江西农业大学生态科学研究中心 南昌 330045
基金项目: 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目GJJ160395
作者简介:杨滨娟, 研究方向为耕作制度与农业生态。E-mail:yangbinjuan27@sina.com
通讯作者:黄国勤, 研究方向为作物学、生态学、农业发展与区域农业、资源环境与可持续发展等。E-mail:hgqjxes@sina.com
Comparison of resources use efficiencies among paddy-upland multi-crop rotation systems in the middle reaches of Yangtze River
YANG Binjuan,SUN Danping,
ZHANG Yingrui,
HUANG Guoqin,
Center for Ecological Science Research, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
Funds: the Project for Science and Technology Research of Department of Education of Jiangxi ProvinceGJJ160395
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFD0300208
the National Key Technology R & D Program of China2012BAD14B14
More Information
Corresponding author:HUANG Guoqin, E-mail:hgqjxes@sina.com
Abstract:A field experiment was conducted to search for the possibility of efficient use of farmland resources, maintain virtuous circle of agricultural ecology and optimize traditional planting patterns in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. The use efficiencies of solar radiation, heat, water and land in 5 paddy-upland multi-crop rotation systems (winter fallow-early rice-late rice → winter fallow-early rice-late rice, potato-maize soybean ‖ -late rice → vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice, vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice, milk vetch-early rice-late rice → rapeseed-peanut-late rice, rapeseed-peanut-late rice → potato-maize‖ soybean-late rice) with continuous cropping with winter fallow as the control were analyzed. Results showed that solar radiation use efficiency in winter, late season and for the year under paddy-upland multi-cropping rotation patterns was higher than continuous cropping with winter fallow. Annual solar radiation use efficiency was respectively 8.26%-82.50% and 2.63%-121.42% higher than continuous winter fallow during the two years. Vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice pattern had the highest solar radiation use efficiency in winter, spring and in the whole year. Annual effective accumulated temperature utilization rate of paddy-upland multi-cropping rotation patterns was higher than that of continuous cropping with winter fallow, which were respectively 12.87%-21.26% and 11.17%-25.88% higher than continuous cropping with winter fallow during the two years. Vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice pattern was the best among all patterns. Water use efficiency in winter, late season and for the year under paddy-upland multi-cropping rotation patterns was higher than that of continuous cropping with winter fallow, with annual water use efficiencies respectively 45.36%-83.50% and 40.00%-118.75% higher during the two years. Potato-maize soybean ‖ -late rice → vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice pattern was best in late season and annual year. Vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice was the highest in winter. Land use efficiency of green manure-early rice-late rice rotation pattern was the highest, with an average utilization rate of 96.11%. Land use efficiency of vegetable-peanut maize ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice multi-cropping pattern was the highest. Comprehensive analysis showed that annual solar radiation use efficiency, annual effective accumulated temperature utilization rate, water use efficiency and land use efficiency under paddy-upland multi-cropping rotation patterns were higher than that under continuous cropping with winter fallow. Vegetable-peanut corn ‖ -late rice → green manure-early rice-late rice, and milk vetch-early rice-late rice → rapeseed-peanut-late rice performed better and thus suitable for promotion in the middle reaches of Yangtze River.
Key words:Middle reaches of Yangtze River/
Paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems/
Planting patterns/
Solar radiation use efficiency/
Accumulated temperature utilization rate/
Water use efficiency/
Land use efficiency
Table1.Treatments description
处理 Treatment | 第1年度(2013年冬—2014年秋) The first year (winter 2013—autumn 2014) | 第2年度(2014年冬—2015年秋) The second year (winter 2014—autumn 2015) | 备注 Note |
A(CK) | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 连作冬闲系统 Continuous cropping with winter fallow system |
B | 马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 水旱复种轮作系统 Paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems |
C | 蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice | 水旱复种轮作系统 Paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems |
D | 绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice | 油菜-花生-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 水旱复种轮作系统 Paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems |
E | 油菜-花生-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 水旱复种轮作系统 Paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems |
“-”表示接茬, “‖”表示间作。“-” represents continuous planting; “‖” represents intercropping. |

Table2.Heat of per unit dry matter of crops of the tested paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems
农作物 Crop | 热值 Heat value(103 cal·kg-1) | 单位干物质热量 Heat of per unit dry matter (kJ·kg-1) |
稻谷Rice | 3 700.0 | 15 466.0 |
稻草Straw | 3 360.0 | 14 044.8 |
蔬菜(干) Vegetable (dry) | 3 918.0 | 16 377.2 |
花生Peanut | 5 600.0 | 23 408.0 |
玉米籽实Grains of maize | 3 950.0 | 16 511.0 |
玉米秸秆Straw of maize | 3 470.0 | 14 504.6 |
紫云英Milk vetch | 4 785.0 | 20 000.0 |
油菜籽Rapeseed | 6 300.0 | 26 334.0 |
油菜秆Rape straw | 3 380.0 | 14 128.4 |
马铃薯(鲜) Potato (fresh) | 890.0 | 3 720.2 |
大豆Soybean | 3 620.0 | 15 131.6 |

Table3.Solar radiation use efficiencies of different paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems %
试验 Experiment | 种植模式 Cropping pattern | 冬季 Winter season | 春季 Spring season | 晚季 Later season | 周年 Annual |
2014年 In 2014 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.000 | 0.350 | 0.473 | 0.823 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 0.131 | 0.218 | 0.542 | 0.891 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 0.692 | 0.332 | 0.478 | 1.502 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 0.361 | 0.399 | 0.539 | 1.299 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 0.835 | 0.180 | 0.484 | 1.498 | |
2015年 In 2015 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.000 | 0.324 | 0.437 | 0.761 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 0.760 | 0.440 | 0.484 | 1.685 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 0.449 | 0.343 | 0.529 | 1.321 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 0.771 | 0.202 | 0.453 | 1.427 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 0.114 | 0.213 | 0.453 | 0.781 | |
复种均值 Mean of multiple cropping | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.000 | 0.337 | 0.455 | 0.792 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 0.726 | 0.386 | 0.481 | 1.593 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 0.405 | 0.371 | 0.534 | 1.310 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 0.803 | 0.191 | 0.468 | 1.463 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 0.123 | 0.216 | 0.498 | 0.836 | |
轮作均值 Mean of rotation | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻→冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter fallow-early rice-late rice→winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.000 | 0.337 | 0.455 | 0.792 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻→蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice→vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 0.446 | 0.329 | 0.513 | 1.288 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻→绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice→green manure-early rice-late rice | 0.571 | 0.338 | 0.503 | 1.412 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻→油菜-花生-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice→rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 0.566 | 0.301 | 0.496 | 1.363 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻→马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice→potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 0.474 | 0.197 | 0.468 | 1.139 |

Table4.Utilization rates of annual effective accumulated temperature of different paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems
试验 Experiment | 种植模式 Cropping pattern | 有效积温Effective accumulated temperature (℃) | 年有效积温利用率 Utilization rate of annual effective accumulated temperature (%) | |||
冬季 Winterseason | 春季 Springseason | 晚季 Laterseason | 周年 Annual | |||
2014年 In 2014 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 1 396.00 | 1 569.00 | 4 022.00 | 73.72 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 294.00 | 1 483.50 | 1 569.00 | 4 022.00 | 83.20 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 337.00 | 1 483.50 | 1 569.00 | 4 022.00 | 84.27 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 630.50 | 1 396.00 | 1 569.00 | 4 022.00 | 89.40 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 337.00 | 1 483.50 | 1 569.00 | 4 022.00 | 84.27 | |
2015年 In 2015 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 1 309.00 | 1 597.00 | 3 913.50 | 74.26 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 324.50 | 1 309.00 | 1 597.00 | 3 913.50 | 82.55 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 752.00 | 1 309.00 | 1 597.00 | 3 913.50 | 93.47 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 324.50 | 1 309.00 | 1 597.00 | 3 913.50 | 82.55 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 324.50 | 1 309.00 | 1 597.00 | 3 913.50 | 82.55 | |
复种均值 Mean of multiple cropping | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 1 352.50 | 1 583.00 | 3 967.75 | 73.98 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 330.75 | 1 396.25 | 1 583.00 | 3 967.75 | 83.42 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 691.25 | 1 352.50 | 1 583.00 | 3 967.75 | 91.41 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 330.75 | 1 396.25 | 1 583.00 | 3 967.75 | 83.42 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 309.25 | 1 396.25 | 1 583.00 | 3 967.75 | 82.88 | |
轮作均值 Mean of rotation | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻→冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter Fallow-early rice-late rice→winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 2 705.00 | 3 166.00 | 7 935.50 | 73.98 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻→蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice→vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 618.50 | 2 792.50 | 3 166.00 | 7 935.50 | 82.88 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻→绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice→green manure-early rice-late rice | 1 089.00 | 2 792.50 | 3 166.00 | 7 935.50 | 88.81 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻→油菜-花生-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice→rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 955.00 | 2 705.00 | 3 166.00 | 7 935.50 | 86.02 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻→马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice→potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 661.50 | 2 792.50 | 3 166.00 | 7 935.50 | 83.42 |

Table5.Water use efficiencies of different paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems
kg·m-3 | |||||
试验 Experiment | 种植模式 Cropping pattern | 冬季 Winter season | 春季 Spring season | 晚季 Later season | 周年 Annual |
2014年 In 2014 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 0.89 | 2.20 | 0.97 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 2.00 | 0.59 | 2.52 | 1.44 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 3.24 | 0.78 | 2.22 | 1.78 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 1.21 | 1.01 | 2.51 | 1.43 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 2.43 | 0.37 | 2.25 | 1.41 | |
2015年 In 2015 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 0.74 | 1.85 | 0.80 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 1.57 | 0.91 | 2.05 | 1.75 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 1.43 | 0.78 | 2.24 | 1.26 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 2.04 | 0.37 | 1.92 | 1.19 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 1.50 | 0.52 | 1.92 | 1.12 | |
复种均值 Mean of multiple cropping | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 0.81 | 2.03 | 0.88 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 2.40 | 0.84 | 2.14 | 1.77 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 1.32 | 0.90 | 2.37 | 1.34 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 2.24 | 0.37 | 2.08 | 1.30 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 1.75 | 0.56 | 2.22 | 1.28 | |
轮作合计 Total of rotation | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻→冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter fallow-early rice-late rice→winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0.00 | 0.81 | 2.03 | 0.88 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻→蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice→vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 1.78 | 0.75 | 2.29 | 1.60 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻→绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice→green manure-early rice-late rice | 2.34 | 0.78 | 2.23 | 1.52 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻→油菜-花生-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice→rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 1.63 | 0.69 | 2.21 | 1.31 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻→马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice→potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 1.96 | 0.44 | 2.08 | 1.26 |

Table6.Land use efficiencies of different paddy-upland multiple cropping rotation systems
试验 Experiment | 种植模式 Cropping pattern | 土地利用期 Land use period (d) | 土地利用率 Land use efficiency (%) | |||
冬季 Winter season | 春季 Spring season | 晚季 Later season | 周年 Annual | |||
2014年 In 2014 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0 | 89 | 99 | 188 | 52.222 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 129 | 97 | 99 | 325 | 90.278 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 137 | 97 | 99 | 333 | 92.500 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 156 | 89 | 99 | 344 | 95.556 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 137 | 97 | 99 | 333 | 92.500 | |
2015年 In 2015 | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0 | 78 | 108 | 186 | 51.667 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 151 | 75 | 108 | 334 | 92.778 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 162 | 78 | 108 | 348 | 96.667 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 151 | 75 | 108 | 334 | 92.778 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 151 | 75 | 108 | 334 | 92.778 | |
复种合计 Total of multiple cropping | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻Winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0 | 167 | 207 | 374 | 51.233 |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 288 | 172 | 207 | 667 | 91.370 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻Green manure-early rice-late rice | 318 | 167 | 207 | 692 | 94.795 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻Rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 288 | 172 | 207 | 667 | 91.370 | |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 280 | 172 | 207 | 659 | 90.274 | |
轮作合计 Total of rotation | 冬闲-早稻-晚稻→冬闲-早稻-晚稻 Winter fallow-early rice-late rice→winter fallow-early rice-late rice | 0 | 167 | 207 | 374 | 51.233 |
马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻→蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻 Potato-maize‖soybean-late rice→vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice | 280 | 172 | 207 | 659 | 90.274 | |
蔬菜-花生‖玉米-晚稻→绿肥-早稻-晚稻 Vegetable-peanut‖corn-late rice→green manure-early rice-late rice | 299 | 175 | 207 | 681 | 93.288 | |
绿肥-早稻-晚稻→油菜-花生-晚稻 Green manure-early rice-late rice→rapeseed-peanut-late rice | 307 | 164 | 207 | 678 | 92.877 | |
油菜-花生-晚稻→马铃薯-玉米‖大豆-晚稻 Rapeseed-peanut-late rice→potato-maize‖soybean-late rice | 288 | 172 | 207 | 667 | 91.370 |

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