关键词:马铃薯; 氮素形态; 供应时期; 生长发育; 产量 Effects of Nitrogen Form and Its Application Time on Plant Growth and Tuber Yield of Potato SUYALA Qi-Qige, QIN Yong-Lin, JIA Li-Guo, FAN Ming-Shou* College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31160411), Inner Mongolia Major Special Project “Innovation of Resource Use Efficiency Improvement Technology during Seed Potato Propagation and Commercial Potato Production” AbstractThe effects of nitrogen form on potato plant growth, tuber formation and tuber yield were studied under sand cultural condition using cultivars Kexin 1 and Favorita in 2013 and 2014. The results showed that there were no significantly different influences on plant height, leaf area, leaf SPAD value, plant dry matter accumulation and tuber weight when applied nitrite (NO3-N) or ammonia (NH4-N) before tuberization. However, there were higher leaf SPAD value, faster plant growth and higher tuber yield under application of NH4-N after tuberization compared with that of NO3-N. The plants treated with NO3-N before tuber initiation produced more tubers per plant than those treated with NH4-N. Moreover, no significant effect was detected on tuber dry matter distribution under different forms of nitrogen applied. Thus, potato nitrogen management including N fertilizer form and its application time should be adjusted according to the aim of commercial potato production or seed potato propagation.
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