关键词:甘薯; 根系生长; 光合特性; 13C分配; 碳代谢酶活性 Effect of Potassium Application on Root Grow and Yield of Sweet Potato and Its Physiological Mechanism WANG Shun-Yi, LI Huan, LIU Qing, SHI Yan-Xi* College of Resources and Environmental Science, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China Fund:This work was supported by the National Modern Agro-industry Technology System (CARS-11-B-14) and the Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China (31301854). AbstractThe objective of this study was to investigate the physiological mechanism of potassium application on root growth and yield improvement in sweet potato. Two year field experiment was conducted with three potassium levels (0 kg ha-1, 75 kg ha-1, 150 kg ha-1, and 225 kg ha-1) to study the effects of potassium on root growth,13C distribution, metabolic enzyme activity, photosynthetic characteristics and yield of sweet potato. Compared with CK, potassium treatments increased ETR 12.7% to 63.6%, Pnby 7.2% to 26.4%. Potassium application improved photosynthetic characteristics and accelerated the accumulation of photosynthate, providing material basis for root growth. While, potassium application was beneficial to the photosynthate products from shoots to roots, root13C distribution amount increased by 10.6% to 66.2% ( P<0.05). Then, potassium application by increasing sucrose synthase, sucrose phosphate synthase and adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase activities to accelerate the assimilation of carbon in roots, to improve the photosyntheate accumulation in roots, and to promote root differentiation and growth in sweet potato. In early growing stage, potassium application increased total root length by 13.6% to 22.8%, the average diameter of root increased by 11.3% to 51.9%, and significantly increased the differentiation from adventitious roots to fibrous roots and tuberous roots ( P<0.05), which is beneficial to the early formation of effective tuber, ensureing the effective number of tubers per plant. Potassium treatments increased the root biomass and average tuber weight. Compared with CK, the potassium treatments increased yield by 5.8%, 24.3%, and 44.7% in 2014, and by 7.9%, 13.4%, and 22.8% in 2015.
Keyword:Sweetpotato; Root grow; Photosynthetic characteristics; 13C distribution; C enzyme activities Show Figures Show Figures
表2 施钾对甘薯产量及产量构成的影响 Table 2 Effect of potassium application on yield of and it components in sweetpotato
年份 Year
处理 Treatment
产量 Yield (t hm-2)
单株块根数 Root number
平均块根重 Average root weight (g)
34.1± 1.2 d
2.62 d
262.9 c
39.5± 1.4 c
2.84 c
280.9 b
42.4± 1.1 b
2.97 b
288.4 b
44.7± 2.0 a
3.22 a
305.2 a
40.3± 1.5 d
2.64 d
286.4 d
43.5± 1.7 c
2.88 c
305.1 c
45.7± 1.2 b
2.96 b
311.9 b
49.5± 1.4 a
3.31 a
322.1 a
双因素分析 Sources of variation
施钾量 K
* *
年份 Y
施钾量× 年份 K× Y
Values followed by different letters are significant by different among treatments at P< 0.05. NS means no significance. 标不同小写字母的值表示在0.05水平上差异显著. NS表示不显著.
表2 施钾对甘薯产量及产量构成的影响 Table 2 Effect of potassium application on yield of and it components in sweetpotato
4 结论施钾有利于光合产物在根系的分配与积累, 促进甘薯生长前期不定根向须根和块根分化, 利于有效薯块的早期形成。同时, 施钾提高根系吸收能力、块根光合产物分配与积累量、碳代谢酶活性进而促进甘薯后期薯块膨大。施钾提高单株结薯数和平均薯重进而显著提高甘薯产量。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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