The Concept and Development of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Its Enlightenments to China
LU ShiJun1, HUANG JiaZhang1, WU Ming2, SHEN DongJing3, SUN JunMao,11. Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081 2. National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 3. Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031
Abstract In order to solve the many nutritional problems facing the world and explore the relationship between nutrition, health and agricultural development, since 2013, the concept system of NSA has gradually developed and improved, and its policy measures have played an important role in promoting the NSA strategy globally. The concept generation stage was around 2013, and the concept development stage was from 2014 to 2018.The definition and target of NSA were mainly food supply oriented and food system oriented. In 2017, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) put forward that NSA was an approach that sought to ensure the production of a variety of affordable, nutritious, culturally appropriate and safe foods in adequate quantity and quality to meet the dietary requirements of populations in a sustainable manner. NSA used nutrition and health issues as its ultimate goal orientation and measurement. In order to achieve this goal, attention had to be paid to the entire food system. At the same time, the development of NSA in China had to consider many problems facing China's agricultural development. First, the main contradiction of China's agricultural development has changed from the quantity insufficient in the past to structural deficiency. Second, the benchmark data of nutritional quality of agricultural products was not clear, and the laws and regulations in agricultural product quality were of lack. Reconstructing the agricultural industry chain and food nutrition value chain with nutrition orientation could bring out enlightenments to solve many problems facing agricultural development in China: First, we should take food nutrition as the orientation and increase the supply of medium and high-end agricultural products to meet the new needs of consumers. Second, the nutritional quality should be taken as test standard of high quality, the national benchmark database of nutritional composition of agricultural products should be established, and relevant laws and the revision and formulation of the new food and nutrition development program should be improved. Keywords:nutrition-sensitive agriculture;concept;development;the whole industry chain
PDF (841KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 卢士军, 黄家章, 吴鸣, 沈东婧, 孙君茂. 营养导向型农业的概念、发展与启示[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(18): 3083-3088 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.001 LU ShiJun, HUANG JiaZhang, WU Ming, SHEN DongJing, SUN JunMao. The Concept and Development of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Its Enlightenments to China[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(18): 3083-3088 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.001
2017年12月14日,由农业农村部国际合作司和联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO)驻华代表处主办,农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所承办的“营养导向型农业研讨会”在中国农业科学院召开,来自食物营养与农业领域的50余名国内外专家****前来参会,与会代表在会上达成共识,以“营养导向型农业”作为Nutrition- Sensitive Agriculture(NSA)的中文翻译。本文基于该背景,通过梳理分析营养导向型农业的概念产生与发展,明确其基本内涵与实质,为中国营养导向型农业的发展提供理论基础和体系支撑。
1.3.2 以食物系统为导向 2013年,JAENICKE和VIRCHOW[14]认为,营养导向型农业应将营养目标(或指标)明确纳入农业中,其不仅涉及食物和食品安全的应用层面,包括健康、教育、经济、环境和社会等方面,其重点在于突出农业生产与人类营养健康之间的关系,因为农业产量的增加并不能直接提高居民的营养和健康水平。2015年农业-营养实践共同体(Agriculture-Nutrition Community of Practice, Ag2Nut CoP)提出,通过农业和食物系统改善营养的建议,不仅涉及食品安全问题,还包括扶持弱势群体等方面[15]。
DURY等[16]通过评估农业与营养之间的影响途径,确定了与收入来源、食物供应、价格比率、妇女社会地位及工作量、健康风险、环境恶化和不平等有关的六类风险。基于风险分析,他们制定了避免农业干预对营养产生不良影响的五项原则。基于上述原则,2015年BALZ等[8]建议将营养导向型农业视为系统化概念,即:导致营养不良的所有决定因素都应该在全产业价值链中加以考虑。他认为,“营养导向型食物系统(Nutrition- Sensitive Agriculture and Food System,NSAFS)”的描述更合适,这一观点也得到国际机构和专家认可。例如,德国联邦食物和农业部(BMEL)在2015年的[17]报告中提到,要促进NSAFS的发展,实现农业和食物系统的营养保障。2016年HERFORTH和BALLARD[18]也认为,农业可能影响到不同领域中决定食物营养的因素;BERTI等[19]认为,制定针对“农业-食物系统”的系统性政策方案,可以改善居民营养状况。
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