

Astaxanthin Functional Rice: New Idea of Biofortification, New Perspectives for High-quality Rice Breeding
Li Zhu

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朱丽, 钱前. 虾青素功能米: 生物强化新思路, 优质米培育新资源. 植物学报, 2019, 54(1): 4-8 doi:10.11983/CBB18212
Zhu Li, Qian Qian.
氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象。生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡。但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(Harman, 1956; Valko et al., 2007; Salim, 2017; Bj?rklund and Chirumbolo, 2017)。活性氧(ROS)/活性氮(RNS)与生物体抗氧化防御系统间的不平衡是产生氧化胁迫/氧化应激的主要原因。ROS在细胞中的积累会造成DNA、蛋白质及脂质的损伤, 并进一步损害组织和器官(Noctor et al., 2015; Staerck et al., 2017; Andrisic et al., 2018)。作为高耗氧组织的人类大脑, 富含各种脂类物质, 对氧化胁迫尤为敏感(Salim, 2017)。近年来, 越来越多的研究表明, 人体中的氧化应激反应与众多衰老及中枢神经性疾病的发生密切相关, 如帕金森综合症(Kim et al., 2018; Macedo et al., 2018)、慢性进行性舞蹈病(Gil-Mohapel et al., 2014; Franco-Iborra et al., 2018; Zheng et al., 2018)及阿尔茨海默病等(Sorce and Krause, 2009; Salim, 2017)。因此, 如何提高机体细胞内源的抗氧化能力, 已日益成为预防和治疗这类疾病的新的研究方向(Irwin et al., 2016; 李立科等, 2017)。类胡萝卜素作为一种天然的植物源四萜类化合物, 除可使植物呈现不同的颜色外, 还具有抗氧化特性(Sun et al., 2018)。脂溶性类酮胡萝卜素——虾青素(astaxanthin) (学名3, 3′-二羟基-4, 4′-二酮基β-胡萝卜素), 比其它类胡萝卜素或维生素E具有更强的抗氧化活性, 可延缓衰老、提高免疫力、防治糖尿病和心血管疾病等, 已广泛用于制药、营养品、化妆品和水产养殖等行业(Naguib, 2000; Pashkow et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2009; Nogueira et al., 2017)。自然界中, 虾青素仅在一些微藻、细菌和酵母中合成, 大多数高等植物和动物中未见存在。部分海洋生物(如虾类、贝类、鲑鱼和鳟鱼等)通过吞食这些微藻和细菌在体内积累虾青素, 人类则主要从这些海洋食物中摄取(或提取)虾青素(Chen et al., 2015)。因此, 利用高等植物尤其是重要农作物合成虾青素是生物强化工程的极佳策略。
已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(魏安池等, 2003; Wong et al., 2006; 刘海英等, 2009; 薛立英等, 2017)。但是这些动植物资源绝大部分来自自然进化, 所含成分复杂且有效成分占比少, 如果大量食用, 非有效成分产生副作用的可能性较大。因此, 开发新的有效成分占比高且特异性好的功能型、营养型食材已成为研究热点。生物强化是指通过常规育种或基因工程手段在作物中增加微量营养素或植物营养素。事实证明, 这种方法可极大地改善人类营养状况和促进身体健康(Bouis and Saltzman, 2017)。经过多年的努力, 科研人员目前已开发出一系列富含营养素的生物强化作物, 如富含胡萝卜素的金稻2号(Paine et al., 2005)、富含叶酸的水稻(Blancquaert et al., 2015)、富含维生素B6的木薯(Manihot esculenta) (Li et al., 2015)和富含花青素的紫晶米(Zhu et al., 2017)等。这些功能性作物的开发和利用将有助于提高人类的健康水平。
虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(Higuera-Ciapara et al., 2006)。BHY基因在高等植物中广泛存在而BKT基因则仅存在于部分微藻、细菌和酵母中, 大多数高等动、植物中都没有该基因, 因此无法产生酮类胡萝卜素(Cunningham and Gantt, 2005)。水稻作为世界上最重要的粮食作物, 是全世界近1/2 (我国2/3)人口的主粮。然而稻米中缺乏类胡萝卜素前体无法自主合成虾青素, 而且多年来在水稻中人工合成虾青素的尝试均未获得成功(Bai et al., 2017)。多个基因反复转化或多个转基因材料杂交, 都可以达到多基因垛叠表达的效果, 但前者受制于选择标记的匮乏, 后者则需要更长的研究周期(朱丽和钱前, 2017)。利用多基因串联的单载体转化、2个或2个以上载体共转化同一受体细胞的方法虽然可以解决这些问题, 但受限于载体容量和表达效率, 5个以上基因的表达一直是多基因转化和表达的瓶颈(Hamilton et al., 1996; Liu et al., 1999, 2002; Farhi et al., 2011)。2017年, 华南农业大学刘耀光研究团队首次利用自创的TGSII系统, 成功在水稻胚乳中表达了8个花青素合成及调控相关的外源基因, 突破了多基因转化的技术壁垒, 获得了无标记且胚乳高效合成花青素的水稻新种质(Zhu et al., 2017)。在此基础上, 2018年刘耀光研究团队再次利用TGSII系统, 成功在水稻胚乳中表达了4个虾青素合成相关的外源基因, 创制了无选择标记且胚乳高效合成虾青素的功能米(Zhu et al., 2018)。
类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成受多基因控制, 不同的基因在合成过程中各司其职, 缺一不可, 但参与这一过程的基因以及各基因编码蛋白的分工均不明确。Bai等(2017)在水稻中共转化PSY (八氢番茄红素合酶)、CrtI (八氢番茄红素脱氢酶)和BKT三个基因, 但并未获得虾青素积累的转基因水稻(Bai et al., 2017)。因此, 要获得虾青素积累的水稻, 明确其生物合成机制是关键。为此, 研究人员通过转基因方法, 系统分析和总结了类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成途径, 明确了合成途径中必需的基因及其编码蛋白的各自分工。水稻有不同的组织器官, 如根、茎、叶、鞘和穗, 而我们仅食用稻米的胚乳部分。如何使外源基因特异地在胚乳中表达并在其中积累虾青素是需要解决的又一个难题。Sato等(2013)通过分析公共转录组数据, 发现水稻胚乳内源类胡萝卜素合成基因(包括OsBHY)发生了沉默或表达水平极低, 因此无法自主合成类胡萝卜素前体。成功培育富含β-胡萝卜素的金稻2号, 为胚乳中积累虾青素解决了前体合成问题(Paine et al., 2005)。基于此, 研究人员推测, 水稻胚乳中虾青素的有效生物合成可能需要引进和表达BKT、BHY、PSY及CrtI基因。通过密码子优化, 他们分别合成了玉米(Zea mays)的sZmPSY1、菠萝泛菌(Pantoea ananatis)的sPaCrtI、莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)的sCrBKT和雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)的sHpBHY基因。由于类胡萝卜素合成的中间产物以及最终产物均在质体中合成, 研究人员又在这些合成基因编码蛋白质氨基酸序列的N端融合了豌豆(Pisum sativum) Rubisco小亚基的质体转运肽序列(Coruzzi et al., 1984)。利用水稻球蛋白基因Glb1以及水稻谷蛋白基因GluB4、GluC和GluB1中胚乳特异性启动子分别与sZmPSY1、sPaCrtI、sCrBKT和sHpBHY构建了4个供体载体表达盒, 通过TGSII系统的组装, 最终获得了多基因表达载体pYLTAC380MF-BhBkPC, 它可以携带4个虾青素合成基因(转化株系AR系)。同时, 研究人员还制备了2个对照载体, 即包含sZmPSY1和sPaCrtI基因的pYLTAC380MF-PC载体(转化株系GR系)以及包含sZmPSY1、sPaCrtI和sCrBKT基因的pYLTAC380MF-BkPC载体(转化株系CR系)。pYLTAC380MF-PC载体的转化预计可以获得类似金稻2号的黄金米(Paine et al., 2005), 而pYLTAC380-
MF-BkPC载体的转化可以检测在缺失BHY基因的条件下, 水稻胚乳内源OsBHY的表达量是否足以支撑虾青素的合成。如果内源OsBHY的表达量不足, pYLTAC380MF-BkPC转化的稻米中则仅有角黄素合成。利用农杆菌介导法将这些载体分别转化籼稻品种华光1号, 转基因株系分析表明, AR系中均富集了虾青素, 稻米呈晶莹剔透的红色, 故又称“赤晶米”, GR系获得了类似金稻2号的黄金米, CR系则富含角黄素。
PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常。对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记。除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变。后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%。GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(Paine et al., 2005)。而CR-H2株系中富集的角黄素为25.8 μg·g-1 DW, 占类胡萝卜素总量(31.4 μg·g-1 DW)的82%, 远高于Bai等(2017)获得的转基因株系。由于AR系中虾青素/类胡萝卜素的比值达0.60-0.74, 证明sHpBHY的活性不是虾青素生物合成的限制因素。此外, 研究者推断, 在现有基因基础上, 通过增加表达上游2C-甲基-D-赤藓糖醇4-磷酸(MEP)通路的一些关键基因, 如1-脱氧-D-木糖- 5-磷酸合成酶编码基因DXS和八氢番茄红素合成调控基因OR, 将有助于进一步促进转基因水稻中虾青素的积累(Giuliano, 2014; Zhou et al., 2015; Bai et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2018)。虾青素的主要作用是抗氧化, 因此研究人员利用氧自由基吸收能力测定法测定了不同转基因株系的抗氧化能力。结果表明, AR系在3种转基因株系中的抗氧化能力最强, GR系与CR系差别不大, CR系略低。AR系中虾青素的抗氧化能力高于其它类型的类胡萝卜素。袁超和金征宇(2010)研究表明, 在加热的条件下, 虾青素的分解温度为250°C。因此, AR系稻米中的虾青素并不会因蒸煮造成降解和失活。虾青素功能米不仅可作为日常的保健膳食, 还可用于浓缩和提取虾青素, 在食品、制药、饲料和日化等领域具有广阔的应用前景。
另外, 一系列的实验还证明, 胚乳特异性启动子驱动下的2个(sZmPSY1和sPaCrtI)、3个(sZmPSY1、sPaCrtI和sCrBKT)或4个(sZmPSY1、sPaCrtI、sCrBKT和sHpBHY)基因表达盒, 可以在水稻胚乳中稳定构建类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成途径。同时也证明了至少有4种基因(sZmPSY1、sPaCrtI、sCrBKT和sHpBHY)参与虾青素的生物合成。这一研究不仅是多基因转化技术体系的进一步完善, 也是虾青素在水稻胚乳中从头合成技术壁垒的首次突破。通过该项研究, 刘耀光研究团队分别获得了富含β-胡萝卜素的黄金米、富含角黄素的角黄素米和富含虾青素的赤晶米, 实现了从前体、中间产物到终产物的精准合成, 为更多功能性稻米的开发提供了新思路和重要依据, 也为合成生物学中复杂代谢工程的解析及植物多基因调控农艺性状的改良提供了有益参考。
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随着转基因技术的日趋成熟,利用生物工程手段加快改良作物农艺性状,已经越来越显示出其巨大的应用潜力.在改良多基因调控的复杂农艺性状方面,单基因转化收效甚微,而长期以来多基因转化不仅受限于技术因素,而且在协调表达调控、代谢及修饰等一系列相关基因方面更是难于突破.近期,我国科学家首次利用自创的多基因垛叠表达系统,成功在水稻(Oryza sativa)胚乳中合成了具有抗氧化活性的花青素,在复杂性状多基因转化领域取得了突破性进展.
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Association of oxidative stress with carcinogenesis is well known, but not understood well, as is pathophysiology of oxidative stress generated during different types of anti-cancer treatments. Moreover, recent findings indicate that cancer associated lipid peroxidation might eventually help defending adjacent nonmalignant cells from cancer invasion. Therefore, untargeted metabolomics studies designed for advanced translational and clinical studies are needed to understand the existing paradoxes in oncology, including those related to controversial usage of antioxidants aiming to prevent or treat cancer. In this short review we have tried to put emphasis on the importance of pathophysiology of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in cancer development in relation to metabolic adaptation of particular types of cancer allowing us to conclude that adaptation to oxidative stress is one of the main driving forces of cancer pathophysiology. With the help of metabolomics many novel findings are being achieved thus encouraging further scientific breakthroughs. Combined with targeted qualitative and quantitative methods, especially immunochemistry, further research might reveal bio-signatures of individual patients and respective malignant diseases, leading to individualized treatment approach, according to the concepts of modern integrative medicine.
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61Diet may be defined as a complex process that should involve a deeper comprehension of metabolism, energy balance, and molecular pathways involved in cellular stress response and survival.61Antioxidant molecules from plants play a role as antiobesity substances.61Gut microflora and enzymatic polymorphism within the human population has a role on the activity of these plant-derived polyphenols.61Individualized diet is an ideal goal; however, there are many concerns regarding food harvesting, economics, worldwide government policy, financial endowments of different countries, and anthropology.
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61Biofortification is proven to measurably improve human health and nutrition.61Biofortified crops are now grown and consumed by more than 20 million people.61Mainstreaming biofortified traits into plant breeding programs is a challenge.61To reach scale, biofortification must be integrated in public and private programs.61Institutional leadership is needed to reach 1 billion people by 2030.
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We have examined the expression of a member of the multigene family encoding the small subunit (rbcS) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase in various tissues of pea. The rbcS gene, pPS-2.4, was characterized by DNA sequence analysis and 5' and 3' end mapping of its mRNA transcript. rbcS polypeptides were shown to be differentially present in various tissues of light- and dark-grown plants. Northern analysis shows that compared with green leaves, the level of rbcS mRNA is reduced to approximately 50% in pericarps, 8% in petals and seeds, and 1-3% in etiolated leaves, stems, and roots. 5' S1 nuclease mapping of total rbcS mRNA was used to quantitate the relative amount of pPS-2.4 gene-specific transcripts in each tissue. pPS-2.4 mRNA accounts for approximately 30-35% of total rbcS transcripts in green leaves, but only 5-10% in pericarps, 15-20% in seeds, and is below detection in petals and etiolated leaves. We conclude that the pPS-2.4 gene is expressed in a tissue-specific, light-regulated fashion and that transcriptional controls of individual rbcS genes vary.
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The red ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (3,3'-dihydroxy-4,4'-diketo- β , β -carotene) is widely used as an additive in feed for the pigmentation of fish and crustaceans and is frequently included in human nutritional supplements as well. There is considerable interest in developing a plant-based biological production process for this valuable carotenoid. Adonis aestivalis (Ranunculaceae) is unusual among plants in synthesizing and accumulating large amounts of astaxanthin and other ketocarotenoids. The formation of astaxanthin requires only the addition of a carbonyl at the number 4 carbon of each β -ring of zeaxanthin (3,3'-dihydroxy- β , β -carotene), a carotenoid typically present in the green tissues of higher plants. We screened an A. aestivalis flower library to identify cDNAs that might encode the enzyme that catalyzes the addition of the carbonyls. Two closely related cDNAs selected in this screen were found to specify polypeptides similar in sequence to plant β -carotene 3-hydroxylases, enzymes that convert β -carotene ( β , β -carotene) into zeaxanthin. The Adonis enzymes, however, exhibited neither 4-ketolase nor 3-hydroxylase activity when presented with β -carotene as the substrate in Escherichia coli . Instead, the products of the Adonis cDNAs were found to modify β -rings in two distinctly different ways: desaturation at the 3,4 position and hydroxylation of the number 4 carbon. The 4-hydroxylated carotenoids formed in E. coli were slowly metabolized to yield compounds with ketocarotenoid-like absorption spectra. It is proposed that a 3,4-desaturation subsequent to 4-hydroxylation of the β -ring leads to the formation of a 4-keto- β -ring via an indirect and unexpected route: a keto-enol tautomerization.
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The article discusses a study that reconstructed the artemisinin-producing pathway in Nicotiana tabacum. It details the generation of a mega-vector carrying cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) from Artemisia annua to prevent the accumulation of inactive oxidized P450. It discusses the expression of CPR concomitant with CYP71AV1 expression to the truncated and deregulated 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (tHMG).
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DOI:10.2174/1389450115666140115113734URLPMID:24428525 [本文引用: 1]

Huntington s disease (HD) is the most common polyglutamine neurodegenerative disorder in humans, and is caused by a mutation of an unstable expansion of CAG repeats within the coding region of the HD gene, which expresses the protein huntingtin. Although abnormal protein is ubiquitously expressed throughout the organism, cell degeneration occurs mainly in the brain, and there, predominantly in the striatum and cortex. The mechanisms that account for this selective neuronal death are multifaceted in nature and several lines of evidence suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction, overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress (an imbalance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems resulting in oxidative damage to proteins, lipids and DNA) might play important roles. Over time, this can result in the death of the affected neuronal populations. In this review article we present an overview of the preclinical and clinical studies that have indicated a link between oxidative stress, neurodegeneration, and cell death in HD. We also discuss how changes in ROS production affect neuronal survival, highlighting the evidence for the use of antioxidants including essential fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, and creatine, as potential therapeutic strategies for the treatment of this devastating neurodegenerative disorder.
DOI:10.1016/j.pbi.2014.05.006URLPMID:24912125 [本文引用: 1]

Carotenoids are present in plant photosynthetic tissues, where they have essential roles in photoreception and photoprotection, as well as in non-photosynthetic tissues, where they act as colorants, precursors for plant isoprenoid volatiles and signaling molecules (abscisic acid and strigolactones), nutritional antioxidants and vitamin A precursors. This review presents the recent advances in our understanding of their biosynthesis, the key metabolic steps controlling their accumulation in plant non-photosynthetic tissues and their metabolic engineering using multi-gene approaches.
DOI:10.1073/pnas.93.18.9975URLPMID:8790442 [本文引用: 1]

In conjunction with an enhanced system for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation, a new binary bacterial artificial chromosome (BIBAC) vector has been developed that is capable of transferring at least 150 kb of foreign DNA into a plant nuclear genome. The transferred DNA appears to be intact in the majority of transformed tobacco plants analyzed and is faithfully inherited in the progeny. The ability to introduce high molecular weight DNA into plant chromosomes should accelerate gene identification and genetic engineering of plants and may lead to new approaches in studies of genome organization.
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DOI:10.1080/10408690590957188URLPMID:16431409 [本文引用: 1]

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid widely used in salmonid and crustacean aquaculture to provide the pink color characteristic of that species. This application has been well documented for over two decades and is currently the major market driver for the pigment. Additionally, astaxanthin also plays a key role as an intermediary in reproductive processes. Synthetic astaxanthin dominates the world market but recent interest in natural sources of the pigment has increased substantially. Common sources of natural astaxanthin are the green algae Haematococcus pluvialis, the red yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, as well as crustacean byproducts. Astaxanthin possesses an unusual antioxidant activity which has caused a surge in the nutraceutical market for the encapsulated product. Also, health benefits such as cardiovascular disease prevention, immune system boosting, bioactivity against Helycobacter pylori, and cataract prevention, have been associated with astaxanthin consumption. Research on the health benefits of astaxanthin is very recent and has mostly been performed in vitro or at the pre-clinical level with humans. This paper reviews the current available evidence regarding astaxanthin chemistry and its potential beneficial effects in humans.
DOI:10.1002/ddr.21294URLPMID:26899010 [本文引用: 1]

Preclinical Research In this review, we discuss epigenetic-driven methods for treating neurodegenerative disorders associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, focusing on carnitinoid antioxidant-histone deacetylase inhibitors that show an ability to reinvigorate synaptic plasticity and protect against neuromotor decline in vivo. Aging remains a major risk factor in patients who progress to dementia, a clinical syndrome typified by decreased mental capacity, including impairments in memory, language skills, and executive function. Energy metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction are viewed as determinants in the aging process that may afford therapeutic targets for a host of disease conditions, the brain being primary in such thinking. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a core feature in the pathophysiology of both Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases and rare mitochondrial diseases. The potential of new therapies in this area extends to glaucoma and other ophthalmic disorders, migraine, Creutzfeldt akob disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, systemic exertion intolerance disease, and chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment. An emerging and hopefully more promising approach to addressing these hard-to-treat diseases leverages their sensitivity to activation of master regulators of antioxidant and cytoprotective genes, antioxidant response elements, and mitophagy. Drug Dev Res 77 : 109-123, 2016. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
DOI:10.1038/s41419-018-0619-5URLPMID:29748634 [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Parkinson's disease (PD) is a complex multifactorial disorder where environmental factors interact with genetic susceptibility. Accumulating evidence suggests that mitochondria have a central role in the progression of neurodegeneration in sporadic and/or genetic forms of PD. We previously reported that exposure to a secondary metabolite from the soil bacterium, Streptomyces venezuelae, results in age- and dose-dependent dopaminergic (DA) neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans and human SH-SY5Y neurons. Initial characterization of this environmental factor indicated that neurodegeneration occurs through a combination of oxidative stress, mitochondrial complex I impairment, and proteostatic disruption. Here we present extended evidence to elucidate the interaction between this bacterial metabolite and mitochondrial dysfunction in the development of DA neurodegeneration. We demonstrate that it causes a time-dependent increase in mitochondrial fragmentation through concomitant changes in the gene expression of mitochondrial fission and fusion components. In particular, the outer mitochondrial membrane fission and fusion genes, drp-1 (a dynamin-related GTPase) and fzo-1 (a mitofusin homolog), are up- and down-regulated, respectively. Additionally, eat-3, an inner mitochondrial membrane fusion component, an OPA1 homolog, is also down regulated. These changes are associated with a metabolite-induced decline in mitochondrial membrane potential and enhanced DA neurodegeneration that is dependent on PINK-1 function. Genetic analysis also indicates an association between the cell death pathway and drp-1 following S. ven exposure. Metabolite-induced neurotoxicity can be suppressed by DA-neuron-specific RNAi knockdown of eat-3. AMPK activation by 5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide riboside (AICAR) ameliorated metabolite- or PINK-1-induced neurotoxicity; however, it enhanced neurotoxicity under normal conditions. These studies underscore the critical role of mitochondrial dynamics in DA neurodegeneration. Moreover, given the largely undefined environmental components of PD etiology, these results highlight a response to an environmental factor that defines distinct mechanisms underlying a potential contributor to the progressive DA neurodegeneration observed in PD.
DOI:10.1038/nbt.3318URLPMID:26448082 [本文引用: 2]

Biological Availability ; Dietary Supplements ; Food, Genetically Modified ; Genetic Enhancement/methods ; Humans ; Manihot/genetics ; Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics ; Vitamin B 6/pharmacokinetics/therapeutic use ; Vitamin B 6 Deficiency/diet therapy
DOI:10.1073/pnas.96.11.6535URLPMID:10339623 [本文引用: 1]

To accelerate gene isolation from plants by positional cloning, vector systems suitable for both chromosome walking and genetic complementation are highly desirable. Therefore, we developed a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, pYLTAC7, that can accept and maintain large genomic DNA fragments stably in both Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Furthermore, it has the cis sequences required for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer into plants. We cloned large genomic DNA fragments of Arabidopsis thaliana into the vector and showed that most of the DNA fragments were maintained stably. Several TAC clones carrying 40- to 80-kb genomic DNA fragments were transferred back into Arabidopsis with high efficiency and shown to be inherited faithfully among the progeny. Furthermore, we demonstrated the practical utility of this vector system for positional cloning in Arabidopsis. A TAC contig was constructed in the region of the SGR1 locus, and individual clones with ca. 80-kb inserts were tested for their ability to complement the gravitropic defects of a homozygous mutant line. Successful complementation enabled the physical location of SGR1 to be delimited with high precision and confidence.
DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-25118-zURL [本文引用: 1]

Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease associated with the misfolding and aggregation of alpha-synuclein (aSyn). The molecular underpinnings of PD are still obscure, but nutrition may play an important role in the prevention, onset, and disease progression. Dietary (poly)phenols revert and prevent age-related cognitive decline and neurodegeneration in model systems. However, only limited attempts were made to evaluate the impact of digestion on the bioactivities of (poly)phenols and determine their mechanisms of action. This constitutes a challenge for the development of (poly)phenol-based nutritional therapies. Here, we subjected (poly)phenols from Arbutus unedo to in vitro digestion and tested the products in cell models of PD based on the cytotoxicity of aSyn. The (poly)phenol-digested metabolites from A. unedo leaves (LPDMs) effectively counteracted aSyn and H2O2 toxicity in yeast and human cells, improving viability by reducing aSyn aggregation and inducing its clearance. In addition, LPDMs modulated pathways associated with aSyn toxicity, such as oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, mitochondrial impairment, and SIR2 expression. Overall, LPDMs reduced aSyn toxicity, enhanced the efficiency of ER-associated protein degradation by the proteasome and autophagy, and reduced oxidative stress. In total, our study opens novel avenues for the exploitation of (poly)phenols in nutrition and health.
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DOI:10.1073/pnas.1708349114URL [本文引用: 1]

Ketocarotenoids are high-value pigments used commercially across multiple industrial sectors as colorants and supplements. Chemical synthesis using petrochemical-derived precursors remains the production method of choice. Aquaculture is an example where ketocarotenoid supplementation of feed is necessary to achieve product viability. The biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids, such as canthaxanthin, phoenicoxanthin, or astaxanthin in plants is rare. In the present study, complex engineering of the carotenoid pathway has been performed to produce high-value ketocarotenoids in tomato fruit (3.0 mg/g dry weight). The strategy adopted involved pathway extension beyond β-carotene through the expression of the β-carotene hydroxylase (CrtZ) and oxyxgenase (CrtW) from Brevundimonas sp. in tomato fruit, followed by β-carotene enhancement through the introgression of a lycopene β-cyclase (β-Cyc) allele from a Solanum galapagense background. Detailed biochemical analysis, carried out using chromatographic, UV/VIS, and MS approaches, identified the predominant carotenoid as fatty acid (C14:0 and C16:0) esters of phoenicoxanthin, present in the S stereoisomer configuration. Under a field-like environment with low resource input, scalability was shown with the potential to deliver 23 kg of ketocarotenoid/hectare. To illustrate the potential of this “generally recognized as safe” material with minimal, low-energy bioprocessing, two independent aquaculture trials were performed. The plant-based feeds developed were more efficient than the synthetic feed to color trout flesh (up to twofold increase in the retention of the main ketocarotenoids in the fish fillets). This achievement has the potential to create a new paradigm in the renewable production of economically competitive feed additives for the aquaculture industry and beyond.
DOI:10.1038/nbt1082URLPMID:15793573 [本文引用: 4]

'Golden Rice' is a variety of rice engineered to produce0100-carotene (pro-vitamin A) to help combat vitamin A deficiency, and it has been predicted that its contribution to alleviating vitamin A deficiency would be substantially improved through even higher0100-carotene content. We hypothesized that the daffodil gene encoding phytoene synthase (psy), one of the two genes used to develop Golden Rice, was the limiting step in0100-carotene accumulation. Through systematic testing of other plant psys, we identified a psy from maize that substantially increased carotenoid accumulation in a model plant system. We went on to develop 'Golden Rice 2' introducing this psy in combination with the Erwinia uredovora carotene desaturase (crtI) used to generate the original Golden Rice. We observed an increase in total carotenoids of up to 23-fold (maximum 370008g/g) compared to the original Golden Rice and a preferential accumulation of0100-carotene.
DOI:10.1016/j.amjcard.2008.02.010URLPMID:18474276 [本文引用: 1]

Oxidative stress and inflammation are implicated in several different manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CVD). They are generated, in part, from the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) that activate transcriptional messengers, such as nuclear factor–κB, tangibly contributing to endothelial dysfunction, the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis, irreversible damage after ischemic reperfusion, and even arrhythmia, such as atrial fibrillation. Despite this connection between oxidative stress and CVD, there are currently no recognized therapeutic interventions to address this important unmet need. Antioxidants that provide a broad, “upstream” approach via ROS/RNS quenching or free radical chain breaking seem an appropriate therapeutic option based on epidemiologic, dietary, and in vivo animal model data. However, human clinical trials with several different well-known agents, such as vitamin E and β-carotene, have been disappointing. Does this mean antioxidants as a class are ineffective, or rather that the “right” compound(s) have yet to be found, their mechanisms of action understood, and their appropriate targeting and dosages determined? A large class of potent naturally-occurring antioxidants exploited by nature—the oxygenated carotenoids (xanthophylls)—have demonstrated utility in their natural form but have eluded development as successful targeted therapeutic agents up to the present time. This article characterizes the mechanism by which this novel group of antioxidants function and reviews their preclinical development. Results from multiple species support the antioxidant/anti-inflammatory properties of the prototype compound, astaxanthin, establishing it as an appropriate candidate for development as a therapeutic agent for cardiovascular oxidative stress and inflammation.
DOI:10.1124/jpet.116.237503URLPMID:27754930 [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Biochemical integrity of the brain is vital for normal functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). One of the factors contributing to cerebral biochemical impairment is a chemical process called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs upon excessive free radical production resulting from an insufficiency of the counteracting antioxidant response system. The brain, with its high oxygen consumption and lipid-rich content, is highly susceptible to oxidative stress. Therefore, oxidative stress-induced damage to the brain has a strong potential to negatively impact normal CNS functions. Although oxidative stress has historically been considered to be involved mainly in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease, and Parkinson disease, its involvement in neuropsychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders and depression, is beginning to be recognized. This review is a discussion of the relevance of cerebral oxidative stress to impairment of emotional and mental well-being.

A wide range of resources on gene expression profiling enhance various strategies in plant molecular biology particularly in characterization of gene function. We have updated our gene expression profile database, RiceXPro (http://ricexpro.dna.affrc.go.jp/), to provide more comprehensive information on the transcriptome of rice encompassing the entire growth cycle and various experimental conditions. The gene expression profiles are currently grouped into three categories, namely, 'field/development' with 572 data corresponding to 12 data sets, 'plant hormone' with 143 data corresponding to 13 data sets and 'cell- and tissue-type' comprising of 38 microarray data. In addition to the interface for retrieving expression information of a gene/genes in each data set, we have incorporated an interface for a global approach in searching an overall view of the gene expression profiles from multiple data sets within each category. Furthermore, we have also added a BLAST search function that enables users to explore expression profile of a gene/genes with similarity to a query sequence. Therefore, the updated version of RiceXPro can be used more efficiently to survey the gene expression signature of rice in sufficient depth and may also provide clues on gene function of other cereal crops.
DOI:10.1089/ars.2009.2578URLPMID:19309263 [本文引用: 1]

Abstract Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of neurologic and psychiatric diseases. The brain is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage due to high oxygen consumption, low antioxidant defense, and an abundance of oxidation-sensitive lipids. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria is generally thought to be the main cause of oxidative stress. However, a role for ROS-generating NADPH oxidase NOX enzymes has recently emerged. Activation of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase NOX2 has been studied mainly in microglia, where it plays a role in inflammation, but may also contribute to neuronal death in pathologic conditions. However, NOX-dependent ROS production can be due to the expression of other NOX isoforms, which are detected not only in microglia, but also in astrocytes and neurons. The physiologic and pathophysiologic roles of such NOX enzymes are only partially understood. In this review, we summarize the present knowledge about NOX enzymes in the central nervous system and their involvement in neurologic and psychiatric diseases.
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Carotenoids are indispensable to plants and critical in human diets. Plastids are the organelles for carotenoid biosynthesis and storage in plant cells. They exist in various types, which include proplastids, etioplasts, chloroplasts, amyloplasts, and chromoplasts. These plastids have dramatic differences in their capacity to synthesize and sequester carotenoids. Clearly, plastids play a central role in governing carotenogenic activity, carotenoid stability, and pigment diversity. Understanding of carotenoid metabolism and accumulation in various plastids expands our view on the multifaceted regulation of carotenogenesis and facilitates our efforts toward developing nutrient-enriched food crops. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of various types of plastids on carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation, and discuss recent advances in our understanding of the regulatory control of carotenogenesis and metabolic engineering of carotenoids in light of plastid types in plants.
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DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.05.049URL [本文引用: 1]

The antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents of 30 Chinese medicinal plants were evaluated using the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay and the Folin iocalteu method, respectively. The Chinese medicinal plants were extracted by the traditional method, boiling in water and also in 80% methanol. A significant and linear correlation coefficient between the antioxidant activity and the total phenolic content was found in both aqueous ( R 2 = 0.7917) and methanol ( R 2 = 0.7584) extracts. Phenolic compounds are thus a major contributor of antioxidant activity. Comparing the extraction efficiency of the two methods, the boiling water method extracted phenolic compounds more efficiently, and antioxidant activity of the extract was higher. It was found that the Chinese medicinal plants Rhodiola sacra Fu, the stem of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. and the root of P. multiflorum Thunb. possessed the highest antioxidant activities and thus could be potential rich sources of natural antioxidants.
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DOI:10.1073/pnas.1420831112URLPMID:25675505 [本文引用: 1]

Carotenoids are indispensable natural pigments to plants and humans. Phytoene synthase (PSY), the rate-limiting enzyme in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway, and ORANGE (OR), a regulator of chromoplast differentiation and enhancer of carotenoid biosynthesis, represent two key proteins that control carotenoid biosynthesis and accumulation in plants. However, little is known about...
DOI:10.1016/j.abb.2008.10.029URLPMID:18992217 [本文引用: 1]

Ketocarotenoids such as astaxanthin and canthaxanthin have important applications in the nutraceutical, cosmetic, food and feed industries. Astaxanthin is derived from β-carotene by 3-hydroxylation and 4-ketolation at both ionone end groups. These reactions are catalyzed by β-carotene hydroxylase and β-carotene ketolase, respectively. The hydroxylation reaction is widespread in higher plants, but ketolation is restricted to a few bacteria, fungi, and some unicellular green algae. The recent cloning and characterization of β-carotene ketolase genes in conjunction with the development of effective co-transformation strategies permitting facile co-integration of multiple transgenes in target plants provided essential resources and tools to produce ketocarotenoids in planta by genetic engineering. In this review, we discuss ketocarotenoid biosynthesis in general, and characteristics and functional properties of β-carotene ketolases in particular. We also describe examples of ketocarotenoid engineering in plants and we conclude by discussing strategies to efficiently convert β-carotene to astaxanthin in transgenic plants.
DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2017.05.008URLPMID:28666688 [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2018.09.007URL [本文引用: 2]
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
突破复杂性状多基因转化技术壁垒, 首创胚乳花青素高积累的水稻新种质
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Short overview on metabolomics approach to study pathophysiology of oxidative stress in cancer
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Reconstruction of the astaxanthin biosynthesis pathway in rice endosperm reveals a metabolic bottleneck at the level of endogenous β-carotene hydroxylase activity
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
... 类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成受多基因控制, 不同的基因在合成过程中各司其职, 缺一不可, 但参与这一过程的基因以及各基因编码蛋白的分工均不明确.Bai等(2017)在水稻中共转化PSY (八氢番茄红素合酶)、CrtI (八氢番茄红素脱氢酶)和BKT三个基因, 但并未获得虾青素积累的转基因水稻(
Bottlenecks in carotenoid bio- synthesis and accumulation in rice endosperm are influenced by the precursor-product balance
... PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常.对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记.除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变.后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%.GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(
Role of oxidative stress and antioxidants in daily nutrition and human health
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Improving folate (vitamin B9) stability in biofortified rice through metabolic engineering
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
Improving nutrition through biofortification: a review of evidence from HarvestPlus, 2003 through 2016
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
Molecular mechanisms of the coordination between astaxanthin and fatty acid biosynthesis in
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Tissue-specific and light-regulated expression of a pea nuclear gene encoding the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5- bisphosphate carboxylase
... 类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成受多基因控制, 不同的基因在合成过程中各司其职, 缺一不可, 但参与这一过程的基因以及各基因编码蛋白的分工均不明确.Bai等(2017)在水稻中共转化PSY (八氢番茄红素合酶)、CrtI (八氢番茄红素脱氢酶)和BKT三个基因, 但并未获得虾青素积累的转基因水稻(
A study in scarlet: enzymes of ketocarotenoid biosynthesis in the flowers of Adonis aestivalis
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Generation of the potent anti-malarial drug artemisinin in tobacco
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Mitochondrial quality control in neurodegenerative diseases: focus on Parkinson’s Disease and Huntington’s Disease
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
The role of oxidative stress in Huntington’s disease: are antioxidants good therapeutic candidates?
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Plant carotenoids: genomics meets multi- gene engineering
... PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常.对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记.除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变.后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%.GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(
Stable transfer of intact high molecular weight DNA into plant chromosomes
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Aging: a theory based on free radical and radiation chemistry
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Astaxanthin: a review of its chemistry and applications
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Epigenetic treatment of neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Gene-by-environment interactions that disrupt mitochondrial homeostasis cause neurodegeneration in C.elegans Parkinson’s models.
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Increased bioavailable vitamin B6 in field-grown transgenic cassava for dietary sufficiency
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Complementation of plant mutants with large genomic DNA fragments by a transformation-competent artificial chromosome vector accelerates positional cloning
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
Poly) phenol-digested metabolites modulate alpha-synuclein toxicity by regulating proteostasis
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Antioxidant activities of astaxanthin and related carotenoids
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
The met- abolomics of oxidative stress
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Engineering of tomato for the sustainable production of ketocarotenoids and its evaluation in aquaculture feed
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Improving the nutritional value of Golden Rice through increased pro-vitamin A content
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
... 类胡萝卜素/酮类胡萝卜素/虾青素的生物合成受多基因控制, 不同的基因在合成过程中各司其职, 缺一不可, 但参与这一过程的基因以及各基因编码蛋白的分工均不明确.Bai等(2017)在水稻中共转化PSY (八氢番茄红素合酶)、CrtI (八氢番茄红素脱氢酶)和BKT三个基因, 但并未获得虾青素积累的转基因水稻(
... 基因的pYLTAC380MF-BkPC载体(转化株系CR系).pYLTAC380MF-PC载体的转化预计可以获得类似金稻2号的黄金米(
... PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常.对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记.除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变.后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%.GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(
Astaxanthin: a novel potential treatment for oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiovascular disease
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Oxidative stress and the central nervous system
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
... ).作为高耗氧组织的人类大脑, 富含各种脂类物质, 对氧化胁迫尤为敏感(
... ;
RiceXPro version 3.0: expanding the informatics resource for rice transcriptome
NOX enzymes in the central nervous system: from signaling to disease
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Microbial antioxidant defense enzymes
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Carotenoid metabolism in plants: the role of plastids
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Free radicals and antioxidants in normal physiological functions and human disease
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
A systematic survey of antioxidant activity of 30 Chinese medicinal plants using the ferric reducing antioxidant power assay
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
A mitochondria-associated oxidative stress perspective on Huntington’s Disease
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Arabidopsis OR proteins are the major posttranscriptional re- gulators of phytoene synthase in controlling carotenoid biosynthesis
... PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常.对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记.除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变.后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%.GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(
Metabolic engineering of ketocarotenoid biosynthesis in higher pl- ants
... 氧化胁迫是生物体内最常见的一种胁迫现象.生理状态下, 细胞利用其内部复杂的调控网络, 清除生物体产生的有毒和有害副产品, 保持代谢平衡.但当外部环境胁迫加剧或细胞内部出现衰老等情况时, 代谢毒副产品与清除物间的平衡被打破, 毒副产品积累进而导致细胞毒性(
Development of “Purple Endosperm Rice” by engineering anthocyanin bio- synthesis in the endosperm with a high-efficiency trans- gene stacking system
... 已有很多关于天然植物如枸杞(Lycii fructus)(富含枸杞多糖、枸杞色素、类黄酮及甜菜碱等)、山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida)(富含熊果酸、皂苷、有机酸、色素及黄酮类物质等)和山药(Dioscoreae rhizoma)(富含山药多糖和皂苷类物质等), 所含有效成分在人体抗氧化、抗衰老及缓解衰老相关疾病等方面作用的报道(
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
From Golden Rice to aSTARice: bioengineering astaxanthin bio- synthesis in rice endosperm
... 虾青素是一种红色的类酮胡萝卜素, 其抗氧化活性是维生素E的550倍, 由β-胡萝卜素羟化酶(BHY)和β-胡萝卜素酮化酶(BKT)催化合成(
... PCR分析证实, 外源基因在不同世代的转基因水稻中稳定遗传, 且CRE/LoxP功能正常.对筛选标记进行精准切除, 确保所有转基因阳性株中均不含筛选标记.除籽粒颜色外, 虾青素转基因植株的其它农艺性状并未发生改变.后续, 研究人员通过高效液相色谱法和定量分析法进一步测定了不同转基因系中β-胡萝卜素、角黄素及虾青素的成分及含量, 发现AR-H8株系中虾青素的含量最高(16.23 μg·g-1 DW), 约占类胡萝卜素总量(21.94 μg·g-1 DW)的74%.GR-H1株系中富集的β-胡萝卜素为24.73 μg·g-1 DW, 约占类胡萝卜素总量(27.56 μg·g-1 DW)的80%, 与金稻2号中的含量相近(
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