Physiological Mechanisms of Abiotic Stress Priming Induced the Crops Stress Tolerance: A Review
WANG Xiao,, CAI Jian, ZHOU Qin, DAI TingBo, JIANG Dong,National Technique Innovation Center for Regional Wheat Production, Nanjing Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology Ecology and Production Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Nanjing 210095
Abstract Abiotic stress factors, including heat stress, cold stress, drought stress, waterlogging stress etc., are the limiting factors for plant growth and crop production. Moreover, the frequency, extent and duration of abiotic stresses have predicted to be increased with global climate change. Therefore, improving crops resistance to abiotic stress or finding strategy to reduce the adverse effects of abiotic stress on crop yield and quality is of great significance for ensuring stable crop production and food security. “Priming” by exposing plants to moderate stress in the early growth stage can induce plant resistance to a later severe stress episode which happened during critical stage of the plant growth. The priming is an adaptive strategy that primed plants could effectively mount a faster and/or stronger defense response and actively improve the defensive capacity of plants under stress, compared with non-primed plants. According to the reoccurred stress types, the priming can be generally separated to four types, including in-generational stress tolerance (the priming stimulus and the stress occurred at later stage are the same stress type), intra-generational cross tolerance (the priming stimulus and the stress occurred at later stage are different stress types), transgenerational stress tolerance (the priming stimulus and the stress occurred at next generations are the same stress type), and transgenerational cross tolerance (the priming stimulus and the stress occurred at next generations are different stress types). In this review, the main physiological mechanisms were discussed, including plant photosynthetic response mechanism, antioxidant mechanism, and osmotic regulation, signal transduction mechanisms (plant hormones, Ca2+, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, etc.), and epigenetic modification mechanisms (DNA methylation, histone modification, etc.). Then, the perspectives for the further research on understanding the underlying mechanisms of stress priming and the application of priming effects in the crop production were suggested. After revealing the mechanisms of priming, the candidate genes and proteins which play key regulatory roles in the acquisition of crop stress tolerance are found. And then, we can stimulate the related genes and protein expression which can actively induce the formation of stress tolerance in the critical crops growth stage, thereby effectively alleviating the adverse effects of abiotic stress on crop yield during the critical stage, which is meaningful for the crop production. Keywords:abiotic stress;priming;intra-generational priming;transgenerational priming;physiological mechanisms;signal transduction mechanisms
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拟南芥对高温的跨代适应性可以持续至少2个世代。研究表明,F0及F1代经历过高温胁迫的拟南芥植株,在F3代高温处理下经过锻炼的植株生物量是未经锻炼植株的5倍[84]。传代记忆机制目前在模式植物拟南芥上的研究较为深入。组蛋白去甲基化酶、染色质重塑因子、转录因子、泛素连接酶和小分子RNAs共同组成的复杂的表观调控网络参与了植物对高温的传代记忆[85]。高温能激活热激转录因子heat shock transcription factor A2 (HsfA2)。HsfA2能直接结合H3K27me3去甲基化酶Relative of early flowering 6 (REF6)和染色质重塑因子Brahma (BRM) 启动子上的热激转录元件从而激活REF6和BRM的表达。REF6和BRM的上调表达反过来降低HSFA2位点上的H3K27me3修饰水平,从而降低H3K27me3对HSFA2转录的抑制作用。因此,REF6和HSFA2形成了一个正向反馈循环途径来维持植物对高温的传代记忆[85]。在小麦灌浆期进行高温锻炼获得子代在花后遭遇高温胁迫,与未锻炼的植株相比,锻炼的植株具有较高的籽粒产量,叶片光合能力及抗氧化酶活性[86]。通过转录组分析发现经过高温锻炼的小麦后代植株中赖氨酸特异性组蛋白去甲基化酶1(LSD1)的基因诱导表达,与光合作用、能量产生以及蛋白质转运和存储相关蛋白的编码基因表达趋势一致,说明跨代高温记忆可能是由表观遗传的改变和信号转导来诱发的,从而激发了热胁迫相关防御机制[86]。
3.2 低温跨代效应及其生理机制
低温会诱导跨代记忆的产生,其中一种典型的跨代低温记忆现象为“春化作用”。春化作用是植物延长低温处理促进开花的过程,一旦分生组织受到长时间的低温处理,他们就会记住春化效应,并且这种记忆是稳定的。拟南芥、小麦等一年生作物通常会经历春化作用,长时间暴露于低温环境可以通过H3K27me3甲基化修饰触发FLC(FLOWERING LOCUS C)基因的表观遗传沉默,使植物能在春季开花,这种状态一直持续到胚胎发育,胚胎发育早期抑制性修饰逐渐消失,活跃染色质标记H3K36me3建立,重新激活FLC基因[87]。目前已有综述概述了拟南芥以及温带禾本科植物(小麦、大麦以及短柄草)中春化作用的分子遗传调控网络、表观遗传修饰与核心蛋白修饰介导的记忆机制,春化作用的分子与表观遗传控制机理在双子叶植物(如拟南芥)和单子叶植物(如小麦)完全不同[88,89,90,91]。在小麦和大麦等温带作物中,春化促进开花途径包括VRN1、VRN2、VRN3和VRN-D4等春化基因的调控,其中VRN1编码一个类似FRUITFULL的MADS-box转录因子,在春化过程中起到至关重要的促进作用。在低温处理前,H3K27me3标记在TaVRN1及其大麦同源物中富集,这2个基因都受到抑制,冷诱导这2个基因都与H3K27me3的减少和H3K4me3的增加有关[92]。但低温处理的种子后代对低温胁迫下植株耐性的影响及其生理机制尚未有报道。
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