0.000** |
密度Density(D) | 0.891ns | 0.392ns |
Y × S | 0.243ns | 0.000** |
Y × G | 0.008** | 0.540ns |
Y × D | 0.548ns | 0.715ns |
S × G | 0.014* | 0.013* |
S × D | 0.897ns | 0.794ns |
G × D | 0.984ns | 1.000ns |
Y × S × G | 0.000** | 0.018* |
Y × S × D | 0.855ns | 0.787ns |
Y × G × D | 0.997ns | 0.999ns |
S× G × D | 1.000ns | 1.000ns |
ns表示在P=0.05水平不显著; *表示在P < 0.05水平显著; **表示在P < 0.01水平显著。ns: nonsignificant at P < 0.05 probability level; *: significant at P < 0.05 probability level; **: significant at P < 0.01 probability level. |
Table6.Results of stepwise regression analysis of spring maize grain moisture content at physiological maturity (M0) and grain dry down rate after physiological maturity (k) with the meteorological-management factors and the variety characteristics
因变量 Dependent variable | 自变量类型 Independent variable type | 模型 Model | 非标准化系数 Non standardized coefficient | 标准化系数 Standardized coefficient | t | Sig. | ANOVA Sig. | R2 |
M0 | 气象-管理参数Meteorological- management factors | 常量Constant | 71.782 | 9.376 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.310 | |
ET02 | -0.023 | -0.325 | -3.790 | 0.000 | ||||
MaxT2 | -1.143 | -0.415 | -4.353 | 0.000 | ||||
IRRI2 | -0.042 | -0.339 | -3.096 | 0.002 | ||||
品种性状 Variety characteristics | 常量Constant | 34.941 | 6.458 | 0.000 | 0.045 | 0.168 | ||
叶片数Leaf number | -0.012 | -0.012 | -0.086 | 0.932 | ||||
株高Plant height | -0.028 | -0.290 | -1.261 | 0.211 | ||||
穗位高Ear height | 0.002 | 0.015 | 0.063 | 0.950 | ||||
茎粗Stem diameter | 0.042 | 0.026 | 0.200 | 0.842 | ||||
苞叶层数Layers of husks | 0.228 | 0.136 | 1.028 | 0.307 | ||||
生理成熟时果穗下垂比例 Hanging-ear proportion at physiological maturity | -0.029 | -0.101 | -0.471 | 0.639 | ||||
生理成熟时植株倒伏比例 Lodging-plant proportion at physiological maturity | -0.042 | -0.191 | -0.854 | 0.396 | ||||
k | 气象-管理参数 Meteorological- management factors | 常量Constant | 0.031 | 3.073 | 0.003 | 0.000 | 0.444 | |
ET04 | 0.000 | 0.363 | 4.393 | 0.000 | ||||
P1 | 0.000 | -0.545 | -8.287 | 0.000 | ||||
u3 | 0.017 | 0.258 | 3.256 | 0.001 | ||||
品种性状 Variety characteristics | 常量Constant | 0.102 | 3.147 | 0.003 | 0.019 | 0.296 | ||
叶片数Leaf number | -0.002 | -0.638 | -3.905 | 0.000 | ||||
株高Plant height | 0.000 | -0.077 | -0.298 | 0.767 | ||||
穗位高Ear height | 0.000 | -0.264 | -0.934 | 0.355 | ||||
茎粗Stem diameter | -0.001 | -0.139 | -0.797 | 0.429 | ||||
苞叶层数Layers of husks | 0.000 | -0.079 | -0.443 | 0.659 | ||||
生理成熟时果穗下垂比例 Hanging-ear proportion at physiological maturity | 0.000 | -0.055 | -0.215 | 0.830 | ||||
生理成熟时植株倒伏比例 Lodging-plant proportion at physiological maturity | 0.000 | 0.163 | 0.582 | 0.563 | ||||
生理成熟后果穗下垂比例 Hanging-ear proportion after physiological maturity | 0.000 | -0.154 | -0.105 | 0.917 | ||||
生理成熟后植株倒伏比例 Lodging-plant proportion after physiological maturity | 0.000 | 0.283 | 0.192 | 0.849 | ||||
ET02为灌浆期ET0, MaxT2为灌浆期平均最高气温, IRRI2为灌浆期灌水量, ET04为生理成熟后30 d的ET0, P1为全生育期降雨量, u3为灌浆中后期的平均风速。ET02: cumulative ET0 during grain-filling stage; MaxT2: average maximum temperature during grain-filling stage; IRRI2: irrigation amount during grain-filling stage; ET04: cumulative ET0 at 30 days after physiological maturity; P1: cumulative precipitation during the whole growth period; u3: average wind speed during the middle-late grain-filling stage. |
Table7.Average grain moisture at physiological maturity (M0) and grain dry down rate after physiological maturity (k) of each cultivar of spring maize
品种?Variety | M0 (%) | k |
郑单958 ?Zhengdan 958 | 31.89 | 0.023 |
粒收1号?Lishou No.1 | 32.32 | 0.043 |
东单913 ?Dongdan 913 | 30.93 | 0.036 |
华农887 ?Huanong 887 | 29.26 | 0.036 |
金科玉3306?Jinkeyu 3306 | 31.27 | 0.044 |
广德5?Guangde 5 | 30.68 | 0.043 |
张1453?Zhang 1453 | 29.83 | 0.057 |
京农科728?Jingnongke 728 | 26.67 | 0.032 |
平均?Average | 30.59 | 0.039 |
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