1.甘肃农业大学水利水电工程学院 兰州 730070
2.甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院 兰州 730070
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目51769001
作者简介:牛最荣, 主要研究方向为水文与水资源学。E-mail:niuzr@gsau.edu.cn
通讯作者:张芮, 主要研究方向为节水灌溉与水资源利用。E-mail:zhangrui@gsau.edu.cn
Effects of water stress at different growth stages on leaf physiological changes and fruit development of grape in greenhouse
NIU Zuirong1,,ZHAO Xia1,
ZHANG Rui1,,,
WANG Wangtian2,
WEN Wen1
1. College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2. College of Life Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China51769001
the National Natural Science Foundation of China51569002
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31560552
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Rui, E-mail:zhangrui@gsau.edu.cn
摘要:为探究鲜食日光温室葡萄高效节水生产的水分管理方式,选取日光温室6 a生葡萄‘红地球’为试验材料,以充分灌溉为对照[CK,土壤含水率为75%~100%的田间持水率(θf)],分别在萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期、果实膨大期、着色成熟期设置土壤含水率为55%θf(其他4个生育期为75%~100%θf)的5个水分胁迫处理,调查叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及膜质过氧化物丙二醛(MDA)和脯氨酸(Pro)含量、果实纵横径、果实硬度、单粒重量和产量,研究日光温室葡萄叶片生理和果实产量对水分胁迫的响应机制。结果表明,在果实膨大期、着色成熟期施加水分胁迫均会显著降低葡萄叶片SOD活性和Pro含量,导致MDA含量大量积累,对叶片产生不利影响。在萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期进行水分胁迫对葡萄叶片SOD活性、Pro含量影响不大,但对叶片MDA含量的影响具有滞后效应。果实膨大期水分胁迫葡萄产量仅为14 830 kg·hm–2,较CK和萌芽期、新梢生长期水分胁迫显著减产20%以上。因此,水分胁迫显著降低果实膨大期SOD活性及渗透调节物质含量,增加膜质过氧化物含量,并导致产量降低,该时期不宜进行亏水处理;生长前期的水分胁迫对葡萄叶片的生理和果实的影响不显著。
Abstract:Gansu Hexi Corridor is one of the main grape producing areas in China. In recent years, the greenhouse cultivation improved the price of table grape and farmers income. However, as a high water demand economic crop, grape has been affected by drought in Hexi Corridor. The key to solve the contradiction between grape planting and shortage of water resources is to promote the water-saving and efficient production mode of grape cultivation. In order to explore the efficient water management mode and water-saving production of table grape in greenhouse, the experiment was conducted in a 6-year-old vineyard with water stress (the soil moisture was controlled at 55% to 75% of field water holding capacity) at budburst stage (its duration was 14 d), shoot elongation stage (its duration was 20 d), flowering-fruit bearing stage (its duration was 11 d), fruit enlargement stage (its duration was 72 d), and coloring maturity stage (its duration was 97 d), respectively; while the other stages was at full irrigation (the soil moisture content was up to 75%-100% of field water holding capacity). And the full-irrigation during the whole growth period of grape was set as the contral treatment (CK). The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and proline (Pro), as well as fruit diameter, hardness of fruit, single fruit weight and yield were observed, which were used for study the response mechanism of grape leaf physiology and fruit yield to water stress. The results showed that the SOD activity and Pro content of grape leaves were significantly reduced by water stress at fruit enlargement stage and coloring maturity stage. The MDA content of grape leaves was also significantly increased by water stress during the above two long growing stages, which had a negative effect on grape leaves. The water stresses at budburst stage, shoot elongation and flowering-fruit bearing stages had no significant effects on SOD activity and Pro content of grape leaves, significantly impacted MDA content of grape leaves. The yield under water stress at fruit enlargement stage was 14 830 kg·hm-2, which decreased by more than 20% compared with CK, and treatments of water stress at budburst stage and shoot elongation stage. Therefore, the water stress during fruit expansion stage in greenhouse significantly decreased SOD activity and osmoregulation substances contents, increased MDA content, and led to yield decrease of grape. In Gansu Hexi Corridor, it was not suitable to apply water stress at fruit expansion stage for greenhouse grape. The water stress in the early growth period had no significant effect on the physiology of grape leaves and fruit.
Key words:Grape/
Water stress/
Growth stage/
Leaf physiology/
Fruit development/
Table1.Lower limits of soil water content (at percentage of field capacity) at different growth stages of grapes under different water stress treatments
处理 Treatment | 水分胁迫时期 Water stress period | 生育期 Growth stage | ||||
萌芽期 Bud burst stage | 新梢生长期 Shoot elongation stage | 开花坐果期 Flowering-fruit bearing stage | 果实膨大期 Fruit enlargement stage | 着色成熟期 Coloring maturity stage | ||
T1 | 萌芽期Bud burst stage | 55 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
T2 | 新梢生长期Shoot elongation stage | 75 | 55 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
T3 | 开花坐果期Flowering-fruit bearing stage | 75 | 75 | 55 | 75 | 75 |
T4 | 果实膨大期Fruit enlargement stage | 75 | 75 | 75 | 55 | 75 |
T5 | 着色成熟期Coloring maturity stage | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 55 |
CK | 无水分胁迫No water stress | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 | 75 |
Table2.Effects of water stress at different growth stages on SOD activities of grape leaves at different growth stages
生育期Growth stage | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | CK |
萌芽期Bud burst | 101.99±11.22ab | 108.51±5.00ab | 97.97±0.56ab | 94.50±2.18b | 91.59±9.57b | 116.05±4.09a |
新梢生长期Shoot elongation | 26.77±2.40bcd | 20.04±0.50cd | 22.23±0.48bcd | 40.06±6.02ab | 51.16±5.39a | 14.67±2.25d |
开花坐果期Flowering-fruit bearing | 79.21±9.35b | 79.01±6.94b | 3.62±1.24c | 116.16±5.66a | 77.83±0.93b | 108.71±3.13a |
果实膨大期Fruit enlargement | 50.13±4.73bc | 31.12±4.55c | 29.43±5.83c | 43.83±4.43bc | 71.99±6.13b | 105.15±11.51a |
着色成熟期Coloring maturity | 38.55±3.41bc | 41.96±7.02ab | 60.08±5.84ab | 53.30±2.47ab | 10.28±2.94c | 68.35±10.33a |
T1、T2、T3、T4和T5处理的水分胁迫时期分别为萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期、果实膨大期和着色成熟期。CK处理在葡萄的生育期无水分胁迫。同行不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The water stress periods of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments are bud burst, shoot elongation, flowering-fruit bearing, fruit enlargement and coloring maturity stages, respectively. CK is the control treatment, without water stress. Different lowercases in the same line indicate significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |
Table3.Effects of water stress at different growth stages on MDA contents of grape leaves at different growth stages
生育期Growth stage | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | CK |
萌芽期Bud burst | 6.23±1.69a | 6.21±1.95a | 8.41±1.64a | 7.09±0.89a | 7.14±0.37a | 8.57±0.25a |
新梢生长期Shoot elongation | 30.69±2.86a | 21.29±3.18ab | 23.96±2.52ab | 27.83±2.39ab | 27.83±3.39ab | 15.28±1.76b |
开花坐果期Flowering-fruit bearing | 14.52±2.42c | 27.41±2.86a | 11.50±0.46c | 22.45±0.58bc | 24.60±1.72ab | 14.83±0.32c |
果实膨大期Fruit enlargement | 17.06±0.20cd | 23.52±2.42abc | 19.56±2.68bcd | 29.77±4.22a | 14.00±1.60d | 26.66±1.52ab |
着色成熟期Coloring maturity | 9.35±1.41b | 9.44±0.77b | 9.28±0.55b | 9.97±0.55b | 12.25±0.30a | 10.97±0.45ab |
T1、T2、T3、T4和T5处理的水分胁迫时期分别为萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期、果实膨大期和着色成熟期。CK处理在葡萄的生育期无水分胁迫。同行不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The water stress periods of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments are bud burst, shoot elongation, flowering-fruit bearing, fruit enlargement and coloring maturity stages, respectively. CK is the control treatment, without water stress. Different lowercases in the same line indicate significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |
Table4.Effects of water stress at different growth stages on proline contents of grape leaves at different growth stages
生育期Growth stage | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | CK |
萌芽期Bud burst | 5.94±0.92a | 5.12±0.24a | 7.50±1.93a | 5.03±0.61a | 6.41±0.26a | 6.08±0.12a |
新梢生长期Shoot elongation | 4.63±0.79b | 7.61±0.81ab | 6.65±0.92ab | 8.31±0.35a | 6.75±0.70ab | 5.04±0.52ab |
开花坐果期Flowering-fruit bearing | 8.87±1.26a | 6.44±1.28a | 5.68±1.02a | 5.35±1.12a | 5.78±0.74a | 5.35±1.21a |
果实膨大期Fruit enlargement | 6.94±0.73ab | 5.76±0.44b | 6.09±1.58ab | 5.69±0.20b | 6.48±0.25ab | 8.11±0.34a |
着色成熟期Coloring maturity | 7.78±0.79ab | 8.52±0.60a | 6.78±0.20ab | 7.97±0.29ab | 5.20±0.71b | 5.58±1.09ab |
T1、T2、T3、T4和T5处理的水分胁迫时期分别为萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期、果实膨大期和着色成熟期。CK处理在葡萄的生育期无水分胁迫。同行不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The water stress periods of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments are bud burst, shoot elongation, flowering-fruit bearing, fruit enlargement and coloring maturity stages, respectively. CK is the control treatment, without water stress. Different lowercases in the same line indicate significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |
Table5.Effects of water stress at different growth stages on physical properties of fruits and yield of grape
处理 Treatment | 果粒橫径 Fruit transverse diameter (mm) | 果粒纵径 Fruit longitudinal diameter (mm) | 果形指数 Fruit shape index | 果实硬度 Fruit hardness (kg·cm–2) | 单粒重量 Weight of single grain (g) | 产量 Yield (kg·hm–2) |
T1 | 19.6±0.5b | 21.6±0.4c | 1.10±0.02a | 7.31±0.43a | 7.01±0.38b | 18 965±1 698a |
T2 | 19.8±0.2ab | 21.8±0.2bc | 1.10±0.02a | 7.32±0.43a | 7.12±0.41b | 19 010±1 193a |
T3 | 20.9±0.5ab | 22.9±0.2ab | 1.10±0.03a | 7.27±0.70a | 7.43±0.33ab | 17 047±719ab |
T4 | 19.6±0.4b | 21.0±0.4c | 1.07±0.00a | 7.31±0.63a | 6.64±0.17b | 14 830±1 021b |
T5 | 21.1±0.8ab | 23.2±0.6a | 1.10±0.02a | 5.31±0.42b | 7.32±0.61ab | 18 022±991ab |
CK | 21.3±0.3a | 23.7±0.3a | 1.11±0.00a | 7.24±0.09a | 8.30±0.15a | 18 534±1 157a |
T1、T2、T3、T4和T5处理分别为萌芽期、新梢生长期、开花坐果期、果实膨大期和着色成熟期水分胁迫; CK为对照处理, 无水分胁迫。同列不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The water stress periods of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 treatments are bud burst, shoot elongation, flowering-fruit bearing, fruit enlargement and coloring maturity stages, respectively. CK is the control treatment, without water stress. Different lowercases in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |
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