关键词:棉花; 甲哌鎓; 柯巴基焦磷酸合酶; 内根-贝壳杉烯合酶; 叶面积 GhCPS andGhKS Encoding Gibberellin Biosynthesis Enzymes Involve in Inhibition of Leaf Growth by Mepiquat Chloride in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) WANG Li1,2, ZHANG Ming-Cai1, DU Ming-Wei1, TIAN Xiao-Li1, LI Zhao-Hu1,* 1Engineering Research Center of Plant Growth Regulator, Ministry of Education / College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 10093, China
2College of Life Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
Fund: AbstractEnt-copalyl diphosphate synthase (CPS) and ent-kaurene synthase (KS) are the key enzymes involved in the early steps of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. This paper aimed at elucidating whether the action of mepiquat chloride (DPC) on leaf growth was related to the expression levels ofGhCPSandGhKS in cotton seedlings. DPC was foliar applied to seedlings at the 3rd leaf expanded stage of cotton cultivar Xinkang 4 by pot culture. The results showed that DPC significantly decreased the leaf area, and the area of the 4th leaf was decreased more than that of the 3rd leaf. DPC at 80 mg L-1 markedly reduced GA4 content in the 3rd leaf at four days after treatment and in the 4th leaf from four to six days after treatment. The expression levels ofGhCPS andGhKS in the 3rd leaf were decreased by DPC from one to four days after treatment, and similar trends were observed in the 4th leaf from one to six days after treatment. All the results suggested that DPC could reduce endogenous GA4 content by downregulatingGhCPS andGhKS expressions, leading to a smaller leaf size. Otherwise, the younger leaf was more sensitive to DPC.
Keyword:Cotton; Mepiquat chloride; Ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase; Ent-kaurene synthase; Leaf area Show Figures Show Figures
图1 不同浓度DPC对棉花幼苗第3和第4叶叶面积的影响DPC: 甲哌鎓; 数据为平均值± SE; 标以不同字母的柱值在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 1 Effect of different concentrations of mepiquat chloride on the 3rd and 4th leaf area in cotton seedlingsDPC: mepiquat chloride; data are means± SE; Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different ( P<0.05).
图2 DPC对棉花幼苗第3和第4叶叶面积扩展动态的调控DPC: 80 mg L-1甲哌鎓; 数据为平均值± SE; 标以不同字母的柱值在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 2 Regulation of mepiquat chloride on the expansion of 3rd and 4th leaf area in cotton seedlingsDPC: 80 mg L-1 mepiquat chloride; data are means± SE; Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different ( P<0.05).
图3 DPC对棉花幼苗第3和第4叶GA4含量的动态调控DPC: 80 mgL-1甲哌鎓; 数据为平均值±SE; 标以不同字母的柱值在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 3 Regulation of mepiquat chloride on GA4 content in the 3rd and 4th leaves of cotton seedlingsDPC: 80 mg L-1 mepiquat chloride; data are means± SE; Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different ( P<0.05).
图4 DPC对棉花幼苗第3和第4叶 GhCPS和 GhKS表达的动态调控DPC: 80 mg L-1甲哌鎓; 数据为平均值± SE; 标以不同字母的柱值在0.05水平上差异显著。Fig. 4 Regulation of mepiquat chloride on expressions of GhCPS and GhKS in the 3rd and 4th leaves in cotton seedlingsDPC: 80 mg L-1 mepiquat chloride; data are means± SE; Bars superscripted by different letters are significantly different ( P<0.05).
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