马永清1, 3,,
1.西北农林科技大学林学院 杨凌 712100
2.安徽大学资源与环境工程学院 合肥 230601
3.中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室 杨凌 712100
基金项目: 新疆生产建设兵团现代科技攻关与成果转化项目2016AC007
作者简介:王玥, 主要从事列当生物防除研究。E-mail:vbwy@hotmail.com
通讯作者:马永清, 主要从事化感作用与根寄生植物研究。E-mail:mayongqing@ms.iswc.ac.cn
Effect of maize and gibberellic acid on sunflower broomrape germination, control and growth in sunflower field
WANG Yue1,,YE Xiaoxin2,
WANG Kai1,
LI Pufang3,
GUO Zhenguo1,
CHEN Fangjie1,
MA Yongqing1, 3,,
1. College of Forestry, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China
2. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Water Resources, Yangling 712100, China
Funds: the Science and Technology Plan for Agriculture and Social Development by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps2016AC007
Northwest A&F University Doctoral Research Start-up Fee2452015338
More Information
Corresponding author:MA Yongqing, E-mail:mayongqing@ms.iswc.ac.cn
摘要:向日葵列当(Orobanche cumana Wallr.)是一种根寄生草本植物,对向日葵等经济作物造成严重危害。为了减少向日葵列当对向日葵的寄生,降低土壤中向日葵列当种子库,本试验以新疆地区广泛种植的玉米品种‘京糯一号’和‘新玉57号’为研究材料,通过穴盘试验研究在不同时期(出苗后10 d和15 d)施加两种不同浓度赤霉素(10-4mol·L-1和10-5mol·L-1)对上述两个品种玉米生长发育和分泌列当萌发刺激物质的影响;24 d后收集并提取玉米根系分泌物,用其进行刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发试验,从而筛选出刺激向日葵列当种子萌发能力较强的玉米品种进行盆栽试验。通过盆栽试验,在玉米种植后的不同时期(20 d和40 d)喷施10-4mol·L-1赤霉素以探究玉米与赤霉素共同防除向日葵列当种子的效果,收获时(105 d后)采集玉米地上部、根和根际土样品,用其甲醇浸提液刺激向日葵列当种子萌发;次年在种植过玉米的盆中种植后茬作物向日葵,收获时测定向日葵的农艺指标并统计向日葵列当的出土数。结果表明:穴盘试验中施加赤霉素对玉米的株高有显著增高作用,对玉米根系分泌萌发刺激物质没有抑制作用,即在玉米生长时期可以施加10-4mol·L-1和10-5mol·L-1赤霉素。此外,‘新玉57号’根系分泌物的100倍稀释液刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发率显著高于‘京糯一号’,因此选取‘新玉57号’作为盆栽试验的玉米品种。盆栽试验中不同时期施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素,玉米株高同样显著高于对照,增长率分别为22.5%、19.1%。次年种植后茬作物向日葵,在第20 d向玉米施加赤霉素处理的盆中种植的向日葵的花盘直径比对照(种植玉米时不施加赤霉素)显著增加57.1%。与对照相比,在种植玉米后的20 d和40 d施加赤霉素的处理种植向日葵,向日葵列当的出土数分别是1.3个·盆-1、1.8个·盆-1,分别降低76.4%和67.3%。因此,可以在玉米种植的后20 d和40 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素,与玉米共同诱导向日葵列当种子“自杀发芽”,以减少向日葵列当对向日葵植株的危害。
Abstract:Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic, herbaceous root plant that has severe effect on industrial crops like sunflower. In order to reduce the parasitic effect of sunflower broomrape on sunflower and sunflower broomrape seed bank, two generalized maize varieties ('Jingnuo No. 1', 'Xinyu No. 57') in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China were used in a plug tray experiment to study the effects of application of two exogenous concentrations of gibberellin acid (10-4 mol·L-1 and 10-5 mol·L-1) at different periods (10 d and 15 d after germination) on maize growth and development, and secretion of stimulant of sunflower broomrape seed germination. The study screened out more capable maize variety for pot experiment by collecting and extracting root exudates of maize to stimulate sunflower broomrape seed germination after 24 days. Through applying GA3(10-4 mol·L-1) at different times after planting, the study also explored the combined effects of maize and GA3 on controlling sunflower broomrape seeds. Thus in the pot experiment, GA3 was exogenously applied 20 and 40 days after planting maize, and plant samples (leaves, stems and roots) and rhizosphere soils collected at harvest (105 d) were used to further analyze sunflower broomrape seed germination. Sunflowers were planted in pots that were planted with maize in the past years. The epigaeous number of sunflower broomrape was counted and sunflower plants of agronomic index measured at harvest. The results showed the application of GA3 in the plug tray experiment had a significant effect on maize height. In addition, there was no inhibiting effect on maize in terms of secreting germination stimulant of sunflower broomrape. Thus, it was productive to apply GA3(10-4 mol·L-1 and 10-5 mol·L-1) during maize growth period. Moreover, 100-dilution of root exudate of 'Xinyu No. 57' maize variety showed more significantly stimulating effect on sunflower broomrape germination rate than 'Jingnuo No. 1', 'Xinyu No. 57' was finally used in the pot experiment. In the pot experiment, maize heights under 10-4 mol·L-1 GA3 application after 20 and 40 days of maize planting were higher than that under the control (no application of GA3), with respective increases of 22.5% and 19.1%. Sunflower was planted in the second year after maize, which was treated by GA3at 20 days after planting. The diameter of sunflower disk increased by 57.1% compared with the control. Compared with control, the number of epigaeous sunflower broomrape was 1.3·plot-1 and 1.8·plot-1, which suggested decreases of 76.4% and 67.3%, respectively. In conclusion, the application of 10-4 mol·L-1 GA3 to maize after 20 and 40 days of planting stopped sunflower broomrape seed germination and thereby reduced sunflower broomrape damage to sunflower.
Key words:Sunflower broomrape/
Seed germination/
Gibberellin acid/
Root exudate

两个玉米品种在一起进行多重比较, 不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。10-4(1)和10-4(2)分别代表玉米出苗后10 d和15 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素, 10-5(1)和10-5(2)分别代表玉米出苗后10 d和15 d施加10-5mol·L-1赤霉素, CK代表施加水处理。Two maize varieties were multiple compared. Different small letters mean significant difference among different treatments at 0.05 level. 10-4(1) and 10-4(2) represent applied 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 at 10 days and 15 days after maize germination, respectively. 10-5(1) and 10-5(2) represent applied 10-5mol·L-1 GA3 at 10 days and 15 days after maize germination, respectively. CK represent applied water.
Figure1.Sunflower broomrape seeds germination rates induced by undiluted (a), 10-diluted (b) and 100-diluted (c) root exudates of different varieties of maize applied with different concentrations of GA3 at different times

不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P < 0.05), d20和d40分别代表玉米播种后20 d和40 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素, CK代表不施加赤霉素。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among different treatments at 0.05 level. d20 and d40 represent applying 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 at 20 days and 40 days after sowing of maize, respectively. CK represent not applying GA3.
Figure2.Sunflower broomrape seeds germination rates induced by methanolic extracts of aboveground (a), roots (b) and rhizophere soils (c) of maize applied GA3 at different times in the pot experiment

Table1.Effects of different concentrations of GA3 applied in different times on maize seedlings growth
玉米品种 Maize variety | 处理 Treatment | 株高 Height(cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area(cm2) | 地上部生物量Aboveground biomass (g) | 根部生物量Root biomass (g) | |||
鲜重 Fresh weight | 干重 Dry weight | 鲜重 Fresh weight | 干重 Dry weight | |||||
京糯一号 Jingnuo No. 1 | 10-4(1) | 55.1±3.9bc | 21.3±2.7ab | 18.9±1.2bc | 5.3±0.4a | 9.3±0.6e | 3.7±0.2a | |
10-4(2) | 47.0±2.1bcd | 34.2±2.1ab | 18.8±1.4bc | 5.2±0.3a | 11.6±0.7de | 3.9±0.2a | ||
10-5(1) | 52.7±1.5bc | 34.5±2.6ab | 17.7±1.5c | 4.7±0.4a | 9.8±0.8de | 3.8±0.3a | ||
10-5(2) | 44.7±1.8cd | 19.3±3.4b | 12.0±1.5c | 4.7±0.6a | 9.4±1.2e | 3.7±0.5a | ||
CK | 39.4±1.2d | 26.5±2.5ab | 18.9±2.4bc | 5.4±0.4a | 11.8±1.0de | 3.9±0.3a | ||
新玉57号 Xinyu No. 57 | 10-4(1) | 72.9±2.0a | 27.5±4.2ab | 18.8±1.4bc | 4.6±0.3a | 14.7±1.1cde | 4.6±0.3a | |
10-4(2) | 56.4±2.9bc | 30.5±3.2ab | 29.8±1.6a | 4.6±0.2a | 22.7±1.2a | 4.6±0.2a | ||
10-5(1) | 57.9±1.6b | 33.9±2.9ab | 17.9±0.7c | 4.5±0.2a | 15.8±0.5bcd | 4.5±0.1a | ||
10-5(2) | 55.3±2.9bc | 40.7±3.5a | 26.5±2.4ab | 5.1±0.4a | 22.0±2.2ab | 4.9±0.5a | ||
CK | 44.8±3.6cd | 27.2±3.4ab | 19.7±2.1bc | 4.5±0.5a | 19.9±2.1abc | 4.5±0.5a | ||
同列数据后不同小写字母表示Tukey法检验在P < 0.05水平差异显著。10-4(1)和10-4(2)分别代表玉米出苗后10 d和15 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素, 10-5(1)和10-5(2)分别代表玉米出苗后10 d和15 d施加10-5mol·L-1赤霉素, CK代表施加水处理。Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level by Tukey test. 10-4(1) and 10-4(2) represent applied 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 at 10 days and 15 days after maize germination, respectively. 10-5(1) and 10-5(2) represent applied 10-5mol·L-1 GA3 at 10 days and 15 days after maize germination, respectively. CK represent applied water. |

Table2.Variance analysis results of maize cultivars and application of GA3 on the germination of sunflower broomrape seeds
处理Treatment | 自由度df | F值F-value |
玉米品种Maize cultivar | 1 | 9.56** |
赤霉素的喷施 Application of GA3 | 4 | 1.03 |
交互作用Interaction effect | 4 | 3.49** |
*和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平影响显著。* or ** show significant effects at P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 levels, respectively. |

Table3.Effects of application of GA3 at different times on maize growth in the pot experiment
处理 Treatment | 株高 Height (cm) | 叶面积 Leaf area (cm2) | 地上部生物量Aboveground biomass (g) | 根部生物量Root biomass (g) | |||
鲜重Fresh weight | 干重Dry weight | 鲜重Fresh weight | 干重Dry weight | ||||
d20 | 130.7±7.7a | 222.3±18.1a | 141.1±20.6a | 26.4±4.0ab | 18.8±1.6b | 3.4±0.3b | |
d40 | 127.1±7.8a | 232.3±19.9a | 243.4±40.1a | 46.3±7.6a | 48.2±6.4a | 9.6±1.1a | |
CK | 106.7±3.5b | 248.4±14.4a | 146.3±20.8a | 26.3±3.8b | 37.4±6.2ab | 8.2±1.1a | |
d20、d40分别代表种植玉米后的第20 d和第40 d施加赤霉素, CK代表不施加赤霉素。同列数据后不同小写字母表示Tukey法检验在P < 0.05水平差异显著。d20 and d40 represent applying GA3 at the 20th day and the 40th day after planting maize, respectively. CK represents no applying GA3. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level by Tukey test. |

Table4.Effects of applying GA3 in different times of maize season on the growth of succeeding crop sunflower
处理 Treatment | 株高 Seedling height (cm) | 花盘鲜重 Fresh weight of flowers (g) | 花盘直径 Head diameter (g) | 地上部生物量Aboveground biomass (g) | 根部生物量Root biomass (g) | |||
鲜重 Fresh weight | 干重 Dry weight | 鲜重 Fresh weight | 干重 Dry weight | |||||
PC | 137.1±10.2a | 113.8±22.8a | 9.6±1.1a | 160.3±5.9a | 30.3±2.7a | 25.3±4.2a | 5.4±1.9a | |
CK | 123.5±6.9a | 27.5±7.3c | 3.6±0.6c | 115.7±26.6a | 27.3±2.9a | 18.4±1.0a | 2.8±0.3a | |
d20 | 134.8±7.5a | 105.8±17.8ab | 8.4±0.8ab | 141.7±9.4a | 25.2±3.6a | 27.1±3.8a | 4.8±1.8a | |
d40 | 134.4±7.5a | 41.8±7.7bc | 5.9±0.7bc | 194.3±19.9a | 34.6±3.8a | 30.0±4.3a | 5.3±1.4a | |
PC:无向日葵列当种子也未施加赤霉素; CK:有向日葵列当种子但未施加赤霉素; d20:玉米播播种后20 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素且有向日葵列当种子; d40:玉米播种后40 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素且有向日葵列当种子。同列数据后不同小写字母表示Tukey法检验在P < 0.05水平差异显著。PC: no adding sunflower broomrape seeds into soil and no applying GA3; CK: adding sunflower broomrape seeds without applying GA3; d20: adding sunflower broomrape seeds with 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 application at 20 days after maize seeding in the last year; d40: adding sunflower broomrape seeds with 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 application at 40 days after maize seeding in the last year. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level by Tukey test. |

Table5.Effects of applying GA3 in different times of maize season on parasitism and biomass of sunflower broomrape in the succeeding crop sunflower
指标Index | d20 | d40 | 对照CK |
出土数Epigaeous number (number·plot-1) | 1.3±0.5b | 1.8±0.5b | 5.5±1.4a |
寄生总数Attached number (number·plant-1) | 2.8±0.8b | 2.8±0.4b | 7.7±2.0a |
出土率Epigaeous rate (%) | 50.0±0.2a | 66.7±0.2a | 75.1±0.1a |
地上鲜重Fresh weight of aboveground (g·plot-1) | 1.9±0.7a | 3.2±1.1a | 1.4±0.4a |
总鲜重Total fresh weight (g·plot-1) | 5.2±0.7a | 9.9±2.1a | 7.9±1.4a |
地下干重Dry weight of underground (g·plot-1) | 0.8±0.2b | 1.5±0.2ab | 3.6±0.9a |
d20:玉米播播种后20 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素且有向日葵列当种子; d40:玉米播种后40 d施加10-4mol·L-1赤霉素且有向日葵列当种子; CK:有向日葵列当种子但未施加赤霉素。同列数据后不同小写字母表示Tukey法检验在P < 0.05水平差异显著。d20: adding sunflower broomrape seeds with 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 application at 20 days after maize seeding in the last year; d40: adding sunflower broomrape seeds with 10-4mol·L-1 GA3 application at 40 days after maize seeding in the last year; CK: adding sunflower broomrape seeds without applying GA3. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level by Tukey test. |

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