Effects of Black Full Film Mulching on Soil Temperature and Humidity and Weed Control in Root Zone of Sorghum
ZHANG JianHua, GUO RuiFeng, CAO ChangLin, BAI WenBin,Sorghum Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Shanxi Key Laboratory of Sorghum Genetic and Germplasm Innovation, Jinzhong 030600, Shanxi
Abstract 【Objective】Soil temperature, moisture and tillage measures are important factors affecting crop growth and yield in rain-fed arid areas. It is of great significance to clarify the effect of full-film mulching on the soil environmental conditions in the root of sorghum, as well as its inhibitory effect on weeds, in order to promote the increase of sorghum yield in rain-fed arid areas. 【Method】The experimental site is located in The Institute of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences test base. Jinnuo 3 is the tested variety. The experiment adopts sequential arrangement design. Black full-film mulching, white full-film mulching and bare land cultivation experiments were carried out in 2017 and 2018, respectively. The effects of full-film mulching on the daily temperature of 0-15cm soil in the root zone of sorghum, soil moisture content of 0-200 cm soil layer, weed control, the growth, yield and benefit of sorghum were analyzed.【Result】The results showed that black full-film mulching could effectively improve the soil temperature of the surface layer in each growth period, soil temperature was lower and made the daily temperature of 0-15cm soil by an average of 1.14℃(P<0.05), compared with the white full-film mulching . The black and white full-film mulching provided the same degree of soil moisture conservation, the average soil moisture content of each soil layer was slightly higher than white full-film mulching. and increased by 1.89 percentage points on average compared with bare land cultivation, which significantly increased (P<0.05)the moisture content of 0-160 cm soil layer. The black full-film mulching significantly reduced the amount of sorghum weeds in the field. The control effect on broadleaf weeds and grass weeds reached 96% and 93% respectively, which was superior to the white full-film mulching(P<0.05)and had more thorough weed control effect. It was no obvious influence on sorghum seedling rate, ear length, number of first-stage branches and grain number per ear, but had an effect on sorghum plant height, plant height uniformity, birth stage, thousand grain weight, yield and benefit when sorghum was planted on black full-film mulching . The plant height and plant height uniformity of sorghum covered with the black full film for 60 days were higher than that covered with white full-film. The growth period of black full-film mulching sorghum was the same as that of bare land cultivation, while that of white full-film mulching sorghum was shorter, shorter by 4-6 days than that of bare sorghum. The thousand-grain weight and yield of black full-film mulching were significantly higher than that of white full-film mulching and bare land cultivation (P<0.05). Compared with white full-film mulching, the thousand-grain weight increased by 3.72% and 3.78% respectively, and 6.95% and 7.06% respectively compared with bare land cultivation. The yield was 6.72% and 6.94% higher than that of the whole white full-film mulching, 19.27% and 20.03% higher than that of bare land cultivation, respectively. The black full-film mulching increased 1 529.82 yuan/hm 2 and 1 599.76 yuan/hm 2 respectively compared with the white full-film mulching, and 3 025.38 yuan/hm 2 and 3 215.52 yuan/hm 2 respectively compared with the bare one.【Conclusion】It is suggested that black full-film mulching should be used instead of the traditional white full-film mulching in sorghum production in rain-fed arid areas, so as to promote the high yield of sorghum. Keywords:black full-film mulching;sorghum;soil temperature and moisture;weed control;traits
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Fig. 1Changes of soil temperature at average of 0-15 cm below surface under different treatments at seedling stage, jointing stage, heading and flowering stage, and grouting maturity period
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