关键词:棉花; 黄萎病; 木质素; 漆酶 Function of Acid Insoluble Lignin andGhLaccase in Cotton Resistance to Verticillium wilt WU Li-Zhu, WANG Xing-Fen, ZHANG Yan, LI Xi-Huan, ZHANG Gui-Yin, WU Li-Qiang, LI Zhi-Kun, MA Zhi-Ying* North China Key Laboratory for Germplasm Resources of Education Ministry / Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Resources of Hebei / Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001, China Fund: AbstractTo search cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt, we inoculatedVerticillium dahliae into roots of three cotton varieties with different resistance, Pima 90-53, Jimian 20, and Han 208, observed the structure of cell wall, determined the content of lignin and analyzed the transcript level ofLaccase. The results showed that, at one day after infection (dpi), the pathogen was unobserved in root vascular tissue of Pima 90-53, while observed in Jimian 20 and Han 208. At 35 days after infection, the cell wall was highly lignified and the vascular was unblocked in Pima 90-53, while there were moderately lignified and slightly blocked in Jimian 20, and lowly lignified and seriously blocked in Han 208. The contents of acid soluble lignin (ASL) and acid insoluble lignin (AIL) in leaves and petioles of the three cotton varieties planted in the diseased nursery were measured. The results showed that the content of AIL was negatively correlated with the disease index of the three cultivars (r= 0.99991*), and the cotent ratio of AIL to ASL was in accord with the verticillium wilt resistance of cotton. The transcript level ofLaccase was detected using real-time PCR method, the transcription level ofGhLaccase in Jimian 20 was significantly higher than that in Han 208 at any point of test time. The expression level reached the highest at 8 h after infection and maintained the high level within three days. SoGhLaccase performed high efficiency in response to the infection ofVerticillium dahliae. In conclusion, AIL is positively correlated with the verticillium wilt resistance of cotton, andLaccase plays an important role in cotton resistance toVerticillium dahliae.
表1 病圃中不同抗性棉花品种细胞壁木质素含量 Table 1 Content of lignin in three different cotton varieties in the disease nursery
成分 Component
组织 Organ
邯208 Han 208
冀棉20 Jimian 20
比马90-53 Pima 90-53
酸可溶性木质素 Acid soluble lignin (ASL)
1.58±0.02 A
1.54±0.02 A
1.31±0.01 B
1.93±0.01 a
1.81±0.00 b
1.33±0.04 c
酸不可溶性木质素 Acid insoluble lignin (AIL)
12.22±2.60 c
14.51±1.42 b
17.07±0.59 a
14.90±1.69 b
19.30±1.27 a
20.36±1.09 a
酸不可溶性木质素/酸可溶性木质素 AIL/ASL
7.71±1.55 b
9.42±0.78 b
13.05±0.26 a
7.71±0.80 c
10.66±0.65 b
15.35±0.31 a
标以不同大小写字母值分别表示在0.01或0.05的水平上差异显著。 Values followed by different capital and small letters are significantly different at 0.01 or 0.05 probability levels, respectively.
表1 病圃中不同抗性棉花品种细胞壁木质素含量 Table 1 Content of lignin in three different cotton varieties in the disease nursery
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