关键词:开顶式气室; 温度; CO2浓度; 双季稻; 吸氮量; 氮素利用率 Effects of Elevated Air Temperature and Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Nitrogen Use of Double Rice ( Oryza sativaL.) in Open-top Chambers WANG Bin1,2, WAN Yun-Fan1,*, GUO Chen3, LI Yu-E1, YOU Song-Cai1, QIN Xiao-Bo1, CHEN Hui-Lin2 1 Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
2 Hainan Institute of Meteorological Science / Key Laboratory of South China Sea Meteorology and Disaster Mitigation, Haikou 570203, China
3 College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University / Key Laboratory of Arable Land Conservation (Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtse River), Ministry of Agriculture, Wuhan 430070, China
AbstractPreventing 2°C of warming and restricting the CO2 level to 450 µL L-1 are the safety threshold for climate change based on the Copenhagen Consensus. It is an important reference for the security of rice yield to study the influence of elevated air temperature and CO2 concentration on the nitrogen use of rice. In this paper, a modified open-top chamber (OTC) device was used to simulate relative 60 µL L-1 CO2 concentration rise (based on CO2 background concentration of 390 µL L-1) and 2°C temperature increase scenario in a double rice field experiment with Liangyou 287 and Xiangfengyou 9 as the early and late rice varieties respectively. There were five treatments with three replications: 1) UC: Paddy field without OTC cover; 2) CK: Check OTC with the similar temperature and CO2 concentration to the field environment; 3) CT: OTC with 2°C temperature increase; 4) CC: OTC with 60 µL L-1 CO2 concentration elevated; 5) CTC: OTC with 2°C temperature increase and 60 µL L-1 CO2 concentration elevated. The nitrogen accumulation, translocation and utilization in different treatments were explored. The results showed significant interactions between temperature increase and CO2 concentration elevated on the yield and nitrogen use. In early rice CC and CTC achieved an increase for grain yield (19.7% and 2.0%) and nitrogen accumulation (15.7% and 5.1%) compared with CK while CT presented a decrease. In late rice warming and high CO2concentration (CT, CC, and CTC) benefited the grain yield and nitrogen uptake, increasing 9.2%, 14.4%, 18.8% and 7.3%, 10.2%, 15% compared with CK respectively. Nitrogen translocation and contribution efficiency (from stem and leaf to grain) of CC and CTC was lower than that of CK in early rice, and higher than that of CK in late rice. Nitrogen recovery efficiency of CC and CTC reached to 45.7% and 48.5% in early and late rice respectively, achieving the highest increase of 35.3% and 33.1% compared with that of CK. CC and CTC got the highest nitrogen agronomic efficiency by 23.1 kg kg-1 and 26.9 kg kg-1 in early and late rice respectively, and CC got the highest nitrogen physiological efficiency by 50.7 kg kg-1 and 56 kg kg-1 in both early and late rice. There existed no significant difference between CK and UC, which suggested the impact on rice growth under OTC covering was slight. In conclusion, it tends to a negative effect with 2°C temperature increase on yield and nitrogen utilization for early rice, while a positive effect for late rice. A positive effect with 60 µL L-1 CO2 concentration elevated always exists during double rice growth. The condition of 2°C temperature increase and 60 µL L-1 CO2 concentration elevated has an antagonistic effect on early rice, while a synergistic effect on late rice.
Keyword:Open-top chamber; Temperature; CO2 concentration; Double rice; Nitrogen accumulation; Nitrogen use efficiency Show Figures Show Figures
图3 增温和增CO2下双季稻地上部分的氮素吸收动态Fig. 3 Dynamic of N accumulation in double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻产量和含氮率 Table 2 Yield and N content of double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
处理 Treatment
籽粒产量 Grain yield (kg hm-2)
籽粒含氮率 Nitrogen content (%)
增产 Yield increase rate (%)
稻草产量 Straw yield (kg hm-2)
稻草含氮率 Nitrogen content of straw (%)
稻草增产 Straw yield increase rate (%)
早稻Early rice
7711.0± 182.5 bB
1.20± 0.02 a
5419.2± 173.8 eC
0.87± 0.05 aA
7617.3± 189.6 bB
1.19± 0.06 ab
6575.2± 97.8 dC
0.73± 0.05 abAB
7544.7± 188.6 bB
1.17± 0.05 ab
7159.4± 199.4 cC
0.64± 0.05 bB
9118.6± 158.4 aA
1.09± 0.01 b
9324.1± 106.7 aA
0.65± 0.01 bB
7772.2± 162.5 bB
1.12± 0.01 ab
8395.3± 52.9 bB
0.72± 0.01 bAB
晚稻Late rice
7982.7± 93.2 cB
1.07± 0.02 a
8126.0± 165.5 cC
0.73± 0.02 aA
8134.3± 183.0 cB
1.12± 0.02 a
8580.5± 271.3 cBC
0.63± 0.03 bAB
8882.4± 176.8 bAB
1.10± 0.03 a
9374.6± 242.6 bAB
0.61± 0.03 bAB
9303.7± 250.1 abA
1.06± 0.02 a
9979.2± 107.1 abA
0.61± 0.02 bAB
9664.6± 216.6 aA
1.09± 0.04 a
10403.7± 337.4 aA
0.59± 0.03 bB
Data in the table are presented as “ mean value ± standard error” . Values within a column followed by different lowercase letters are significant by different at P< 0.05, and those by different capital letters are significant by different at P< 0.01. UC: paddy field without OTC cover; CK: Check OTC with the similar temperature and CO2 concentration to the field environment; CT: OTC with 2° C temperature increase; CC: OTC with 60 µ L L-1 CO2 concentration elevated; CTC: OTC with 2° C temperature increase and 60 µ L L-1 CO2 concentration elevated. 表中数值为“ 平均值± 标准误” , 每列中不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P< 0.05), 不同大写字母表示处理间差异极显著(P< 0.01)。UC:大田环境; CK: 对照; CT: OTC控制增温2℃; CC: OTC控制增CO2浓度60 µ L L-1; CTC: OTC控制增温2℃和增CO2浓度60 µ L L-1。
表2 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻产量和含氮率 Table 2 Yield and N content of double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
表3 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻氮素转运和分配 Table 3 Nitrogen translocation and distribution in double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
处理 Treatment
茎叶氮素转运量 Nitrogen translocation amount (kg hm-2)
茎叶氮素转运率 Nitrogen translocation efficiency (%)
茎叶氮素贡献率 Nitrogen contribution efficiency (%)
氮素收获指数 Nitrogen harvest index (%)
早稻Early rice
35.6± 3.3 a
42.9± 3.0 ab
38.7± 4.9 a
66.3± 0.4 aA
37.8± 3.2 a
44.3± 3.9 ab
42.0± 3.8 a
65.5± 1.5 abA
40.8± 2.9 a
47.0± 3.1 a
46.4± 3.6 a
65.8± 1.1 abA
35.0± 4.3 a
36.6± 3.6 b
35.4± 4.8 a
62.3± 0.8 bcAB
35.9± 3.0 a
38.3± 2.9 ab
41.1± 3.1 a
60.2± 1.3 cB
晚稻Late rice
39.0± 1.7 bB
39.8± 1.9 b
46.3± 2.0 bAB
58.8± 1.1 a
38.3± 2.8 bB
41.7± 2.4 b
42.2± 3.3 bB
63.0± 0.6 a
55.8± 5.1 aAB
49.2± 2.6 a
57.0± 4.8 aAB
63.1± 0.7 a
56.7± 1.3 aA
48.1± 1.0 ab
57.8± 1.2 aA
61.6± 1.0 a
63.0± 6.6 aA
50.6± 4.5 a
59.8± 4.5 aA
63.2± 3.1 a
Data in the table are presented as “ mean value ± standard error” . Values within a column followed by different lowercase letters are significant by different at P< 0.05, and those by different capital letters are significant by different at P< 0.01. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 2. 表中数值为“ 平均值± 标准误” , 每列中不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P< 0.05), 不同大写字母表示处理间差异极显著(P< 0.01)。缩写同表2。
表3 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻氮素转运和分配 Table 3 Nitrogen translocation and distribution in double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
表4 Table 4 表4(Table 4)
表4 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻氮素利用率 Table 4 Nitrogen use efficiency of double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
类别 Type
处理 Treatment
吸收利用率 Nitrogen recovery efficiency (%)
农学利用率 Nitrogen agronomic efficiency (kg kg-1)
生理利用率 Nitrogen physiological efficiency (kg kg-1)
早稻 Early rice
34.8± 2.6 bB
15.3± 1.0 bB
46.4± 3.0 a
33.7± 2.9 bB
14.8± 1.1 bB
45.0± 6.4 a
31.6± 2.4 bB
14.4± 1.0 bB
46.5± 6.0 a
45.7± 1.7 aA
23.1± 0.9 aA
50.7± 2.5 a
37.7± 1.4 bAB
15.7± 0.9 bB
41.6± 2.4 a
晚稻 Late rice
35.8± 1.9 cC
17.0± 1.0 cC
47.5± 0.5 a
36.5± 1.3 cC
18.4± 1.0 cBC
50.6± 3.3 a
42.3± 0.9 bB
22.6± 1.0 bAB
53.5± 3.1 a
44.7± 1.0 abAB
24.9± 1.4 abA
56.0± 4.1 a
48.5± 0.9 aA
26.9± 1.2 aA
55.5± 2.3 a
Data in the table are presented as “ mean value ± standard error” . Values within a column followed by different lowercase letters are significant by different at P< 0.05, and those by different capital letters are significant by different at P< 0.01. Abbreviations are the same as those given in Table 2. 表中数值为“ 平均值± 标准误” , 每列中不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P< 0.05), 不同大写字母表示处理间差异极显著(P< 0.01)。缩写同表2。
表4 不同增温和增CO2处理的水稻氮素利用率 Table 4 Nitrogen use efficiency of double rice under elevated temperature and CO2 concentration
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