Abstract 【Objective】The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of tillage with mulching on soil aggregate structure and water use efficiency of potato in southern Ningxia where is a typical semiarid rain-fed area. 【Method】A four years term field experiment of three growing season was carried out from 2013 to 2016, and three tillage methods (subsoiling, no tillage and ploughing) with three mulching measures (straw mulching, film mulching and no mulching) were set up to study the effects of different tillage methods combined with mulching measures on soil aggregate quantity, soil water storage capacity, potato yield and water use efficiency. 【Result】 Tillage methods, mulching measures and their interaction could significantly increase the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction in 0-40 cm layer. In 0-20 cm layer, compared with ploughing tillage without mulching treatment, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment significantly increased the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction by 14.2% and 16.9% in dry year (2016) and deficit year (2014), respectively, while no tillage with straw mulching treatment was significantly increased by 8.5% in the normal year (2015). In 20-40 cm soil layer, subsoiling with straw mulch in dry year, subsoiling with film mulch in deficit year, and no tillage with straw mulch in normal year had the best effects in the >0.25 mm aggregate size fraction, which were significantly increased by 18.2%, 21.5% and 18.7%, respectively, compared with ploughing tillage without mulching. The tillage methods, mulching measures, and their interactions had significant effects on the soil water storage (0-200 cm). Compared with ploughing without mulching treatment, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment significantly increased the mean soil water storage in fallow period by 29.6%, 9.3%, and 11.4%, respectively. Compared with ploughing tillage without mulching, subsoiling with straw mulching treatment in dry year and deficit year significantly increased the mean soil water storage in key growth period by 21.9% and 28.3%, respectively, while no tillage with straw mulching treatment in normal year significantly increased the mean soil water storage in key growth period by 17.1%. In deficit year, the mulching methods and the interaction of tillage with mulching had significant effects on the yield and water use efficiency of potato, while no significances were found among the tillage methods. Compared with the ploughing without mulching, no tillage with straw mulch significantly increased the potato yield and water use efficiency by 51.8% and 50.5%, respectively. In normal year and dry year, the tillage methods, mulching measures and their interactions had highly significant effects on the potato yield and water use efficiency, and treatment of subsoiling with straw mulch had the best effect. The yield and water use efficiency of subsoiling with straw mulching treatment was 56.19% and 44.84% higher than that of ploughing tillage without mulching, respectively. 【Conclusion】Tillage combined with mulching could improve soil aggregate structure, significantly enhance soil water storage and moisture conservation capacity in fallow and growth periods, and significantly improve potato yield and water use efficiency. Subsoiling combined with straw mulch in normal and dry years, and no tillage combined with straw mulch in deficit years could achieve continuous yield increase of potato in southern Ningxia. Keywords:tillage with mulching;soil aggregate;soil water;potato yield;water use efficiency
PDF (1040KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 苗芳芳, 勉有明, 普雪可, 吴春花, 周永瑾, 侯贤清. 耕作覆盖对宁南旱区土壤团粒结构及马铃薯水分利用效率的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(11): 2366-2376 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.11.010 MIAO FangFang, MIAN YouMing, PU XueKe, WU ChunHua, ZHOU YongJin, HOU XianQing. Effects of Tillage with Mulching on Soil Aggregate Structure and Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Dry-Farming Area of Southern Ningxia[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(11): 2366-2376 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.11.010
Table 2 表2 表2不同处理下0—40 cm土层>0.25 mm粒径土壤团聚体数量(DR0.25 mm, %) Table 2Content of >0.25 mm aggregates at 0-40 cm soil layer under different treatments
处理 Treatment
0-20 cm
20-40 cm
0-20 cm
20-40 cm
0-20 cm
20-40 cm
BT:处理前;NT:免耕;ST:深松;CT翻耕;BM:不覆盖;JM:秸秆覆盖;DM地膜覆盖。T表示耕作;M表示覆盖;T×M表示耕作与覆盖的交互作用。不同小写字母表示同一主因素处理下各副因素间差异达显著水平(P<0.05)。*表示差异显著(P<0.05),**表示差异极显著(P<0.01),ns表示差异不显著(P>0.05)。下同 BT: before treating; NT: no-tillage; ST: subsoiling; CT: ploughing; BM: no mulch; JM: straw mulching; DM: polythene mulch. T: tillage; M: mulch; T×M: interaction effects between tillage with mulch. Values followed by different letters within the secondary factors under the same primary factor treatment has reached a significant level at P<0.05. * indicates significance (P<0.05), ** indicates extremely significant (P<0.01), ns indicates no significance (P>0.05). The same as below
(a):2013—2014年休闲末期土壤蓄水量;(b):2014—2015年休闲初期土壤蓄水量,(c):2014—2015年休闲末期土壤蓄水量,(d):2015—2016年休闲初期土壤蓄水量,(e):2015—2016年休闲末期土壤蓄水量。同时期不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。*表示差异显著(P<0.05),**表示差异极显著(P<0.01),ns表示差异不显著(P>0.05)。下同 Fig. 2Effects of tillage with mulch measures on soil water storage during the fallow period
(a): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2013-2014; (b): Soil water storage at the beginning of leisure from 2014 to 2015; (c): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2014-2015; (d): Soil water storage at the beginning of leisure from 2015 to 2016; (e): Soil water storage at the end of leisure during 2015-2016. Values followed by different lowercase letters within the same stage are significantly different at P<0.05. * Indicates significance (P<0.05), ** Indicates extremely significant (P<0.01), ns: Indicates no significance (P>0.05). The same as below
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