1.农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站 北京 100125
2.宁波市农产品质量安全管理总站 宁波 315012
3.宁波天胜农牧发展有限公司 宁波 315012
4.中国农业大学资源与环境学院 北京 100193
5.西南大学农学与生物科技学院 重庆 400715
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFC0507203
作者简介:孙玉芳, 研究方向为农业经济管理和资源保护。E-mail:sunyufang06@163.com
通讯作者:段美春, 主要研究方向为农业景观与生物多样性。 E-mail:duanmc@swu.edu.cn
Effects of organic management on the diversity of α, β and γ of herbaceous plants in different agricultural habitats
SUN Yufang1,,CHEN Baoxiong1,
JIN Bin2,
ZHU Shenghai3,
ZHANG Songbai2,
ZHANG Hongbin1,
LI Yaokui1,
LIU Yunhui4,
DUAN Meichun5,,
1. Rural Energy & Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100125, China
2. Ningbo Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Management Station, Ningbo 315012, China
3. Ningbo Tiansheng Farming Development Co., LTD, Ningbo 315012, China
4. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
5. College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Funds: National Key R&D Program of China2018YFC0507203
Species Variety Resource Protection Fund of the Rural Energy&Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China2130135
More Information
Corresponding author:Corresponding author. E-mail:duanmc@swu.edu.cn
Abstract:Organic agriculture is conducive to increasing plant diversity in farmland, and rich plant communities can provide animals with a range of services, including sources of pollen for honey, host, and habitats. Although there have been many studies of the effect of organic management on plant α diversity in single farmland habitat, little research into β and γ diversity has been conducted. In this study, a large area of organically managed farmland and a nearby conventionally managed farmland with multi-habitats were selected, and the differences in the α, β, and γ diversity of herbaceous plants between two management practices and among different habitat types were studied. In both cases, the farmland habitats included vegetable greenhouse, orchard, open-air field, field boundary, and paddy ridge. The herb plant survey was conducted at the start of summer. Findings from ANOVA revealed that, though the average number of local herb plants and medicinal herb plants (α diversity) was significantly higher in all habitats in organic farmland than the case in conventional farmland, organic management only increased the number of herb plant and medicinal herb plant species in open-air field and the number of medicinal herb plant species in paddy ridge. The impact of organic management on other habitats was not significant. Under conventional management, there were no significant differences in the number of plant species among five habitat types. However, under organic management, the number of herb plant species in open-air field and medicinal herb plant species in paddy ridge were significantly higher than those in vegetable greenhouse. Results of non-metric multi-dimensional analysis based on the Manhattan index indicated that, although there was no difference in the overall species composition (β diversity) of organically managed farmland and conventionally managed farmland, there were significant differences between organic management and conventional management in the herb plant and medicinal herb plant species compositions of open-air field and paddy ridge. β diversity was higher in organic farmland than in conventional farmland, and relatively independent plant communities formed in different habitats. A rarefaction curve of species richness indicated that, although the total number of herb plant species and the number of medicinal herb species (γ diversity) in organically managed farmland were higher than those in conventionally managed farmland, the difference was not significant statistically. Organic management increased the α diversity and β diversity of herbaceous plants in both paddy ridge and open-air field, but there was no obviously beneficial effect of organic management in vegetable greenhouse, field boundary, and orchard. The increase in local α diversity and β diversity did not necessarily result in a significant increase in γ diversity. In summary, it cannot be concluded universally that organic agriculture can increase plant diversity in different habitats and at different spatial scales. It is necessary to specifically consider the differences in different habitats and diversity indices at different spatial scales. Longer implementation of organic management, low-frequency weeding, and artificial increases in the pool of local plant species can help increase herbaceous plant diversity of the entire region and in all habitat types.
All:所有的生境; DC:大棚蔬菜; GY:果园; LC:露天田块; NB:农田边界; SD:水稻田埂。不同小写字母表示同一生境下不同管理措施间的显著性差异(P < 0.05), 不同大写字母表示同一管理措施下不同生境间的显著性差异(P < 0.05)。
Figure1.Species richness of all herb plants (A) and medicinal herb plants (B) of different habitats of farmlands under organic and conventional management practices
All: all habitats; DC: vegetable greenhouse; GY: orchard; LC: open-air field; NB: field boundary; SD: paddy ridge. Different lowercase letters show significant differences between organic and conventional management practices in the same habitat type (P < 0.05). Different capital letters show significant differences among different habitats under the same management practice (P < 0.05).
图2有机管理和常规管理农田不同生境类型植被群落非度量多维度分析(NMDS)(A:所有草本植物, stress=0.22; B:药用草本植物, stress=0.19)
第1个字母为C代表常规管理的生境, O代表有机管理的生境; DC为大棚蔬菜; GY为果园; LC为露天田块; NB为农田边界; SD为水稻田埂。
Figure2.Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of plant community in different habitats of farmland under organic and conventional management practices (A: all herb plants, stress=0.22; B: medicinal herb plants, stress=0.19)
The first letter of codes represents different management practices, C means conventional management, and O means organic management. DC is vegetable greenhouse; GY is orchard; LC is open-air field; NB is field boundary; SD is paddy ridge.
圆点代表所有的草本植物, 三角形代表药用草本植物。
Figure3.Rarefaction curve of species richness of the plant community on small plots of the organic and conventional farmland
The dot represents all herb plants, and the triangle represents medicinal herb plants.
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