任晓东1, 3,
要家威1, 2,
1.中国科学院农业水资源重点实验室/河北省节水农业重点实验室/中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022
2.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
3.青海师范大学生命与地理科学学院 西宁 810000
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题2016YFC0401403
作者简介:姜寒冰, 主要从事作物水分利用效率和农田水平衡过程研究。E-mail:jianghanbing16@163.com
通讯作者:沈彦俊, 主要从事生态水文过程的研究。E-mail:yjshen@sjziam.ac.cn
A review of progress in research and scaling-up methods of crop water use efficiency
JIANG Hanbing1, 2,,ZHANG Yucui1,
REN Xiaodong1, 3,
YAO Jiawei1, 2,
SHEN Yanjun1,,
1. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Hebei Laboratory of Water-Saving Agriculture/Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shi-jiazhuang 050022, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. College of Biological and Geo-graphical Sciences, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810000, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Plan of China2016YFC0401403
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31870422
the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei ProvinceD2016503001
the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences2017138
More Information
Corresponding author:SHEN Yanjun, E-mail:yjshen@sjziam.ac.cn
Abstract:Increasing crop water use efficiency (WUE) is an effective way of alleviating agricultural water scarcity. The scaling up of water use efficiency is the basis for mutual representation, verification and application of achievements at various scales. This paper summarized the main observation technologies of leaf-scale, plant-scale and plantation-scale WUE. At present, the widely used methods include leaf gas exchange measurement, carbon isotopic discrimination, pot weighing method, eddy covariance system, etc. Carbon isotope discrimination provides a new idea for the study of long-term cumulative effects of crop water use conditions which is also available at every scale. We reviewed the impacting factors and the related physiological mechanisms of crop water use at multi-scale WUE. Crop WUE at each scale was regulated by stomatal conductance and crops usually regulated stomatal aperture to response to temperature, humidity, CO2 and other interactive environmental factors. Stomatal optimization theory essentially sought optimal state of stomata under complex environmental conditions to coordinate the process of photosynthesis and transpiration of crops. Instantaneous WUE at leaf scale cannot directly represent water use status at larger spatial and temporal scales. Thus we also discussed the feasibility of scaling up WUE from leaf to plant to plantation scales and analyzed the main limiting factors at each scale transfer. We pointed out the difficulties in transfer from leaf to plant in terms of WUE. It mainly focused on three points-uncertainty in leaf and light distributions, plant nighttime respiration and transpiration, and plant physiological adjustment mechanisms. Research on leaf to plant to plantation scale transfer was mainly influenced by canopy internal resistance, boundary layer resistance, soil evaporation, night transpiration of crops, crop water use and assimilates partitioning mechanism. Finally, existing research achievements on scale transfer were summarized. At present, WUE scale transfer depended mainly on improvement of models and observation methods. The transfer from leaf to plant focused on separation of water use during day and night and photosynthetic characteristics of each part of the crop. For transfer from leaf to plant to plantation scale, studies explored efficient ways. First, studies understood the structure of evapotranspiration and confirmed the characteristics of water use. Second, studies used the relationship between stomatal and canopy conductance as breakthrough point via models to explore transfer mechanisms. Actually, several models had already been established and applied in this respect.
Key words:Water use efficiency/
Scaling up/
Carbon isotopic discrimination/
Stomatal conductance
Table1.Definition and measurement methods of water use efficiency (WUE) under different scales
尺度 Scale | WUE | 计算公式 Formula | 观测手段 Measurement method | 应用意义 Application |
叶片 Single leaf | WUET | A/T | 气体交换法, 稳定碳同位素技术[6] Gas exchange measurement, stable carbon isotope technology[6] | 作物生理状态表征[7-8] Plant ecophysiology characterization[7-8] |
WUEi | A/gs | |||
植株 Single plant | WUEp | TB/T | 称重法、稳定碳同位素技术[9] Pot weighting method, stable carbon isotope technology[9] | 作物育种优良单株选择[10] Superior plant selection in crop breeding[10] |
群体 Population | WUEc | GPP/ET; NPP/ET; NEE/ET | 涡度相关技术、遥感监测、农田水平衡[11-13] Eddy Covariance Technology, remote sensing monitor, field water balance[11-13] | 生态系统综合评价[14] Ecology system assessment[14] |
WUEf | TB/ET; Yield/ET | |||
WUET:瞬时水分利用效率; WUEi:内部水分利用效率; WUEp:植株尺度水分利用效率; WUEc:冠层水平水分利用效率; WUEf:农田尺度水分利用效率; A:净CO2吸收速率; T:蒸腾速率; gs:气孔导度; TB:干物质量; GPP:初级生产力; NPP:净初级生产力; NEE:净生态系统碳交换量; ET:蒸散耗水量。Yield:产量。WUET: instantaneous WUE; WUEi: internal WUE; WUEp: WUE at plant scale; WUEc: WUE at canopy level; WUEf: WUE at field scale. A: net CO2 absorption rate; T: transpiration rate; gs: stomatal conductance; TB: dry biomass weight; GPP: gross primary productivity; NPP: net primary productivity; NEE: net ecosystem carbon exchange; ET: evapotranspiration. |
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Table2.Achievements of water use efficiency (WUE) of crops and scale-up methods under different scales
研究尺度 Scale | 关键因素 Vital factors | 主要成果 Primary achievement | 文献和年份 Reference and year |
叶片(已应用于多个尺度) Single leaf (applied to multiple scales) | 多环境因子 Multiple environmental factors | 水碳耦合模型(已发展出BWB模型, BBL模型等) Water-carbon coupling model (BWB model, BBL model, et al) | [40] 1988 |
叶片 Single leaf | 边界层导度 Boundary layer conductance | 光合-蒸腾-气孔导度耦合模型 Integrated photosynthesis-transpiration-stomatal conductance model | [41] 1998 |
叶片 Single leaf | 叶肉细胞导度、气孔行为 Mesophyll conductance; stomatal behavior | SMPT-SB模型 SMPT-SB model | [42] 2003 |
叶片-冠层 From single leaf to canopy | 光合有效辐射、饱和水汽压差 Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), water vapor deficit (VPD) | 构建气孔导度到冠层导度的尺度拓展估算模型 A model scaling up from leaf stomatal conductance to canopy conductance | [43] 2011 |
叶片、单株 Single leaf, single plant | 水分条件 Water condition | 适度水分亏缺下, 叶片气孔导度可作为单株WUE的指示因子 Stomatal conductance of leaves can be used as an indicator of the whole-plant WUE under moderate water deficit | [25] 2012 |
叶片、单株 Single leaf, single plant | 暗处理 Dark treatment | 暗处理下的叶片气孔导度比枯萎叶片的最小导度更能指示单株 WUE Dark-adapted leaf stomatal conductance, but not minimum leaf conductance of wilted leaves, predicts whole-plant WUE | [44] 2013 |
叶片-冠层 From single leaf to canopy | 光合有效辐射(阴生叶、阳生叶) PAR (sun-leaf; shading-leaf) | 双源双叶模型 Dual-source dual-leaf model | [45] 2014 |
叶片、单株 Single leaf, single plant | 饱和水汽压差、叶片位置 VPD; leaf position | 叶片向单株拓展的主要限制因素 Main limitations of scaling up from single leaf to plant | [4] 2015 |
叶片、单株、冠层 Single leaf, single, plant canopy | 多环境因子 Multiple environmental factors | 各尺度观测结果的不确定性 Uncertainty of measurements at multi-scales | [46] 2017 |
叶片、单株 Single leaf, single plant | 叶片水势 Leaf water potential | 利用植物结构功能模型模拟优化不同冠层形状的 WUE WUE simulation of different canopy type with Functional-Structural Plant Models | [47] 2016 |
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