

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

周晚来1, 2, 3,,
屠乃美2, 3,
易镇邪2, 3,,
1.中国农业科学院麻类研究所 长沙 410205
2.湖南农业大学农学院 长沙 410128
3.南方粮油作物协同创新中心 长沙 410128
基金项目: 中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目ASTIP-IBFC07

作者简介:周晚来, 主要研究方向为作物栽培技术与原理。E-mail:aruofly@126.com
通讯作者:王朝云, 主要从事环保型麻地膜制造与应用研究, E-mail: ibfcwcy@139.com
易镇邪, 主要从事作物高产与资源高效利用研究, E-mail: yizhenxie@126.com




Research progresses in the effects of rhizosphere oxygen-increasing on rice root morphology and physiology

ZHOU Wanlai1, 2, 3,,
YI Yongjian1,
TU Naimei2, 3,
TAN Zhijian1,
WANG Hongying1,
YANG Yuanru1,
WANG Chaoyun1,,,
YI Zhenxie2, 3,,
1. Institute of Bast Fiber Crops, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changsha 410205, China
2. College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
3. South Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops in China, Changsha 410128, China
Funds: the Science and Technology Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesASTIP-IBFC07
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31701372
the Basal Research Fund of Chinese Academy of Agricultural SciencesY2016CG14
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2017YFD0301500

More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Chaoyun, E-mail: ibfcwcy@139.com;YI Zhenxie, E-mail: yizhenxie@126.com


Abstract:Rhizosphere oxygen is an important environmental factor that influences paddy filed environment and physiological metabolism of rice root. Existing reviews about rhizosphere oxygen are usually from the perspectives of hypoxia or anoxia stress. In recent years, more and more researchers implemented active oxygen-increasing in rice cultivation and obtained a large number of results. Rhizosphere oxygen-increasing significantly affects the morphology and structure of hydroponic rice root, making rice roots slender and elongated. It may be due to the reduced demand for preventing the leakage of oxygen and invasion of reducing substances, which means there is no need to form a barrier against radial O2 loss, so the thickness of outer layer cell wall of root is smaller than that under hypoxic or anoxic stress conditions. It's suggested that there is an internal consistency among the root morphology, structure and functional requirements of rice under aerobic condition. Rhizosphere oxygen-increasing significantly promotes root vigor with an increment from 10% to 150% and with great differences among varieties. From the aspects of root morphology, physiological activity and transformation of nitrogen form in root-zone, e.g., the increased fine root, the raised root vigor, the enhanced nitrification under aerobic treatment, rhizosphere oxygen-increasing is beneficial for rice roots to uptake nitrogen, however its effects on nitrogen accumulation in rice is complex and related with the method and degree of oxygen-increasing treatment. Excessive oxygen-increasing inhibits the use of nitrogen in rice plants, thus limiting the increase in biomass, which in turn inhibits the absorption and accumulation of nitrogen. Response of rice to oxygen-increasing is not a simple reverse of that to hypoxia or anoxia stress, the dramatic yield decrease of rice under oxygen-saturation treatment demonstrated the complexity of rice response to oxygen-enrichment environment. It's proposed that exploring the effects of rhizosphere oxygen-increasing on pre-third-leaf stage rice seedling and rice nitrogen metabolism, quantifying the demand for oxygen of field rice and seeking feasible oxygen-increasing measures in seedling stage was of great significance for further improving rice seedling raising technology and theory.
Key words:Rice/
Rhizosphere oxygen-increasing/
Root morphology/
Root activity/
Nitrogen metabolism


Table1.Effects of rhizosphere oxygen-increasing on root activity of rice in different researches
Method of oxygen-increasing
Growth stage
Investigation index
Increase percent (%)
Literature source
Alternation of wetting and drying
Guodao 1
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
13.0 [57]
Guodao 1
Filling stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
31.0 [57]
Xiushui 09
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
12.6 [57]
Oxygen saturation hydroponics through continuous ventilation
Guodao 1
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
11.8 [32]
Xiushui 09
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
127.9 [32]
Brazil Upland Rice
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
152.5 [32]
Guodao 6
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
28.7 [33]
Xiushui 09
Tillering stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
4.1 [33]
Shanyou 63
Full heading stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
119.5 [27]
Guodao 1
Full heading stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
72.7 [27]
Xiangzaoxian 11
Full heading stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
11.3 [27]
Yongjing 18
Full heading stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
37.1 [27]
Rhizosphere soil ventilaiton
Shenyou 9586
Beginning tillering stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
23.6 [62]
Shenyou 9586
Middle tillering stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
25.4 [62]
Shenyou 9586
Ending tillering stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
20.9 [62]
Aerobic irrigation with ultrafine bubble water
Shenyou 9586
Tillering stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
114.9 [63]
Xiushui 09
Full heading stage
Bleeding intensity
33.4 [60]
Full heading stage
Bleeding intensity
22.9 [60]
Shenyou 9586
Full heading stage
Reduction intensity of tetrazole
135.3 [63]
Aerobic irrigation
Zhongyou 6
Bleeding intensity
32.3 [64]
Bleeding intensity
30.0 [64]
Zhongyou 6
Booting stage
Bleeding intensity
27.7 [64]
Booting stage
Bleeding intensity
17.2 [64]
Urea hydrogen peroxide
Guodao 1
Filling stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
19.2 [57]
Calcium peroxide
Guodao 1
Filling stage
Oxidation intensity of α-naphthylamine
32.6 [57]

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