1.上海交通大学农业与生物学院 上海 200240
2.江苏省盐城市大丰区光明食品集团上海农场有限公司 盐城 224151
3.上海市松江区农业技术推广中心 上海 201613
4.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/农业部植物营养与肥料重点实验室 北京 100081
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题2016YFD08011106
作者简介:宋蝶, 主要研究方向为农业生态学。E-mail:lmtsd681@163.com
通讯作者:曹林奎, 主要研究方向为农业面源污染防控。E-mail:clk@sjtu.edu.cn
Effect of nutrient expert recommendation fertilization on rice yield and fertilizer use in northern Jiangsu Province
SONG Die1,,CHEN Xinbing2,
DONG Yangyang3,
SHA Zhimin1,
XU Xinpeng4,
CAO Linkui1,,
1. School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China
2. Guangming Food Group Shanghai Farm Co., Ltd, Yancheng 224151, China
3. Shanghai Songjiang District Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Shanghai 201613, China
4. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFD08011106
More Information
Corresponding author:CAO Linkui, E-mail: clk@sjtu.edu.cn
摘要:苏北地区水稻集约化种植体系中存在氮肥施用过量、施肥时期与肥料配比不合理、肥料利用率低等现象,是农民收益增加和农业可持续发展的限制因子。为科学、系统地指导苏北地区稻田施肥,提高水稻养分利用效率并降低环境风险,本研究基于地块土壤性状、产量目标及养分管理措施等信息,运行水稻养分专家系统(Nutrient Expert System,NE)进行施肥推荐,并通过田间试验比较了NE推荐施肥对苏北地区水稻产量、经济效益、养分吸收、肥料利用率的影响。试验共设置5个处理,分别为水稻养分专家系统推荐施肥(NE),基于NE处理的减氮(NE-N)、减磷(NE-P)和减钾(NE-K)处理,以及农民习惯施肥(FP)。结果表明:与FP处理相比,NE处理的氮、磷肥偏生产力分别提高44.77%和6.32%,其中氮肥偏生产力达到显著水平(P < 0.05);钾肥偏生产力显著降低33.55%(P < 0.05);氮肥、钾肥回收利用率显著提高4.91%、19.35%,磷肥回收利用率与FP处理基本相同。相比于FP处理,NE处理在减少氮肥投入,保证氮、磷、钾肥平衡施用的条件下,水稻增产2.23%,增收6.24%,但差异不显著;水稻植株籽粒中磷和钾积累量分别增加10.32%和51.63%,其中后者达显著水平(P < 0.05)。综上所述,水稻养分专家系统在苏北地区依据地块信息和智能化施肥系统,指导优化了氮、磷、钾肥的施用量和施用方法,促进了水稻对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收和利用,提高了肥料利用率,具有较好的增产增收效果,可以在苏北地区推广应用。
Abstract:The overuse of nitrogen fertilizer, inadequate fertilization rate and time, and low fertilizer use efficiency in intensive agriculture have become the main limiting factors to farmers' income and sustainable agricultural development in northern Jiangsu Province, China. In order to optimize fertilizer management, improve the nutrient use efficiency, and reduce environmental risks in paddy fields in this region, we conducted nutrient expert (NE)-based fertilizer recommendation based on soil properties, targeted yield, and nutrient management information. Field experiments were designed to investigate the effects of NE on rice yield, economic benefit, nutrient uptake, and fertilizer use efficiency. Five treatments were used in the experiments, including (1) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer input calculated using NE, (2-4) eliminating nitrogen, phosphorous or potassium input in the NE treatment, and (5) farmers' conventional fertilization (FP). Results showed that, when compared with the FP treatment, partial productivity of N and P2O5 in the NE treatment was 44.77% (P < 0.05) and 6.32% higher respectively, while partial productivity of K2O decreased significantly by 33.55% (P < 0.05). The recovery efficiency of N and K2O in NE was significantly higher than that of FP by 4.91% and 19.35%, respectively; while the recovery efficiency of P2O5 was approximately the same as that in FP. Where the NE treatment involved reducing nitrogen fertilizer input and ensuring the balanced application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the rice yield and farmers' income in this treatment were improved by 2.23% and 6.24%, respectively; however there were no significant differences compared to FP. The phosphorus and potassium accumulation in rice grains in the NE treatment had increased by 10.32% (P > 0.05) and 51.63% (P < 0.05), respectively. In conclusion, the use of NE-based recommendations resulted in an adequate ratio of N, P, and K, as well as optimizing fertilizer management, promoting the absorption and utilization of N, P, and K in rice, and improving rice yields and farmers' income. Therefore, we highly recommend using the NE system for fertilizer management in rice paddy fields in the northern Jiangsu Province of China.

不同小写字母表示同一养分不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among treatments for the same nutrient (P < 0.05).
Figure1.Effects of different fertilization treatments on nutrient accumulation of rice grains (A) and straws (B)

Table1.Fertilizer types and application rates at different times of each treatment ?
处理 Treatment | 肥料 Fertilizer | 基肥 Base fertilizer | 返青肥 Dressing of regreening | 分蘖肥 Tillering stage dressing | 平衡肥 Balanced fertilizer | 促花肥 Spikelet-promoting fertilizer |
NE | 尿素Urea | 163.05 | 163.05 | 108.70 | 108.70 | |
过磷酸钙Calcium superphosphate | 468.75 | |||||
硫酸钾Potassium sulfate | 80.00 | 80.00 | 80.00 | |||
NE-N | 过磷酸钙Calcium superphosphate | 468.75 | ||||
硫酸钾Potassium sulfate | 80.00 | 80.00 | 80.00 | |||
NE-P | 尿素Urea | 163.05 | 163.05 | 108.70 | 108.70 | |
硫酸钾Potassium sulfate | 80.00 | 80.00 | 80.00 | |||
NE-K | 尿素Urea | 163.05 | 163.05 | 108.70 | 108.70 | |
过磷酸钙Calcium superphosphate | 468.75 | |||||
FP | 复合肥Compound fertilizer | 266.50 | 255.00 | |||
尿素Urea | 112.50 | 112.50 | 150.00 | 112.50 | 112.50 |

Table2.Effects of different fertilization treatments on yield and economic benefit of rice
处理 Treatment | 产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | NE处理较其他处理 Comparison with NE | 化肥投入 Fertilizer input ( ·hm-2) | 收益 Gains ( ·hm-2) | 纯收益 Net income ( ·hm-2) | 产投比 Production-input ratio | |
增产 Yield increase (kg·hm-2) | 增产率 Yield increasing rate (%) | ||||||
NE | 7 891±809a | — | — | 2 208 | 32 351a | 30 144a | 13.66b |
NE-N | 6 300±946c | 1 591 | 25.25 | 1 133 | 25 828c | 24 695b | 21.81a |
NE-P | 6 990±77ab | 901 | 12.89 | 1 795 | 28 659abc | 26 864ab | 14.97b |
NE-K | 6 685±535bc | 1 206 | 18.04 | 1 488 | 27 408bc | 25 920ab | 17.43b |
FP | 7 719±545ab | 172 | 2.23 | 3 273 | 31 646ab | 28 373ab | 8.67c |
稻米价格为4.1元·kg-1, N、P2O5、K2O和15-15-15复合肥价格分别为4.3元·kg-1、5.5元·kg-1、6.0元·kg-1和4.0元·kg-1。同列不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The price of rice is 4.1 ·kg-1, the price of N, P2O5, K2O and 15-15-15 compound fertilizer is 4.3, 5.5, 6.0 and 4.0 ·kg-1, respectively. Different lowercase letters within the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |

Table3.Fertilizer efficiency of rice under different fertilization treatments
处理Treatment | 肥料偏生产力Partial productivity of fertilizer (kg·kg-1) | 肥料回收利用率Fertilizer recovery utilization rate (%) | 肥料农学效率Fertilizer agronomic efficiency (kg·kg-1) | ||||||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | N | P2O5 | K2O | N | P2O5 | K2O | |||
NE | 31.65±3.24a | 105.21±10.79a | 65.75±6.75b | 21.74±1.12a | 12.03±2.06a | 23.42±1.49a | 6.36±2.52a | 12.01±5.65a | 10.05±1.34a | ||
NE-N | — | 83.99±12.61b | 52.50±7.88c | — | — | — | — | — | — | ||
NE-P | 27.96±0.31b | — | 58.25±0.64bc | — | — | — | — | — | — | ||
NE-K | 26.74±2.14b | 89.12±7.13b | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | ||
FP | 21.80±1.54c | 98.96±6.98a | 98.96±6.98a | 16.83±1.77b | 11.70±1.01a | 4.70±0.89b | 4.01±1.15a | 9.34±3.75a | 13.26±3.37a | ||
同列不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters within the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |

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