Review on the Application of Metabolomic Approaches to Investigate and Analysis the Nutrition and Quality of Agro-Products
XU YanYang1, YAO GuiXiao1,3, LIU PingXiang1, ZHAO Jie1, WANG XinLu1, SUN JunMao,2, QIAN YongZhong,11. Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agro-Product Quality and Safety, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081 2. Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100081 3. Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048;
Abstract Scientific evaluation of the nutrition and quality of agricultural products is essential for improving the nutrition level of agro-products. Because of the complex composition of nutrients in agro-products, the existing analytical methods can only analyze the concentration and function of known nutrients but cannot analyze and identify a large number of unknown functional substances. On the basis of high-throughput chemical analyses, metabolomics can qualitatively and quantitatively analyze endogenous and exogenous metabolites of biological samples. Therefore, metabolomics has outstanding advantages in the analysis of small molecular substances with special nutritional functions in agricultural products; it has advantages like providing new methods for the characterization and differential analysis of nutrient components, traceability and authenticity of identification, variation analysis of functional substances during growth and storage, and the effect mechanisms of functional components. It also provides new strategies for structural optimization of dietary requirements. In this paper, the recent advances in metabolomics research, including sample preparation, metabolite analysis, data processing, differential metabolite identification, and metabolic pathway analysis were reviewed. This work summed up the application of metabolomics in the characterization and difference analysis of metabolites, traceability and authenticity identification of origin, metabolite variation in the process of storage, and the evaluation of nutritional functions to provide theoretical bases and practical references for high-quality agricultural development in China. In the field of sample preparation, the activity of metabolism-related enzymes is first terminated by rapidly changing the environmental conditions, such as adding strong acid (alkali) or freezing in liquid nitrogen. Different extraction solvents are selected based on the polarities of the metabolites to obtain a higher extraction rate. In the field of sample analysis methods, technologies, such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chromatography mass spectrometry and capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry, have been widely used. Among them, the combination of chromatography and mass spectrometry has become the most commonly used analytical technique in metabolomics. In the field of data processing and analysis, principal component analysis and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis are the most common data analysis techniques. Through enrichment and topological analysis, the metabolic pathway with the highest correlation to differential metabolites can be identified, and the reason of differential metabolites can be explained and analyzed. In the field of evaluation of nutrition and quality of agricultural products, through the comprehensive characterization of primary metabolites and secondary metabolites in agricultural products, unique fingerprints of agricultural products are established and used for differential analysis, whereas through non-specific target analysis and unsupervised analysis methods, differences between groups and relating metabolites can be identified. Via concentration analysis of key components in the growth process of agricultural products, the best harvest periods can be provided. Interaction studies between functional components and metabolism of organisms based on the detection of humoral metabolism and biomarkers can provide valuable information for dietary guidance. Keywords:metabolomics;agro-product;nutrition;quality
PDF (510KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 许彦阳, 姚桂晓, 刘平香, 赵洁, 王昕璐, 孙君茂, 钱永忠. 代谢组学在农产品营养品质检测分析中的应用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(18): 3163-3176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.009 XU YanYang, YAO GuiXiao, LIU PingXiang, ZHAO Jie, WANG XinLu, SUN JunMao, QIAN YongZhong. Review on the Application of Metabolomic Approaches to Investigate and Analysis the Nutrition and Quality of Agro-Products[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(18): 3163-3176 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.009
1.2.1 核磁共振技术 核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)技术是指核磁矩不为零的原子核,在外磁场的作用下,共振吸收某一特定频率的电磁波。通过能量吸收曲线分析,判断该原子在分子中所处的位置及相对数目,从而实现定量分析和结构分析。NMR技术可以对样品实现无偏性分析,具有前处理较少、不破坏样品结构和性质等优点,能够对完好组织、生物液等进行代谢成分分析,并确定代谢物结构式[30]。适用于农产品中脂肪、多元醇类、有机酸、糖类等营养成分的检测分析。应用最为广泛的一维氢谱核磁共振(1H-NMR)对含氢代谢产物具有普适性,具有无需标准品、无损等特点,可得到丰富的样品信息,在农产品组分分析、产品质量鉴别、质量控制等方面应用广泛[31,32]。许茜等[33]采用NOESY脉冲序列对14个不同来源的固体动物胶样品进行原料来源鉴定,结果显示,1H-NMR技术能够区分不同样品的来源,判别正确率达91.67%。对复杂样品的代谢物鉴定需结合二维核磁共振波谱,如总相干转移光谱(total correlation spectroscopy,TOCSY)[34],TOCSY可以解决重叠峰的问题,能进一步提高分辨率[35]。另外,核磁共振技术与色谱结合使用可有效提高分析的灵敏度,如液相核磁共振联用(LC-NMR)解决了NMR中干扰过多等问题,有效提高了分析的检测限[36]。BRAUNBERGER等[37]综合液相质谱技术、液相核磁共振联用和离线NMR技术,分析了茅膏菜中黄酮类和鞣花酸衍生物,并解析了13种化合物的结构。
1.2.2 质谱分析技术 色谱质谱联用技术将色谱的有效分离和质谱的准确定量相结合,已经成为代谢组学中使用最广泛的分析技术。经过近年来的发展,目前,质谱分析技术主要包括四级杆质谱(quadrupole mass spectrometer, QMS)、三重四级杆质谱(triple quadrupole mass spectrometer,QQQ)、飞行时间质谱(time-of-flight mass spectrometry,TOF-MS)、四级杆飞行时间串联质谱(quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry,Q-TOF-MS)、离子阱质谱(ion trap mass spectrometer,ITMS)等,所使用的电离源主要包括电喷雾电离源(electron spray ionization,ESI)[38]、大气压化学电离源(atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization,APCI)、基质辅助激光解析电离源(matrix- assisted laser desorption ionization,MALDI)[39]、大气压光电离源(atmospheric-pressure photoionization,APPI)、质子转移反应器(proton transfer reaction,PTR)[40]、实时直接分析(direct analysis in real time,DART)[41]等。相较于NMR技术,质谱的灵敏度更高,但稳定性不足,在不同仪器甚至不同日期获得的数据之间存在差异,为保证结果的稳定,需采用标准化的操作步骤[42]。
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