河北农业大学资源与环境学院 保定 071000
基金项目: “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0200403
作者简介:李亚楠, 主要从事养分资源管理与利用研究。E-mail:418740967@qq.com
通讯作者:马文奇, 主要从事养分资源管理与利用研究。E-mail:mawq@hebau.edu.cn
Establishment and assessment of management systems for wheat and maize with high yield and nitrogen use efficiency based on GIS at the village level
LI Yanan,WANG Haodan,
QU Hongrui,
CAO Hongzhu,
TONG Bingxin,
CUI Shilei,
HAN Yanru,
MA Wenqi,
College of Resources and Environmental Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0200403
the National Basic Research Program of China2015CB150405
More Information
Corresponding author:MA Wenqi, E-mail:mawq@hebau.edu.cn
Abstract:Smallholder farmers are the main body of agricultural production in China, but there are big variations in the crop yields and efficiency of resource utilization among these farmers. To increase the yield and nutrient use efficiency of crops and ensure precise management of smallholders' plots, this research established a management system for wheat and maize that produces high yield and nitrogen use efficiency at the village level, based on GIS using C# language. The verification of system effects was carried out through the field comparative test on the farmland and a feasibility evaluation was conducted by investigating farmers. During the farmer survey, the farmers were classified into 3 categories, which included the test farmers in whose fields the comparative test was conducted, radiation farmers who often interacted with researchers, and ordinary farmers who were not influenced by researchers. The results showed that the management system, based on peasant household plots, created high yield and nitrogen use efficiency for each farmer in the village, through information queries, data analyses, management decision making, system management, and other functional modules. The results of 22 comparative experiments in two years showed that, compared with the farmers practice treatment (FP), the treatment with high yield and nitrogen use efficiency (DH), recommended by the system, increased the winter wheat yield and partial nitrogen fertilizer productivity (PFPN) by 10.8% and 28.5%, respectively. The treatment system (DH) recommended during the maize season increased the yield and PFPN by 10.3% and 16.9%, respectively. This indicated that, with technological support from the recommendation system, farmers could be increasing their yield and nitrogen use efficiency of the winter wheat and summer maize, simultaneously. The results of the farmers' investigation showed that smallholders had a high degree of recognition for the management system, making it feasible to use the system for technical recommendations. Farmers had a high recognition for the recommended technologies for winter wheat and summer maize, but the adoption rate varied greatly. In particular, the adoption rate of recommended wheat varieties was 94%, but the adoption rate of precision sowing technology for winter wheat was 29%. The adoption rate of densification technology and late harvest technology of summer maize was only 2% and 35%, respectively. The recognition and adoption rates of the test and radiation households, which were greatly influenced by the technical recommendations made by the scientific and technical personnel, were higher than that of the ordinary peasant households. This indicated that it was feasible to popularize the management system to peasant households. In conclusion, the management system of winter wheat and summer maize for high yield and nitrogen use efficiency incorporated the auxiliary decision-making of crop management technology for smallholder plots, and had a significant effect on increasing the yield and nutrient use efficiency, which provided the possibility of achieving high crop yield and nutrient efficiency in large areas.
Key words:Small holder farmers/
High yield and efficiency/
Management system/
Nitrogen use efficiency

Figure1.Fertilization formulas of basal fertilizer for wheat (a) and total fertilizer for maize (b) in Yangong Village

FP:农民习惯处理; DH:高产高效处理。不同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平上差异显著。图中箱式图框内的上中下3条黑色实线分别代表 75%分位、50%分位和25%分位, 框外的上下两条横线分别代表 90%分位和10%分位, 框内的虚线为平均值。
Figure2.Yield comparison of wheat (A) and maize (B) under different treatments of management
FP means farmer practices; DH means practice of high yield and nitrogen use efficiency of crops. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between two treatments at 5% level. The upper, middle and lower black solid lines in the box chart represent 75%, 50% and 25% quantiles, respectively. The upper and lower horizontal lines outside the box represent 90% and 10% quantiles, respectively. The dotted line in the box is the average.

FP:农民习惯处理; DH:高产高效处理。不同小写字母表示处理间在5%水平上差异显著。图中箱式图框内的上中下3条黑色实线分别代表 75%分位、50%分位和25%分位, 框外的上下两条横线分别代表 90%分位和10%分位, 框内的虚线为平均值。
Figure3.Comparison of nitrogen partial productivities (PFPN) of wheat (A) and maize (B) under different treatments of management
FP means farmer practices; DH means practice of high yield and nitrogen use efficiency of crops. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between two treatments at 5% level. The upper, middle and lower black solid lines in the box chart represent 75%, 50% and 25% quantiles, respectively. The upper and lower horizontal lines outside the box represent 90% and 10% quantiles, respectively. The dotted line in the box is the average.

AH:所有户; TH:试验户; RH:辐射户; OH:普通户。
Figure4.Farm households' recognition of the crop management system with high yield and nitrogen use efficiency at village level
AH: all investigated households; TH: test households; RH: radiation households; OH: ordinary households.

AH:所有户; TH:试验户; RH:辐射户; OH:普通户。
Figure5.Farm households' recognition (a) and adoption rate (b) of key technologies in wheat
AH: all investigated households; TH: test households; RH: radiation households; OH: ordinary households.

AH:所有户; TH:试验户; RH:辐射户; OH:普通户。
Figure6.Farm households' recognition (a) and adoption rate (b) of key technologies in maize
AH: all investigated households; TH: test households; RH: radiation households; OH: ordinary households.

Table1.Basic data of high yield and efficiency management system for wheat and maize at village level
属性数据Attributive data | 调查指标Survey indicator |
农户基本信息 Basic information of farm households | 劳动力人口数、户主年龄、受教育程度、联系方式、收入来源、农业及非农业收入状况 Size of labor force, age and education level of householder, contact information, income source, agricultural and non-agricultural income |
农田基本信息 Farmland basic information | 地块位置、耕地面积、土壤类型、土壤养分含量、承包租赁情况 Plot location, arable land area, soil type, soil nutrients contents, and leasehold status |
农户种植结构信息 Planting structure information of farmer | 作物种类、近五年种植变化、作物出售比例及价格 Crop varieties, planting changes in recent five years, crop sales proportion and price |
作物种植管理信息 Planting management information of crops | 品种、播期、播量、肥料养分含量、施肥量、灌溉次数及时期、打药次数及时期、秸秆还田情况、产量 Variety, sowing date, seeding rate, nutrient content of fertilizer, amount of fertilizer applied, number and period of irrigation, number and period of pesticides application, straw returning to field, yield |
作物高产高效管理技术 Management techniques for high yield and efficiency of crops | 推荐优良品种、适宜播期、播量、施肥量、打药次数及时期、灌溉次数及时期 Recommendation of excellent varieties, suitable sowing time and seeding rate, application amount and times of fertilizer and pesticide, times and period of irrigation |

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