

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

李波1,2, 杜建国1, 刘雪琪11 中南民族大学经济学院,武汉 430074
2 湖北全面小康建设研究院,武汉 430074

Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Economic Relevance of Agricultural Carbon Emissions in Hubei Province

LI Bo1,2, DU JianGuo1, LIU XueQi1 1 School of Economics, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074
2 Hubei Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects Construction Research Institute, Wuhan 430074

责任编辑: 李云霞

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 农业经济增长;农业碳排放;Kernel密度估计;协整;湖北省

【Objective】Hubei Province is a large agricultural province, and the carbon emissions from agricultural production account for a large proportion of the total carbon emissions. Environmental problems such as greenhouse effect caused by carbon emission and non-point source pollution caused by agricultural production cannot be ignored. In this study, the co-integration relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions was analyzed, and the error correction was carried out, which provided an important theoretical basis and reference for the development of carbon emission reduction in Hubei Province. 【Method】Based on six kinds of main carbon sources from the agricultural inputting and production, the agricultural carbon emission load from 1993 to 2017 was calculated, and then the temporal and spatial characteristics of agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province were analyzed. Furtherly, Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei province. Finally, the integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. 【Result】The total amount and intensity of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province showed a trend of rising first and then later. The average annual growth rate of agriculture carbon emissions was 2.32%, while the average annual growth rate of intensity was 2.21%. The chain growth of which was general in the stage of decline. Fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, real tillage and agricultural irrigation as a result of carbon emissions, average annual increase rate was 2.23%, 2.44%, 2.40%, 3.32%, 0.44%, and 2.32%, respectively. Kernel density estimation demonstrated that the regional gap of agricultural carbon emissions in Hubei Province was widening. The integrated use of co-order error correction model was discussed as an evidence of Hubei Province's agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emissions. The results showed that: for every 1% increase in per capita agricultural output value, the total carbon intensity of pesticides, agricultural film, agricultural diesel, agricultural irrigation and other carbon sources of carbon emission intensity increased by 0.58%, 0.59%, 0.25% and 0.15%, respectively, and the total agricultural carbon intensity increased by 0.19%.【Conclusion】Different agricultural economic development, production conditions and regional development strategies in Hubei Province led to more and more obvious agricultural carbon emission gap between regions. There was a long-term stable relationship between agricultural economic growth and agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province, which indicated that Hubei Province was also in a critical period of transition from traditional farming mode to green and low-carbon farming mode, and this development mode had existed for a long time.
Keywords:economic growth;agricultural carbon emissions;Kernel density estimation;cointegration;Hubei Province

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李波, 杜建国, 刘雪琪. 湖北省农业碳排放的时空特征及经济关联性[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(23): 4309-4319 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.23.011
LI Bo, DU JianGuo, LIU XueQi. Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Economic Relevance of Agricultural Carbon Emissions in Hubei Province[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(23): 4309-4319 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.23.011

0 引言


1 研究方法与数据来源

1.1 农业碳排放量的测算方法


E = ∑Ei = ∑Ti×δi


Table 1
Table 1Agricultural carbon emission coefficient and source
Carbon source
Carbon emissions coefficient
Reference sources
化肥 Fertilizer0.8956 kg·kg-1WEST[21]
农药 Pesticide4.9341 kg·kg-1美国橡树岭国家实验室 Oak Ridge National Lab
农膜 Agricultural film5.18 kg·kg-1IREEA
柴油 Farm diesel fuel0.5927 kg·kg-1IPCC
翻耕 Plowing312.6 kg·km-2中国农业大学生物与技术学院
College of Biotechnology, China Agricultural University
农业灌溉 Irrigation19.533 kg·hm-2DUBEY[22]


1.2 协整理论与误差修正模型(ECM模型)






式中,k0=α/(1-φ1),k1=(β0+β1)/(1-φ1),则公式(3)称为一阶误差修正模型。其中β0代表影响参数;反馈效果表示为(11);k0 k1是长期反映系数[25]。误差修正模型反映了变量的长期均衡对短期波动的影响。

本文用计量检验及建模均由EVIEWS 8.0系统软件完成,采用EG两步法(即恩格尔-格兰杰检验)对时间序列进行协整检验。数据方面,本文选取碳排放强度数据(即单位面积农业碳排放),其中包括总碳排放强度以及化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕以及农业灌溉等的碳排放强度;研究湖北省农业经济增长与农业碳排放之间的关系,也就是研究农业生产的公平与效率之间关系[26,27,28]。基于此,分析中将采用能反映湖北省农业经济发展水平的人均农业总产值指标。











$\Delta {{y}_{t}}=\gamma {{y}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p}{{{\beta }_{i}}}\Delta {{y}_{t-i}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}$
$\Delta {{y}_{t}}=\alpha +\gamma {{y}_{t-i}}+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p}{{{\beta }_{i}}}\Delta {{y}_{t-i}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}$
$\Delta {{y}_{t}}=\alpha +\gamma {{y}_{t-i}}+{{\beta }_{0}}t+\sum\limits_{i=1}^{p}{{{\beta }_{i}}}\Delta {{y}_{t-i}}+{{\varepsilon }_{t}}$
式中,α为截距项,且为常数,β0 t为时间趋势项,εt独立同分布,且服从正态分布,Δyt-i为因变量的滞后差分项,其中p为滞后阶数。公式(4)代表均不含截距项α和时间趋势β0 t,公式(5)代表不含时间趋势项β0 t但含截距项α,公式(6)表示含截距项α和时间趋势项β0 t

1.3 Kernel密度估计


$f(x)=\frac{1}{Nh}\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{K\left[ \frac{{{X}_{i}}-x}{h} \right]}$

$\underset{\text{n}\to \infty }{\mathop{\text{lim}}}\,h(N)=0$
$\underset{\text{N}\to \infty }{\mathop{\text{lim}}}\,Nh(H)=N\to \infty$
核函数是一种平滑函数,Kernel 密度函数有多种形式,主要分为三角核函数、四次核函数、Epanechnikov核函数、Gaussian核函数等类型[32]。本文为了更好地分析中国的农地利用净碳排放的分布动态演变趋势,采用Gaussian核函数模型如下:

$K(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ }}}\exp \left[ -\frac{{{x}^{2}}}{2} \right]$

1.4 数据来源与整理


1.5 研究思路




Fig. 1Research framework

2 结果

2.1 湖北省农业碳排放特征分析




Fig. 2Changes on carbon emissions of agriculture from 1993 to 2017 in Hubei Province


图2可知,1993—2012年化肥、农药、农膜、农用柴油、翻耕和农业灌溉等6类碳源所产生的碳排放量在都呈现逐渐上升的趋势,其中柴油的涨幅较为剧烈,主要的原因是农业的机械化,大量使用机械来进行农业活动,从而导致柴油的使用量不断上升;化肥对农业碳排放的贡献最大,占了总的碳排放的一半多,这说明大量使用化学制品虽然提高了产量但是会加大碳排放,因此要优化对化学制品的使用,提高利用效率,不断推进清洁生产,有机肥替代化肥,有序推进湖北省农业绿色发展实验示范区建设。2012年后6类碳源所产生的碳排放量均呈现不同程度的下降趋势,一方面,说明湖北省不断提高农业生产的质量和效率,重视农资的合理利用,在一定程度上抑制了碳排放的增长;另一方面,反映出湖北省正在逐步重视农业低碳化、生态化发展,尤其是化肥农药零增长行动取得了阶段性成果。从农业碳排放总量的环比增速来看,湖北省农业碳排放环比增速和碳排放的强度自2012年呈现下降的趋势,从1993年的697.02×104 t·hm-2的碳排放强度上升到2012年的1 388.61×104 t·hm-2(最大值),随后出现较为缓慢的下降,碳排放强度虽有下降,但碳排放强度的年增长率仍然为2.21%。这表明湖北省低碳农业存在广阔的发展空间,尤其是在低碳农业生产方式方面拥有巨大的发展潜力。

2.2 湖北省农业碳排放的演进趋势分析




Fig. 3The trend of agricultural carbon emission in Hubei Province



2.3 湖北省农业碳排放与经济发展的协整关系检验



Table 2
Table 2ADF unit root test for variables
变量 Variable(C,T,L)ADF10%的临界值 10% critical value结果 Result
lnr(C,T,1)-2.619490-3.248592不平稳 Nonstationary
Δlnr(C,T,0)-4.724729-3.248592平稳 Stationary
lnqd(C,T,4)1.668840-3.268973不平稳 Nonstationary
Δlnqd(C,T,0)-4.066077-3.248592平稳 stationary
lnny(C,T,0)-4.486446-2.635542平稳 Stationary
lnnm(C,T,0)-3.590363-2.635542平稳 Stationary
lnhf(C,T,1)-2.083700-2.638752不平稳 Nonstationary
Δ(lnhf)(C,T,0)-2.467557-2.638752不平稳 Nonstationary
Δ(lnhf,2)(C,T,2)-2.772617-2.650413平稳 Stationary
lncy(C,T,4)-4.462896-3.268973平稳 Stationary
lnfg(C,T,0)-1.058579-2.635542不平稳 Nonstationary
Δ(lnfg)(C,T,0)-3.567947-2.638752平稳 Stationary
lngg(C,T,0)-1.364105-2.635542不平稳 Nonstationary
Δ(lngg)(C,T,0)-4.724753-2.638752平稳 Stationary
Δ Denotes the first-order difference. C in (C, T, K) indicates whether the intercept term is included in the ADF unit root test, T indicates whether the time trend term is included, and L is the optimal lag order



Table 3
Table 3The logarithmic linear regression results of agricultural carbon emission intensity to economic growth
Regression equation
截距项 Intercept term4.0445881.2800000.6138112.075700-1.5924690.413725-0.180667
F 46.9198820.2502262.2486896.40987264.94159.08342832.21875



Table 4
Table 4The ADF unit root test results of the residual sequence
变量 Variable(C, T, K)ADF10%临界值 10% critical valueP值 P-value结果 Result
e(lnqd)(C,T,3)-1.762135-1.6078300.0743平稳 Stationary
e(lnny)(C,T,0)-2.940086-1.6087930.0051平稳 Stationary
e(lncy)(C,T,2)-4.278487-1.6081750.0002平稳 Stationary
e(lnfg)(C,T,0)-1.302478-1.6087930.1726不平稳 Nonstationary
e(lngg)(C,T,0)-3.322898-1.6087930.0019平稳 Stationary


















Adjusted R2=0.966856 DW=2.113440 F=131.2700 P=0.000


Adjusted R2=0.526166 DW=1.095332 F=7.032819 P=0.002262


Adjusted R2=0.730201 DW=1.629285 F=62.24868 P=0.000


Adjusted R2=0.981865 DW=1.518428 F=568.4820 P=0.000


Adjusted R2=0.776455 DW=1.769775 F=40.94384 P=0.000


3 讨论





4 结论

4.1 近些年,湖北省农业碳排放总量、强度和6类碳源碳排放均出现不同程度的下降趋势,这说明湖北省逐步重视农业低碳化、生态化发展,并取得阶段性成果。

4.2 湖北省各地市州农业碳排放的地区差距有明显的扩大,可能因为农业经济发展、生产条件和地区发展战略不同而导致地区间农业碳排放差距越来越明显。

4.3 湖北省农业经济增长与农业碳排放总强度,与农药、农膜、农用柴油和农业灌溉的碳排放强度之间存在长期稳定关系。湖北省人均农业总产值每增加1%,农药、农膜、农用柴油和农业灌溉的碳排放强度分别增加0.37%、0.59%、0.25%和0.09%,农业碳排放总强度增加0.19%。

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SOONAE P, YOUNGMI L . Regional model of EKC for air pollution: Evidence from the Republic of Korea
Energy Policy, 2011,39(10):5840-5849.

DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.028URL [本文引用: 1]
This study aims to investigate a relationship between economic development and air pollution at the regional level, and further suggest energy policies for climate change mitigation. The present study examines an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis analyzing annual panel data of 16 metropolitan regions in Korea over a 16-year time period. The analysis results show that there is no one-dominant shape of EKC for SO(2) and NO(2); each region has its own EKC. That is, although we find the potential existence of U-shaped and N-shaped curves, the region-specific coefficients are enormously heterogeneous across regions. For CO, on the other hand, the random coefficient model shows that there is a dominant U-shaped curve across regions. In addition, energy consumption appears to be the most significant variable in explaining air pollution. Based on these results, we assert that environmental policy should consider the different characteristics of each region and type of pollutant. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

ACIL T P L . Agriculture and GHG mitigation policy: Options in addition to the CPRS
South Wales: Industry & Investment NSW, 2009.

DOI:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.119.042155URLPMID:31841369 [本文引用: 1]
Following regulatory guidance set forth in 2008 by the US Food and Drug Administration for new drugs for type 2 diabetes mellitus, many large randomized, controlled trials have been conducted with the primary goal of assessing the safety of antihyperglycemic medications on the primary end point of major adverse cardiovascular events, defined as cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. Heart failure (HF) was not specifically mentioned in the US Food and Drug Administration guidance and therefore it was not a focus of these studies when planned. Several trials subsequently showed the impact of antihyperglycemic drugs on HF outcomes, which were not originally specified as the primary end point of the trials. The most impressive finding has been the substantial and consistent risk reduction in HF hospitalization seen across 4 trials of sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors. However, to date, these results have not led to regulatory approval of any of these drugs for a HF indication or a recommendation for use by US HF guidelines. It is therefore important to explore to what extent persuasive treatment effects on nonprimary end points can be used to support regulatory claims and guideline recommendations. This topic was discussed by researchers, clinicians, industry sponsors, regulators, and representatives from professional societies, who convened on the US Food and Drug Administration campus on March 6, 2019. This report summarizes these discussions and the key takeaway messages from this meeting.

RUBEN N L, ANDREW J P, ROBERT N S . Land-use change and carbon sinks: Econometric estimation of the carbon sequestration supply function
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2005,51(2):135-152.

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COONDOO D, DINDA S . Causality between income and emission: A country group-specific econometric analysis
Ecological Economics, 2002,40:351-367.

DOI:10.1016/S0921-8009(01)00280-4URL [本文引用: 1]


Empirical studies of the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) examine the presence or otherwise of an inverted U-shaped relationship between the level of pollution and the level of income. Customarily, in the diagram of EKC the level of income is shown on the horizontal axis and that of pollution on the vertical axis. Thus, it is presumed that the relationship between income and pollution is one of unidirectional causality with income causing environmental changes and not vice versa. The validity of this presumption is now being questioned. It is being asserted that the nature and direction of causality may vary from one country to the other. In this paper, we present the results of a study of income–CO2 emission causality based on a Granger causality test to cross-country panel data on per capita income and the corresponding per capita CO2 emission data. Briefly, our results indicate three different types of causality relationship holding for different country groups. For the developed country groups of North America and Western Europe (and also for Eastern Europe) the causality is found to run from emission to income. For the country groups of Central and South America, Oceania and Japan causality from income to emission is obtained. Finally, for the country groups of Asia and Africa the causality is found to be bi-directional. The regression equations estimated as part of the Granger causality test further suggest that for the country groups of North America and Western Europe the growth rate of emission has become stationary around a zero mean, and a shock in the growth rate of emission tends to generate a corresponding shock in the growth rate of income. In contrast, for the country groups of Central and South America, Oceania and Japan a shock in the income growth rate is likely to result in a corresponding shock in the growth rate of emission. Finally, causality being bi-directional for the country groups of Asia and Africa, the income and the emission growth rates seemed to reinforce each other.

李波, 张俊飚, 徐卫涛 . 我国循环农业发展时空差异及制约因素分析
华中农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2010(4):21-26.

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LI B, ZHANG J B, XU W T . Analysis on spatial and temporal differences and constraints of circular agriculture development in China
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University (Social Sciences Edition), 2010(4):21-26. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]

JOHNSON J M F . Agricultural opportunities to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Environmental Pollution, 2007,150:107-124.

DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.030URLPMID:17706849 [本文引用: 1]
Agriculture is a source for three primary greenhouse gases (GHGs): CO(2), CH(4), and N(2)O. It can also be a sink for CO(2) through C sequestration into biomass products and soil organic matter. We summarized the literature on GHG emissions and C sequestration, providing a perspective on how agriculture can reduce its GHG burden and how it can help to mitigate GHG emissions through conservation measures. Impacts of agricultural practices and systems on GHG emission are reviewed and potential trade-offs among potential mitigation options are discussed. Conservation practices that help prevent soil erosion, may also sequester soil C and enhance CH(4) consumption. Managing N to match crop needs can reduce N(2)O emission and avoid adverse impacts on water quality. Manipulating animal diet and manure management can reduce CH(4) and N(2)O emission from animal agriculture. All segments of agriculture have management options that can reduce agriculture's environmental footprint.

WEST T O, MARLAND G . A synthesis of carbon sequestration, carbon missions, and net carbon flux in agriculture: comparing tillage practices in the United States
Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, 2002,91:217-232.

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DUBEY A, LAL R . Carbon footprint and sustainability of agricultural production systems in Punjab, India and Ohio, USA
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李晋 . 基于误差修正模型的河南省新型城镇化与经济增长关系研究
河南大学学报(社会科学版), 2016,56(6):29-33.

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LI J . Error correction based research on the relationship between new urbanization and economic growth in Henan province
Journal of Henan University (Social Science Edition), 2016,56(6):29-33. (in Chinese)

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王巧英, 刘耘沁, 刘海媛 . 中国固定资产投资与经济增长的关系——基于协整与误差修正模型的动态分析
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WANG Q Y, LIU G Q, LIU H Y . The relationship between China's fixed asset investment and economic growth-based on the dynamic analysis of co-integration and error correction models
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李中才, 王广成, 娄美珍 . 中国生态足迹与经济增长的协整、误差修正模型及预测
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LI Z C, WANG G C, LOU M Z . A co-integration analysis and an error-correction model for ecological footprint and economy growth in China
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吴贤荣, 张俊飚, 田云 . 中国省域农业碳排放: 测算、效率变动及影响因素研究——基于DEA-Malmquist 指数分解方法与Tobit模型运用
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WU X R, ZHANG J B, TIAN Y . Provincial agricultural carbon emissions in China: Calculation, performance change and influencing factors
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张秀梅, 李升峰, 黄贤金 . 江苏省1996 年至2007年碳排放效应及时空格局分析
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ZHANG X M, LI S F, HUANG X J . Effects of carbon emissions and their spatio-temporal patterns in Jiangsu Province from 1996 to 2007
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徐国泉 . 中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析: 1995-2004
中国人口·资源与环境, 2006(6):158-161.

URL [本文引用: 1]
能源消费是碳排放的主要来源.随着中国经济的快速发展,能源消费的急剧增长以及以煤为主的能源结构在短期内很难改变,因此,碳排放不可避免地会出现一定幅度的增加.本文基于碳排放量的基本等式,采用对数平均权重Divisia分解法(Logarithmic mean weight Divisia method,LMD),建立中国人均碳排放的因素分解模型,定量分析了1995-2004年间,能源结构、能源效率和经济发展等因素的变化对中国人均碳排放的影响,结果显示经济发展对拉动中国人均碳排放的贡献率呈指数增长,而能源效率和能源结构对抑制中国人均碳排放的贡献率都呈倒"u".这说明能源效率对抑制中国碳排放的作用在减弱,以煤为主的能源结构未发生根本性变化,能源效率和能源结构的抑制作用难以抵销由经济发展拉动的中国碳排放量增长.
XU G Q . Decomposition model and empirical study of carbon emissions for China: 1995-2004
China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006(6):158-161. (in Chinese)

URL [本文引用: 1]
能源消费是碳排放的主要来源.随着中国经济的快速发展,能源消费的急剧增长以及以煤为主的能源结构在短期内很难改变,因此,碳排放不可避免地会出现一定幅度的增加.本文基于碳排放量的基本等式,采用对数平均权重Divisia分解法(Logarithmic mean weight Divisia method,LMD),建立中国人均碳排放的因素分解模型,定量分析了1995-2004年间,能源结构、能源效率和经济发展等因素的变化对中国人均碳排放的影响,结果显示经济发展对拉动中国人均碳排放的贡献率呈指数增长,而能源效率和能源结构对抑制中国人均碳排放的贡献率都呈倒"u".这说明能源效率对抑制中国碳排放的作用在减弱,以煤为主的能源结构未发生根本性变化,能源效率和能源结构的抑制作用难以抵销由经济发展拉动的中国碳排放量增长.

田云, 张俊彪, 尹朝静, 吴贤荣 . 中国农业碳排放分布动态与趋势演进——基于31个省(市、区)2002-2011年面板数据分析
中国人口·资源与环境, 2014(7):91-98.

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TIAN Y, ZHANG J B, YIN Z J, WU X R . Distributional dynamics and trend evolution of China's agricultural carbon emissions-An analysis on panel data of 31 provinces from 2002 to 2011
China Population, Resources and Environment, 2014(7):91-98. (in Chinese)

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李波, 刘雪琪, 梅倩, 王昆 . 湖北省农地利用方式变化的碳效应特征与空间差异
中国人口·资源与环境, 2018,28(10):62-70.

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LI B, LIU X Q, MEI Q, WANG K . Study on carbon effects and spatial differences based on changes of agricultural land use in Hubei Province
China Population, Resources and Environment, 2018,28(10):62-70. (in Chinese)

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吴贤荣, 张俊飚, 程文能 . 中国种植业低碳生产效率及碳减排成本研究
环境经济研究, 2017,2(1):57-69.

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WU X R, ZHANG J B, CHENG W N . The efficiency and reduction cost of carbon emission in China's planting industry
Journal of Environmental Economics, 2017,2(1):57-69. (in Chinese)

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张振龙, 孙慧, 苏洋 . 中国西北干旱地区农牧业生态系统碳排放的空间分布与趋势演进
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ZHANG Z L, SUN H, SU Y . The spatial distribution and evolution trends of agricultural and animal husbandry carbon emissions in the northwest arid region of China
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2017,37(16):1-10. (in Chinese)

DOI:10.1016/j.chnaes.2016.09.003URL [本文引用: 1]

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