Effects of Steaming-Retrogradation Pretreatment on Physicochemical Properties and in Vitro Starch Digestibility of the Roasted Highland Barley Flour
WANG YuLin,1, LEI Lin1,2, XIONG WenWen1, YE FaYin1,2, ZHAO GuoHua,1,21College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715 2Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Special Food, Chongqing 400715
Abstract 【Objective】 This study was to explore the effects of steaming-retrogradation pretreatment on the nutritional profiles, physicochemical properties, and in vitro starch digestion of the roasted highland barley flour, with the aim to enrich the processing methods of highland barley.【Method】The effects of steaming-retrogradation pretreatment at different time (0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h, respectively) on roasted highland barley flour was studied. The microstructure of the roasted highland barley flour was observed by scanning electron microscope and microscope. The effect of steaming-retrogradation pretreatment on short-range molecular order structure, relative crystallinity, and pasting properties of the roasted highland barley flour was determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, laser confocal microscopic Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and rapid viscosity analysis. The effects of steaming-retrogradation pretreatment on the changes of starch digestibility in roasted highland barley flour were determined via In vitro digestion. 【Result】 Compared with the raw highland barley flour, the steaming-retrogradation pretreatment reduced the contents of starch, protein, fat, and β-glucan in roasted highland barley flour. However, steaming without retrogradation pretreatment (0-Roasted) increased the content of water-insoluble dietary fiber, water-soluble dietary fiber, and total dietary fiber in the roasted highland barley flour. The steaming-retrogradation pretreatment destroyed the starch granules in roasted highland barley flour, presenting disappearance of polarization cross. Meanwhile, the short-range molecular order structure was damaged by steaming-retrogradation pretreatment in roasted highland barley flour. Compared with the raw highland barley flour, the relatively crystallinity was reduced by steaming-retrogradation pretreatment in roasted highland barley. However, the relative crystallinity was increased with the increased time of retrogradation in roasted highland barley. The A-type diffraction pattern was changed into the V-type in roasted highland barley flour, indicating the formation of starch-lipid or starch-protein-lipid complexes after heat processing. The steaming-retrogradation pretreatment decreased the L* value while increased a* and b* values in roasted highland barley flour. Compared with the raw highland barley flour, the steaming-retrogradation pretreatment destroyed the pasting peak and caused a lower final viscosity, and increased the oil holding capacity while decreased the water holding capacity of roasted highland barley flour. Compared with the raw highland barley flour, the heat processing could increase the in vitro starch digestibility. Retrogradation at 6-24 h could decrease the content of rapidly digestible starch by 6%-16% and significantly increased the content of slowly digestible starch in roasted highland barley flour. 【Conclusion】 The steaming-retrogradation pretreatment could change nutritional profiles and physicochemical properties of roasted highland barley flour. Retrogradation at 6 h could decrease the in vitro starch digestion of the roasted highland barley flour, which was helpful in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis and could be developed as one of potential foods for diabetics and borderline diabetics. Keywords:roasted highland barley;retrogradation;physicochemical properties;starch digestibility characteristics;β-glucan
PDF (1913KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王钰麟, 雷琳, 熊文文, 叶发银, 赵国华. 蒸煮-老化预处理对炒制青稞粉理化性质及体外淀粉消化的影响. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(19): 4207-4217 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.19.015 WANG YuLin, LEI Lin, XIONG WenWen, YE FaYin, ZHAO GuoHua. Effects of Steaming-Retrogradation Pretreatment on Physicochemical Properties and in Vitro Starch Digestibility of the Roasted Highland Barley Flour. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(19): 4207-4217 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.19.015
0 引言
【研究意义】据国际糖尿病联盟报道,2019年全球糖尿病成人患病率约为9.3%,患病人数已达4.63亿,预计2045年全球糖尿病患者可达7亿。在中国,糖尿病成人患者数为1.164亿,居世界首位,相当于每4个糖尿病成人患者中,就有一个是中国人。在糖尿病患者中,2型糖尿病所占比例约90%,它是由胰岛素抵抗和胰岛素分泌不足的内分泌代谢紊乱引起的高血糖[1]。研究表明,膳食中增加全谷物摄入可将2型糖尿病发生风险降低20%—30%[2]。全谷物具有调节血糖的功能,它含有的水溶性膳食纤维被认为是发挥降低餐后血糖和提高胰岛素敏感性的主要物质之一,其机制是通过抑制淀粉酶活性及发酵产生短链脂肪酸影响肠道激素肽YY和胰高血糖素样肽-1来改善胰岛素抵抗[3,4]。淀粉是全谷物中提供葡萄糖的主要来源,根据消化速率分为快消化淀粉(rapidly digestible starch,RDS)、慢消化淀粉(slowly digestible starch,SDS)和抗性淀粉(resistant starch,RS),其中SDS和RS在体内消化缓慢,有助于维持餐后血糖稳定和改善胰岛素敏感性,因此,餐后血糖应答取决于全谷物的淀粉消化率[5]。【前人研究进展】青稞(Hordeum vulgare L. var. nudum Hook. F),又称裸大麦,主要分布于中国西藏、青海、甘肃等地,具有高蛋白、高纤维、高维生素、低脂肪和低糖等营养特点[6]。青稞富含水溶性β-葡聚糖,含量可达8%,远高于大麦、小麦和燕麦[7]。β-葡聚糖在胃肠道内易形成黏性溶液阻碍淀粉分解和葡萄糖吸收,可抑制餐后血糖浓度和胰岛素水平升高[8]。中医和藏医学对青稞食品防治糖尿病的作用也持肯定态度。热加工对全谷物β-葡聚糖理化性质和淀粉消化率的影响已有报道。炒制可显著增加青稞β-葡聚糖含量;而蒸煮对青稞β-葡聚糖的损耗无显著影响[9]。SONIA等[10]发现,煮熟的白米饭在4℃储存24 h后,抗性淀粉含量增加,血糖应答显著下降。老化处理对青稞理化性质的研究甚少。ZHU等[11]研究表明,与生青稞相比,121℃、0.1 MPa下蒸煮不同时间(10—20 min)后再在常温下老化4 d,青稞淀粉短程有序性显著降低,但处理组间无显著性差异。【本研究切入点】青稞常用于制作藏区人民传统的日常主食—糌粑粉。糌粑粉是将青稞除杂、洗净、晾干、翻炒后磨粉,食用时与少量的酥油茶、奶渣和糖等搅拌均匀,捏成团状。目前,青稞加工附加值相对较低,利用合理的加工方式充分发掘其稳定血糖的品质,可提高青稞的保健功能和利用价值。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究以青稞为原料,探讨蒸煮-老化预处理对炒制青稞粉理化性质、β-葡聚糖含量及体外淀粉消化特性等的影响,为开发糖尿病人或血糖偏高人群食用的青稞新产品提供借鉴。
a—f:青稞粉图;g—l:青稞粉扫描电镜图(4000×);m—r:青稞粉显微镜图(4×) Fig. 1Effects of steaming-retrogradation on macrostructures and microstructures of the roasted highland barley
a-f: Pictures of highland barley flour; g-l: Scanning electron microscope pictures of highland barley flour (4000×); m-r: Microscopy pictures of highland barley (4×)
Table 1 表1 表1蒸煮-老化预处理对炒制青稞粉营养成分的影响 (g/100 g) Table 1Effects of steaming-retrogradation on proximate compositions in the roasted highland barely (g/100 g)
样品 Sample
水分* Water
总淀粉 Total starch
蛋白质 Protein
脂肪 Fat
β-葡聚糖 β-glucan
生青稞粉 Raw highland barley flour
*:除水分外,其余含量均为干基。0-Roasted:蒸煮后老化0 h炒制青稞粉;6-Roasted:蒸煮后老化6 h炒制青稞粉;12-Roasted:蒸煮后老化12 h炒制青稞粉;18-Roasted:蒸煮后老化18 h炒制青稞粉;24-Roasted:蒸煮后老化24 h炒制青稞粉。IDF:水不溶性膳食纤维;SDF:水溶性膳食纤维;TDF:总膳食纤维;同列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。下同 *: The other contents are presented as dry basis except moisture. 0-Roasted: Steaming-retrogradation 0 h roasted highland barley flour; 6-Roasted: Steaming-retrogradation 6 h roasted highland barley flour; 12-Roasted: Steaming-retrogradation 12 h roasted highland barley flour; 18-Roasted: Steaming-retrogradation 18 h roasted highland barley flour; 24-Roasted: Steaming-retrogradation 24 h roasted highland barley flour. IDF: Water-insoluble dietary fibre; SDF: Soluble dietary fibre; TDF: Total dietary fibre. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences (P<0.05). The same as below
不同大写字母表示持油力差异显著(P<0.05);不同小写字母表示持水力差异显著(P<0.05) Fig. 4Effects of steaming-retrogradation on the water holding capacity and oil holding capacity of the roasted highland barley
Different capital letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05) for oil holding capacity; different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05) for water holding capacity
a—c:DS差异显著(P<0.05);A—B:SDS差异显著(P<0.05);A'—C':RS差异显著(P<0.05) Fig. 5Effects of steaming-retrogradation on in vitro digestion of starch in the roasted highland barley
a-c indicate significant difference in RDS (P<0.05); A-B indicate significant difference in SDS (P<0.05); A'-C' indicate significant difference in RS (P<0.05)
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