关键词:膜下滴灌; 甜菜; 生理指标; 产量; 含糖率 Physiological Indices of High-Yielding Sugar Beet under Drip Irrigation and Plastic Mulching LI Zhi1, LI Guo-Long1, ZHANG Yong-Feng1, YU Chao1, SU Wen-Bin2, FAN Fu-Yi2, ZHANG Shao-Ying1,* 1Sugar beet Physiological Institute, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018 China
2Special Crops Institute, Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, China
Fund:The study was supported by the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-210304) AbstractSugar beet is one of the important sugar crops in China, having high biological yield and high water consumption. The reasonable irrigation is one of the effective measures to save water and improve yield. In this experiment, the relationship among sugar beet yield, leaf area index, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, leaf water potential, soil moisture and water consumption, and different irrigation water effects on sugar beet yield and water use efficiency were studied under plastic mulching with drip irrigation for two consecutive years in Inner Mongolia semi-arid regions. In high yielding sugar beet leaf area index was more than 7.37 in fast growth stage of leaf, 6.08-6.51, and 4.19-5.57 in root growth and sugar accumulation periods, in fast growth stage of leaf, root growth and sugar accumulation periods leaf water potential was 0.09-0.22, 0.18-0.39, and 0.26-0.48 MPa, net photosynthetic rate was 21.28-28.23, 21.90-28.75, and 22.06-26.58 μmol m-2 s-1, respectively, transpiration rate in fast growth stage of leaf and root growth period was 9.36-10.21 mmol m-2 s-1 and 6.37-7.73 mmol m-2 s-1, respectively, and more than 4.69 mmol m-2 s-1 in sugar accumulation period, water consumption was 140.15-312.78, 44.93-200.45, and 44.93-113.06 mm in the three growth stages, respectively. For high yield, high sugar yield and high water use efficiency, the reasonable irrigation water should be 1350 m3 hm-2 in the year of abundant rain (growth periods rainfall > 500 mm)and 1800 m3 hm-2 in the year of little rain (growth periods rainfall < 300 mm), which provides a theoretical basis and physiological indicators for sugar beet water-saving irrigation.
Keyword:Drip irrigation under plastic mulching; Sugar beet; Physiological indexes; Yield; Sugar content Show Figures Show Figures
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