Abstract 【Objective】 Genetic correlation of millet traits between hybrids and parents was studied in order to select parental materials on purpose and provide theoretical basis for optimizing the grouping of hybrid. 【Method】 Six highly-male-sterile lines were hybridized with ten sethoxydim resistant restorer lines, and sixty hybrids were obtained. These hybrids were planted with their parents in 2017. By evaluating their agronomic traits through statistical analysis, 7 advantageous combinations with their 4 female parents (Gu 3A, Jin 29A, 51A and 910A) and 7 male parents (K34, M22, K650, K154, K410, K391 and K47) were screened to plant in 2018. 10 agronomic and yield traits of them were surveyed. They were tiller number, plant height, panicle stem length, panicle length, panicle diameter, panicle weight, panicle grain weight, thousand seed weight, days to heading and plot yield. Genetic correlation had been analyzed between millet parents and hybrids in the same traits. And genetic correlation between parents traits and hybrids yield traits (panicle weight and panicle grain weight) had also been analyzed.【Result】The hybrids had some heterobeltiosis in two traits of panicle stem length and heading period, and had distinctly heterobeltiosis in trait of panicle length. Correlation analysis of hybrids and parents in two years indicated the following results. There were significant positive correlations in terms of plant height, heading period and panicle length between hybrids and their females. According to the analysis in 2018, the genetic correlation coefficients were 0.8841, 0.9117 and 0.8263, respectively. The first two items reached extremely significant level. There were significantly positive correlations between hybrids and their males in tiller number, plant height, panicle stem length, panicle diameter and thousand seed weight. According to the analysis in 2018, the genetic correlation coefficients were 0.8267, 0.9618, 0.8234, 0.7770 and 0.8404. Among them, the correlation of plant height was extremely significant. Tiller number, plant height, heading period of females were positively correlated with panicle weight and panicle grain weight of hybrids. The correlation coefficients of panicle weight were 0.3327, 0.5439 and 0.4436, respectively. The correlation coefficients of panicle grain weight were 0.4238, 0.4642 and 0.3487, respectively. Panicle length of females were positively correlated with panicle grain weight of hybrids with the correlation coefficient of 0.3698. Tiller number, plant height, heading period and panicle diameter of males were positively correlated with panicle weight and panicle grain weight of hybrids. The correlation coefficients of panicle weight were 0.4986, 0.4598, 0.3367 and 0.5348, respectively. The correlation coefficients of panicle grain weight were 0.5568, 0.4253, 0.3659 and 0.4236, respectively. The correlations between tiller number of males and panicle weight and panicle grain weight of hybrid reached extremely significant levels. 【Conclusion】There were positive correlations between parents and hybrids in tiller number, plant height, panicle stem length, panicle diameter, thousand seed weight and so on. Good agronomic traits and yield traits of hybrids can be indirectly selected based on the traits of the parents. Excellent high yield hybrids can be selected by this method. Keywords:foxtail millet;parents;hybrid;genetic correlation
PDF (387KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 李会霞, 田岗, 王玉文, 刘鑫, 刘红. 谷子杂交种与亲本性状的遗传相关性[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(2): 239-246 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.02.002 LI HuiXia, TIAN Gang, WANG YuWen, LIU Xin, LIU Hong. Genetic Correlation Coefficients of Foxtail Millet Traits Between Parents and Hybrids[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(2): 239-246 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.02.002
Table 1 表1 表12017年F1与亲本相同性状上的相关系数 Table 1Correlation coefficients on the same traits between F1 and parents in 2017
项目 Item
相关系数 Correlation coefficient
分蘖数 Tiller number
株高 Plant height
穗茎长 Panicle stem length
穗长 Panicle length
穗粗 Panicle diameter
穗重 Panicle weight
穗粒重 Panicle grain weight
千粒重 Thousand seed weight
F1与父本 F1 and their males
F1与母本 F1 and their females
F1与亲本均值 F1 and parental average value
*、**分别表示在0.05和0.01水平上差异显著。rg:遗传相关系数;r:简单相关系数。下同 * and ** mean significant differences at the 0.05 and 0.01 level. rg: Genetic correlation coefficient; r: Simple correlation coefficient. The same as below
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