Research Advances of Applying Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Vegetables
LI Jie,, LUO JiangHong, YANG Ping,College of Life Science and Technology, Honghe University, Key Laboratory for Research and Utilization of Characteristic Biological Resources in Southern Yunnan, Mengzi 661100, Yunnan
Abstract Recently, the virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) as a reverse genetics tool is used for gene function analysis. Due to its advantages of simple construction, low cost and short cycle, VIGS technology has been extensively and deeply studied in the field of functional genomics. VIGS technology, as a fast, effective, high-throughout new technology, has played an important role in research of vegetable functional genes in plant development processes, disease resistance, stress resistance, biosynthesis and metabolic regulation. Herein, it is of great significance to excavate new genes and identify the function of disease resistance, stress resistance genes, crop improvement and molecular breeding by using VIGS technology. Many VIGS systems with virus as vector have been successfully established in vegetable crops, but they still have some shortcomings. With the in-depth exploration of the mechanism of VIGS and the continuous development of virus vectors, VIGS has been applied to a wider range of vegetable crops. This paper reviewed the current status and research progresses of gene function of eggplant, melons and leafy vegetables based on VIGS technology in recent years, and the mechanism of VIGS technology, the application of virus vector and the progress of VIGS technology was briefly analyzed. Meanwhile, the advantages and disadvantages of VIGS technology, RNA interference (RNAi) and current CRISP/CAS9 technology were compared and analyzed. It focused on the application of VIGS technology in vegetable fruit development and disease resistance, and the latest progresses of VIGS technology in vegetable crop metabolic regulation, hormone regulation, biotic and abiotic stress responses were summarized. The cases of studying target genes function and silencing phenotypes of solanaceous, melon, leafy and legume vegetables by VIGS were listed. Finally, the problems and deficiencies of VIGS technology in studying gene function of vegetable crops were summarized, such as lack of suitable VIGS vector, lack of effective virus vector infection method, difficulty in systematic silencing in some tissues, low silencing efficiency, inherent limitations of VIGS, etc. At the same time, the future research directions of VIGS technology in the development of virus vectors with higher specificity and stability, selection of efficient gene fragments, and establishment of virus vectors suitable for more host range were proposed. The application foreground of gene function analysis, improvement, molecular breeding of vegetable crops and production not carrying exogenous gene of vegetable varieties by VIGS technique was prospected. This review would provide a guidance and give ideas for future studies on the growth and development of vegetable crops, secondary metabolism and adversity stress related gene function research and breakthrough in the key factors restricting VIGS technique. Keywords:gene silencing;VIGS;vegetable;gene function
PDF (542KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李杰, 罗江宏, 杨萍. 病毒诱导基因沉默在蔬菜作物上应用的研究进展[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(10): 2154-2166 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.10.011 LI Jie, LUO JiangHong, YANG Ping. Research Advances of Applying Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Vegetables[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(10): 2154-2166 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.10.011
在菠菜雌花发育机制的研究中,通过甜菜曲顶病毒(beet curly top virus,BCTV)诱导的VIGS体系,对DELLA家族转录因子SpGAI在GA参与雌花形成中的基因功能得到了验证。沉默SpGAI后雌花表现出雄花器官的表型特征,中度表型是发育一个雄蕊代替雌蕊,但仍产生两个萼片;重度表型是发育4个萼片、1个雌蕊和1个雄蕊,同时花有4个萼片,类似于藜科植物中的完全花。沉默SpGAI后雄花发育成野生型雄花,但对外观表型没有影响[64]。MA等[70]以甘蓝BoPDS为靶基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9系统实现甘蓝基因组的精准编辑,主要是依赖单链向导RNA表达基因来完成突变体的构建,与VIGS技术相比,构建程序复杂,且目标基因在核苷酸预期位置容易缺失。在研究叶用莴苣热胁迫下Hsp70表达量和形态变化时,研究者构建pTRV-LsHsp702711沉默体系,发现未进行胁迫处理的沉默植株LsHsp70-2711表达量下降,茎明显伸长,热胁迫和干旱处理后的沉默植株LsHsp70-2711表达量显著低于对照植株,且高温胁迫对sHsp70-2711的影响大于干旱胁迫[65]。
CONSTANTIN等[71]利用豌豆早枯病毒(pea early browning virus,PEBV)研发了一套有效的VIGS体系,使得在豌豆中利用反向遗传学方法研究基因功能成为可能。在研究ROS、Ca2+参与豌豆叶绿素合成的研究中,利用VIGS技术构建了叶绿素合成关键基因CHLI沉默体系,采用组织化学和荧光染色试验发现沉默豌豆植株中ROS和胞间游离Ca2+增多,且豌豆发黄叶片中产生超氧阴离子和过氧化氢[67]。研究者还利用VIGS技术沉默了豌豆质膜水通道蛋白基因PsPIP2;1,发现沉默植株的叶片和根系中PsPIP2;1下调表达,从而证明豌豆叶片和根系水分运输中PsPIP2;1对水通道蛋白具有调节作用[68]。ZHANG等[72]利用菜豆荚斑驳病毒(bean pod mottle virus,BPMV)在大豆上成功建立了VIGS体系,且该病毒载体能够应用于大豆、菜豆等豆类蔬菜上,改造后拓展了BPMV病毒的宿主范围。
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