Research Progress and Prospect on Banker Plant Systems of Predators for Biological Control
LI Shu![](https://www.chinaagrisci.com/richhtml/0578-1752/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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李姝, 王杰, 黄宁兴, 金振宇, 王甦, 张帆. 捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统研究进展与展望[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(19): 3975-3987 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.19.011
LI Shu, WANG Jie, HUANG NingXing, JIN ZhenYu, WANG Su, ZHANG Fan.
天敌昆虫是农业生态系统重要的控害因素,在农作物害虫防治中起着重要的作用。近年来新兴的保护型生物防治技术利用生态调控技术来改善天敌生存条件,同时提高了生物多样性,被越来越多的应用在农业有害生物综合治理中[1,2,3]。基于景观复杂性假说、联合抗性假说、资源集中假说等害虫生态调控理论,多角度解释了利用有益植物进行生境调控,可以有效提升天敌定殖率及持续控害能力[4]。这些有益植物为天敌提供食物、越冬和繁殖栖境,帮助天敌躲避农药和耕作干扰。按照对天敌的作用和功能,可分为储蓄植物(banker plant)、蜜源植物(nectar resource plant)、栖境植物(habitat plant)、诱集植物(trap plant)、指示植物(indicator plant)和护卫植物(guardian plant)等[5,6]。目前研究较多的是储蓄植物,又称载体植物或开放式天敌饲养系统[7],能够支持天敌在系统中“预存”与“增殖”[6,8],此系统已在比利时、德国、法国、日本、美国和加拿大等国家的温室及大田作物有害生物防治中推广应用[3,9-14]。
捕食性天敌大多成虫或幼虫阶段均可捕食,普遍具有捕食量大及环境适应性强等优点[15,16,17]。尽管许多研究表明捕食性天敌具有显著的控害效果[18,19,20],但需要多次、大量释放,这不仅增加了防治成本,而且也可能会引起潜在生态风险[9,21-22]。而储蓄植物系统可以预防性地将天敌引入作物中,在作物全生育期中有助于捕食性天敌维持种群[7],从而达到可持续控害效果,减少了天敌释放并降低了生态风险。此外,还可以吸引一些本地其他天敌定殖,从而提高害虫的综合防治效果[23]。如PINEDA等[24]在甜椒温室中使用黑带食蚜蝇(Episyrphus balteatus)储蓄植物系统时发现,此系统还可吸引内宽尾细腹蚜蝇(Sphaerophoria rueppellii),使其数量增加提高生防效果。由于田间常存在多种害虫混合发生的情况,广食性或适应性相对较强的捕食性天敌更具生防潜力。因此,捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统成为保护型生物防治技术重要的研究方向,具有广阔的发展前景。
1 储蓄植物系统研究与应用概况
1970年,捷克科学家STARY使用“artificial foci”首次提出了储蓄植物的理念,利用芸苔属(Brassica)植物繁殖甘蓝蚜(Brevicoryne brassicae)饲养菜少脉蚜茧蜂(Diaeretiella rapae)以防治温室中桃蚜(Myzus persicae) [25]。PARR等研究应用丽蚜小蜂(Encarsia formosa)的储蓄植物系统,防治危害番茄的温室白粉虱(Trialeurodes vaporariorum),发现丽蚜小蜂在系统中可维持8周[26,27]。第一例成功的捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统是由丹麦科学家HANSEN[28]提出并建立,以蚕豆(Vicia faba)为储蓄植物支持食蚜瘿蚊(Aphidoletes aphidimyza)防治温室辣椒(Capsicum annuum)上的桃蚜,达到与化学农药防治相同的效果。21世纪初,储蓄植物系统产品已开始在欧美商品化[7],如XIAO等[29]建立的玉米(Zea mays)-草地小爪螨(Oligonychus pratensis)-食螨瘿蚊(Feltiella acarisuga)储蓄植物系统,实现对二斑叶螨(Tetranychus urticae)的防控,并在美国的番茄(Solanum lycopersicum)、黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)、茄子(Solanum melongena)等设施作物生产中得到推广应用。目前,国际知名生防公司Koppert、Biobest等在比利时、芬兰、法国、德国、匈牙利、意大利、荷兰、波兰、俄罗斯、西班牙、英国等国家均有储蓄植物系统商品化销售应用,如小麦(Triticum aestivum)-麦长管蚜(Sitobion avenae)-阿尔蚜茧蜂(Aphidius ervi)、小麦-禾谷缢管蚜(Rhopalosiphum padi)-粗脊蚜茧蜂(Aphidius colemani)等。此外,用观赏性辣椒、罗勒(Ocimum basilicum)构建的小花蝽(Orius spp.)储蓄植物系统在比利时、加拿大、澳大利亚等也有商业推广应用[7]。近年来,我国也开始研发捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统工作,例如小麦-玉米蚜(Rhopalosiphum maidis)-龟纹瓢虫(Propylaea japonica)[16]和玉米-禾谷缢管蚜-异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis)(待发表)等,部分已用于温室蔬菜上蚜虫的防治。自1970年至今,国内外对于储蓄植物系统的研究论文已发表近150余篇。尽管HANSEN[28]建立的第一例捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统比PARR等[26]提出的第一例寄生性天敌的储蓄植物系统迟了7年,但自21世纪以来,捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统研究发展迅速,这可能与越来越多的捕食性天敌大规模应用有关。但目前仅有少量捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统用于大田害虫防治,如防治水稻上的褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)[30],其余大部分用于防治温室害虫(表1—表3),其中关于蚜虫防治有13篇,主要是用于防治棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)与桃蚜(表1);其次是粉虱防治有10篇(表2)。已发表文章中研究最多的捕食性天敌为食蚜瘿蚊、斯氏钝绥螨(Amblyseius swirskii)以及一些捕食性盲蝽。
Table 1
Table 1
靶标害虫 Target pest | 储蓄植物 Banker plant | 替代食物 Alternative food | 捕食性天敌 Predator natural enemy | 目标作物 Crop | 参考文献 Reference |
桃蚜 Myzus persicae | 蚕豆 Vicia faba | 巢菜修尾蚜 Megoura viciae | 食蚜瘿蚊 Aphidoletes aphidimyza | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 文献[28] Reference [28] |
燕麦 Avena sativa | 麦无网长管蚜 Metopolophium dirhodum | 食蚜瘿蚊 Aphidoletes aphidimyza | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 文献[31] Reference [31] | |
大麦 Hordeum vulgare | 玉米蚜 Rhopalosiphum maidis | 黑带食蚜蝇 Episyrphus balteatus | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 文献[24] Reference [24] | |
小麦 Triticum aestivum | 玉米蚜 Rhopalosiphum maidis | 龟纹瓢虫 Propylaea japonica | 未报道 Not reported | 文献[16] Reference [16] | |
蚕豆 Vicia faba | 豌豆修尾蚜 Megoura japonica | 七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata | 未报道 Not reported | 待发表 Unpublished | |
棉蚜 Aphis gossypii | 小麦 Triticum aestivum 大麦 Hordeum vulgare | 禾谷缢管蚜 Rhopalosiphum padi 麦二叉蚜 Schizaphis graminum | 普通草蛉 Chrysopa carnea 食蚜瘿蚊 Aphidoletes aphidimyza | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus 甜瓜 Oriental melon 茄子 Solanum melongena | 文献[32,33] Reference [32-33] 文献[34,35] Reference [34-35] 文献[36,37] Reference [36-37] |
高粱 Sorghum bicolor | 高粱蚜 Melanaphis sacchari | 食蚜瘿蚊 Aphidoletes aphidimyza | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum 茄子Solanum melongena | 文献[37,38] Reference [37-38] | |
牛筋草 Eleusine indica | 狗尾草蚜 Hysteroneura setariae | 狭臀瓢虫 Coccinella transversalis 六斑月瓢虫 Menochilus sexmaculatus | 蔬菜 Vegetable | 文献[39] Reference [39] | |
茄沟无网蚜 Aulacorthum solani 李短尾蚜 Brachycaudus helichrysi | 大麦 Hordeum vulgare | 禾谷缢管蚜 Rhopalosiphum padi | 食蚜瘿蚊 Aphidoletes aphidimyza | 菊 Chrysanthemums | 文献[40] Reference [40] |
Table 2
Table 2
靶标害虫 Target pest | 储蓄植物 Banker plant | 替代食物 Alternative food | 捕食性天敌 Predator natural enemy | 目标作物 Crop | 参考文献 Reference |
烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci | 木瓜 Carica papaya | 木瓜粉虱 Trialeurodes variabilis | 小黑瓢虫 Delphastus pusillus | 蔬菜 Vegetable | 文献[41] Reference [41] |
美女樱 Verbena hybrida | 未报道 Not reported | 烟盲蝽 Nesidiocoris tenuis | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[42] Reference [42] | |
辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 花粉 Pollen | 斯氏钝绥螨 Amblyseius swirskii | 绿豆 Vigna radiata | 文献[11] Reference [11] | |
温室白粉虱 Trialeurodes vaporariorum | 烟草 Nicotiana tabacum | 地中海粉斑螟卵 Ephestia kuehniella | 黑暗长脊盲蝽 Macrolophus caliginosus | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[43] Reference [43] |
欧洲稻槎菜 Lapsana communis | 欧洲甘蓝粉虱 Aleyrodes proletella | 黑暗长脊盲蝽 Macrolophus caliginosus | 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | 文献[44] Reference [44] | |
毛蕊花Verbascum thapsus 辣椒Capsicum annuum 茄子Solanum melongena | 植物汁液 Sap 粉斑螟卵Ephestia | 西方猎盲蝽 Dicyphus hesperus | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[45,46,47] Reference [45-47] | |
罗勒Ocimum basilicum 烟草Nicotiana tabacum | 花粉或叶 Pollen or leaf | 矮小长脊盲蝽 Macrolophus pygmaeus | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[48,49] Reference [48-49] |
Table 3
Table 3
靶标害虫 Target pest | 储蓄植物 Banker plant | 替代食物 Alternative food | 捕食性天敌 Predator natural enemy | 目标作物 Crop | 参考文献 Reference |
二斑叶螨 Tetranychus urticae | 香柏Thuja occidentalis 杜鹃Rhododendron sp. | 针叶小爪螨 Oligonychus ununguis | 伪新小绥螨 Neoseiulus fallacis | 景观苗圃Commercial landscape plant | 文献[50] Reference [50] |
玉米 Zea mays | 草地小爪螨 Oligonychus pratensis | 捕螨瘿蚊 Feltiella acarisuga | 未报道 Not reported | 文献[29] Reference [29] | |
河岸葡萄Vitis riparia 地中海荚迷Viburnum tinus | 阿勒颇松花粉 Pinus halepensis | 加州新小绥螨 Neoseiulus californicus | 玫瑰 Rose sonia | 文献[51] Reference [51] | |
玫瑰 Rosa sonia 地中海荚蒾Viburnum tinus | 花粉 Pollen | 加州新小绥螨 Neoseiulus californicus | 菜豆 Phaseolus vulgaris | 文献[52] Reference [52] | |
侧多食跗线螨 Polyphagotarsonemus latus | 观赏性辣椒 Capiscum annuum | 未报道 Not reported | 斯氏钝绥螨 Amblyseius swirskii | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 文献[53] Reference [53] |
叶螨 Leaf mite 蓟马 Thirp | 蓖麻 Ricinus communis | 花粉 Pollen | 伊绥螨 Ipheseius degenerans | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum 黄瓜 Cucumis sativus | 文献[54] Reference [54] 文献[55] Reference [55] |
西花蓟马 Frankliniella occidentalis | 金盏花 Calendula officinalis | 花蜜 Extrafloral | 东亚小花蝽 Orius sauteri | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[56] Reference [56] |
孔雀草Tagetes patula 蓖麻Ricinus communis 观赏性辣椒Capsicum annuum 非洲菊Gerbera jamesonii 小白菊Tanacetum parthenium 向日葵Helianthus annuus | 未报道 Not reported | 狡小花蝽 Orius insidiosus | 观赏作物 Ornamental crop | 文献[57] Reference [57] | |
西花蓟马 Frankliniella occidentalis 小黄蓟马 Scirtothrips dorsalis | 蓖麻Ricinus communis 观赏性辣椒 Capiscum annuum | 土耳其松花粉 Pollen of Pinus brutia | 斯氏钝绥螨 Amblyseius swirskii | 辣椒Capsicum annuum 黄瓜Cucumis sativus 绿豆 Vigna radiata 观赏植物 Ornamental plant | 文献[11] Reference [11] 文献[58,59] Reference [58-59] 文献[60] Reference [60] |
观赏性辣椒 Capiscum annuum | 花粉 Pollen | 狡小花蝽 Orius insidiosus | 观赏草 Ornamental grass | 文献[61,62] Reference [61-62] | |
蓟马 Thirp | 辣椒 Capsicum annuum | 花粉 Pollen | 斯氏钝绥螨 Amblyseius swirskii | 未报道 Not reported | 文献[63] Reference [63] |
番茄潜叶蛾 Tuta absoluta | 芝麻 Sesamum indicum 黏性旋复花Dittrichia viscosa | 未报道 Not reported | 烟盲蝽 Nesidiocoris tenuis | 番茄 Solanum lycopersicum | 文献[64] Reference [64] |
2 捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统的构建要素
储蓄植物系统一般包含储蓄植物、替代食物(alternative food)和有益生物(beneficial)3个基本要素,本文中有益生物主要围绕捕食性天敌(图1)。构建优良的捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统需要认真筛选各要素,三者之间关系的平衡也决定了这种天敌系统的防治效果。图1
Fig. 1A model of banker plant system of predators for biological control of arthropod pests
Level of interaction among trophic levels shown by thickness of arrows and size of circular endpoints. Banker plant provides nutrition, such as pollen, or host for alternative prey, to support the predatory natural enemy ahead of the preys’ arrival. When the target prey is destructive to crop, the predator could control them to some extent
2.1 储蓄植物
储蓄植物是指可以为系统中的捕食性天敌直接提供替代食物(如花粉、花外蜜)或间接繁殖替代猎物的植物[13]。筛选出优质的储蓄植物是建立高效的储蓄植物系统的基础。在储蓄植物系统研究发展初期,储蓄植物多与目标作物相同[27-28,65],这可能受到当时主流的生防策略“害虫优先(pest-in-first)”影响。储蓄植物与目标作物一致,可避免不同品种或物种之间不可预测的相互作用[66],减少额外种植储蓄植物,方便管理,且可与目标作物一起收获[28],但这样会导致替代猎物危害目标作物。随后的生产实践中,人们考虑使用非目标作物的植物和不危害目标作物的节肢动物来增加天敌定殖的机会,以降低目标作物受危害的概率,逐渐推动了储蓄植物系统的形成和发展[6,13,31]。RAMAKERS[67]提出了“捕食者优先(predator-in- first)”的生物防治策略,在害虫发生前,利用捕食性天敌在植物上生存和繁殖的特性,达到预防害虫发生危害的目的。储蓄植物不但自身营养物质(如花粉、花外蜜)可以直接涵养捕食性天敌;也可提供替代猎物,间接为捕食性天敌提供食物支持[13],进一步拓展了“捕食者优先”的策略。目前较为成功的有单子叶储蓄植物,如小麦、大麦(Hordeum vulgare)、高粱(Sorghum bicolor)、玉米等和双子叶植物如烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)、蓖麻(Ricinus communis)、毛蕊花(Verbascum thapsus)、蚕豆等(表1—表3)。
优良的储蓄植物需要有利于替代猎物增殖。具有抗虫性或营养不适合的储蓄植物会影响替代猎物的发育和繁殖[68],可能间接影响天敌的发育历期、寿命和死亡率[66]。储蓄植物的不同品种由于抗性等差异也会影响替代猎物的增殖[69],因此需要评价替代猎物在不同品种储蓄植物上的增殖能力,筛选出合适的储蓄植物品种。而选用自身营养物质就能提供食物给天敌种群繁殖的储蓄植物避免了筛选替代猎物的麻烦。如使用毛蕊花和芝麻(Sesamum indicum)为捕食性盲蝽提供食物[45,64]、观赏性辣椒为捕食螨和小花蝽提供食物[11,61]等。LI等[70]研究发现油菜(Brassica campestris)与玉米的花粉能够吸引龟纹瓢虫和东亚小花蝽(Orius sauteri),还能为储蓄目标天敌外的其他天敌提供营养源。GOLEVA等[71]试验发现玉米、蓖麻花粉可作为储蓄植物为斯氏钝绥螨提供良好的营养支持。在替代食物或猎物确定的情况下,测定捕食性天敌在该植物上的适合度也是非常必要的[72]。选用自身营养物质有益于天敌种群繁殖的储蓄植物,对天敌生长发育的影响在不同品种间差异不大[11,60]。如KUMAR等[73]发现作为储蓄植物的观赏性辣椒的4个品种之间,对斯氏钝绥螨的发育历期、成虫寿命和繁殖力等的影响均无显著差异。
最后,还需要考虑储蓄植物的种植及维护。根据应用环境(温室或大田等)的不同需要,选择适宜本地的、易于繁育、生长周期长的植物种类,这样就不用频繁更换储蓄植物,从而降低成本。如JACOBSON等[74]就比较了小麦、黑麦和玉米这3种作物被用作储蓄植物的潜能,发现在同样被替代猎物取食的条件下,玉米可以在温室中维持3个月并且仅需要补充一次替代食物,而小麦和黑麦仅为3—4周。当然,也可以考虑选择能有额外收获的作物作为储蓄植物。例如,NGUYEN-DANG等[47]发现茄子不仅作为储蓄植物使西方猎盲蝽(Dicyphus hesperus)种群增长,还可以收获其果实,实现防控害虫与增加产值的双赢。此外,储蓄植物的耐受性也需要着重考虑,例如,如果具有不易受非靶标病虫害侵染的特点,将延长整个系统的使用寿命从而增强天敌的防控效果[13]。再如,选择耐高温的储蓄植物将有利于在夏季温室中使用[23,35]。同时,也需评价储蓄植物的营养物质对靶标害虫的作用,以避免其受益而扩繁,导致害虫再猖獗[75]。
2.2 替代食物或猎物
其次,必须注意选择的替代猎物不能危害目标作物。当使用与目标害虫相同或近似的物种,就会对目标作物造成危害[27]。最好选择严格的单食性或寡食性的本地种节肢动物作为替代猎物,因为外来物种可能对环境产生潜在危害[13]。当然,一些植食性昆虫尽管是农业害虫,在不危害目标作物的前提下,仍然可利用其作为替代猎物,如危害小麦的禾谷缢管蚜、危害白菜的甘蓝粉虱(Aleyrodes proletella) [13,78]。目前文献报道中最常用的替代猎物依次为禾谷缢管蚜、麦长管蚜、玉米蚜、木瓜粉虱(Trialeurodes variabilis)等(表1、表2)。
2.3 捕食性天敌
捕食性天敌必须既可以捕食靶标害虫也可以取食替代食物或猎物,并能正常生长和繁殖[13]。捕食性天敌对靶标害虫和替代食物的偏好性也是需要考量的,如果偏好取食替代食物,则会降低其对靶标害虫的控制能力。HIGASHIDA等[36]通过实验室及温室笼罩试验表明,食蚜瘿蚊在带有棉蚜的目标作物上产卵多于在储蓄植物大麦上,这对于可持续控害效果的发挥是十分有利的。捕食性天敌最好具有一定的扩散能力,其将决定整个储蓄植物系统的控害作用范围,扩散能力较强的天敌,可以减少应用点数,降低成本。如果能建立多种天敌共存的储蓄植物系统,就可以同时对靶标害虫和其他多种害虫进行控制。当然,多种天敌的种间竞争和相互捕食可能会降低防治效果[13,79]。POCHUBAY等[80]研究表明,与应用1—2种天敌相比,当温室内黄瓜新小绥螨(Neoseiulus cucumeris)、剑毛帕厉螨(Stratiolaelaps scimitus)和隐翅虫(Atheta coriaria)3种天敌共存时,蓟马的种群水平反而显著增加。
3 捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统应用策略
Fig. 2A model of banker plant system established for biological control
3.1 储蓄植物系统组成因素的筛选
FRANK[9]指出很多储蓄植物并没有经过认真的筛选,已经应用的也没有明确证据证明其最适性。陈学新等[6]也指出除了考虑系统本身的多级营养关系外,还要把目标作物及靶标害虫甚至近缘种都包括在内,从生态系统的角度充分理清各组成因素之间的相互作用,从而筛选出较为合适的储蓄植物系统。已有的研究初步证明了一些有益植物对天敌具有支持作用,如金盏菊(Calendula officinalis)伴存下的七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata)种群个体数增长显著高于对照组[15];田间蓝蓟(Echium vulgare)、芥菜(Brassica juncea)、硫华菊(Cosmos sulphureus)、荞麦(Fagopyrum esculentum)、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、红麻(Hibiscus cannabinus)、陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum)上会存在大量小花蝽[81],这些植物为构建储蓄植物系统奠定了基础,当然还需要评估其对目标作物及靶标害虫影响,才能充分发掘它们作为储蓄植物的潜力。在构建储蓄植物系统选择各组成因素时,需要考虑其应用环境的影响,明确各因素适应环境的能力,才能精准定位应用范围。例如,由于夏季温室中高温持续时间较长,可选择喜温的冬小麦和大麦作为储蓄植物[82]。研究发现,当豌豆修尾蚜(Megoura japonica)作为替代猎物时,会因为不适应这种持续高温而产生种群消退。常用的寄生性天敌粗脊蚜茧蜂由于不能适应高温,在夏季温室内的防控效果就很低[83]。因此针对储蓄植物系统适用温度不同,可以考虑多种系统分时段或时期使用。
此外,明晰农业生态系统中植物与节肢动物的相互作用,对于改善保护性生物防治的效果有重要意义[84]。对选用的储蓄植物、替代食物或猎物、天敌、目标作物及靶标害虫进行基础的生物学和生态学研究,明确它们之间的相互关系[85],有助于筛选储蓄植物系统的各个组成因素。在进行评估替代猎物是否会危害目标作物的同时,也应关注储蓄植物的病害是否会危害目标作物。ORFANIDOU等[86]就发现防治危害番茄上的温室白粉虱的储蓄植物——假龙头(Dittrichia viscosa),成为番茄侵染性褪绿病毒(TICV)的源库,因此这种植物就不适合作储蓄植物。
3.2 储蓄植物系统各因素水平的优化
目前许多研究更注重于储蓄植物系统的构建,而进一步优化各因素应用参数的报道较少[11,39,60]。邓从双等[16]使用正交试验法,探索了储蓄植物系统中替代猎物蚜虫的接种时间和接种密度,以及天敌(瓢虫幼虫)的投入时间和初孵幼虫的投入数量4种因素的不同水平对系统中瓢虫成虫获得量的影响,得到了最佳组合,从而优化了龟纹瓢虫储蓄植物系统。而储蓄植物系统的应用参数,如储蓄植物、替代食物或猎物和天敌初始密度以及整个系统更换周期等则需要更深入研究才能形成推广应用的技术规程。3.3 储蓄植物系统的布局
储蓄植物系统能预防性控制作物上前期危害的少量害虫[9,35,87]。根据这一特点,再结合作物害虫发生规律及储蓄植物系统的使用寿命,来确定系统的引入时机。一般来说,在害虫危害前期引入储蓄植物系统,能够使其发挥预防害虫和增殖天敌的作用[6,35,87]。此外,也需要考虑储蓄植物的生长适应性和影响替代猎物的环境因子,如JACOBSON等[74]发现用玉米为储蓄植物的系统繁育的粗脊蚜茧蜂控制棉蚜的效果在仲夏要好于晚春。在实际应用中储蓄植物系统的布局和密度等也会影响其防控效果[78,86],而空间布局的设置往往与捕食性天敌的扩散能力有关。PRATT等[50]提出,如果扩散能力较弱,可以通过增加密度的方法来提高防效。VAN DRIESCHE等[78]证明布局的储蓄植物系统密度过低时,不能抑制温室中桃蚜暴发。
3.4 田间效果评价
控害效果评价是害虫生物防治措施推广应用的重要依据。在作物生产中如何评估天敌储蓄植物系统对靶标害虫的控制能力是非常重要的,因为如果不能将害虫控制到经济阈值之下是无法应用于实际生产中的[65],这也是储蓄植物系统从实验室构建走向实际应用必经之路。如WONG等[61]使用观赏性辣椒作为储蓄植物支持狡小花蝽(Orius insidiosus)来防治生产苗圃中的蓟马,结果发现与直接释放小花蝽相比,未提高防治效果,推测开放式环境导致的小花蝽的迁出和外界蜘蛛的迁入影响了防治效果。因此需要通过综合考虑天敌产能、控害潜能、非靶标效应以及经济效益等各个方面,才可以较为准确的评估储蓄植物系统,并及时对系统进行修正和优化,以实现在生产中更好的控害效果,并顺利推广与应用。储蓄植物系统应用效果的检验,通常是与多次释放天敌或化学防治措施相比较[88]。然而许多研究并没有足够的重复和对照,所以效果检验的不明确[27,35,46]。因此,在评价实际应用效果时,需要经过大量反复验证对照,发现存在的问题,不断优化储蓄植物系统技术参数。
4 结论与展望
欧美国家关于储蓄植物系统的研究较多,商品化的同时也得到了广泛推广和应用[3,89]。据统计,美国约有1%—5%的温室在使用储蓄植物系统,加拿大约有10%—25%,丹麦使用储蓄植物系统防治害虫的种植者比例则达20%,在荷兰,用储蓄植物系统防治蚜虫面积约为120 hm2[7]。但是由于地理气候和农业设施等方面差异,国外已报道或构建的储蓄植物系统不适于在我国应用,亟需因地制宜地开发出适合国内农田环境的生防产品。目前,我国已发表的研究捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统的文章仅有3篇[16,30,56],获得授权专利1项,实审中1项,而寄生性天敌的储蓄植物系统有10篇[12,69,90-97],获得授权专利3项,实审中4项。可见捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统的研究还需进一步加强,特别是储蓄植物系统应用策略的研究和优化。尽管有许多储蓄植物饲养天敌适合度、筛选饲养天敌的替代猎物的研究发表[85,98-99],但鲜有全面考虑整个储蓄植物系统构建及田间优化应用方面的报道。从国外商品化的天敌产品类型及农户使用意愿调查发现,捕食性天敌因其食量大、控害种类多和环境适应性更强等,实际应用更多,因此开发构建捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统的发展空间是十分广阔的,而且有助于推动捕食性天敌产品的广泛应用及产业化发展。
参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.11.010URL [本文引用: 1]
Conservation biological control (CBC), often described as the field of biological control with the greatest potential for use in developing world agriculture, has received only marginal, scattered research attention outside Western Europe or North America. As a consequence, pesticide overuse remains rampant in many cropping systems, while in others, a complete lack of safe, affordable and effective pest control options leaves farmers vulnerable in face of herbivore attack. In this study, we describe the current status of CBC research in a wide variety of agro-production systems outside North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Western Europe. We summarize information on (1) a variety of CBC themes related to natural enemy biology and ecology, (2) factors that either disrupt or enhance natural enemy efficacy, and (3) field evaluation of CBC schemes. A total of 390 CBC-related literature records from 53 different crops were considered. Most records were from China, Brazil, or Cuba, while no CBC references were found from several developing countries. CBC research primarily focused on habitat management, with 71 records on general habitat manipulation and 80 records on the effects of inter-or cover-crops on natural enemy abundance or efficacy. The effects of deliberate modification of disturbance regimes, through alterations in pesticide use or tillage, on natural enemies were well-characterized in many cropping systems. For each of the CBC themes, research progress was assessed and opportunities were identified to translate current findings into practical solutions. On a crop level, most research was targeted at rice, maize and cotton. No CBC records were found for key staple crops such as yams, taro, sago or breadfruit; fruits such as papaya, pineapple and avocado; or forage crops. Also, millet, lentils, barley and plantain, all crops grown mainly in the developing world, received limited CBC research attention. CBC research has been done on myriad arthropod pests, including species with high levels of insecticide resistance such as Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). However, almost 70% of pests with high incidence of insecticide resistance have been overlooked. Lastly, we contrast country-specific CBC research advances with the national level of insecticide use and importation, and identify lucrative opportunities for countries to save funds through targeted research investment. Based upon our delineation of the current status of CBC, we indicate potential for well-orchestrated regional research projects to pursue higher levels of CBC integration into current pest management schemes. This work constitutes a first step in drawing a roadmap for developing-world research that provides local farmers with safe, low-cost means to control damaging insect pests, safeguard harvests and secure their livelihoods. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1111/jpe.2019.56.issue-5URL [本文引用: 3]
URLPMID:27813664 [本文引用: 3]
DOI:10.1146/annurev.ento.52.110405.091407URLPMID:16968206 [本文引用: 1]
Push-pull strategies involve the behavioral manipulation of insect pests and their natural enemies via the integration of stimuli that act to make the protected resource unattractive or unsuitable to the pests (push) while luring them toward an attractive source (pull) from where the pests are subsequently removed. The push and pull components are generally nontoxic. Therefore, the strategies are usually integrated with methods for population reduction, preferably biological control. Push-pull strategies maximize efficacy of behavior-manipulating stimuli through the additive and synergistic effects of integrating their use. By orchestrating a predictable distribution of pests, efficiency of population-reducing components can also be increased. The strategy is a useful tool for integrated pest management programs reducing pesticide input. We describe the principles of the strategy, list the potential components, and present case studies reviewing work on the development and use of push-pull strategies in each of the major areas of pest control.
DOI:10.1080/09670874.2012.659229URL [本文引用: 1]
In crop systems, different types of plant or secondary crop may be grown together with the primary crop for pest management purposes. These additional plants - henceforth called secondary plants - may increase the efficiency and sustainability of biological control of pests by natural enemies. Such plants fall into several categories: companion, repellent, barrier, indicator, trap, insectary, and banker. Despite their effectiveness and accepted function in biological control, to date the full potential of secondary plants in integrated pest management has not been put to good use. This may be partly attributed to a lack of detailed knowledge of the way the secondary plant-crop systems operate, including the effects of the secondary plants on tritrophic interactions. The biggest constraint upon progress, however, has been confusion over definitions and terminology. In this paper, we review the knowledge of the currently employed plant categories and provide clear definitions.
[本文引用: 5]
[本文引用: 5]
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Banker plant system (BPS) is a new concept for biological control of arthropod pests. It consists of three key elements: a banker plant, a highly specific alternative host or prey, and one or more natural enemies (predator or parasitoid). The ideal banker plant should be a non-crop plant that provides resources (alternative prey or nutrient) to sustain natural enemies of arthropod pest. The natural enemies should be specific to the alternative prey and the pest, and are able to disperse to a long distance to attack the pest. The banker plant system uniquely combines the advantages of both augmentative and conservation biological controls in greenhouse or field, it has been shown to be an effective, simple, reliable approach for control of arthropod pests. The use of banker plant system will not require the repeated release of natural enemies and also reduce the cost for purchasing commercial available biocontrol agents. The review is intended to summarize the history, development and potential application of banker plant systems. In our study, the goal is to develop long-term pest suppression of silver-leaf whitefly and two-spotted spider mite in vegetable crops, especially in greenhouse vegetables. Current, these pests have seriously threatened vegetable production. Based on University of Florida studies, the papaya and the corn banker plant system were established in greenhouses. These banker plant systems have several advantages: First, this system provided new option approach for controlling silver-leaf whitefly and two spotted spider mites. The system made growers implement easily, significantly reducing the cost, and did not rely on the availability of commercial biological control agents; Secondly, this system provided highly specific alternative host or prey for supporting natural enemy without risks. Thirdly, this system could be compatible with other pest control methods. The banker plant systems provide the food resources to sustain a reproducing population of natural enemies within a crop system that will provide natural suppression. This system should be attractive to growers, especially greenhouse vegetable growers.
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Banker plant system (BPS) is a new concept for biological control of arthropod pests. It consists of three key elements: a banker plant, a highly specific alternative host or prey, and one or more natural enemies (predator or parasitoid). The ideal banker plant should be a non-crop plant that provides resources (alternative prey or nutrient) to sustain natural enemies of arthropod pest. The natural enemies should be specific to the alternative prey and the pest, and are able to disperse to a long distance to attack the pest. The banker plant system uniquely combines the advantages of both augmentative and conservation biological controls in greenhouse or field, it has been shown to be an effective, simple, reliable approach for control of arthropod pests. The use of banker plant system will not require the repeated release of natural enemies and also reduce the cost for purchasing commercial available biocontrol agents. The review is intended to summarize the history, development and potential application of banker plant systems. In our study, the goal is to develop long-term pest suppression of silver-leaf whitefly and two-spotted spider mite in vegetable crops, especially in greenhouse vegetables. Current, these pests have seriously threatened vegetable production. Based on University of Florida studies, the papaya and the corn banker plant system were established in greenhouses. These banker plant systems have several advantages: First, this system provided new option approach for controlling silver-leaf whitefly and two spotted spider mites. The system made growers implement easily, significantly reducing the cost, and did not rely on the availability of commercial biological control agents; Secondly, this system provided highly specific alternative host or prey for supporting natural enemy without risks. Thirdly, this system could be compatible with other pest control methods. The banker plant systems provide the food resources to sustain a reproducing population of natural enemies within a crop system that will provide natural suppression. This system should be attractive to growers, especially greenhouse vegetable growers.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2009.09.011URL [本文引用: 4]
The goal of banker plant systems is to sustain a reproducing population of natural enemies within a crop that will provide long-term pest suppression. The most common banker plant system consists of cereal plants infested with Rhopalosiphum padi L. as a host for the parasitoid Aphidius colemani L. Aphidius colemani continually reproduce and emerge from the banker plants to suppress aphid pests such as Aphis gossypii Glover and Myzus persicae Sulzer. Banker plant systems have been investigated to support 19 natural enemy species targeting 11 pest species. Research has been conducted in the greenhouse and field on ornamental and food crops. Despite this there is little consensus of an optimal banker plant system for even the most frequently targeted pests. Optimizing banker plant systems requires future research on how banker plants, crop species, and alternative hosts interact to affect natural enemy preference, dispersal, and abundance. In addition, research on the logistics of creating, maintaining, and implementing banker plant systems is essential. An advantage of banker plant systems over augmentative biological control is preventative control without repeated, expensive releases of natural enemies. Further, banker plants conserve a particular natural enemy or potentially the ‘right diversity’ of natural enemies with specific alternative resources. This may be an advantage compared to conserving natural enemy diversity per se with other conservation biological control tactics. Demonstrated grower interest in banker plant systems provides an opportunity for researchers to improve biological control efficacy, economics, and implementation to reduce pesticide use and its associated risks.DOI:10.1007/s10526-015-9698-8URL
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.09.007URL [本文引用: 5]
Silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), and chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), are key pests of vegetable crops in the US. The present study established ornamental peppers as banker plants supporting Amblyseius swirskii (Acari: Phytoseiidae) against the three pests. Specifically, this study (a) evaluated survival and population buildup of A. swirskii on three ornamental pepper varieties, Masquerade (MA), Red Missile (RM), and Explosive Ember (EE) in both laboratory and greenhouses and (b) determined the predation of A. swirskii reared on ornamental pepper plants to the targeted pests under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that the three pepper varieties were excellent banker plants and able to support at least similar to 1000 of all stages of A. swirskii per plant in greenhouse conditions and allow them to complete their life cycle. A. swirskii dispersed or released from the banker plants to target plants, resulting in significant suppression of the three pests, i.e., after 14 d post-release, a significantly lower average of 2.75 B. tabaci and 13.4 all stages of thrips (chilli thrips and western flower thrips) were found per bean plant, respectively, compared to 379.5 B. tabaci and 235.4 all stages of thrips per plant in the control. Furthermore, our experiment observed that the sweet pepper seedlings closed to banker plants were healthy, whereas those without banker plants were heavily infested by chilli thrips; their growth seriously stunted or died. This is the first report of ornamental pepper as banker plants supporting A. swirskii against three notorious pests. This established banker plant system could be a new addition to the integrated pest management programs for sustainable control of these three pests in greenhouse vegetables. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1038/srep45581URLPMID:28367978 [本文引用: 1]
To meet the World's food demand, there is a growing need for sustainable pest management practices. This study describes the results from complementary laboratory and field studies of a
DOI:10.1080/07352689.2011.572055URL [本文引用: 10]
In the banker plant method, long-lasting rearing units for beneficials are created in the crop by distributing plants infested with herbivores or carrying other food items, such as pollen. The method has been widely investigated over many years and used to aid establishment, development and dispersal of beneficial organisms employed in biological control. In this review, we refine the definition of the banker plant method based on previous concepts and studies and offer the term obanker plant systemo to describe the unit that is purposefully added to or established in a crop for control of pests in greenhouses or open field. The three basic elements of a banker plant system (banker plant, food source, beneficials) are discussed and illustrated with examples, and the diversity of banker plant systems (classified by target pest) used or investigated is documented. The benefits of using banker plant systems, such as low cost, increased freshness of beneficials, possibility for preventive control and for integration within IPM frameworks, make the method an interesting plant protection option with potential to enhance adoption of biological control in pest management programs.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.17.013URL [本文引用: 1]
Greenhouse vegetables are very important part of modern agricultural production and the development of vegetables produced in facilities not only makes the rapid growth of variety and production output of vegetables, but also creates favorable conditions for the development of organic vegetables. However, planting conditions of greenhouse vegetables have a serious impact on the quality and yield of vegetables through supplying a suitable environment for pest insect growth and reproduction. It has become the key factor restricting the further development of the vegetable industry. A series of environmental and food safety problems are produced with the long-term use of chemical pesticides. In order to manage the chemical pesticides pollution, not only their application amount should be reduced gradually, but also the technology for optimizing and upgrading the traditional control method should be developed. As traditional biological control products, the natural enemies of insect pests play an irreplaceable role in controlling vegetable insect pests and guaranteeing the yield and quality of vegetables. With the strengthening of people’s consciousness of environment protection and development of green agriculture, the biological control technology plays an important role in the integrated pest management (IPM) which is based on natural enemy insect release. In China, the resources of natural enemy insect are very rich; however, the application of natural enemies in greenhouse vegetable is quite limited. After decades of efforts, lots of researches focus on vegetable pest biological control and application field. A great progress has been made in the resources of natural enemy insects, application basis, technology research development and supporting technology. In this paper, an overview that related to the damage characteristics of vegetable pest insects and biological control of main pest insects using natural enemy technique was summarized. Examples of biological control of aphids, whiteflies, spider mites and thrips were listed. The research progress in insect natural enemies artificial rearing (artificial feed, the scale of production) in China was analyzed. In addition, the results in technology research on greenhouse vegetables control using natural enemies were also studied. The problems existing in biological control including the protection use of natural enemies, release technology, control effect evaluation and scale production were also discussed. And the prospects of the development direction of this field in the future were pointed out.
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.17.013URL [本文引用: 1]
Greenhouse vegetables are very important part of modern agricultural production and the development of vegetables produced in facilities not only makes the rapid growth of variety and production output of vegetables, but also creates favorable conditions for the development of organic vegetables. However, planting conditions of greenhouse vegetables have a serious impact on the quality and yield of vegetables through supplying a suitable environment for pest insect growth and reproduction. It has become the key factor restricting the further development of the vegetable industry. A series of environmental and food safety problems are produced with the long-term use of chemical pesticides. In order to manage the chemical pesticides pollution, not only their application amount should be reduced gradually, but also the technology for optimizing and upgrading the traditional control method should be developed. As traditional biological control products, the natural enemies of insect pests play an irreplaceable role in controlling vegetable insect pests and guaranteeing the yield and quality of vegetables. With the strengthening of people’s consciousness of environment protection and development of green agriculture, the biological control technology plays an important role in the integrated pest management (IPM) which is based on natural enemy insect release. In China, the resources of natural enemy insect are very rich; however, the application of natural enemies in greenhouse vegetable is quite limited. After decades of efforts, lots of researches focus on vegetable pest biological control and application field. A great progress has been made in the resources of natural enemy insects, application basis, technology research development and supporting technology. In this paper, an overview that related to the damage characteristics of vegetable pest insects and biological control of main pest insects using natural enemy technique was summarized. Examples of biological control of aphids, whiteflies, spider mites and thrips were listed. The research progress in insect natural enemies artificial rearing (artificial feed, the scale of production) in China was analyzed. In addition, the results in technology research on greenhouse vegetables control using natural enemies were also studied. The problems existing in biological control including the protection use of natural enemies, release technology, control effect evaluation and scale production were also discussed. And the prospects of the development direction of this field in the future were pointed out.
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为评价异色瓢虫在温室条件下对桃蚜的控害能力及效益,在甜椒和圆茄生产温室中以生物农药防治为对照,开展释放异色瓢虫控制桃蚜的示范试验,分析天敌害虫的种群动态变化,并计算防治成本。结果显示:异色瓢虫能够持续控制甜椒温室中桃蚜种群密度,其定殖率在蚜虫暴发高峰期时最高,为64%;且甜椒产量及经济效益高于生物农药防治。在圆茄温室中,前期释放的异色瓢虫使桃蚜高峰延缓1周出现;在增加瓢虫释放量后,1周内桃蚜种群密度下降了79%,且瓢虫定殖率达到86%,控害效果较好。表明通过生产期全程监测天敌-害虫的种群动态,在植株定植15 d后每周确定益害比,通过2~3个月持续释放异色瓢虫,可有效、持续控制整个生产期桃蚜为害。
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为评价异色瓢虫在温室条件下对桃蚜的控害能力及效益,在甜椒和圆茄生产温室中以生物农药防治为对照,开展释放异色瓢虫控制桃蚜的示范试验,分析天敌害虫的种群动态变化,并计算防治成本。结果显示:异色瓢虫能够持续控制甜椒温室中桃蚜种群密度,其定殖率在蚜虫暴发高峰期时最高,为64%;且甜椒产量及经济效益高于生物农药防治。在圆茄温室中,前期释放的异色瓢虫使桃蚜高峰延缓1周出现;在增加瓢虫释放量后,1周内桃蚜种群密度下降了79%,且瓢虫定殖率达到86%,控害效果较好。表明通过生产期全程监测天敌-害虫的种群动态,在植株定植15 d后每周确定益害比,通过2~3个月持续释放异色瓢虫,可有效、持续控制整个生产期桃蚜为害。
DOI:10.1146/annurev.ento.47.091201.145240URLPMID:11729085 [本文引用: 1]
Theoretical developments are helping us to comprehend the basic parameters governing the dynamics of the interactions between generalist predators and their many pest and nonpest prey. In practice, however, inter- and intraspecific interactions between generalist predators, and between the predators and their prey, within multispecies systems under the influence of rapidly changing biotic and abiotic variables are difficult to predict. We discuss trade-offs between the relative merits of specialists and generalists that allow both to be effective, and often complementary, under different circumstances. A review of manipulative field studies showed that in approximately 75% of cases, generalist predators, whether single species or species assemblages, reduced pest numbers significantly. Techniques for manipulating predator numbers to enhance pest control at different scales are discussed. We now need to find ways of disentangling the factors influencing positive and negative interactions within natural enemy communities in order to optimize beneficial synergies leading to pest control.
DOI:10.14411/eje.2008.001URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.cropro.2011.09.004URL [本文引用: 3]
The twospotted spider mite. Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most important and highly polyphagous pests of vegetables and other crops worldwide. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse to evaluate corn (Zea mays L.) as a banker plant for the predatory gall midge, Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) to potentially control T'. urticae. Choice and no-choice experiments were carried out to determine the host plant preference of an alternative prey. Oligonychus pratensis (Banks)(Acari: Tetranychidae) to corn and green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Results showed that O. pratensis adults strongly preferred corn as a host plant and posed no risk to green bean. E acarisuga was found to fly at least 7.0 m to search for new preys on green bean plants, and over 176 acarisuga larvae per leaf were recorded at 14 d after dispersal. F. acansuga proved to be an excellent predator of both T urticae and O. pratensis. The predation by F. acarisuga to T. urticae and O. pratensis ranged from 43.7 to 67.9% and 59.2 to 90.3%, respectively, under laboratory conditions. In a non-cage study, 81.2% of T'. urticae population was suppressed by E acarisuga in reference to the control (cage treatment). The results showed that this banker plant system has potential for controlling T urticae in greenhouse vegetable production. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
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The response of Dicyphus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae) to whitefly populations in tomato greenhouses was measured in the presence and absence of mullein (Verbascum thapsus L.) as an alternative host plant. The dynamics of the D. hesperus population on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and on mullein plants were followed through an entire growing season. In houses with mullein plants, more predators occurred on mullein when whitefly density was low on tomato. A mark-release-recapture experiment where rabbit IgG was used as an external marker showed that D. hesperus adults moved from mullein plants to tomato plants. D. hesperus was always more abundant in houses with mullein than in the houses with tomato plants alone. Movements between tomato and mullein plants are discussed as a strategy to optimize predator foraging. The use of mullein as an alternative host plant may contribute to the establishment of D. hesperus and help to preserve the predator population when prey on tomato crops is scarce.[本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2016.05.016URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1080/09670874.2015.1042414URL [本文引用: 1]
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We tested whether plant species used in a banker plant system influence the success of a biological control program with predatory mites. Banker plants (BP) may sustain a reproducing population of predators and provide long-term pest suppression. In an experiment lasting 12 weeks, we analyzed the responses of the predatory mite Amblyseius californicus and the pest mite Tetranychus urticae to eight species of potential BP with different morphological structures. Every BP was paired with a rose plant and infested with pest and predatory mites. The measured parameters were vitality and growth of the plants and numbers of predators, pests and their eggs. Reproduction and establishment of the pest and predatory mites differed among plant species as well as plant growth and vitality. Vitis riparia and Viburnum tinus were the most efficient BP in this combination of pest-predator species. Their presence resulted in best health of the rose crops, highest number of predatory mites and lowest number of pests. Both these BP possess domatia which may be responsible for the efficiency in hosting predatory mites. Overall, the species which fulfilled the requirements of a BP best was the local shrub V, tinus, which bore no pests and a very large number of predators and has a compact growth form suited for application in greenhouses. Although our study gives only evidence for an artificial system with a high BP: crop ratio, high numbers of introduced predators and short distances between plants, this study contributes to knowledge of BP systems and to improve the understanding of the criteria for the choice of local plant species to be used as BP for biological control in IPM.
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DOI:10.1093/jisesa/iew095URLPMID:28025305 [本文引用: 1]
Amblyseius swirskiiAthias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is a predatory mite used to control thrips (Thysanoptera), whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn., Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), and broad mites (BMs) (Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks, Acari: Tarsonemidae). Dispersal of A. swirskii, using the ornamental pepper
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DOI:10.1002/ps.4474URLPMID:27860184 [本文引用: 2]
BACKGROUND: The flower bug Orius sauteri (Poppius) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) is widely used as a biocontrol agent against thrips and aphids infesting greenhouse vegetables in Asia. The survival and oviposition of such predators, as well as the biocontrol services they provide, may be enhanced by adding extra floral resources to the crops. In the present study we investigated the effects of the plant Calendula officinalis L., used as a floral resource, for promoting the control of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) by O. sauteri under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. RESULTS: Results showed that the presence of C. officinalis enhanced aphid and thrips suppression via an increased O. sauteri population growth. The predator populations responded positively to the addition of C. officinalis in the system, and they also varied as a function of the temperatures tested under laboratory conditions. In a similar way, predator populations varied among seasons, with the highest densities recorded in May in the greenhouse. CONCLUSION: C. officinalis can be used to increase available resources for natural enemies used in agricultural crops, notably in greenhouses. This study also provides evidence that increasing floral resources can enhance pest suppression provided by O. sauteri. (c) 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.
DOI:10.1007/s10526-013-9549-4URL [本文引用: 1]
Marigold (cv. Lemon Gem), castor bean, ornamental pepper (cv. Black Pearl and Purple Flash), gerbera daisy (cv. Festival), feverfew, and sunflower (cv. Choco Sun) were evaluated for their suitability as banker plants (BP) for Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) in commercial greenhouses. Oviposition, egg hatch, nymphal development to adulthood, and population increase were quantified in laboratory trials. Assessments of oviposition and egg hatch indicated that all plants tested were equally accepted by O. insidiosus. Nymphal development to adulthood and survival tests indicated that gerbera may be a suitable BP as survival was the highest (58.1 %), whereas marigold would not be an acceptable BP as only 10.7 % of nymphs survived to adulthood. Nymphal development time differed by only one day among all plants. In greenhouse cage experiments, Purple Flash pepper supported the greatest population growth over a ten week period. Based on the combined results from all tests, Purple Flash pepper appears to have the greatest potential as a BP species for O. insidiosus.
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DOI:10.1080/01647954.2010.540081URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s11829-013-9283-yURL [本文引用: 3]
Preference of phytoseiid mite, Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) was assessed on four cultivars of ornamental pepper banker plant candidates; Red Missile (RM), Masquerade (MA), Explosive Ember (EE) and Black Pearl (BP) for potential control of pestiferous insects in floriculture. Significant differences in cultivar preference by A. swirskii was observed in choice experiments whether the test was pre- (with pollen) or during bloom. Overall, female mites laid more eggs when pollen was provided as a food source. The number of tuft domatia per cultivar leaf appeared to positively influence host preference in the choice plant tests pre-bloom. In addition, cultivar RM had the highest mean number +/- A SEM of tuft domatia per leaf (5.1 +/- A 0.3) and motiles per plant (4.0 +/- A 1.2), followed by MA, EE and BP. In choice tests on blooming plants, A. swirskii showed preference for both cultivars RM and MA compared to EE. These experiments indicated that the number of tuft domatia and availability of pollen can influence the host preference of A. swirskii for an ornamental pepper banker plant cultivar. Results from this study will help growers, researchers, educators and extension personnel in understanding the plant phenology promoting adoption of suitable banker plants for managing greenhouse and landscape insect pests.
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.07.001URL [本文引用: 3]
Banker plant systems are a form of conservation biological control intended to enhance natural enemy efficacy by providing an alternative source of food when prey items are scarce or absent. The Black Pearl pepper, Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl', banker plant system provides pollen to sustain populations of the omnivorous predator Onus insidiosus say (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae). Black Pearl pepper pollen has been shown in previous studies to increase O. insidiosus longevity, survival to adult, female size, and abundance, and decrease nymphal development time. However, there is no research demonstrating the efficacy of this banker plant system in commercial crop production. We investigated the efficacy of the Black Pearl pepper banker plant system compared to augmentative releases of O. insidiosus for thrips management at a commercial nursery that produces native and ornamental grasses. We found that augmentative releases of O. insidiosus effectively reduced thrips abundance in hoop houses compared to houses where no predators were released. However, the presence of banker plants did not further reduce thrips abundance. Interestingly, we found spiders in 82% of banker plant samples during this experiment and hypothesized that spiders could reduce access to floral resources provided by banker plants, thus reducing their benefits for biological control. We found that spiders reduced O. insidiosus abundance on banker plants by increasing the rate at which O. insidiosus emigrate and reducing their survival. We conclude that this banker plant system may be more successful in enclosed growing systems where higher-order predators and emigration of O. insidiosus is restricted. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.09.015URL [本文引用: 1]
Banker plants are intended to enhance biological control by sustaining populations of natural enemies. Banker plants do this by providing alternative sources of food for natural enemies, such as pollen for omnivorous predators, thus decreasing the likelihood of their starvation and emigration from a cropping system when pest populations are low or absent. A banker plant system consisting of the Black Pearl pepper, Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl', and the omnivorous minute pirate bug, Orius insidiosus Say (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) has recently been proposed to improve biological control of thrips. Therefore, we studied how pollen from the Black Pearl pepper plant affects O. insidiosus fitness and abundance through a series of laboratory and greenhouse experiments. We found that a mixed diet of pollen and thrips increased O. insidiosus female longevity, decreased nymphal development time, and yielded larger females compared to a diet of thrips alone. Furthermore, O. insidiosus abundance was greater on flowering pepper plants than non-flowering pepper plants. From these results, we suggest that pollen from Black Pearl pepper banker plants could increase adult O. insidiosus abundance for the purpose of biological control in two ways: (1) reduce starvation and increase longevity of O. insidiosus when prey is absent; (2) enhance O. insidiosus fitness and fecundity when prey is present by mixing plant and prey diets. These results encourage future studies with the Black Pearl pepper as a banker plant for improving biological control of thrips in commercial greenhouses. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1007/s10493-015-9895-2URLPMID:25772442 [本文引用: 1]
The establishment of biocontrol agents is critical for success of biological control strategies. Predator-in-First (PIF) is a prophylactic control strategy that aims to establish predators before the appearance of pests in an agro-ecosystem. PIF uses the ability of generalist phytoseiid mites to survive, develop and reproduce on pollen and thus establish in the absence of prey. The early establishment of populations of natural enemies helps control the pests at their incipient stage of infestation. The current study was undertaken to screen pepper cultivars for their ability to support populations of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot in the absence of prey. Twenty-nine pepper cultivars (11 hot and 18 sweet) were tested through a series of experiments, and four cultivars (7141, 992-7141, FPP7039 and FPP9048) were found to sustain A. swirskii populations throughout the study period. The initial application of pollen was important for establishment and maintenance of the predatory mites within the greenhouse system. Among the three screening experiments, high densities of mites were obtained in the experiment where 20 mites were released per plant, even reaching densities of >100 mites/plant. Recovery of predatory mites was significantly higher (ca. 2-3 fold) on the four pepper cultivars when predatory mites were mass released using an indirect method (banker plants) than when they were released directly on the seedlings, suggesting an advantage of passive continuous release. Future work will evaluate the selected pepper cultivars with the PIF strategy under greenhouse and field production conditions.
DOI:10.1007/s10526-015-9700-5URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1007/s10526-004-0270-1URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1146/annurev.ento.53.032107.122456URLPMID:17877454 [本文引用: 2]
Whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) comprise tiny phloem-sucking insects. The sessile development of their immatures and their phloem-feeding habits (with minimal physical plant damage) often lead to plant-mediated interactions with other organisms. The main data come from the polyphagous pest species Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), which are intricately associated with their host plants. Although these associations might not represent aleyrodids in general, we rely on them to highlight the fundamental role of host plants in numerous ecological interactions between whiteflies, other herbivores, and their natural enemies. Plant traits often affect the activity, preference, and performance of the whiteflies, as well as their entomopathogens, predators, and parasitoids. Leaf structure (primarily pubescence) and constitutive and induced chemical profiles (defensive and nutritional elements) are critically important determinants of whitefly fitness. Pest management-related and evolutionary biology studies could benefit from future research that will consider whiteflies in a multitrophic-level framework.
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DOI:10.1146/annurev.es.11.110180.000353URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s13355-019-00624-2URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1038/srep12729URLPMID:26235136 [本文引用: 1]
Predator-prey interactions form the core of biological control of arthropod pests. Which tools can be used to monitor and collect carnivorous arthropods in natural habitats and targeted crops? Eco-friendly and effective field lures are urgently needed. In this research, we carried out olfactometer experiments assess innate positive chemotaxis to pollen of seven crop and banker plant by two important predatory biological control agents: the coccinellid Propylea japonica (Thunberg) and the anthocorid Orius sauteri (Poppius). We compared the attractiveness of pollens from crops and banker plants to that of common prey homogenates (aphids and thrips, respectively). Attractiveness of the tested odor sources was checked via field trapping experiments conducted in organic apple orchards and by release-recapture assays in organic greenhouse tomato crops. Maize and canola pollen were attractive to both P. japonica and O. sauteri, in laboratory and field assays. P. japonica was highly attracted by balm mint pollen, whereas O. sauteri was attracted by alfalfa pollen. Our results encourage the use of pollen from crops and banker plants as low-cost and eco-friendly attractors to enhance the monitoring and attraction of arthropod predators in biological control programs.
DOI:10.1007/s10493-013-9700-zURLPMID:23670826 [本文引用: 1]
The predacious mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot is used as a biological control agent against various pests in greenhouses. Pollen offered as supplementary food is reported to improve their fast establishment and performance. However, the nutritional suitability of different pollens for A. swirskii is not sufficiently known yet. Pollens of 21 plant species were offered to the mites as exclusive food during preimaginal development. Preimaginal mortality and developmental time have been assessed, followed by a life-table analysis of the emerged adults and a calculation of demographic parameters. Amblyseius swirskii can feed exclusively on pollen, but the nutritional value of the pollens differed significantly. Pollens of Lilium martagon and Hippeastrum sp. were toxic, causing 100 % preimaginal mortality, probably due to secondary plant compounds. Hibiscus syriacus pollen was absolutely incompatible for the juvenile and adult mites, possibly due to their external morphology, differing from all the other pollens tested and leading to 100 % preimaginal mortality also. Considering all parameters, feeding on Aesculus hippocastanum, Crocus vernus, Echinocereus sp. and Paulownia tomentosa pollens lead to the best performance of the mites. Feeding on most pollens resulted in no or low preimaginal mortality of A. swirskii, but affected significantly developmental time, adult longevity, and reproduction parameters. Commercial bee pollen was not able to improve life-table parameters compared to pure pollen of the plant species. Pollens of Helianthus annuus, Corylus avellana and a Poaceae mix were less suitable as food source and resulted in a poor performance of all tested parameters. Compared with literature data, 18 pollens tested proved to be a similar or better food source than cattail pollen, qualifying A. swirskii as a positively omnivorous type IV species. Pollens of Ricinus communis and Zea mays can be recommended as supplementary food offered as banker plants, and A. hippocastanum and Betula pendula pollen is recommended to be used as dispersible pollen in greenhouses.
Pollen grains after feeding by A. swirskii females (a-Hibiscus; b-Horse chestnut; c-Narcissus; d-Ricinus; e-Tulip; f-A. swirskii chelicers).
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DOI:10.1653/024.097.0205URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1080/09583159830180URL [本文引用: 2]
DOI:10.1046/j.1461-0248.2003.00466.xURL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1111/eea.2005.115.issue-2URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1303/aez.2010.233URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2007.05.013URL [本文引用: 2]
In conservation biological control (CBC), we attempt to reduce pest problems by increasing the abundance and diversity of the natural enemy community. However, rather than consistently strengthening herbivore suppression, studies show that the conservation of natural enemy species richness sometimes weakens, or has no affect, on biological control. Evidence is mounting that this idiosyncratic mix of positive, negative, and neutral effects of enemy diversity is caused by niche complementarity, intraguild predation, and functional redundancy, respectively. While the balance of evidence suggests that the conservation of natural enemy diversity and biological control are compatible goals, CBC practitioners cannot ignore the fact that conserving intraguild predators can sometimes disrupt biological control. Recent studies have made important progress toward identifying the traits of enemies and their prey that promote intraguild predation, functional redundancy, and niche complementarity. However, intraguild predation has received more attention than niche complementarity, and more theoretical and empirical work is needed rectify this asymmetry. We suggest that a continued focus on natural enemy functional traits, particularly those that are expressed at larger spatiotemporal scales, will increase our ability to identify the “right” kind of diversity and may ultimately improve the practice of conservation biological control.DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2012.08.003URL [本文引用: 1]
We examined intraguild predation of Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans (Phytoseiidae) in breeder piles by the soil-dwelling predators, Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese) (Laelapidae) and Atheta coriaria (Kraatz) (Staphylinidae) in a greenhouse microcosm study. Each microcosm contained a soybean plant (Glycine max (L) Merrill) and a N. cucumeris breeder pile alone, a N. cucumeris breeder pile with either S. miles mites or A. coriaria, or a N. cucumeris breeder pile with both S. miles and A. coriaria. We measured numbers of N. cucumeris, S. miles, A. coriatia, and their shared prey: Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Shrank) (Acaridae) mold mites and incident thrips (Thripidae: Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips sp.). Peak populations of N. cucumeris in breeder piles and soybean canopies lacking S. miles and/or A coriaria predators were fourfold greater than when other predators were present. We observed more N. cucumeris mites in plant canopies in microcosms where other predators were absent. S. miles had a significant negative impact on A. coriaria and A. coriaria had numerical negative impacts on S. miles. There were fewer T. putrescentiae mold mites in microcosms Containing A. coriaria (<= 1049.28 +/- 301.72) compared with other treatments (>= 2428.16 +/- 452.24) overall. We observed fivefold more incident thrips in microcosms containing all three predators compared with N. cucumeris breeder pile alone and N. cucumeris breeder pile with either of the other predators. Our results demonstrate that greenhouses seeking to biologically manage thrips should either utilize N. cucumeris alone or utilize alternative N. cucumeris release strategies - i.e. hanging sachets or repeated foliar applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc.
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DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2014.04.007URL [本文引用: 1]
Banker plants, a type of open-rearing unit, are increasingly used in greenhouse crops to sustain natural enemy populations at times of low pest abundance. The most common banker plant system is a non-crop, cereal plant which supports Rhopalosiphum padi L. as an alternative host for Aphidius colemani Viereck. Although bottom-up effects of plants are known to affect natural enemies, this aspect has generally been ignored in previous investigations of banker plant efficacy. Here, we tested four cereal plant species with three varieties each to investigate host plant effects on R. padi and A. colemani. Though limited differences were observed in laboratory experiments spanning one aphid or parasitoid generation, longer greenhouse experiments spanning several generations revealed significant plant effects on both insects. R. padi performed poorly on oats (Avena sativa L.), resulting in wasps with the longest female development time, lowest emergence rates, and the lowest number of wasps produced per unit. Rye (Secale cereal L) - intermediate in terms of aphid performance - produced a significantly male-biased wasp population with the smallest males. Conversely, R. padi placed onto either wheat (Triticum aestivum L) or barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) performed consistently well in terms of aphid and parasitoid fitness and abundance, though neither species was obviously superior over the other. Overall, cultivars within each plant species did not significantly affect outcomes. As each plant species tested had different positive effects on aphid and parasitoid phenotypes, the potential benefits of mixing of cereal species is an area for future investigation. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1303/aez.2010.541URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/s10340-018-0958-0URL [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.1007/s10144-006-0008-2URL [本文引用: 2]
Several braconid and aphelinid parasitoids, midges, lacewings, and ladybird beetles are used to control aphids in greenhouses. Here, I review three topics as ecological bases for the biological control of aphids in a protected culture: the preliminary evaluation of biological control agents, natural enemy release strategies, and the effects of intraguild predation (IGP) on biological control. A comparison of several parasitoid species was conducted to select agents for the biological control of aphids; the intrinsic rate of natural increase was a useful criterion in the preliminary evaluation. To compare predators as biological control agents, the aphid-killing rate must be considered as a critical criterion, rather than reproductive criteria. The banker plant system (open rearing system) is used as a release method for Aphidius colemani and other natural enemies of aphids. Continuous release of parasitoid adults, which is the important characteristic of this method, has a stabilizing effect on population fluctuation in the aphid–parasitoid system. Two species of natural enemies can be used to control aphids in greenhouses. When one parasitoid and one predator are used simultaneously in a greenhouse, IGP of the parasitoid by the predator can occur, but the effect of IGP is less important in greenhouses than in the field.
DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2004.05.001URL [本文引用: 1]
The potential for using “augmentative” biological control (or “augmentation”) for suppressing arthropod pests has been recognized for many years. Nevertheless, augmentation is applied commercially in relatively few agricultural systems, particularly in the US. To address why this might be the case, we reviewed the literature on augmentative biological control and critically evaluate three questions. First, does augmentative biological control effectively suppress agricultural pests? Second, is augmentation cost effective? Third, what ecological factors limit the effectiveness of augmentation? We evaluated the effectiveness of augmentation by assessing whether pest densities were suppressed to specified target levels and by reviewing studies that explicitly compared augmentation with pesticide applications. Augmentation achieved target densities in about 15% of case studies and failed 64% of the time. Augmentation was also usually less effective than pesticide applications, though not always. In the evaluation of economics, augmentative releases were frequently more expensive than pesticides, although there were cases where augmentation was cost effective. Finally, 12 ecological factors were implicated as potential limits on the efficacy of augmentation. Unfavorable environmental conditions, compensatory mortality, enemy dispersal, host refuges from released natural enemies, and predation of released agents were most often suggested as ecological limits. Future research should seek to counteract ecological limits by combining different natural enemy species and/or by combining augmentative releases with low-risk pesticides. Use of low-risk insecticides and organic agricultural practices in particular provides new opportunities for augmentative biological control.DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2011.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a key pest of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and other vegetable crops worldwide. To combat this pest, a non-crop banker plant system was evaluated that employs a parasitoid, Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) with whitefly, Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), as an alternative host for rearing and dispersal of the parasitoid to the target pest. (a) Multi-choice and no-choice greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine host specificity of T. variabilis to papaya (Carica papaya L.) and three vegetable crops including tomato, green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). The result showed that papaya was an excellent non-crop banker plant for supporting the non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis, whose adults had a strong specificity to papaya plants for feeding and oviposition in both multi-choice and no-choice tests. (b) The dispersal ability of E. sophia was investigated from papaya banker plants to tomato and green bean plants infested with B. tabaci, as well as to papaya control plants infested with T. variabilis; and (c) the percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis reared on papaya plants and on B. tabaci infested on tomato plants was also evaluated. These data proved that E. sophia was able to disperse at least 14.5 m away from papaya plants to target tomato, bean or papaya control plants within 48-96 h. Furthermore, E. sophia was a strong parasitoid of both T. variabilis and B. tabaci. There was no significant difference in percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis (36.2-47.4%) infested on papaya plants or B. tabaci (29-45.9%) on tomato plants. Thus, a novel banker plant system for the potential management of B. tabaci was established using papaya as a non-crop banker plant to support a non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis for maintaining the parasitoid to control B. tabaci. The established banker plant system should provide growers with a new option for long-term control of B. tabaci in greenhouse vegetable production. Ongoing studies on the papaya banker plant system are being performed in commercial greenhouses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1007/s13744-016-0456-0URLPMID:27817154 [本文引用: 1]
Bank plant systems provide effective biological control for pests infesting commercially important crops. Aphids cause physical damage to crops by feeding on the leaves, as well as transmitting damaging viral diseases. To develop a bank plant system to control aphids that damage vegetable crops, we initially reared the parasitoid Aphelinus albipodus (Hayat and Fatima) on the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Matsumura) reared on the soybean plant, Glycine max (L.) that was elected as the alternate host. Parasitoid adults that emerged from A. glycines were allowed to parasitize second instar nymphs of the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) which were reared on sweet pepper and chili pepper leaves. The results showed that A. albipodus females feeding and parasitizing M. persicae nymphs reared on sweet pepper lived for 18.9 days, with an average fecundity of 337.3 progenies/female, while females feeding and parasitizing on M. persicae nymphs reared on chili pepper lived for 18.8 days, with an average fecundity of 356.2 progenies/female. There were no significant difference in the development time and reproduction of A. albipodus individuals parasitizing M. persicae nymphs reared on sweet pepper and chili pepper plants. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), net reproductive rate (R 0), net aphid killing rate (Z 0), and finite aphid killing rate (theta) of A. albipodus parasitizing sweet pepper and chili pepper M. persicae was 0.2258 days(-1), 171.7 progeny adults, 222.6 aphids, and 0.4048 and 0.2295 days(-1), 191.8 progeny adults, 243.3 aphids, and 0.4021, respectively. Our results suggested that A. glycines could serve as an effective alternative host for supporting A. albipodus against M. persicae infesting sweet pepper and chili pepper.
Life history traits of Aphidius gifuensis on Sitobion avenae reared on different cultivars of wheat were investigated in no choice tests, oviposition observations and olfactometer tests in the laboratory. Results showed that A. gifuensis female parasitoids parasitized significantly more aphids on AK58 and Xiaoyan22 than on Xinong979. Progeny of A. gifuensis that were reared on Xinong979-fed aphids and AK58-fed aphids had a higher female ratio and a larger body size than those reared on Xiaoyan22-fed aphids. Moreover, parasitoid progeny developed fastest on AK58 among the three cultivars. A. gifuensis adult females showed a stronger response to aphid-infested AK58 seedlings compared to Xinong979, and were more active when provided AK58-fed aphids as hosts. In conclusion, A. gifuensis preferred and performed best on AK58 among the three selected wheat cultivars, and the wheat cultivar AK58 could be the best host plant for mass rearing A. gifuensis in biological control programs.
Oviposition behavior and offspring fitness of the parasitoid Aphidius gifuensis (Ashmead) were compared on three aphid species, Sitobion avenae F., Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and Aphis gossypii Glover using wasps collected from both S. avenae and M. persicae. A. gifuensis produced more mummies and adults on S. avenae and M. persicae than on A. gossypii regardless of the host of origin. Mummy production was influenced by attack rate and percentage of aphids superparasitized. The F-1 generations from S. avenae and M. persicae were more female-biased and wasps were larger than those from A. gossypii. Although there were significant differences in development time of A. gifuensis in the three aphid species, the difference was generally shorter than one day. Fewer mummies were produced when A. gifuensis was transferred between S. avenae and M. persicae, but no significant difference was observed in emergence rate, percentage of female offspring, or body size. The effects of host species on A. gifuensis female performance and offspring fitness are discussed, along with the potential for using A. gifuensis to control M. persicae and A. gossypii. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc.
DOI:10.1080/09583157.2018.1510899URL [本文引用: 1]
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