Spatial Distribution of Phytic Acid and Minerals’ Availability in Pomelo Fruit
SONG Biao![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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宋彪, 徐凯悦, 王晓华, 郭九信, 吴良泉, 苏达. 蜜柚果实不同空间部位植酸及矿质营养有效性的分布特征[J]. 中国农业科学, 2021, 54(6): 1229-1242 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2021.06.013
SONG Biao, XU KaiYue, WANG XiaoHua, GUO JiuXin, WU LiangQuan, SU Da.
0 引言
【研究意义】我国是蜜柚的起源、栽培和遗传变异中心,拥有丰富的种质资源[1]。相较于其他柑橘类果实(如橘子和香橼)而言,蜜柚具有果形大、果皮厚、易保存、维生素含量高、风味独特等特点。近年来,平和县琯溪蜜柚的产量逐年上升,种植面积已近4.67×104 hm2[2,3]。在农业提质增效和可持续发展的背景下,进一步促进蜜柚果实优质化,已成为产业发展的新目标。【前人研究进展】前人关于柑橘属果实的品质性状已有较多研究,主要集中在果肉品质的基础参数(糖、有机酸、膳食纤维、果胶、维生素和氨基酸等)、初级和次级代谢物中的有益组分、生物活性物质谱(酚类、类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和抗坏血酸)等方面[1,4-7]。临床试验和流行病学研究表明,柑橘类果实中生化活性物质的组分、含量及比例与其抗氧化特性密切相关。这些抗氧化物质通过抗脂质过氧化和消除氧自由基在预防基础代谢疾病过程中发挥作用[8,9]。此外,柑橘类果实的果皮也富含人体健康有益的成分,通常比果肉组织更有效[10,11]。果皮中的矿质元素如钙等,除参与细胞壁组成及维持果实紧实度外,还作为信号调控因子参与蜜柚成熟和贮藏过程中的生理调控[12]。这也意味着蜜柚果实中矿质元素的合成和积累除与果实品质密切相关外,对果实的成熟、采后贮藏也有一定的影响。蜜柚果实中的矿质营养除决定果树的生长发育和产量形成外,也是评价其品质的重要参量[13]。蜜柚果实以钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)的含量最为丰富[14]。传统饮食结构中增加柑橘类水果摄入,可显著改善以精淀粉为主食的人群的矿质营养。然而,矿质元素在人体内的有效性(即真正被人体有效吸收的部分),除与果实中矿质元素的含量直接相关外,同时还受到果实中其他组分,如植酸(myo- inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis phosphoric acid,PA)、多酚或果胶等的影响。禾谷类作物、豆科、油料作物籽粒中的PA积累水平、组成形态(如不同价位磷酸肌醇)、生理代谢以及环境调控效应已被广泛报道[15,16,17]。【本研究切入点】蜜柚果实中的PA浓度处于什么范围,PA如何影响蜜柚果实中矿质元素的有效性等,尚未见相关报道。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究选用平和蜜柚产区5个代表性蜜柚品种,即白肉蜜柚(传统优质品种)、红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚(特色品种)、黄金蜜柚和红棉蜜柚(普通品种),拟在明确蜜柚果实不同部位(黄皮层、白皮层、囊衣、果肉)中PA、矿质营养含量的基础上,进一步对矿质元素有效性的空间分布特征进行研究。相关结果为蜜柚矿质营养的生物强化、蜜柚品质资源筛选和功能食品开发提供参考。1 材料与方法
1.1 供试材料
Fig. 1The whole and cross section and different tissues of pomelo fruit
a: White-fleshed pomelo, b: Golden-pomelo, c: Red-fleshed pomelo, d: Three-red pomelo, e: Red-albedo pomelo
1.2 取样方法
每个品种设3个种植小区,生育期内统一施肥及田间管理。2019年10月中下旬于果实成熟时统一采集样果。具体取样标准如下:每个小区内随机选择长势相近的2株果树,固定树位取样(统一选树冠外围中上部成熟度、大小、果皮颜色一致且无损伤的蜜柚果实,即5个品种×3个小区×2个重复)。样品取回实验室当天,先用自来水洗净,再用去离子水润洗3次。每个果实纵切,取1/4果实并细分为黄皮层、白皮层、囊衣和果肉(图1-B)。每个小区的2个蜜柚果实各部位分别等量混匀后归为一个重复。用于测定PA和矿质元素的各组织样品切小块后先105℃杀青30 min,然后在80℃的烘箱内烘干至恒重。烘干后的样品粉碎成均质后过40目孔筛,并置于干燥器中用于随后的生化分析。取样、处理及分析过程中所用玻璃器具需预先在30%的HNO3里浸泡。试验过程全程避免手、金属或玻璃等试验材料可能造成的污染。1.3 分析和测定方法
可溶性固形物含量(%)用便携式折射计测定(型号为Instrutherm, model RT-30 ATC);
P组分主要分析P(总磷)、PA(植酸)、PAP(植酸磷)和Pi(无机磷)含量,其中P含量测定采用ICP-MS,具体参考文献[18],PA和Pi含量测定采用分光光度法,具体参考文献[19];PAP含量为=PA×0.2818,并在此基础上计算PAP/P和 Pi/P。
此外,锌的有效性(TAZ,mg Zn?d-1)同时还参照MILLER等[21]的三元模型进行分析:
$TAZ=0.5\times 65\times 100\times \left\{ {{A}_{MAX}}+TDZ+{{K}_{R}}\times (1+\frac{TDP}{{{K}_{P}}})-\sqrt{{{[{{A}_{MAX}}+TDZ+{{K}_{R}}\times (1+\frac{TDP}{{{K}_{P}}})]}^{2}}-4\times {{A}_{MAX}}\times TDZ} \right\}$
式中,每日摄入锌的生物有效性(TAZ,mg Zn?d-1),即有效锌指数,将根据每日膳食中植酸(TDP,mmol PA?d-1)和锌(TDZ,mmol Zn?d-1)的含量拟合后获得。与肠内锌稳态和生物利用率相关的3个常数为AMAX(最大锌吸收)=0.091;KR(Zn受体结合反应的平衡解离常数)=0.680;Kp(Zn和PA结合反应的平衡解离常数)=0.033。以一天食用一个蜜柚作为Zn和PA的唯一来源(即果肉干重150 g为计)。
1.4 统计分析
数据最终结果以平均数±标准差表示。使用Microsoft Excel 2019对数据进行整理和计算,同时运用IBM SPSS Statistics 21对数据进行方差分析、相关性分析和聚类分析(Tukey’s test(P<0.05);Pearson’s correlation;Wards(square Euclidian distance)),并用RStudio绘制相关性图。2 结果
2.1 不同蜜柚果实的外观性状和基本品质性状
外观性状中,单果重、横纵比(果实、果肉)、果形指数、含水率(果皮、果肉)在供试蜜柚品种之间差异均不显著。红棉蜜柚的果皮重低、果皮厚度小,可食率较高。红肉蜜柚的果皮厚度最高,对应的可食率最低。白肉蜜柚、黄金蜜柚和三红蜜柚的果皮厚度、可食率相对较低(表1)。Table 1
Table 1
品种 Cultivar | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 平均值 Mean | 变异系数 CV |
单果重 Mean fruit weight (g) | 1717.6±97.7a | 2028.7±502.9a | 1624.3±164.1a | 1456.7±243.6a | 1577.6±244.7a | 1681 | 0.19 |
果皮重 Peel weigh (g) | 526.6±2.0a | 469.4±146.8a | 547.8±20.8a | 403.0±61.2ab | 176.9±129.1b | 424.7 | 0.37 |
果实横纵比 Fruit aspect ratio | 0.94±0.04a | 0.91±0.11a | 0.91±0.05a | 0.88±0.01a | 0.92±0.03a | 0.91 | 0.06 |
果肉横纵比 Flesh aspect ratio | 1.00±0.07a | 1.01±0.09a | 1.06±0.11a | 1.01±0.04a | 1.02±0.11a | 1.02 | 0.08 |
果皮厚度 Peel thick (mm) | 15.8±0.8b | 13.3±0.8b | 22.2±1.8a | 16.5±1.8b | 16.3±1.8b | 16.8 | 0.19 |
果形指数 Fruit shape index | 1.08±0.05a | 1.07±0.11a | 1.10±0.06a | 1.13±0.02a | 1.09±0.04a | 1.09 | 0.05 |
果皮含水率 Peel moisture content (%) | 0.80±0.01a | 0.79±0.01a | 0.80±0.01a | 0.79±0.00a | 0.78±0.00a | 0.79 | 0.01 |
果肉含水率 Pulp moisture rate (%) | 0.87±0.00a | 0.87±0.01a | 0.86±0.00a | 0.86±0.00a | 0.86±0.00a | 0.86 | 0.01 |
可食率 Edible rate (%) | 0.69±0.01b | 0.77±0.02ab | 0.66±0.03b | 0.72±0.01b | 0.88±0.10a | 0.75 | 0.12 |
可溶性固形物含量 TSS (%) | 12.6±1.1a | 10.5±0.6b | 11.8±0.7ab | 11.8±0.5ab | 11.7±0.4ab | 11.7 | 0.08 |
可滴定酸 TA (%) | 0.64±0.03a | 0.37±0.00c | 0.54±0.03ab | 0.46±0.04bc | 0.54±0.09ab | 0.51 | 0.19 |
维生素C含量 Vc (mg·kg-1) | 198.2±0.0ab | 215.1±11.7a | 199.9±7.8ab | 194.8±11.7ab | 191.4±5.9b | 199.9 | 0.06 |
固酸比 TSS/TA ratio | 20.4±1.8c | 27.4±1.3a | 22.0±0.6bc | 25.9±2.1ab | 21.9±3.0bc | 23.5 | 0.14 |
2.2 蜜柚果实中磷组分(P、PA、Pi)的空间分布
果皮(黄皮层、白皮层和囊衣)中P组分含量及比例在不同品种之间的差异均达到显著水平(白皮层中的Pi和Pi/P除外)。果肉中,PA和PA/P表现出显著的基因型差异,而P、Pi、Pi/P在不同蜜柚品种之间的差异不显著。其中不同蜜柚品种果肉中PA含量为0.14—0.37 g·kg-1,以红肉蜜柚最高,三红蜜柚和白肉蜜柚最低,最大相差2.6倍;PAP/P为2.55%—6.09%,以黄金蜜柚和红肉蜜柚最高,白肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚最低,总体趋势与不同品种间PA变化相似(表2)。
Table 2
Table 2
果实部位 Fruit location | 品种 Cultivar | 磷 P (g·kg-1) | 植酸 PA (g·kg-1) | 无机磷 Pi (g·kg-1) | 植酸磷/磷 PAP/P (%) | 无机磷/磷 Pi/P(%) |
黄皮层 Flavedo | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 1.37±0.08c | 1.25±0.05c | 0.88±0.06bc | 25.9±2.5c | 64.7±6.8ab |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 1.07±0.02d | 1.39±0.06c | 0.77±0.05c | 36.6±0.9a | 71.3±3.9a | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 1.72±0.02a | 1.29±0.04c | 1.13±0.05a | 21.1±0.6d | 65.7±2.4ab | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 1.60±0.03ab | 1.75±0.12b | 0.90±0.04bc | 30.9±1.8b | 56.1±2.8b | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 1.54±0.10b | 2.16±0.09a | 0.97±0.05b | 39.4±2.0a | 63.2±4.2ab | |
平均数 Mean | 1.46 | 1.57 | 0.93 | 30.8 | 64.2 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.16 | 0.23 | 0.14 | 0.23 | 0.10 | |
白皮层 Albedo | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.57±0.01ab | 0.76±0.01a | 0.28±0.02a | 37.7±0.5a | 50.1±3.7a |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.51±0.04b | 0.59±0.02b | 0.27±0.03a | 32.6±2.2ab | 52.9±4.0a | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.61±0.00a | 0.57±0.03b | 0.31±0.03a | 26.2±1.5c | 50.4±5.2a | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.59±0.01a | 0.61±0.07b | 0.28±0.00a | 29.1±3.2bc | 46.8±1.3a | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.63±0.04a | 0.58±0.06b | 0.31±0.01a | 26.1±3.0c | 49.7±4.1a | |
平均数 Mean | 0.58 | 0.62 | 0.29 | 30.3 | 50.0 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.08 | 0.13 | 0.09 | 0.16 | 0.08 | |
囊衣 Segment membrane | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.76±0.02c | 0.49±0.02ab | 0.38±0.04bc | 18.0±0.45a | 50.0±6.3ab |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.75±0.01c | 0.38±0.04bc | 0.31±0.01c | 14.2±1.5ab | 41.1±2.2b | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.89±0.01a | 0.33±0.03c | 0.49±0.02a | 10.4±1.0b | 55.6±2.2a | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.82±0.01b | 0.47±0.05ab | 0.45±0.03ab | 16.1±1.9a | 54.6±3.8a | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.77±0.04bc | 0.50±0.04a | 0.41±0.04ab | 18.3±2.0a | 53.5±2.2a | |
平均数 Mean | 0.80 | 0.43 | 0.41 | 15.4 | 51.0 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.07 | 0.18 | 0.17 | 0.21 | 0.12 | |
果肉 Juice sac | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 1.59±0.07a | 0.14±0.02d | 1.22±0.01a | 2.55±0.31c | 76.8±4.1a |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 1.60±0.01a | 0.29±0.03b | 1.22±0.06a | 5.21±0.50a | 76.5±4.1a | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 1.70±0.06a | 0.37±0.01a | 1.14±0.07a | 6.09±0.41a | 67.4±6.7a | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 1.59±0.05a | 0.17±0.01d | 1.19±0.03a | 2.98±0.19c | 75.0±3.9a | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 1.58±0.04a | 0.23±0.01c | 1.15±0.02a | 4.12±0.15b | 73.2±3.0a | |
平均数 Mean | 1.61 | 0.24 | 1.19 | 4.18 | 73.8 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.04 | 0.36 | 0.04 | 0.33 | 0.07 |
2.3 蜜柚果实中矿质元素的空间分布
果皮中(黄皮层、白皮层和囊衣)矿质元素含量在不同品种之间的差异均达到显著水平。而果肉中P和Mn含量的差异不显著。分析可食部位果肉矿质元素含量可知,P含量为1.59—1.70 g·kg-1。Ca含量为0.76—1.02 g·kg-1,以黄金蜜柚显著高于其他蜜柚品种。Mg含量为0.64—0.71 g·kg-1,以黄金蜜柚和红肉蜜柚显著高于三红蜜柚。Fe含量为15.9—76.7 mg·kg-1,以红棉蜜柚最高,黄金蜜柚最低,两者相差近4.8倍。Zn含量为3.90—9.85 mg·kg-1,平均含量仅为Fe含量的1/4,以红肉蜜柚和三红蜜柚最高,红棉蜜柚最低,两者相差2.5倍。Mn的含量为1.91—2.58 mg·kg-1(表3)。
Table 3
Table 3
果实部位 Fruit location | 品种 Cultivar | 磷 P (g·kg-1) | 钙 Ca (g·kg-1) | 镁 Mg (g·kg-1) | 铁 Fe (mg·kg-1) | 锌 Zn (mg·kg-1) | 锰 Mn (mg·kg-1) |
黄皮层 Flavedo | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 1.37±0.08c | 8.08±0.41bc | 1.98±0.12b | 30.0±1.0c | 12.5±1.1bc | 12.5±0.8c |
黄金蜜柚Golden-pomelo | 1.07±0.02d | 7.62±0.72c | 1.95±0.01b | 111.6±3.0a | 10.9±0.1c | 12.8±0.2c | |
红肉蜜柚Red-fleshed pomelo | 1.72±0.02a | 7.70±0.31c | 2.19±0.07ab | 38.2±1.4b | 13.3±0.4ab | 15.6±0.4ab | |
三红蜜柚Three-red pomelo | 1.60±0.03ab | 9.28±0.35ab | 2.17±0.07ab | 34.5±0.6b | 14.7±0.5a | 15.7±0.6a | |
红棉蜜柚Red-albedo pomelo | 1.54±0.10b | 10.4±0.6a | 2.43±0.16a | 25.6±0.3d | 13.8±0.6ab | 14.3±0.4b | |
平均数Mean | 1.46 | 8.61 | 2.14 | 48.0 | 13.0 | 14.2 | |
变异系数CV | 0.16 | 0.14 | 0.09 | 0.69 | 0.11 | 0.10 | |
白皮层 Albedo | 白肉蜜柚White-fleshed pomelo | 0.57±0.01ab | 2.56±0.03bc | 0.86±0.01bc | 77.5±0.3a | 2.01±0.21c | 3.62±0.22b |
黄金蜜柚Golden-pomelo | 0.51±0.04b | 3.03±0.17a | 0.94±0.07a | 70.6±2.9b | 2.84±0.24b | 0.96±0.12c | |
红肉蜜柚Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.61±0.00a | 2.31±0.16c | 0.79±0.04c | 78.1±3.4a | 2.98±0.18b | 4.25±0.21a | |
三红蜜柚Three-red pomelo | 0.59±0.01a | 2.61±0.08bc | 0.84±0.01bc | 23.9±0.4c | 7.80±0.10a | 3.89±0.23ab | |
红棉蜜柚Red-albedo pomelo | 0.63±0.04a | 2.82±0.01ab | 0.93±0.00ab | 81.1±0.6a | 2.84±0.24b | 4.01±0.04ab | |
平均数Mean | 0.58 | 2.66 | 0.87 | 66.3 | 3.69 | 3.34 | |
变异系数CV | 0.08 | 0.10 | 0.08 | 0.34 | 0.58 | 0.38 | |
囊衣 Segment membrane | 白肉蜜柚White-fleshed pomelo | 0.76±0.02c | 3.76±0.09a | 1.12±0.02c | 83.5±3.1a | 2.34±0.27d | 4.40±0.25ab |
黄金蜜柚Golden-pomelo | 0.75±0.01c | 3.69±0.10a | 1.18±0.00ab | 85.5±2.7a | 6.60±0.18b | 4.09±0.39ab | |
红肉蜜柚Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.89±0.01a | 3.45±0.01b | 1.22±0.02a | 70.9±5.4b | 9.39±0.24a | 4.49±0.51ab | |
三红蜜柚Three-red pomelo | 0.82±0.01b | 3.69±0.04a | 1.16±0.02bc | 84.2±2.0a | 4.59±0.21c | 4.99±0.52a | |
红棉蜜柚Red-albedo pomelo | 0.77±0.04bc | 3.75±0.02a | 1.18±0.01b | 88.9±0.6a | 6.51±0.04b | 3.86±0.22b | |
平均数Mean | 0.80 | 3.67 | 1.17 | 82.6 | 5.89 | 4.37 | |
变异系数CV | 0.07 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 0.08 | 0.41 | 0.12 | |
果肉 Juice sac | 白肉蜜柚White-fleshed pomelo | 1.59±0.07a | 0.88±0.14ab | 0.67±0.04ab | 19.8±2.2bc | 8.66±0.13b | 1.97±0.36a |
黄金蜜柚Golden-pomelo | 1.60±0.01a | 1.02±0.00a | 0.71±0.00a | 15.9±0.8c | 9.51±0.26ab | 1.91±0.08a | |
红肉蜜柚Red-fleshed pomelo | 1.70±0.06a | 0.82±0.01b | 0.70±0.02a | 29.3±1.3b | 9.85±0.15a | 2.11±0.23a | |
三红蜜柚Three-red pomelo | 1.59±0.05a | 0.76±0.01b | 0.64±0.02b | 20.4±2.3bc | 9.75±0.62a | 2.13±0.47a | |
红棉蜜柚Red-albedo pomelo | 1.58±0.04a | 0.82±0.03b | 0.70±0.01ab | 76.7±9.4a | 3.90±0.12c | 2.58±0.06a | |
平均数Mean | 1.61 | 0.86 | 0.68 | 32.4 | 8.33 | 2.14 | |
变异系数CV | 0.04 | 0.13 | 0.05 | 0.73 | 0.28 | 0.16 |
2.4 蜜柚果实中矿质元素的有效性的空间分布
在明确蜜柚果实不同空间部位PA和矿质元素含量的基础上,进一步对果实不同部位矿质元素的有效性进行分析(有效性用PA和矿质元素的摩尔比表示)(表4)。Table 4
Table 4
部位 Fruitlocation | 品种 Genotype | [PA]/[Ca] | [PA]/[Mg] | [PA]/[Fe] | [PA]/[Zn] | [PA]/[Mn] |
黄皮层 Flavedo | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.0094±0.0009c | 0.0234±0.0023cd | 3.54±0.25c | 10.0±0.7cd | 8.37±0.88b |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.0111±0.0008abc | 0.0263±0.0010bc | 1.06±0.03e | 12.6±0.5b | 9.09±0.27b | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.0102±0.0001bc | 0.0217±0.0003d | 2.85±0.05d | 9.6±0.6d | 6.88±0.07c | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.0115±0.0008ab | 0.0297±0.0019ab | 4.30±0.35b | 11.9±0.8bc | 9.27±0.46b | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.0126±0.0008a | 0.0328±0.0022a | 7.12±0.38a | 15.5±1.1a | 12.60±0.5a | |
平均数 Mean | 0.0110 | 0.0268 | 3.77 | 11.9 | 9.24 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.1167 | 0.1660 | 0.55 | 0.19 | 0.22 | |
白皮层 Albedo | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.0179±0.0004a | 0.0323±0.0002a | 0.83±0.01b | 37.4±3.3a | 17.5±1.3b |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.0118±0.0004c | 0.0231±0.0016b | 0.71±0.04b | 20.7±2.4b | 51.6±7.6a | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.0150±0.0011b | 0.0266±0.0019b | 0.62±0.03b | 19.0±0.5b | 11.2±0.9b | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.0143±0.0015bc | 0.0269±0.0028b | 2.17±0.26a | 7.8±0.8c | 13.2±1.8b | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.0126±0.0012bc | 0.0231±0.0023b | 0.61±0.06b | 20.4±2.1b | 12.1±1.1b | |
平均数 Mean | 0.0143 | 0.0264 | 0.98 | 21.1 | 21.1 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.1655 | 0.1464 | 0.63 | 0.47 | 0.77 | |
囊衣 Segment membrane | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.0079±0.0002ab | 0.0160±0.0005a | 0.50±0.01a | 20.9±3.4a | 9.23±0.20ab |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.0062±0.0007bc | 0.0118±0.0012bc | 0.37±0.03b | 5.69±0.70bc | 7.79±1.46bc | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.0057±0.0006c | 0.0099±0.0009c | 0.39±0.04ab | 3.45±0.35c | 6.10±0.78c | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.0077±0.0010ab | 0.0149±0.0019ab | 0.47±0.06ab | 10.2±1.6b | 7.83±0.37bc | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.0081±0.0007a | 0.0156±0.0014a | 0.48±0.04ab | 7.59±0.68bc | 10.70±0.50a | |
平均数 Mean | 0.0071 | 0.0137 | 0.44 | 9.56 | 8.34 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.1596 | 0.1977 | 0.14 | 0.68 | 0.21 | |
果肉 Juice sac | 白肉蜜柚 White-fleshed pomelo | 0.0102±0.0023d | 0.0079±0.0012d | 0.62±0.12c | 1.65±0.20c | 6.28±1.69b |
黄金蜜柚 Golden-pomelo | 0.0175±0.0017b | 0.0154±0.0015b | 1.57±0.15a | 3.07±0.31b | 12.8±0.7a | |
红肉蜜柚 Red-fleshed pomelo | 0.0273±0.0011a | 0.0192±0.0011a | 1.06±0.06b | 3.69±0.13b | 14.6±2.0a | |
三红蜜柚 Three-red pomelo | 0.0135±0.0011cd | 0.0096±0.0007cd | 0.71±0.14c | 1.72±0.24c | 6.80±1.63b | |
红棉蜜柚 Red-albedo pomelo | 0.0170±0.0003bc | 0.0122±0.0004c | 0.26±0.02d | 5.86±0.35a | 7.42±0.21b | |
平均数 Mean | 0.0171 | 0.0129 | 0.84 | 3.20 | 9.58 | |
变异系数 CV | 0.3547 | 0.3312 | 0.56 | 0.51 | 0.39 |
Fig. 2Zn availability (TAZ) in the juice sac of five pommel fruits
Different lowercase letters indicate signi?cant difference (P<0.05)
2.5 蜜柚果实中P组分、矿质元素及其摩尔比之间的相关性
蜜柚果实中P组分、矿质元素及其摩尔比的相关性在果实不同部位的结果有所不同(图2、表5)。相关性总体表明,果皮中待测指标达到显著或极显著水平的结果要多于果肉和全果。Table 5
Table 5
指标 Index | 果肉 Pulp | 果皮 Peel | 全果实 Whole fruit |
PA×P | 0.547* | 0.825** | 0.225 |
PA×Ca | 0.182 | 0.931** | 0.943** |
PA×Mg | 0.620* | 0.889** | 0.917** |
PA×Fe | 0.043 | -.534** | -0.113 |
PA×Zn | 0.167 | 0.778** | 0.600** |
PA×Mn | -0.045 | 0.892** | 0.912** |
PA×[PA]/[Ca] | 0.950** | 0.263 | -0.101 |
PA×[PA]/[Mg] | 0.997** | 0.671** | 0.752** |
PA×[PA]/[Fe] | 0.575* | 0.903** | 0.870** |
PA×[PA]/[Zn] | 0.452 | 0.016 | 0.290* |
PA×[PA]/[Mn] | 0.934** | -0.112 | -0.005 |
Zn×Fe | -0.930** | -0.596** | -0.589** |
Zn×Mg | -0.145 | 0.901** | 0.678** |
Zn×Ca | 0.121 | 0.883** | 0.618** |
Zn×[PA]/[Zn] | -0.795** | -0.543** | -0.499** |
Zn×[PA]/[Fe] | 0.678** | 0.757** | 0.704** |
Zn×[PA]/[Mg] | 0.192 | 0.212 | 0.131 |
Zn×[PA]/[Ca] | 0.129 | -0.186 | -0.036 |
Fe×Mg | 0.217 | -0.460** | -0.039 |
Fe×Ca | -0.245 | -0.490** | -0.010 |
Fe×[PA]/[Zn] | 0.887** | 0.187 | 0.419** |
Fe×[PA]/[Fe] | -0.672** | -0.787** | -0.518** |
Fe×[PA]/[Mg] | 0.022 | -0.409** | 0.005 |
Fe×[PA]/[Ca] | 0.127 | -0.206 | -0.334** |
Mg×Zn | -0.145 | 0.901** | 0.678** |
Mg×Fe | 0.217 | -0.460** | -0.039 |
Mg×Ca | 0.687** | 0.986** | 0.987** |
Mg×[PA]/[Zn] | 0.502 | -0.294* | 0.089 |
Mg×[PA]/[Fe] | 0.343 | 0.791** | 0.767** |
[PA]/[Mg]×[PA]/[Fe] | 0.581* | 0.587** | 0.596** |
[PA]/[Mg]×[PA]/[Ca] | 0.959** | 0.880** | 0.274* |
[PA]/[Zn]×[PA]/[Fe] | -0.275 | -0.091 | 0.048 |
其中,蜜柚果肉中,PA与P、Mg、[PA]/[Ca]、[PA]/[Mg]、[PA]/[Fe]和[PA]/[Mn]呈显著正相关,而与[PA]/[Zn]的相关性不显著。Zn与Fe含量、[PA]/[Zn] 之间呈极显著负相关,而与[PA]/[Fe]呈显著正相关。Fe与[PA]/[Fe]呈极显著负相关,而与[PA]/[Zn]呈极显著正相关。Mg与Ca呈极显著正相关,[PA]/[Mg]与[PA]/[Ca]、[PA]/[Fe]呈显著正相关。[PA]/[Zn]与[PA]/ [Fe]之间的相关性不显著。
2.6 聚类分析
Fig. 3Correlation coefficients among the contents of P components, minerals, and their molar ratio among various fruit location
图4以果肉中磷组分、矿质元素及摩尔比为变量的SPSS Ward法树状聚类图
Fig. 4Dendrogram calculated by the SPSS Ward method based on concentration of grain P components, minerals, and their molar ratio
3 讨论
营养学及流行病学的研究表明,水果的抗氧化特性与慢性疾病的发生表现为显著的负相关关系[9,22]。此外,水果中还富含人体营养所必需的矿物质。以柑橘为例,果实中富含的K、Mg、Ca和P等[23]是以谷类精淀粉为主食的人群矿质营养的有效补充。为明确蜜柚果实PA、矿质元素含量及其有效性的基因型以及空间区位分布差异,本研究在气候、土壤类型、肥料运筹和栽培管理条件一致的背景下,选择果实成熟度一致的蜜柚样果进行分析,有效排除了生态、气候因素以及果型大小对果实PA及矿物质积累可能产生的影响。3.1 蜜柚果实中PA的空间分布
本试验中,供试蜜柚果实的植酸含量(0.14—0.37 g·kg-1)低于MALIK等[28]在葡萄柚、橘子和酸橙果肉中测得的植酸含量(1.18—1.34 g·kg-1)。分析原因,除与柑橘属间遗传多样性、种植区域及其环境差异有关外,可能还与植酸的分析方法不同有关。同样采用盐酸提取法,本试验中蜜柚果皮植酸含量(黄皮层:1.57 g·kg-1、白皮层:0.62 g·kg-1)与前人在柠檬果皮(0.61 g·kg-1)、柑橘果皮(0.61 g·kg-1)、脐橙果皮(0.81 g·kg-1)、酸橙果皮(1.27 g·kg-1)中的结果相近[29,30]。
3.2 蜜柚果实中矿质元素含量及其有效性的空间分布分析
4 结论
蜜柚果实的PA、矿质营养及其有效性在不同蜜柚品种间以及果实不同空间区位(黄皮层、白皮层、囊衣和果肉)均存在显著差异。黄皮层中富含Ca,而果肉中P的含量最高。果实内的PA从外到内表现为持续性降低的趋势,且果肉部位的P主要以Pi的形式存在,而非PA。推测果肉的低PA背景对矿质元素的抑制效应相对有限。但需注意的是,蜜柚果皮(黄皮层、白皮层)中PA含量相对较高。因此,在果皮食品深加工过程中,为保证矿质元素有效性的高效发挥,可能需要预先脱PA处理。参考文献 原文顺序
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DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.11.146URLPMID:30611501 [本文引用: 1]
Bulky hard peel of Citrus natsudaidai is discarded and not utilized enough in Japan. In this study, the nutritional composition and volatile components of three cultivars of C. natsudaidai peel were determined. Considering the proximate composition and minerals, C. natsudaidai peels showed good carbohydrate and potassium content. The peel color varied probably due to the difference of cultivars. C. natsudaidai peels were extracted and analyzed for free amino acids and for fatty acids and volatile compounds. The amount of free amino acids in the extracts was not enough to affect the taste of extracts. The proportion of individual fatty acid was not comparable to other plant oils, however, typical aroma compounds with citrusy smell were identified. C. natsudaidai extracts could contribute for the utilization as flavoring additives without affecting taste.
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DOI:10.1007/s12011-019-01727-1URLPMID:31030384 [本文引用: 4]
The aim of the study was to compare the mineral content between the peel and the pulp of citrus fruits and to determine which citrus fruit, among orange (Citrus sinensis), pomelo (Citrus maxima), mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco), lemon (Citrus limon), key lime (Citrus aurantifolia), and red, yellow, or green grapefruit (Citrus paradisi), is the richest in minerals. The research material consisted of fresh citrus fruits belonging to the genus Citrus L in the family Rutaceae. The fruits were purchased at a supermarket at one time. To prepare laboratory samples, each fruit was cut in half, and one half was homogenized, treating the sample as a whole (peel + flesh), while the other half was peeled and the pulp (F) and peel (P) were homogenized separately. To determine the content of minerals (Na(+), K(+), Ca(+2), Mg(+2), Fe(+2), Zn(+2), Cu(+2), Mn(+2), and Se(+2)), the samples were mineralized and analyzed using an Analytik Jena PlasmaQuant PQ 9000 inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer. The content of macro- and micronutrients in the peel of most of the fruits far exceeded their quantity in the pulp. Oranges and pomelos are the fruits richest in iron and copper, so they could be recommended in cases such as hemoglobin production disorders resulting from a deficiency of these elements. Oranges can additionally enrich the body with potassium, phosphorus, and manganese, while lime can be a source of calcium, zinc, sodium, and especially potassium. It should also be noted that all citrus fruits are a very valuable source of potassium, which is needed to ensure the water and electrolyte balance.
DOI:10.1038/nbt1322URLPMID:17676037 [本文引用: 1]
Phytic acid in cereal grains and oilseeds is poorly digested by monogastric animals and negatively affects animal nutrition and the environment. However, breeding programs involving mutants with less phytic acid and more inorganic phosphate (P(i)) have been frustrated by undesirable agronomic characteristics associated with the phytic acid-reducing mutations. We show that maize lpa1 mutants are defective in a multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that is expressed most highly in embryos, but also in immature endosperm, germinating seed and vegetative tissues. Silencing expression of this transporter in an embryo-specific manner produced low-phytic-acid, high-Pi transgenic maize seeds that germinate normally and do not show any significant reduction in seed dry weight. This dominant transgenic approach obviates the need for incorporating recessive lpa1 mutations to create maize hybrids with reduced phytic acid. Suppressing the homologous soybean MRP gene also generated low-phytic-acid seed, suggesting that the strategy might be feasible for many crops.
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DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.05.110URLPMID:28764025 [本文引用: 1]
Diets very rich in cereals have been associated with micronutrient malnutrition, and the biofortification of them, has been proposed as one of the best approaches to alleviate the problem. Durum wheat is one of the main sources of calories and protein in many developing countries. In this study, 46 durum varieties grown under full and reduced irrigation, were analyzed for micronutrients and phytate content to determine the potential bioavailability of the micronutrients. The variation was 25.7-40.5mg/kg for iron and of 24.8-48.8mg/kg for zinc. For phytate determination (0.462-0.952 %), a modified methodology was validated in order to reduce testing costs while speeding up testing time. Variation was detected for phytate:iron and zinc molar ratios (12.1-29.6 and 16.9-23.6, respectively). The results could be useful to generate varieties with appropriate levels of phytate and micronutrients, which can lead to the development of varieties rich in micronutrients to overcome malnutrition.
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DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.02.064URLPMID:26047266 [本文引用: 2]
Rice is an important staple food in Asian countries. In rural areas it is also a major source of micronutrients. Unfortunately, the bioavailability of minerals, e.g. zinc from rice, is low because it is present as an insoluble complex with food components such as phytic acid. We investigated the effects of soaking, germination and fermentation with an aim to reduce the content of phytic acid, while maintaining sufficient levels of zinc, in the expectation of increasing its bioavailability. Fermentation treatments were most effective in decreasing phytic acid (56-96% removal), followed by soaking at 10 degrees C after preheating (42-59%). Steeping of intact kernels for 24h at 25 degrees C had the least effect on phytic acid removal (<20%). With increased germination periods at 30 degrees C, phytic acid removal progressed from 4% to 60%. Most wet processing procedures, except soaking after wet preheating, caused a loss of dry mass and zinc (1-20%). In vitro solubility, as a percentage of total zinc in soaked rice, was significantly higher than in untreated brown rice while, in steeped brown rice, it was lower (p<0.05). Fermentation and germination did not have significant effects on the solubility of zinc. The expected improvement due to lower phytic acid levels was not confirmed by increasing levels of in vitro soluble zinc. This may result from zinc complexation to other food components.
DOI:10.1093/jn/137.1.135URLPMID:17182814 [本文引用: 2]
The quantities of zinc and phytate in the diet are the primary factors determining zinc absorption. A mathematical model of zinc absorption as a function of dietary zinc and phytate can be used to predict dietary zinc requirements and, potentially, enhance our understanding of zinc absorption. Our goal was to develop a model of practical and informative value based on fundamental knowledge of the zinc absorption process and then fit the model to selected published data to assess its validity and estimate parameter values. A model of moderate mathematical complexity relating total zinc absorption to total dietary zinc and total dietary phytate was derived and fit to 21 mean data from whole day absorption studies using nonlinear regression analysis. Model validity, goodness of fit, satisfaction of regression assumptions, and quality of the parameter estimates were evaluated using standard statistical criteria. The fit had an R(2) of 0.82. The residuals were found to exhibit a normal distribution, constant variance, and independence. The parameters of the model, A(MAX), K(R), and K(P), were estimated to have values of 0.13, 0.10, and 1.2 mmol/d, respectively. Several of these estimates had wide CI attributable in part to the small number and the scatter of the data. The model was judged to be valid and of immediate value for studying and predicting absorption. A version of the model incorporating a passive absorption mechanism was not supported by the available data.
DOI:10.1021/jf9000132URLPMID:19719126 [本文引用: 1]
Mom's conventional wisdom of eating fruits and vegetables to lead a healthy life has evolved with scientific, fact-finding research during the past four decades due to advances in science of
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DOI:10.1007/s13197-013-0978-yURLPMID:25694676 [本文引用: 1]
More than half of the world populations are affected by micronutrient malnutrition and one third of world's population suffers from anemia and zinc deficiency, particularly in developing countries. Iron and zinc deficiencies are the major health problems worldwide. Phytic acid is the major storage form of phosphorous in cereals, legumes, oil seeds and nuts. Phytic acid is known as a food inhibitor which chelates micronutrient and prevents it to be bioavailabe for monogastric animals, including humans, because they lack enzyme phytase in their digestive tract. Several methods have been developed to reduce the phytic acid content in food and improve the nutritional value of cereal which becomes poor due to such antinutrient. These include genetic improvement as well as several pre-treatment methods such as fermentation, soaking, germination and enzymatic treatment of grains with phytase enzyme. Biofortification of staple crops using modern biotechnological techniques can potentially help in alleviating malnutrition in developing countries.
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DOI:10.34133/2021/3565791URLPMID:33629070 [本文引用: 1]
Conjugated polymers and oligomers have great potentials in various fields, especially in materials and biological sciences because of their intriguing electronic and optoelectronic properties. In recent years, the through-space conjugation system has emerged as a new assembled pattern of multidimensional polymers. Here, a novel series of structurally condensed multicolumn/multilayer 3D polymers and oligomers have been designed and synthesized through one-pot Suzuki polycondensation (SPC). The intramolecularly stacked arrangement of polymers can be supported by either X-ray structural analysis or computational analysis. In all cases, polymers were obtained with modest to good yields, as determined by GPC and (1)H-NMR. MALDI-TOF analysis has proven the speculation of the step-growth process of this polymerization. The computational study of ab initio and DFT calculations based on trimer and pentamer models gives details of the structures and the electronic transition. Experimental results of optical and AIE research confirmed by calculation indicates that the present work would facilitate the research and applications in materials.
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DOI:10.1016/j.nut.2016.09.006URLPMID:28063510 [本文引用: 1]
Citrus fruits, including oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, tangerines, and mandarins, are among the most widely cultivated fruits around the globe. Its production is increasing every year due to rising consumer demand. Citrus-processing industries generate huge amounts of wastes every year, and citrus peel waste alone accounts for almost 50% of the wet fruit mass. Citrus waste is of immense economic value as it contains an abundance of various flavonoids, carotenoids, dietary fiber, sugars, polyphenols, essential oils, and ascorbic acid, as well as considerable amounts of some trace elements. Citrus waste also contains high levels of sugars suitable for fermentation for bioethanol production. However, compounds such as D-limonene must be removed for efficient bioethanol production. The aim of the present article was to review the latest advances in various popular methods of extraction for obtaining value-added products from citrus waste/byproducts and their potential utility as a source of various functional compounds.
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