Effect of Continuous Straw Returning on Soil Phosphorus Availability and Crop Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency of Oilseed Rape-Rice Rotation
WANG KunKun, LIAO ShiPeng, REN Tao, LI XiaoKun, CONG RiHuan,, LU JianWeiMicroelement Research Center, Huazhong Agricultural University /Key Laboratory of Arable Land Conservation in Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070
Received:2019-04-22Accepted:2019-06-4Online:2020-01-01 作者简介 About authors 王昆昆,E-mail:wangkk@webmail.hzau.edu.cn。
摘要 【目的】探究长江流域水旱轮作制度下,化学磷肥和秸秆还田配施磷肥对作物生产力的贡献,以及对土壤磷有效性和磷素效率的影响,为农田土壤磷素管理提供科学依据。【方法】试验于2014—2018年在湖北省武汉市华中农业大学进行,选取定位试验中的3个处理,分别为:(1)不施磷(NK);(2)施磷(NPK);(3)施磷配合秸秆还田(NPK+S)。通过测定作物产量、磷含量及土壤有效磷,分析作物磷素利用效率,探讨土壤有效磷变化与磷累积盈亏的响应关系。【结果】与NK处理相比,NPK处理的油菜和水稻平均产量分别提高530.3%和35.9%,磷积累量分别提高495.3%和98.5%;与NPK处理相比,NPK+S处理的油菜和水稻平均产量分别提高19.1%和11.0%,磷积累量分别提高20.6%和11.7%;油菜产量和磷积累量对磷肥和秸秆的响应优于水稻。秸秆还田条件下,油菜和水稻的平均磷素农学效率分别提高6.8%和33.9%,油菜、水稻和周年的磷素累积利用率分别提高8.6%、17.0%和19.8%。秸秆还田对水稻磷素利用率和农学效率的影响更为显著。4年油菜水稻轮作后,不施磷处理土壤磷素累积亏缺110.2 kg P2O5·hm -2,有效磷浓为1.9 mg·kg -1;施磷处理土壤磷素累积盈余210.9 kg P2O5·hm -2,有效磷浓度(4.3 mg·kg -1)较不施磷处理提高126.3%;施磷配合秸秆还田处理土壤磷素累积盈余(222.1 kg P2O5·hm -2)较NPK处理增加5.3%,有效磷浓度(5.1 mg·kg -1)较NPK处理提高18.6%。秸秆还田显著提高了土壤有效磷浓度,但土壤磷盈余量没有明显增加。连续秸秆还田和施用化学磷肥条件下,水稻土每盈余100 kg·hm -2的磷,NPK和NPKS处理土壤有效磷分别提高1.8和2.0 mg·kg -1。秸秆还田促进了土壤磷素有效化。【结论】施磷显著增加了油菜、水稻的产量和磷积累量,提升了土壤磷盈余量和有效磷浓度;秸秆还田在施磷肥的基础上进一步增加了油菜、水稻的产量和磷积累量,提高了作物特别是水稻对磷素的利用率和农学效率,同时能够在避免土壤磷素过量积累的情况下提高土壤有效磷浓度。 关键词:油菜水稻轮作;秸秆还田;作物产量;磷积累量;磷素效率;磷表观平衡;有效磷
Abstract 【Objective】By exploring the contribution of chemical phosphorus fertilizer and straw returning combined with phosphorus fertilizer to crop productivity, as well as the effect on soil phosphorus availability and phosphorus efficiency under the system of oilseed rape-rice rotation in the Yangtze River, this paper provided a scientific basis for farmland soil phosphorus management.【Method】The experiment was conducted at Huazhong Agricultural University in Wuhan, Hubei Province during the period of 2015-2018. Three treatments in the positioning experiment were selected as followed: (1) phosphorus was not applied (NK); (2) phosphorus application (NPK); (3) phosphorus application and straw returning (NPK+S). By measuring crop yield, phosphorus content and soil Olsen-P, the phosphorus use efficiency of crops was analyzed, and the response of soil Olsen-P to P apparent balance was discussed.【Result】The average yield of oilseed rape and rice under NPK treatment increased by 530.3% and 35.9%, respectively, and the P2O5 accumulation increased by 495.3% and 98.5%, respectively, compared with NK treatment. The average yield of oilseed rape and rice under NPK+S treatment increased by 19.1% and 11.0%, respectively, and the P2O5 accumulation increased by 20.6% and 11.7%, respectively, compared with NPK treatment. The response of oilseed rape yield and P2O5 accumulation to phosphorus fertilizer and straw was better than that of rice. Under the condition of straw returning, the average agronomic efficiency of oilseed rape and rice increased by 6.8% and 33.9%, respectively, and the accumulative phosphorus use efficiency of oilseed rape, rice and anniversary increased by 8.6%, 17.0% and 19.8%, respectively. The effect of straw returning on phosphorus use efficiency and agricultural efficiency of rice was more significant. After four years of oilseed rape-rice rotation, the accumulated deficit of phosphorus in soil was 110.2 kg P2O5·hm -2 under NK treatment, and the Olsen-P was 1.9 mg·kg -1. The accumulated phosphorus surplus of soil under NPK treatment was 210.9 kg P2O5·hm -2, and the Olsen-P (4.3 mg·kg -1) was 126.3% higher than that under NK treatment. NPK+S treatment increased the accumulated phosphorus surplus (222.1 kg P2O5·hm -2) by 5.3%, and the Olsen-P (5.1 mg·kg -1) increased by 18.6% compared with NPK treatment. Straw returning significantly increased the soil Olsen-P, but the soil phosphorus surplus did not increase significantly. Under the condition of continuous straw returning and chemical phosphorus fertilizer application, for every 100 kg·hm -2 P surplus of paddy soil, soil Olsen-P under NPK and NPKS treatment increased by 1.8 and 2.0 mg·kg -1, respectively. Straw returning promoted soil phosphorus availability.【Conclusion】Phosphorus application significantly increased the yield and P2O5 accumulation of oilseed rape and rice, and increased the P surplus and the soil Olsen-P. On the basis of phosphorus application, straw returning further increased the yield and P2O5 accumulation of oilseed rape and rice, and improved the use efficiency of phosphorus and agricultural efficiency of crops, especially for rice. At the same time, it could increase the soil Olsen-P while avoiding the excessive accumulation of soil phosphorus. Keywords:oilseed rape-rice rotation;straw returning;crop yield;P2O5 accumulation;phosphorus efficiency;P apparent balance;Olsen-P
PDF (582KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王昆昆, 廖世鹏, 任涛, 李小坤, 丛日环, 鲁剑巍. 连续秸秆还田对油菜水稻轮作土壤磷素有效性 及作物磷素利用效率的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(1): 94-104 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.01.009 WANG KunKun, LIAO ShiPeng, REN Tao, LI XiaoKun, CONG RiHuan, LU JianWei. Effect of Continuous Straw Returning on Soil Phosphorus Availability and Crop Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency of Oilseed Rape-Rice Rotation[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2020, 53(1): 94-104 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2020.01.009
不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著。下同 Fig. 1Yield and biomass of oilseed rape-rice rotation system under different P treatments during the period of 2015-2018
Different small letters indicate significant difference among treatment within a season at P<0.05. The same as below
2.2 作物磷积累量
由图2可知,施磷显著提高了作物磷积累量,且NPK+S处理显著高于NPK和NK处理。NK处理的油菜和水稻磷积累量四季均值分别为3.1和25.0 kg P2O5·hm-2。NPK处理的油菜和水稻磷积累量四季均值分别为18.2和49.5 kg P2O5·hm-2,较NK处理分别提高495.3%和98.5%,油菜磷积累量对磷肥的响应大于水稻。NPK+S处理的油菜和水稻磷积累量四季均值分别为21.9和55.4 kg·hm-2,较NPK处理分别提高20.6%和11.7%,秸秆还田在油菜季的增长率大于水稻季。以4个油菜水稻轮作周期和不同处理为因素对作物磷积累量进行双因素方差分析,发现时间和处理与油菜、水稻和周年磷积累量均有极显著相关性(P<0.001,表2);其交互作用与油菜、水稻和周年磷积累量的关系分别为极显著相关性(P<0.001)、无显著相关性和显著相关性(P<0.05,表2)。
Fig. 3Average phosphorus agronomic efficiency and accumulated phosphorus utilization efficiency of oilseed rape-rice rotation system under different P treatments during the period of 2015-2018
图中**表示线性方程的显著性达到 P<0.01 ** indicate the significant correlation at P<0.01 Fig. 6Response of soil Olsen-P to P apparent balance at oilseed rape-rice rotation system
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