Abstract Grain yield per ear of maize (Zea mays L.) is composed of both kernel number and grain weight. The number of kernels on an ear is determined by not only the number of kernel rows which is closely related to the inflorescence development, but also the number of fertile florets generated by the flower meristem. Therefore, those genes for inflorescence architecture and flower development are potentially involved in the genetic control of kernel number. Maize kernel is a single-seeded fruit comprised of the maternally derived pericarp, and embryo and endosperm derived from double fertilization. Both embryo and endosperm account for the vast majority of the mature kernel mass, and directly determine the kernel size and weight. In this paper, we outlined the genetic controls of kernel number with the emphasis on the inflorescence and floret related genes that are involved in the CLAVATA- WUSCHEL (CLV-WUS) feedback loop, hormone biosynthesis and signaling, floral organ development and sex determination. In particular, we described the regulatory network models for interplays among phytohormones including auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin and strigolactone in the inflorescence architecture and floral organ development. We also summarized those embryo and endosperm developmental genes involving in processing and editing of mitochondrial transcripts, transcription and translation of some chloroplast DNAs as well as nuclear RNAs. Most of these genes encode PPR proteins targeted to mitochondria or plastids. Recently, several studies have identified a new pathway to control kernel development by regulating the transcription and processing of pre-mRNA within the nucleus. Here, we also discussed the association between these genes and kernel number or kernel weight, and the potential areas of research for deciphering molecular mechanisms of grain yield in maize. Keywords:Zea mays L.;kernel number per ear;kernel weight;inflorescence;floret;embryo;endosperm
PDF (984KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 赵然, 蔡曼君, 杜艳芳, 张祖新. 玉米籽粒形成的分子生物学基础[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(20): 3495-3506 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.20.001 ZHAO Ran, CAI ManJun, DU YanFang, ZHANG ZuXin. Molecular Basis of Kernel Development and Kernel Number in Maize (Zea mays L.)[J]. Scientia Acricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(20): 3495-3506 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.20.001
图片显示的是玉米雌花序分生组织和成对小穗分生组织的原基。不同颜色块表示基因表达的组织部位或组织。 表示正调控。 表示负调控 Fig. 1Expression domain and regulatory pathway of genes involved in the regulation of activity of meristems on the ear inflorescence
The figure shows the ear inflorescence meristem and primordia of spikelet-paired meristems. Different color blocks show the domains where genes are expressed.: Positive regulation. : Negative regulation
a:SPI1和VT2调控色氨酸依赖的生长素合成。b:生长素转运与信号相关基因及其调控途径。c:UB3介导的激素交互作用。 表示正调控。 表示负调控 Fig. 2Regulation pathways for activity of meristems on the ear inflorescence by genes in hormone biosynthesis and signaling
a: Both SPI1 and VT2 involve in the regulation of Trp-dependent auxin biosynthesis. b: Regulatory pathways of genes in auxin transport and signaling. c: Presumable hormone crosstalk mediated by UB3. : Positive regulation. : Negative regulation
a:玉米花器官发育“ABCDE”模型调控基因。不同色块代表不同类型的花器官调控基因,下方标注代表不同花器官及其对应轮数。A类基因决定第一轮内稃和外稃的形成,第二轮和第三轮浆片和雄蕊的形成分别由A+B和B+C基因调控,第四轮心皮发育则由C类基因单独调控。D类基因主要在胚珠发育中起作用,E类基因则参与所有的花器官发育调控。b:小花性别决定基因调控网络。 表示正调控。 表示负调控 Fig. 3Genes regulating maize floral organs development and floret sex determination
a: The “ABCDE model” of floral organ identity. Different color blocks show different types of floral organ regulatory genes, and the label shows floral organ developed in the whorl. A-type genes determine the identity of palea and lemma. Lodicule and stamen are regulated by A+B and B+C, respectively. Carpel identity is regulated by the C-type genes. D-type genes act in ovule development, and the E-type genes involve in the regulation of development of all floral whirls. b: Floret sex determination genes regulatory network. : Positive regulation. : Negative regulation
除“ABCDE”花器官发育模型相关基因外,对玉米雌、雄性器官选择性发育的调控研究,丰富了对植物小花性别决定的认识。控制分生组织确定性的基因在性别决定中扮演重要角色。TASSELSEED6(TS6)/INDETERMINATE SPIKELET1(IDS1)编码APETALA2(AP2)/ERF转录因子,突变体ts6/ids1的小穗分生组织确定性丧失,产生额外小花,并且雄花序部分小花因心皮发育产生花丝[45],与其功能相似的同源基因SISTER OF INDETERMINATE SPIKELET1(SID1)则具有积加效应[46]。而TS4编码的miR172靶向TS6/IDS1和SID1,负调控它们的表达[47](图3-b)。另外,研究发现茉莉酸(JAs)和油菜素内酯(BRs)可通过调控小花的性别进而调节小花育性和授粉潜力。目前,玉米中已克隆了6个JAs合成和代谢相关基因,其中,TS1编码一个脂氧化酶[48]、TS2编码一种单子叶植物所特有的短链乙醇脱氢酶[49],OPR7和OPR8是2个同源基因,均编码12-氧-植物二烯酸还原酶(12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase)[50],这4个基因共同参与JA的生物合成。单突变体ts1、ts2和双突变体opr7opr8均影响JA生物合成,导致JA水平下降,雄穗上部分小花产生花丝[47,48,49]。显性Ts5突变体的雄花序上也发育出雌性小花、产生花丝。TS5编码一个ZmCYP94B1蛋白,参与JA代谢,即负调控JA水平[51](图3-b)。由此可见,高水平的JA是玉米雄花中雌蕊退化或者抑制心皮发育所必要的。那么,玉米雌花中控制雄蕊退化或者保持雌蕊发育的关键基因是什么?SK1编码一个尿苷二磷酸糖基转移酶,该酶可阻断JA生物合成;在sk1突变体中,其雄穗发育正常、但雌穗花丝发育受到抑制[52]。sk1ts2双突变体雌穗花丝恢复,而雄穗大多数小花也能发育雄蕊[53];而sk1Ts5双突变体的雌穗无花丝,雄穗产生少量花丝[51]。结果表明,SK1是雌花中雌蕊发育所必需的,并且阻断JA合成有利于雌蕊发育。除了JA外,BR也在玉米小花性别决定中起着重要作用。例如,NANA PLANT1(NA1)是一个BR生物合成途径的酶编码基因,在花药发育整个过程中均有表达、也在心皮原基表层细胞中表达直至其退化;na1突变体的雄穗部分小花花药退化而花丝发育,并有类似内外稃的变形叶,成熟植株的雄穗上着生有种子,突变体的雌穗和雌花发育正常[54]。NANA PLANT2(NA2)也参与BR生物合成途径,其突变体表现为与na1相似的表型[55]。这说明BR在雄蕊和雌蕊发育中起着不同作用,即BR促进雄蕊发育而抑制心皮分生组织的分化,而调节BR在玉米雌花和雄花发育中不同功能的机理至今未知。
近年来,沉默乙烯合成途径的1-Aminocyclopropane- 1-Carboxylase Synthase6(ACS6),能增加转基因玉米家系在缺水和低氮条件下的产量[56];过表达乙烯信号途径的组分AUXIN-REGULATED GENE INVOLVED IN ORGAN SIZE(ARGOS)可增加转基因家系和杂交种在正常和干旱条件下的穗长、穗粒数及籽粒产量[57]。结果表明,乙烯水平和信号或直接参与花序和小花发育、或通过参与玉米对胁迫的响应间接地影响花序和小花发育。这些发现也指出一条“通过调控乙烯合成和信号进而提高玉米抗性和籽粒产量”的新途径。
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