Abstract 【Objective】 With the continuous change of climate, the extreme weather events occurred frequently, such as high temperature, drought and their combined stress, which posed a severe challenge to maize production. This study was conducted to explore the effects of high temperature, drought and their combined stress on microstructure of stem, dry matter accumulation and distribution and grain yield of summer maize. 【Method】 Denghai 605 (DH605) was used as the experimental material. Three treatments were conducted as high temperature (T), drought (D), and the compound stress (T+D) during the flowering period for 6 days, and the natural temperature and normal moisture management as control treatment (CK). The effects of high temperature, drought and the compound stress on stem microstructure, dry matter accumulation and distribution, photosynthetic characteristics, pollen activity and yield of summer maize were investigated. 【Result】 The thickness of the cortex, the thickness of the hard skin, the total number of vascular bundles and the number of small vascular bundles in summer maize were significantly reduced after the combined stress of high temperature and drought, which decreased by 8.8%, 14.1%, 9.4%, and 13.7%, respectively, compared with CK. In addition, after high temperature and drought stress, the pollen viability, the net photosynthetic rate and total dry weight of summer maize decreased significantly, the pollen viability and net photosynthetic rate of T, D and T+D treatments decreased by 23.1%, 8.3%, 30.7% and 23.7%, 16.6%, 37.5%, respectively, compared with CK; The total dry matter accumulation of T, D and T+D at the maturity stage was decreased by 19.7%, 5.1%, and 26.6%, respectively, compared with CK, which led to a significant yield decrease of 63.2%, 13.2%, and 71.7%, respectively, compared with CK. 【Conclusion】 High temperature, drought, and the compound stress significantly caused abnormal stem development of summer maize, the decrease of dry matter accumulation, and a significant decrease of maize yield. The combined effect of high temperature and drought on the yield and resistance of summer maize was greater than the single stress of high temperature or drought. Keywords:summer maize;high temperature and drought;stalk microstructure;yield
PDF (1561KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 邵靖宜, 李小凡, 于维祯, 刘鹏, 赵斌, 张吉旺, 任佰朝. 高温干旱复合胁迫对夏玉米产量和茎秆显微结构的影响. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(17): 3623-3631 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.17.006 SHAO JingYi, LI XiaoFan, YU WeiZhen, LIU Peng, ZHAO Bin, ZHANG JiWang, REN BaiZhao. Combined Effects of High Temperature and Drought on Yield and Stem Microstructure of Summer Maize. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(17): 3623-3631 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.17.006
Table 4 表4 表4高温干旱对夏玉米成熟期干物质积累与分配的影响 Table 4The effect of high temperature and drought on dry matter accumulation and distribution of summer maize at the maturity stage
a、b、c、d分别代表CK、T、D和T+D处理(×40);e、f、g、h分别代表CK、T、D和T+D处理(×100) Fig. 2The structure of center vascular bundle of the 3rd basal internodes of stem in high temperature and drought
a, b, c and d represent CK, T, D and T+D, respectively (×40); e, f, g and h represent CK, T, D and T+D, respectively (×100)
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