
基于SNP遗传图谱对甘蓝型油菜部分脂肪酸 组成性状的QTL定位

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-26

叶桑, 崔翠, 郜欢欢, 雷维, 王刘艳, 王瑞莉, 陈柳依, 曲存民, 唐章林, 李加纳, 周清元,西南大学农学与生物科技学院,重庆400715

QTL Identification for Fatty Acid Content in Brassica napus Using the High Density SNP Genetic Map

YE Sang, CUI Cui, GAO HuanHuan, LEI Wei, WANG LiuYan, WANG RuiLi, CHEN LiuYi, QU CunMin, TANG ZhangLin, LI JiaNa, ZHOU QingYuan,College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715

通讯作者: 周清元,Tel:13883388890;E-mail: zhouqy2005@163.com


作者简介 About authors
叶桑,Tel:13068300612;E-mail: 837276825@qq.com

崔翠,Tel:13883787860;E-mail: cuigreeny@163.com。叶桑和崔翠为同等贡献作者。

目的 菜籽油在烹饪、食品加工及工业生产中广泛应用,因此,根据生产需要改善菜籽油脂肪酸组分是油菜育种的重要目标。通过对2种环境下甘蓝型油菜主要脂肪酸组成进行QTL定位分析,寻找甘蓝型油菜脂肪酸组分的QTL及影响本群体脂肪酸组分的候选基因。方法以人工合成甘蓝型油菜10D130和甘蓝型油菜常规品种中双11构建高世代重组自交系(RIL)为研究材料,分别于2016-2017年和2017-2018年2个年度在重庆市北碚区2个不同的环境中设置田间试验,收获自交种子,采用气相色谱法3次重复对种子的脂肪酸组分进行分析。利用油菜6K SNP芯片对该RIL群体进行基因分型,DNA样品预处理及芯片处理严格按照Illumina Inc 公司Infinium HD Assay Ultra操作说明进行。取最小阈值LOD 2.0利用JoinMap4.0软件构建高密度遗传连锁图谱。通过QTL IciMapping V4.1完备区间作图法对油菜主要脂肪酸组成进行QTL定位。结果 2种环境中,两亲本各性状间差异及RIL群体各性状在株系间差异均达到显著或极显著水平,且6种脂肪酸含量在2个环境中均表现为连续分布,适合进行QTL检测。构建用于QTL定位的遗传图谱包含1 897个多态性SNP标记,覆盖甘蓝型油菜基因组3 214.19 cM,平均图距1.69 cM。利用此图谱,在2个环境共检测到位于8条染色体上的23个控制脂肪酸组分QTL位点,与硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、廿碳烯酸和芥酸含量相关的QTL位点分别为6、3、4、5、2和3个,其中在A05、A08和C03染色体上发现多种脂肪酸含量的QTL“富集区”。在A05染色体上检测到亚油酸和亚麻酸含量重叠的主效QTL,亚油酸与亚麻酸表现加性效应相同;在A08和C03上都检测到油酸、廿碳烯酸和芥酸含量重叠的主效QTL,油酸与廿碳烯酸及芥酸表现加性效应相反。与拟南芥脂肪酸代谢基因进行同源性比对分析,在17个QTL置信区间内筛选到22个候选基因,主要通过编码脂肪酸去饱和酶、全羧化酶合酶、碳链延长酶和参与酰基辅酶A生物合成等途径调控脂质的生物合成和代谢。结论 利用甘蓝型油菜6K SNP芯片准确定位了2种环境条件脂肪酸组成的QTL位点,筛选到位于A05、A08和C03染色体上多种脂肪酸QTL的“富集区”,并与拟南芥脂肪酸代谢基因比对出该群体油菜脂肪酸代谢基因,可作为改善油菜籽脂肪酸组成的重要区段及候选基因。
关键词: 甘蓝型油菜;脂肪酸;遗传图谱;QTL;候选基因

【Objective】 Rapeseed oil is widely used in cooking, food processing and industrial production. Therefore, improving the fatty acid composition of rapeseed oil according to the specific production objective is an important goal of rapeseed breeding. In this study, QTL mapping of main fatty acid composition in Brassica napus under two environments was conducted, which was designed to search for the QTL and related candidate genes of fatty acid components in Brassica napus.【Method】 The high generation recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were used as experiment materials, which were derived from synthetic 10D130 and conventional variety Zhongshuang11, and field experiments were conducted in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 with two different environments in Beibei District of Chongqing City, respectively. After self-pollinated seeds were harvested each year, fatty acid components of seeds were measured by GC with three technical repeats. Then, the RIL population genotype was analyzed with the rapeseed 6K SNP chip array. The DNA preparation and the chip preparation were processed strictly according to Infinium HD Assay Ultra manual of Illumina Inc. The SNP linkage map was constructed by using JoinMap 4.0 program with minimum LOD 2.0. QTL mapping of main fatty acid composition was conducted by composite interval mapping using software Windows QTL IciMapping V4.1.【Result】 In the two environments, the differences of parents’ traits and RILs population’s traits reached significant or extremely significant levels, and the contents of six fatty acids showed continuous distribution, which were suitable for the detection of QTLs. The reference SNP genetic map contains 1 897 polymorphic SNP markers, covering 3 214.19 cM of Brassica napus genome with an average map distance of 1.69 cM. Twenty-three QTLs loci of fatty acid components on 8 chromosomes were detected in two environments. The QTLs loci related to stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and erucic acid contents were 6, 3, 4, 5, 2 and 3, respectively. And the “enrichment regions” of multiple fatty acid contents were found on chromosomes A05, A08 and C03. Meantime, the main QTL with overlapping linoleic acid and linolenic acid content was detected on A05 chromosome, showing the same additive effect. And the main effect QTLs, oleic acid with overlapping contents of eicosenic acid and erucic acid were detected on A08 and C03, which was opposite to the additive effect of eicosenic acid and erucic acid. Twenty-two candidate genes of fatty acid metabolic were found underlying confidence intervals of seventeen QTLs by comparing with homologous genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. These genes regulate lipid biosynthesis and metabolism through encoding fatty acid desaturase, total carboxylase synthase, carbon chain lengthening enzyme and participating in acyl coenzyme A biosynthesis. 【Conclusion】 The fatty acid composition QTL under two environments were mapped accurately with the 6K SNP chip of rapeseed, and the “enrichment regions” of multiple fatty acid QTLs on chromosomes A05, A08 and C03 were screened. Compared with Arabidopsis thaliana fatty acid metabolic genes, candidate genes for fatty acid metabolism in this population were detected, which could be used for improving fatty acid composition in rapeseed.
Keywords:Brassica napus;fatty acid;genetic map;QTL;candidate gene

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叶桑, 崔翠, 郜欢欢, 雷维, 王刘艳, 王瑞莉, 陈柳依, 曲存民, 唐章林, 李加纳, 周清元. 基于SNP遗传图谱对甘蓝型油菜部分脂肪酸 组成性状的QTL定位[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(21): 3733-3747 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.002
YE Sang, CUI Cui, GAO HuanHuan, LEI Wei, WANG LiuYan, WANG RuiLi, CHEN LiuYi, QU CunMin, TANG ZhangLin, LI JiaNa, ZHOU QingYuan. QTL Identification for Fatty Acid Content in Brassica napus Using the High Density SNP Genetic Map[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(21): 3733-3747 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.002

0 引言

【研究意义】油菜是中国主要的油料作物,其种植面积和总产量居世界首位[1],目前,已经成为继水稻、小麦、玉米之后的第四大作物,是中国的优势油料作物[2]。菜籽油是中国主要的食用油之一,其主要脂肪酸组成包括硬脂酸(C18﹕0)、油酸(C18﹕1)、亚油酸(C18﹕2)、亚麻酸(C18﹕3)、廿碳烯酸(C20﹕1)和芥酸(C22﹕1)等。食用油中油酸具有极高的营养和应用价值,高油酸菜籽油不仅有利于人体心血管健康[3],还因其热稳定性高[4],利于纯化储存而被用于煎炸行业[5]以及生产、生活用品的原料[6]。亚油酸是一种必需脂肪酸,可防止动脉粥样硬化,但存在氧化稳定性差、储存时间短的缺点。亚麻酸属多烯类不饱和脂肪酸,因存在3个不饱和键而易氧化变质,故亚麻酸含量较高的菜籽油不耐储存[7]。芥酸因其碳链较长,在人体内不易被消化吸收,不适用于食品加工[8],然而芥酸是重要的工业原料,被广泛应用于众多工业领域[7]。因此,根据生产需要改善油菜脂肪酸的组成成分是油菜育种的重要目标,定位油菜脂肪酸组分的QTL和筛选影响脂肪酸组分的候选基因在油菜育种中都具有重要的指导作用。【前人研究进展】前人研究表明,在油菜主要脂肪酸的形成过程中,首先由棕榈酸在碳链延长酶的作用下合成硬脂酸[9],硬脂酸在质体基质中再被硬脂酰-ACP脱氢酶催化形成油酸[10],而油酸包含2条代谢途径:其一,油酸在碳链延长酶的作用下合成廿碳烯酸,廿碳烯酸进一步延长碳链生成芥酸[11];其二,油酸在△12减饱和酶作用下生成亚油酸[12],亚油酸在△15减饱和酶作用下进一步减饱和生成亚麻酸[13]。了解主要脂肪酸的代谢途径是改善油菜脂肪酸组成的前提,通过分子标记定位相关性状QTL并筛选出候选基因有利于更准确了解脂肪酸各组分受到影响的遗传因素。迄今为止,利用分子标记技术的QTL定位分析在油菜相关性状包括抗性[14,15,16]、育性[17,18]和品质[19,20,21]等方面广泛发展,为油菜分子的育种改良奠定了基础。油菜脂肪酸含量具有较高的遗传力,对其相关分子标记的确定是改善油菜脂肪酸组成的关键。BURNS等[22]利用RFLP分子标记进行油菜脂肪酸组成的QTL定位,获得4个与油酸含量相关的QTL,其中效应较大的QTL位于N3、N8、N18染色体,效应较小的位于N11染色体;获得5个与亚油酸含量相关的QTL,效应相对较大QTL位于N8和N14染色体;获得5个与亚麻酸含量相关的QTL,分别位于N6、N7、N18和N11染色体。张洁夫等[23]采用RAPD、SSR和SRAP 3种分子标记对油菜脂肪酸组成进行QTL定位,获得3个与硬脂酸含量相关的QTL,分别位于N1、N8和N16染色体;获得2个与油酸含量相关的主效QTL,分别位于N8和N13染色体;获得3个与亚油酸含量相关的QTL,其中2个位于N8染色体,1个位于N13染色体;获得3个与亚麻酸含量相关的微效QTL;获得4个与廿碳烯酸含量相关的QTL,分别位于N8、N13和N15染色体;在N8和N13染色体获得2个与芥酸含量相关的主效QTL。ZHAO等[24]利用SSR标记构建的遗传图谱找到了7个控制油酸含量的QTL,其中,主效QTL位于N18染色体;找到7个控制亚油酸含量的QTL,其中主效QTL位于N9染色体;并在N14染色体找到1个控制亚麻酸含量的QTL。与上述分子标记技术相比,SNP标记具有数量多、分布广和规模化等优点,已成为大家认可的第三代遗传标记,近几年被广泛应用于油菜产量、品质等性状的分子标记辅助育种及遗传定位等诸多领域。例如,LIU等[25]利用油菜SNP芯片技术构建高密度遗传图谱,对油菜籽木质素、纤维素和半纤维素等性状进行QTL定位。SHEN等[26]采用SNP分子标记技术定位了17个油菜分枝角度QTL,并在QTL区间获得27个候选基因。QU等[27]利用520份油菜资源群体对油菜籽脂肪酸组成进行全基因组关联分析,确定了62个与7种脂肪酸组成显著相关的基因组区域,并鉴定了24个参与脂肪酸生物合成的功能候选基因的同源基因。【本研究切入点】前人对油菜脂肪酸含量的定位研究主要是利用SSR、AFLP、RFLP和SRAP等分子标记,存在标记的多位点现象,给不同连锁图谱之间QTL位点的比较分析带来困难。另外,前人在QTL作图方法上大多采用区间作图法和复合区间作图法,致使QTL效应可能会被侧连标记区间之外的标记变量所吸收[28]。【拟解决的关键问题】本研究利用油菜6K SNP芯片构建高密度遗传连锁图谱,通过完备区间作图法对油菜主要脂肪酸组成进行QTL定位。结合2年的表型鉴定,发掘在不同环境条件下稳定表达的主效QTL,并利用甘蓝型油菜基因组序列,与拟南芥脂肪酸相关代谢基因进行同源性分析,筛选可能的候选基因,旨在探讨油菜主要脂肪酸之间的内在联系,为改善油菜脂肪酸组成进行分子标记辅助选择、克隆相关候选基因奠定基础。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料


1.2 田间试验


1.3 脂肪酸组成的测定


1.4 遗传连锁图谱构建及QTL分析

参考刘列钊等[30]方法,分别从每个株系的5个幼嫩植株叶片取混合样0.15 g,利用DNA提取试剂盒DP321-03(天根,中国北京)提取DNA并稀释至50 ng·μL-1用于SNP标记分析。严格按照Infinium HD Assay Ultra操作说明书(Illumina Inc 公司)进行DNA样品的预处理(等位扩增、片段化及富集)、与芯片杂交、洗涤、安装流动室、单碱基延伸、染色及包埋。芯片准备好后运用Illumina HiScan扫描仪的iScan Control Software软件扫描,然后利用GenomeStudio genotyping software v2011软件分析扫描结果,获取各个样本的SNP基因型数据,并为获得的SNP标记命名,命名方法以S-95505568为例,S表示SNP,95505568代表GenomeStudio genotyping software生成的相应SNP位点索引号。


采用软件QTL IciMapping V4.1[33]完备区间作图(inclusive composite interval mapping,ICIM)法,进行2个环境下硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、廿碳烯酸及芥酸含量的QTL定位和检测。进行ICIM分析时,选用1 cM的步长(walking speed),作1 000次排列检验和显著水平0.01确定LOD临界值。软件运行结果可同时给出性状QTL的加性效应和表型贡献率。QTL命名时以q加上性状的英文缩写再加上染色体编号及QTL序号表示,字体斜体,如qC03LI-1代表亚油酸含量位于C03染色体上的第一个QTL。同一性状在染色体相同的位置检测到重复的QTL,且加性效应方向一致,认为是同一QTL。

1.5 候选基因筛选


2 结果

2.1 重组自交系群体脂肪酸含量的分析


Table 1
Table 1Changes of fatty acids content under two different environments
亲本 ParentsRIL群体 RIL populations
CV (%)
a, b and A, B indicate significance at P<0.05 and P<0.01, * and ** indicate significance at P<0.05 and P<0.01. C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3, C22:1 and C22:2 represent stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, eicosenoic acid and erucic acid, respectively. The same as below





Fig. 1Frequency distribution of stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, eicosenoic acid and erucic acid content from the RIL population in two different environments

P1, P2 and P'1, P'2 indicated the fatty acid content of two parents under 17Cq and 18Cq environment respectively

Table 2
Table 2Correlation analysis of fatty acids content in two different environments
测定指标 IndexC18:0C18:1C18:2C18:3C20:1C22:1


右上部代表17Cq环境,左下部代表18Cq环境The upper right represents the 17Cq environment and the lower left represents the 18Cq environment

2.2 遗传连锁图谱

利用包含5 058个标记的6K油菜芯片对186个RIL材料进行基因型鉴定,从中筛选出1 897个高质量多态性的SNP标记,约占37.5%,基于这些标记构建遗传连锁图谱。获得用于QTL定位的图谱覆盖甘蓝型油菜基因组3 214.19 cM,平均图距为1.69 cM。每条染色体长度在86.51-298.72 cM,平均长度为169.17 cM。染色体标记数目在24-153,平均数目为99.84个。但是从标记分布来看,各染色体分布不均,其中染色体A03、C03和C04上标记分布较多,分别为139、147和153个;而染色体C05、C08和C09上的标记数目较少,分别只有48、26和24个。此外各染色体标记密度也有较大差异,C04密度最大,平均间距仅1.10 cM,而密度最小的C08平均间距达6.13 cM。

2.3 主要脂肪酸含量的QTL分析

2.3.1 硬脂酸含量的QTL 在2个环境中,硬脂酸含量共定位到6个QTL,解释表型变异5.08%-25.49%,其中主效QTL位点位于A08和C03上。C03上的主效位点在2个环境中能被重复检测到,分别解释表型变异的11.59%和9.12%;在A08上的2个QTL位点分别解释硬脂酸含量表型变异的14.00%和25.49%。且A08和C03上的QTL位点在2个环境中的加性效应均小于0(表3图2),即加性效应均来源于亲本ZS11。

Table 3
Table 3QTLs for main fatty acids content in two different environments
Confidence interval
Additive effect
1): Linkage location of markers on the genetic linkage map




Fig. 2Putative QTL locations of fatty acid content on the SNP genetic map

2.3.2 油酸含量的QTL 在2个环境中共检测到3个与油酸含量相关的 QTL,且3个位点在2个环境中均能被重复检测到,其中位于A08和C03染色体上的是主效位点,可解释油酸含量表型变异的28.28%-43.68%。在2个环境中,位于A05上的QTL位点加性效应分别为3.81和3.91,而A08和C03染色体上主效位点的效应值在-11.42--8.66(表3图2),即前者的加性效应来源于亲本10D130,后两者的加性效应则来自亲本ZS11。

2.3.3 亚油酸含量的QTL 在2个环境中,亚油酸含量共检测到4个QTL,除了C03染色体上的qC03ST-2以外,其余3个QTL均能在2个环境中被重复检测到。其中主效QTL位于A05和C03上,可解释亚油酸含量表型变异的12.56%-25.25%;A08染色体上重复检测到的QTL位点在2个环境中的遗传贡献率分别为8.91%和10.49%。同时,在2个环境中重复检测到的3个QTL位点的效应值在-2.37--1.18(表3图2),即加性效应均来自亲本ZS11。

2.3.4 芥酸含量的QTL 在2个环境中共定位到3个与芥酸含量相关的QTL,其中位于A08和C03上的主效QTL位点能够在2个环境中被重复检测到,可解释表型变异16.45%-67.26%。芥酸含量的3个QTL位点的加性效应均为正值,加性效应均来源于亲本10D130,其中,qA08ER的效应值最大,为17.53(表3图2),属主基因座位。其他主要脂肪酸的QTL定位结果见表3图2

2.4 主要脂肪酸代谢候选基因筛选


Table 4
Table 4Candidate genes in QTL confidence interval of fatty acid content in B. uapus by alignment with related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Gene prediction
Physical position
拟南芥相关基因 Related genes in A. thaliana
Gene name
Gene accession
A01BnaA01g27100D18.94HAL3AAT3G18030E-60辅酶A生物合成过程 Coenzyme A biosynthetic process
BnaA01g27120D18.94HAL3BAT1G486055E-23辅酶A生物合成过程 Coenzyme A biosynthetic process
A02BnaA02g13270D7.29LACS9AT1G775902E-52长链酰基辅酶A合成酶9 Long chain acyl-CoA synthetase 9
BnaA02g13310D7.31KCR1AT1G677302E-74β-酮酰辅酶A还原酶1 Beta-ketoacyl-CoA reductase 1
BnaA02g13630D7.49HCS1AT2G257102E-58全羧化酶合成酶1 Holocarboxylase synthase 1
A05BnaA05g26430D19.37ALIS1AT3G127402E-93参与磷脂转运 Involved in phospholipid transport
Unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process
BnaA05g25110D18.65ATOBL1AT3G14360E-156脂质代谢过程 Lipid metabolic process
BnaA05g25210D18.70GLIP3AT1G539904E-17脂质分解过程 Lipid catabolic process
BnaA05g25220D18.70GLIP4AT3G14225E-117脂质分解过程 Lipid catabolic process
BnaA05g26460D19.38DALL4AT1G068002E-27脂质代谢过程 Lipid metabolic process
FAD-binding Berberine family protein
BnaA08g11130D10.19FAE1AT4G3452003-酮酰辅酶A合成酶18 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 18
BnaA08g11140D10.19KCS17AT4G3451003-酮酰辅酶A合成酶17 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 17
BnaA08g11440D10.39FAR3AT4G337908E-46脂肪酸还原酶3 FATTY ACID REDUCTASE 3
3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase
Encodes HopW1-1-Interacting protein 2
A09BnaA09g39290D27.87SLD1AT3G615800脂肪酸去饱和酶 Fatty acid desaturase
A10BnaA10g10590D9.01未知UnknownAT5G563500丙酮酸激酶家族蛋白 Pyruvate kinase family protein
BnaA10g10730D9.08END2AT5G564804E-62脂质转移蛋白 Lipid-transfer protein
FAD-binding Berberine family protein
FAD-binding Berberine family protein
Diacylglycerol kinase family protein
BnaC03g65980D55.68FAE1AT4G3452003-酮酰辅酶A合成酶18 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 18
BnaC03g66040D55.81KCS17AT4G3451003-酮酰辅酶A合成酶17 3-ketoacyl-CoA synthase 17
BnaC03g66380D56.21FAR3AT4G337903E-49脂肪酸还原酶3 FATTY ACID REDUCTASE 3
Encodes HopW1-1-Interacting protein 2


3 讨论

3.1 QTL定位结果的比较分析


3.2 主要脂肪酸含量QTL之间的相关性



3.3 脂肪酸代谢候选基因


4 结论


(责任编辑 李莉)

参考文献 原文顺序

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Triacylglycerols (TAGs) constitute a highly efficient form of energy storage. In seeds of angiosperms, they can act as a reserve of carbon and energy allowing to fuel post-germinative seedling growth until photosynthesis becomes effective. They also constitute the economic value of seeds in many crops. In the past years, extensive tools allowing the molecular dissection of plant metabolism have been developed together with analytical and cytological procedures adapted for seed material. These tools have allowed gaining a comprehensive overview of the metabolic pathways leading to TAG synthesis. They have also unravelled factors limiting oil production such as metabolic bottlenecks and light or oxygen availability in seed tissues. Beyond these physiological aspects, accumulation of TAGs is developmentally regulated in seeds. The oil biosynthetic process is initiated at the onset of the maturation phase, once embryo morphogenesis is achieved. A wealth of recent studies has shed new lights on the intricate regulatory network controlling the seed maturation phase, including reserve deposition. This network involves a set of regulated transcription factors that crosstalk with physiological signaling. The knowledge thus acquired paves the way for the genetic engineering of oilseed crops dedicated to food applications or green chemistry.

HU XY, SULLIVAN-GILBERTM, GUPTAM ,THOMPSON S A. Mapping of the loci controlling oleic and linoleic acid contents and development of fad2 and fad3 allele-specific markers in canola (Brassica napus L.)
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DOI:10.1007/s00122-012-1849-zMagsci [本文引用: 1]
High oleic acid soybeans were produced by combining mutant FAD2-1A and FAD2-1B genes. Despite having a high oleic acid content, the linolenic acid content of these soybeans was in the range of 4-6 %, which may be high enough to cause oxidative instability of the oil. Therefore, a study was conducted to incorporate one or two mutant FAD3 genes into the high oleic acid background to further reduce the linolenic acid content. As a result, soybean lines with high oleic acid and low linolenic acid (HOLL) content were produced using different sources of mutant FAD2-1A genes. While oleic acid content of these HOLL lines was stable across two testing environments, the reduction of linolenic acid content varied depending on the number of mutant FAD3 genes combined with mutant FAD2-1 genes, on the severity of mutation in the FAD2-1A gene, and on the testing environment. Combination of two mutant FAD2-1 genes and one mutant FAD3 gene resulted in less than 2 % linolenic acid content in Portageville, Missouri (MO) while four mutant genes were needed to achieve the same linolenic acid in Columbia, MO. This study generated non-transgenic soybeans with the highest oleic acid content and lowest linolenic acid content reported to date, offering a unique alternative to produce a fatty acid profile similar to olive oil.

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HUANG JX , XIONG H X, PAN B, NI X Y, ZHANG X Y,ZHAO J Y. Mapping QTL of flowering time and their genetic relationships with seed weight in Brassica napus
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DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.16.002Magsci [本文引用: 1]
【Objective】The present research aimed to explore the major QTL controlling the flowering time in European and Chinese rapeseed materials, to analyze the genetic influence of flowering time on QTL for 1000-seeds weight, and thus to provide available information for breeding purpose.【Method】The doubled haploid (DH) Sollux/Gaoyou population with 282 lines was used. The data set of flowering time was obtained from nine environments and over seven years. QTL identification of flowering time was performed using WinQTLCart 2.5. The candidate genes underlining QTLs were screened out by transcriptome analysis using RNA-Seq and alignment between QTL regions and Arabidopsis. Further, conditional QTL estimation was adopted to dissect the genetic relationships between flowering time and seed weight. Finally, using selected DH lines with extreme phenotypes of flowering time, an association evaluation between marker genotypes and phenotypes of flowering time was performed. 【Result】 Seven major QTLs were detected, which showing significant at least in three environments. Their additive effects ranged from 0.58-3.85 days and together accounted for around 84% of the phenotypic variation in population. The sum of eight pairs of epistatic loci (additive × additive) accounted for 41.8% of the total additive effects. QTL by environmental interactions were significant only in few environments with small amount of genetic effects. Four critical orthologous genes of Arabidopsis thaliana for flowering time were mapped in the peak positions of three most significant QTL regions (qFTA2, qFTC2, and qFTC6). It provides valuable information to anchor candidate genes underling QTL. The conditional QTL analysis revealed large impact of flowering time on seed weight in four QTLs (qSWA2, qSWA3, qSWA4, and qSWC2). This partly explained the significant negative correlation between flowering time and 1000-seed weight. While the most important two (qSWA7 and qSWC8) showed independent without being interfered. Six markers linked with three major QTLs showed good fitness between marker genotypes and trait phenotypes (70%-100%), indicating their potentials for breeding purpose. The results demonstrated that the combination of early flowering alleles from qFTA2, qFTC2 and qFTC6 by marker assistant selection of ZAAS548, DNAPL, ZAAS619sa, ZAAS616s, ZAAS846a and C6SGFLO-22 induced not only early flowering but also significantly increased 1000-seed weight, while the oil content and seeds per silique between two extreme flowering time groups showed almost the same.【Conclusion】All seven QTLs of flowering time showed Chinese parent Gaoyou induced early flowering. Four important candidate genes homologous to Arabidopsis controlling flowering time (FT, FLC, AP1, and FY) were physically aligned and mapped underlining the peak positions of the three major QTL qFTA2, qFTC2 and qFTC6. The results indicated that the four loci corresponding to seed weight were genetically influenced by flowering time, however, the most important two (qSWA7 and qSWC8) were independent. Six markers linked to the 3 major QTL were of potentials in the practical breeding program.

YEJ ,YANG Y H,CHEN B, SHI J Q, LUO M Z, ZHAN J P, WANG X F, LIU G H,WANG H Z. An integrated analysis of QTL mapping and RNA sequencing provides further insights and promising candidates for pod number variation in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
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张洁夫, 戚存扣 浦惠明, 陈松, 陈锋, 高建芹, 陈新军, 顾慧, 傅寿仲 ,甘蓝型油菜主要脂肪酸组成的QTL定位
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ZHANG JF ,QI C K,PU H M, CHEN S, CHEN F, GAO J Q, CHEN X J, GU H,FU S Z .QTL identification for fatty acid content in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
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ZHAO JY, DIMOV Z,BECKER H C, ECKE W,MOLLERS C . Mapping QTL controlling fatty acid composition in a doubled haploid rapeseed population segregating for oil content
Molecular Breeding ,2008,21(1):115-125.

DOI:10.1007/s11032-007-9113-yMagsci [本文引用: 2]
<a name="Abs1"></a>Increasing oil content and improving the fatty acid composition in the seed oil are important breeding goals for rapeseed (<i>Brassica napus</i> L.). The objective of the study was to investigate a possible relationship between fatty acid composition and oil content in an oilseed rape doubled haploid (DH) population. The DH population was derived from a cross between the German cultivar Sollux and the Chinese cultivar Gaoyou, both having a high erucic acid and a very high oil content. In total, 282 DH lines were evaluated in replicated field experiments in four environments, two each in Germany and in China. Fatty acid composition of the seed oil was analyzed by gas liquid chromatography and oil content was determined by NIRS. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fatty acid contents were mapped and their additive main effects were determined by a mixed model approach using the program QTLMapper. For all fatty acids large and highly significant genetic variations among the genotypes were observed. High heritabilities were determined for oil content and for all fatty acids (<i>h</i> <sup>2</sup> = 0.82 to 0.94), except for stearic acid content (<i>h</i> <sup>2</sup>= 0.38). Significant correlations were found between the contents of all individual fatty acids and oil content. Closest genetic correlations were found between oil content and the sum of polyunsaturated fatty acids (18:2&nbsp;+&nbsp;18:3; <i>r</i> <sub>G&nbsp;</sub>=&nbsp;−0.46), the sum of monounsaturated fatty acids (18:1&nbsp;+&nbsp;20:1&nbsp;+&nbsp;22:1; <i>r</i> <sub>G&nbsp;</sub>=&nbsp;0.46) and palmitic acid (16:0; <i>r</i> <sub>G&nbsp;</sub>=&nbsp;−0.34), respectively. Between one and eight QTL for the contents of the different fatty acids were detected. Together, their additive main effects explained between 28% and 65% of the genetic variance for the individual fatty acids. Ten QTL for fatty acid contents mapped within a distance of 0 to 10&nbsp;cM to QTL for oil content, which were previously identified in this DH population. QTL mapped within this distance to each other are likely to be identical. The results indicate a close interrelationship between fatty acid composition and oil content, which should be considered when breeding for increased oil content or improved oil composition in rapeseed.

LIU LZ, QU CM, WITTKOPB, YIB, XIAOY, HE YJ, SNOWDON RJ ,LI J N. A high-density SNP map for accurate mapping of seed fibre QTL in Brassica napus L
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QIUD ,MORGAN J,SHI J, LONG Y, LIU J, LI R, ZHUANG X, WANG Y, TAN X, DIETRICH E, WEIHMANN T, EVERETT C, VANSTRAELEN S, BECKETT P, FRASER F, TRICK M, BARNES S, WILMER J, SCHMIDT R, LI J, LI D, MENG J,BANCROFTIv. A comparative linkage map of oilseed rape and its use for QTL analysis of seed oil and erucic acid content
Theoretical and Applied Genetics , 2006,114(1):67-80.

DOI:10.1007/s00122-006-0411-2Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<a name="Abs1"></a>We have developed a new DH mapping population for oilseed rape, named TNDH, using genetically and phenotypically diverse parental lines. We used the population in the construction of a high stringency genetic linkage map, consisting of 277 loci, for use in quantitative genetic analysis. A proportion of the markers had been used previously in the construction of linkage maps for <i>Brassica</i> species, thus permitting the alignment of maps. The map includes 68 newly developed Sequence Tagged Site (STS) markers targeted to the homologues of defined genes of <i>A. thaliana</i>. The use of these markers permits the alignment of our linkage map with the <i>A. thaliana</i> genome sequence. An additional 74 loci (31 newly developed STS markers and 43 loci defined by SSR and RFLP markers that had previously been used in published linkage maps) were added to the map. These markers increased the resolution of alignment of the newly constructed linkage map with existing <i>Brassica</i> linkage maps and the <i>A. thaliana</i> genome sequence. We conducted field trials with the TNDH population at two sites, and over 2&nbsp;years, and identified reproducible QTL for seed oil content and erucic acid content. The results provide new insights into the genetic control of seed oil and erucic acid content in oilseed rape, and demonstrate the utility of the linkage map and population.

王欣娜, 阎星颖 李加纳,刘列钊,. 油菜种子油脂分子标记及QTL定位的研究进展
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DOI:10.1007/s00122-007-0685-zMagsci [本文引用: 1]
<a name="Abs1"></a>The <i>fatty acid elongase 1</i> (<i>FAE1</i>) gene is a key gene in the erucic acid biosynthesis in rapeseed. The complete coding sequences of the <i>FAE1</i> gene were isolated separately from eight high and zero erucic acid rapeseed cultivars (<i>Brassica napus</i> L.). A four base pair deletion between T1366 and G1369 in the <i>FAE1</i> gene was found in a number of the cultivars, which leads to a frameshift mutation and a premature stop of the translation after the 466th amino acid residue. This deletion was predominantly found in the C-genome and rarely in the A-genome of <i>B. napus</i>. Expression of the gene isoforms with the four base pair deletion in a yeast system generated truncated proteins with no enzymatic activity and could not produce very long chain fatty acids as the control with an intact <i>FAE1</i> gene did in yeast cells. In the developing rape seeds the <i>FAE1</i> gene isoforms with the four base pair deletion were transcribed normally but failed to translate proteins to form a functional complex. The four base pair deletion proved to be a mutation responsible for the low erucic acid trait in rapeseed and independent from the point mutation reported by Han et al. (Plant Mol Biol 46:229–239, <cite>2001</cite>).

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相关话题/基因 环境 遗传 生物 控制