Phosphorus Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics and Its Response to Soil Properties of Black Soil Under Long-Term Different Fertilization
WANG Qiong1,2, ZHAN XiaoYing1,3, ZHANG ShuXiang,1, PENG Chang4, GAO HongJun4, ZHANG XiuZhi4, ZHU Ping4, GILLES Colinet21 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 100081, China 2 Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege, Passage des deportes 2, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium 3 Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture /Agricultural Clean Watershed Research Group, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 4 Agricultural Environment and Resources Center, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun 130033, China
Abstract 【Objective】 Fertilizer is generally added to agricultural soil to meet the needs of crop production, but long-term over fertilization changes soil phosphorus (P) pool and soil properties. This study evaluated the characteristics change of P adsorption and desorption and its response to soil properties under long-term fertilization, to do a favor to provide theoretical basis of rational fertilizer application and improve the P availability of black soil.【Method】 Four treatments, including no fertilizer (CK), urea and potash sulphate (NK), urea, super-calcium phosphate and potash sulphate (NPK), and NPK plus pig manure (NPKM), were investigated in a 21-year (1989-2010) long-term fertilization experiment at Gongzhuling (Jilin Province) of China. The crop of cropping system was maize. Soil samples were collected in 1990, 2000 and 2010 at 0-20 cm depth to analyze soil properties and to measure soil P adsorption and desorption characteristics. Langmuir equation was used to fit the P adsorption curve, and then the maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax), adsorption constant (K), buffering capacity of soil P (MBC), and P sorption saturation (DPS) were calculated according to Langmuir equation.【Result】 There was a good fitness between the P adsorption curve and Langmuir equation (R2=0.93-0.99, P<0.01). There existed difference for P adsorption and desorption characteristic under the four treatments. Over time, compared with initial year, for CK and NK treatments, the Qmax value increased by 1.83 and 1.61 times, MBC value increased by 0.80% and 49.40%, DPS value decreased by 92.04% and 87.50%, Readily Desorbable Phosphorus (RDP) value decreased by 20.00% and 82.83%, respectively; for NPK treatment, Qmax and DPS value increased by 81.87% and 79.56%, MBC and RDP value decreased by 79.37% and 48.57%, respectively, while under NPKM treatment, the Qmax and MBC value decreased by 33.35% and 78.52%, DPS and RDP values increased by 11.36 and 1.48 times, respectively. After 21 years experiments, compared with CK and NPK treatments, the Qmax and MBC value of NPKM treatment decreased by 64.66% and 49.52%, 81.87% and 79.56%, respectively; the DPS and RDP value of NPKM treatment increased by 110 and 3.81 times, 4.36 times and 78.57%, respectively. Compared with other treatments, the Total-P, Olsen-P, soil organic matter (SOM) and CaCO3 contents increased and SSA decreased significantly, but the pH, free Fe2O3 and Al2O3 value kept unchanged under NPKM treatment. RDA test showed that SOM and Total-P were the main factors that explained 49.5% and 18.7% of the total variation (P<0.05) which caused the difference of P adsorption desorption characteristic parameters among four treatments.【Conclusion】 Long-term combination of NPK fertilizers with manures could significantly increase SOM and P accumulation contents, decrease the soil adsorption capacity and increase desorption capacity, and improve P availability in soil, but it significantly increased the DPS value, easily thereby caused the risk of phosphorus loss. Therefore, various management practices and inorganic and organic P fertilizer input amounts should be considered to reduce P losses from this area. Keywords:long-term fertilization;black soil;P adsorption and desorption;soil properties
PDF (761KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王琼, 展晓莹, 张淑香, 彭畅, 高洪军, 张秀芝, 朱平, GILLES Colinet. 长期不同施肥处理黑土磷的吸附-解吸特征及 对土壤性质的响应[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(21): 3866-3877 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.015 WANG Qiong, ZHAN XiaoYing, ZHANG ShuXiang, PENG Chang, GAO HongJun, ZHANG XiuZhi, ZHU Ping, GILLES Colinet. Phosphorus Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics and Its Response to Soil Properties of Black Soil Under Long-Term Different Fertilization[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(21): 3866-3877 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.015
Table 2 表2 表2长期不同施肥处理土壤吸附特征参数 Table 2Phosphorus sorption characteristics of different treatments in black soils under long-term fertilization
年份 Year
处理 Treatment
Langmuir 曲线方程 Langmuir equation
相关系数 R2
最大吸附量 Maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) (mg·kg-1)
吸附亲和力常数 Adsorption constant K
最大缓冲容量 Max buffering capacity of soil P (MBC) (mg·kg-1)
吸附饱和度 Phosphorus sorption saturation (DPS) (%)
P value
*表示在0.05水平显著,**表示在0.01水平显著。下同 * Means significant difference at 5% level (P<0.05), ** means significant difference at 1% level (P<0.01). The same as bellow
方柱上大写字母表示同一处理年份间差异显著,小写字母表示同一年份处理间差异显著(P<0.05) Fig. 3Readily desorbable phosphorus (RDP) of different treatments in black soils under long-term fertilization
Different capital letters above the bars indicate significantly difference among the different fertilizing years at the same treatment, and the lowercase letter indicated the difference among the different treatments at the same year (P<0.05)
Fig. 4RDA showing the relationships between the soil properties and sorption-desorption parameters of different treatments in black soils under long-term fertilization
Table 3 表3 表3长期不同施肥处理对黑土性质的影响 Table 3Mean values of soil properties of different treatments in black soils under long-term fertilization
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