Spatial Variations and Relationships of Topsoil Fertility Indices of Drylands in the Typical Black Soil Region of Northeast China
YIN SiJia,1, LI Hui2, XU ZhiQiang3, PEI JiuBo,1, DAI JiGuang3, LIU YuWei1, LI AiMeng1, YU YaXi1, LIU Wei1, WANG JingKuan11College of Land and Environment of Shenyang Agricultural University/National Engineering Laboratory for Efficient Utilization of Soil and Fertilizer Resources/Key Laboratory of Northeast Cultivated Land Conservation of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Shenyang 110866 2College of Forest of Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866 3Liaoning Agricultural Development Service Center, Shenyang 110034
Abstract 【Objective】In order to clarify the latitude characteristics and relationships among soil fertility indices in the typical black soil region of northeast China, clarify the problems of fertility control in the heart of black land and provide strong support for the quality control of black land cultivated land and grain yield stable and increase.【Method】Soil samples were collected following by latitude gradient in the study area after the autumn harvest in 2018. The soil fertility indices, such as soil organic matter, pH, total phosphorus, total potassium, available phosphorus, available potassium, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, bulk density, soil water content, soil temperature the ratio of macro- and micro-aggregates, soil water content and soil temperature, were measured to investigate these indices’ latitudinal variation characteristics and their relationships by means of principal component analysis, redundancy analysis and correlation analysis. 【Result】The soil fertility indices of typical black soil region in Northeast China showed obvious latitudinal variation characteristics. In addition to the weak variation of bulk density, other fertility indices showed medium variation. Soil organic matter was the core influencing index in this region, which was increasing with the increase of latitude, and had a significant positive correlation with the ratio of macro- and micro-aggregates, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, total potassium, total phosphorus and pH. Nevertheless, it was negatively correlated with soil water content, soil temperature and bulk density. The soil fertility indices with latitude between 46.07 ° and 49.18 ° were greatly affected by the change of soil bulk density, while the indices with latitude between 42.99 ° and 45.59 ° were combined action with soil bulk density, organic matter content and pH.【Conclusion】In the latitude range of 46.07 ° to 49.18 °, the soil fertility indices could be regulated by improving soil bulk density, while in the latitude range of 42.99 ° to 45.59 °, the soil nutrient should be comprehensively regulated by soil testing and formulated fertilization. For the whole study area, the regulation of soil organic matte was still an important content of soil fertility. Keywords:typical black soil region in northeast China;dryland;soil fertility index;latitude characteristics;correlation
PDF (747KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 尹思佳, 李慧, 徐志强, 裴久渤, 戴继光, 刘雨薇, 李艾蒙, 于雅茜, 刘维, 汪景宽. 东北典型黑土区旱地耕层土壤肥力指标的纬度变化特征及其关系[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(10): 2132-2141 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.10.009 YIN SiJia, LI Hui, XU ZhiQiang, PEI JiuBo, DAI JiGuang, LIU YuWei, LI AiMeng, YU YaXi, LIU Wei, WANG JingKuan. Spatial Variations and Relationships of Topsoil Fertility Indices of Drylands in the Typical Black Soil Region of Northeast China[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2021, 54(10): 2132-2141 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.10.009
OM:有机质Organic matter,AN:碱解氮Alkali-hydrolyzale nitrogen,TK:全钾Total K,TP:全磷Total P,速效钾:Available K,AP:速效磷Available P,BD:容重Bulk density,AR:大微团聚体质量比Mass ratio of macro- and micro-aggregates,WC:含水量Water content,pH:酸碱度,Laititude:纬度,Tem:温度 Temperature,n=30(每个样点3次重复 3 replications for each sampling point)。下同 The same as below Fig. 3Redundancy analysis of soil fertility indices in study area
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