Advances in Research on Physiological Functions of Vitamin K1 and Its Detection Methods in Agricultural Products
XU YueQing, WANG DanDan, ZHAO XinNan, YU Li, WANG XiuPin, ZHANG LiangXiao,, ZHANG Qi, ZHANG Wen, LI PeiWu,Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Quality Inspection and Test Center for Oilseeds Products, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Laboratory of Risk Assessment for Oilseeds Products (Wuhan), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Key Laboratory of Detection for Mycotoxins, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062
Abstract Agricultural products are rich in nutrients, which play important roles in maintaining the normal metabolism and physiological functions of human beings. Vitamin K1 is widely found in agricultural products such as green vegetables and oilseeds. As a fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K1 plays indispensable roles in daily diet and draws more and more attentions. The recent researches showed that vitamin K1 in agricultural products had the physiological functions including not only promoting normal blood coagulation, preventing bleeding disorders in newborn babies, but also inhibiting cancer, preventing vascular calcification, participating in bone metabolism, inhibiting diabetic cataract, and treating acute and chronic hepatitis. Since vitamin K1 is sensitive to oxidation, alkali, strong acid and ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to conduct pre-treatment methods, including saponification, enzymatic hydrolysis, organic solvent extraction, supercritical fluid extraction and purification and solid-phase extraction method with good effect. With the advantages and disadvantages of different pre-treatment methods, it is necessary to select a suitable pre-treatment method according to real samples. Meanwhile, vitamin K1 was mainly detected by fluorescence spectrophotometry, liquid chromatography, liquid chromatographic mass spectrometry and other methods. An accurate, efficient and rapid detection method is also a hot research topic. This review summarized the pretreatment and detection methods of vitamin K1 in different agricultural products in recent years. Finally, the trends and prospect of vitamin K1 detection methods were proposed as follows (1) developing green solvent to improve extraction efficiency; (2) developing extraction materials to improve extraction selectivity and recovery rate; (3) Establishing simultaneous detection methods of vitamin K1 and other nutrient functional components in agricultural products. This review systematically summarized the research progress of the physiological functions and detection methods of vitamin K1 in agricultural products, and aimed to promote the in-depth study of nutrients in agricultural products and comparisons of advantages and disadvantages of pretreatment and detection methods. Keywords:agricultural products;Vitamin K1;physiological function;pretreatment;detection method
PDF (502KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 徐月清, 汪丹丹, 赵新楠, 喻理, 王秀嫔, 张良晓, 张奇, 张文, 李培武. 维生素K1生理功能及其在农产品中的检测方法[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(18): 3207-3217 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.013 XU YueQing, WANG DanDan, ZHAO XinNan, YU Li, WANG XiuPin, ZHANG LiangXiao, ZHANG Qi, ZHANG Wen, LI PeiWu. Advances in Research on Physiological Functions of Vitamin K1 and Its Detection Methods in Agricultural Products[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(18): 3207-3217 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.18.013
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