摘要根据西北一熟制灌区土壤养分条件以及马铃薯-大豆系统中作物养分吸收互补的特点, 选用马铃薯品种费乌瑞它和大豆品种冀豆12作为试验材料, 设置3重复随机区组试验, 小区处理最优施肥(OPT: N、P、K分别为180、135、135 kg hm-2)、最优减N (OPT-N)、最优减P (OPT-P)、最优减K (OPT-K)、最优减1/3N (OPT-1/3N)、最优增1/3N (OPT +1/3N)、最优减1/3P (OPT-1/3P)、最优增1/3P (OPT +1/3P)、最优减1/3K (OPT-1/3K)和不施肥(CK) 10个处理。通过2012—2013连续2年大田试验, 系统分析N、P、K对套作马铃薯及套作大豆产量及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明, OPT-N处理与OPT处理套作马铃薯产量差异最大(11 653.86 kg hm-2); OPT-P处理与OPT处理套作大豆产量差异最大(751.55 kg hm-2), 差异均达到显著水平( P<0.05), 说明影响套作马铃薯、套作大豆产量的最大的因素分别是N和P。随N水平递增, 套作马铃薯产量呈现递增的趋势, OPT+1/3N处理产量最高为50 231.85 kg hm-2; 套作大豆产量则呈现先增后减的趋势, OPT处理产量最高为3373.55 kg hm-2, 方差分析表明, OPT和OPT+1/3N各处理套作马铃薯产量差异不显著, OPT-1/3N、OPT、OPT+1/3N各处理套作大豆产量差异不显著。随P素水平增加, 套作马铃薯和套作大豆产量均呈现增加趋势, OPT+1/3P处理下套作马铃薯、套作大豆产量均最高, 分别为52 430.03 kg hm-2和3637.13 kg hm-2, 同样在OPT+1/3P处理下, 套作马铃薯平均单薯最重, 套作大豆有效荚数、每荚粒数及单株粒数均最高, 2年平均分别为185.13、74.24、1.87和139.15 g。综合考虑薯豆套作产量效应及养分利用效率, OPT施肥方案中, N适宜, P偏低, K偏高。
关键词:马铃薯; 大豆; 套作; 平衡施肥; 产量 Effect of Balanced Fertilizer Application on Crop Yield in Potato-Soybean Relay-Cropping System CHEN Guang-Rong1,2, WANG Li-Ming1, YANG Ru-Ping1, DONG Bo1, YANG Gui-Fang3, ZHANG Guo-Hong1,*, YANG Wen-Yu2,* 1Institute of Dryland Agriculture, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory of Northwest Drought Crop Cultivation, Ministry of Agriculture, Lanzhou 730070, China
2College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu 611130, China
3Gansu Central Keya Green Agriculture Technology Ltd., Lanzhou 730070, China
Fund:The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the China Agriculture Research System (CARS-04-CES17), the Science Foundation of Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2015GAAS20), and the Lanzhou Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research (2015-3-37). AbstractThe treatments of optimum fertilization (OPT: N 180, P 135, K 135 kg ha-1), OPT-N, OPT-P, OPT-K, OPT-1/3N, OPT +1/3N, OPT-1/3P, OPT +1/3P, OPT-1/3K, and CK were designed according to soil condition and uptake characteristics of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of potato/soybean relay-cropping system in Northwest irrigation districts. A field experiment was conducted in two consecutive seasons (from 2012 to 2013) to verify the yield response to balanced fertilization. The relay-cropping potato yield of OPT was significantly higher than those of OPT-N, OPT-P, and OPT-K, with obvious difference of 11 653.86 kg ha-1 between OPT and OPT-N, the relay-cropping soybean yield of OPT was significantly higher than those of OPT-N, OPT-P, and OPT-K, with obvious difference of 751.55 kg ha-1 between OPT and OPT-P. Therefore, nitrogen and phosphorus were the first limiting factors in relay-cropping potato and soybean production. Under certain phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the relay-cropping potato yield increased with increasing N application, reaching the highest of 50 231.85 kg ha-1 under 240 kg ha-1 treatment (OPT+1/3N), but there was no significant difference between OPT and OPT+1/3N. And the relay-cropping soybean yield increased firstly and decreased then with increasing nitrogen fertilizer application, with the highest yield of 3373.55 kg ha-1 under 180 kg ha-1 treatment (OPT), there was no significant difference between OPT, OPT-1/3N, and OPT+1/3N. Under certain nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, the yield of relay-cropping potato and soybean increased with the increase of phosphorus fertilizer application, and reaching the highest yield of 52 430.03 kg ha-1 and 3637.13 kg ha-1 under 180 kg ha-1 treatment (OPT+1/3P), respectively. For relay-cropping potato, average fresh-weight of individual tuber reached the highest under 180 kg ha-1 treatment (OPT+1/3P), which was 185.13 g. For relay-cropping soybean, the average of pods per plant, seeds per plant and seeds per pod reached the highest under OPT+1/3P, which were 74.24, 1.87, and 139.15 respectively. Therefore, nitrogen (N 180 kg ha-1) fertilizer was adequate, phosphorus (P 135 kg ha-1) fertilizer a little lacking, and potassium (K 135 kg ha-1) fertilizer on the high side in OPT treatment.
Keyword:Potato; Soybean; Relay-cropping; Balanced fertilizer application; Yield Show Figures Show Figures
图2 缺素处理下作物产量 柱上不同小写字母表示达0.05显著水平。T1、T2、T3、T4和T0分别为OPT、OPT-N、OPT-P、OPT-K和CK处理。Fig. 2 Yield of relay-cropping crops under deficient-factor treatment Bars represented by different small letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. Treatments T1, T2, T3, T4, and T0 represent with treatments of OPT, OPT-N, OPT-P, OPT-K, and CK.
2012年和2013年, OPT-N、OPT-P、OPT-K处理套作大豆产量均低于OPT处理, OPT-N和OPT-P处理与OPT处理产量差距较大, 而OPT-K与OPT处理产量差距较小, 2年平均差值分别为728.00、751.55和258.35 kg hm-2。方差分析结果表明(2年平均), OPT处理与OPT-K处理差异不显著(P> 0.05), OPT-N处理与OPT-P处理差异不显著(P> 0.05), 但前2个处理与后2个处理间差异显著(P< 0.05), 说明P和N是套作大豆产量的主要限制因子。 2.2 不同N素水平对作物产量的影响由图3可知, 2012年和2013年随N水平(0~240 kg hm-2)递增, 套作马铃薯产量呈递增趋势, OPT和OPT+1/3N处理产量最高, 2年平均值分别为48 823.56 kg hm-2和50 231.85 kg hm-2, 较对照(CK)分别增产52.92%和57.34%, 较OPT-N分别增产31.35%和35.14%。方差分析结果表明(2年平均), OPT和OPT+1/ 3N处理间差异不显著(P> 0.05), 但与其他3个处理间差异显著(P< 0.05), 说明N在180 kg hm-2水平时, 套作马铃薯产量较高, 继续增加, 增产效果不显著。 图3 Fig. 3
图3 N对薯豆套作系统作物产量的影响 柱上不同小写字母表示达0.05显著水平。T0、T2、T5、T1和T6分别为CK、OPT-N、OPT-1/3N、OPT和OPT+1/3N处理。Fig. 3 Effect of N application on relay-cropping crops yield Bars represented by different small letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. Treatment T0, T2, T5, T1and T6 represent with treatments of CK, OPT-N, OPT-1/3N, OPT, and OPT+1/3N.
随N水平递增, 套作大豆产量呈先增后减的趋势, N在180 kg hm-2水平时, 套作大豆产量最高, 2年平均值为3373.55 kg hm-2, 较CK和OPT-N分别增产48.71%和27.52%, 继续增加N, 套作大豆产量开始下降。2012年和2013年试验结果一致。对2年的试验结果方差分析表明, OPT-1/3N、OPT、OPT+1/3N处理间差异不显著(P> 0.05), 但与CK和OPT-N两处理间差异显著(P< 0.05)。 2.3 不同P2O5水平对作物产量的影响 由图4可知, 随着P素水平(0~180 kg hm-2)增加, 套作马铃薯产量呈现递增趋势, OPT+1/3P处理产量最高, 2012年和2013年试验结果呈现一致的规律性, 2年平均值为52 430.03 kg hm-2, 较CK和OPT-P分别增产64.22%和25.63%。方差分析结果表明(2年平均), OPT和OPT+1/3P处理间差异不显著(P> 0.05), 但与CK和OPT-P两处理间差异显著(P< 0.05)。 图4 Fig. 4
图4 P对薯豆套作系统作物产量的影响 柱上不同小写字母表示达0.05显著水平。T0、T3、T7、T1和T8分别为CK、OPT-P、OPT-1/3P、OPT和OPT+1/3 P处理。Fig. 4 Effect of P application on relay-cropping potato yield Bars represented by different small letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. Treatment T0, T3, T7, T1, and T8 represent with Treatments of CK, OPT-P, OPT-1/3P, OPT, and OPT+1/3P.
图5 K对薯豆套作系统作物产量的影响 柱上不同小写字母表示达0.05显著水平。T0、T4、T1和T9分别为CK、OPT-K、OPT-1/3K和OPT处理。Fig. 5 Effect of K application on intercropping soybean yield Bars represented by different small letters are significantly different at P< 0.05. Treatment T0, T4, T1, and T9 represent with treatments of CK, OPT-K, OPT-1/3K, and OPT.
4 结论西北地区马铃薯-大豆套作模式中, 影响马铃薯产量的主要限制因子是N, 其次是P, 然后是K; 影响大豆产量的主要限制因子是P和N。OPT与OPT+1/3N、OPT与OPT-1/3K处理间系统作物产量差异不显著, OPT+1/3P处理下系统作物产量最高, 马铃薯和大豆产量分别为52 430.03 kg hm-2和3637.13 kg hm-2, 该处理有利于马铃薯平均单薯重的提高、大豆有效荚数及每荚粒数的增加。综合考虑薯/豆套作产量效应及养分利用效率, 本试验OPT (N 180 kg hm-2, P 135 kg hm-2, K 135 kg hm-2)方案中, N适宜, P偏低, K偏高。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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