Research and Development of the Intelligent Identification System of Agricultural Pests for Mobile Terminals
SHAO ZeZhong,1, YAO Qing,1, TANG Jian,2, LI HanQiong3, YANG BaoJun2, Lü Jun1, CHEN Yi41School of Information and Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018 2State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology, China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006 3Jia Shan County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Jiaxing 314100, Zhejiang 4Tongxiang Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Tongxiang 314500, Zhejiang
Abstract 【Objective】There are various species of pests in crop fields, and interspecific similarity and intraspecific difference are common in agricultural pests, which are easy to be confused. In this study, an intelligent system based on mobile terminals was developed to identify agricultural field pests. This system is an easy and intelligent tool of pest identification for peasants and pest forecasting technicians. 【Method】The intelligent identification system of agricultural field pests consists of a mobile client with a system APP, a server and a pest identification model based on deep learning. The application (APP) can be installed in mobile devices with Android system and includes user registration, pest information inquiry, pest automatic identification, pest location information and remote expert identification. The UI interface in this APP uses the style of bottom navigation bar, the information exchange between mobile client and server adopts HTTP protocol and the SDK of Baidu Android map is used to mark the geographic information of pests. The information of users and pests is saved in MySQL database. In the same training and testing sets, different convolutional neural network models were developed to identify agricultural pests. The results showed that the DenseNet121 model achieved the highest precision and lowest false alarm rate. The pest identification model based on DenseNet121 was installed in Alibaba Cloud remote server. When the server received the images from the mobile clients, the identification model was performed. The identification results were feed back to clients from the server. All images and results were saved in database for being traced back in future.【Result】When the users met unidentified pests in crop fields, the users could collect pest images and upload them to the server by the APP installed in mobile clients, such as mobile phone or PAD. The identification results and pest control information would be fed back to the mobile clients in 1-2 seconds. If the results were unsatisfied, the user could ask the expert to remotely identify pests. This system could identify 66 species of pests, and the average precision was 93.9% and false alarm rate was 8.2%. 【Conclusion】The intelligent identification system of agricultural pests could automatically identify the 66 species of agricultural pests. The system could inquire pest information, show the pest geographic information, and ask expert to remotely identify pests. This system is a tool for peasants and pest forecasting technicians to easily and accurately identify agricultural pests in crop fields. It can provide users the one-to-one pest control information and experts needn't go to crop fields for guiding peasants to manually identify pests. This system can save money and time. Keywords:agricultural pests;mobile clients;cloud server;convolutional neural networks;image intelligent identification
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