关键词:甘蔗; 产量; 基因型×环境交互作用; HA-GGE双标图; 生态区划分 Evaluation of Sugarcane Test Environments and Ecological Zone Division in China Based on HA-GGE Biplot LUO Jun1, XU Li-Ping1, QIU Jun2, ZHANG Hua1, YUAN Zhao-Nian1, DENG Zu-Hu1, CHEN Ru-Kai1, QUE You-Xiong1,* 1Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University / Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture / Sugarcane Research & Development Center of China Agriculture Research System, Fuzhou 350002, China
2National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center, Beijing 100125, China
AbstractThe yield data of 24 sugarcane cultivars grown at 14 locations were analyzed in combination of analysis of variance and heritability-adjusted GGE (HA-GGE) biplot to study the genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype×environment (GE) effects on yield variation. Besides, the 14 test locations were evaluated for their discriminating ability, representative ability and desirability index, and grouped into ecological zones based on the GGE biplot patterns. The results showed that the effect of environments on yield was higher than that of G and GE, and the genotype by location interaction was the greatest while genotype by year interaction the least within GE. The GGE biplot analysis revealed that Suixi of Guangdong Province and Chongzuo of Guangxi Province were the two most ideal test locations for developing and/or recommending cultivars for the whole region. In contrast, Laibin and Liuzhou of Guangxi Province were undesirable for selection and variety recommendation for the whole region. The other relatively desirable test locations included Fuzhou and Zhangzhou of Fujian Province, Zhanjiang of Guangdong Province, Baoshan, Lincang, and Ruili of Yunnan Province, followed by the four less desirable test environments, Baise and Hechi of Guangxi Province, Lingao of Hainan Province and Kaiyuan of Yunnan Province. According to the results from HA-GGE analysis, the sugarcane ecological zones in China could be divided into three subregions, the first is the ecological zone of southern China inland, represented by Baise, Hechi, Laibin and Liuzhou of Guangxi Province, the second one is the ecological zone of southwest plateau, represented by Baoshan, Kaiyuan, Lincang and Ruili of Yunnan Province, and the third one is the ecological zone of coastal southern China, represented by Fuzhou and Zhangzhou of Fujian Province, Zhanjiang and Suixi of Guangdong Province, and Chongzuo of Guangxi Province. The present study fully displayed the successful application of HA-GGE biplot in trial environment evaluation and also provided the theoretical basis for the decision-making in ecological zone division.
Keyword:Sugarcane; Yield; Genotype×environment (GE) interaction; Heritability adjusted GGE; Ecological zone division Show Figures Show Figures
表4 基于产量选择的甘蔗区域试验环境标准化评价参数(平均值± 标准差) Table 4 Standardized test location evaluation parameters based on yield selection in sugarcane trials (mean± SD)
试验点 Trial location
鉴别力 Discriminating ability
代表性 Representativeness
理想指数 Desirability index
1.093± 0.246 abcd
0.791± 0.274 a
0.859± 0.371 a
1.007± 0.241 bcd
0.717± 0.333 a
0.742± 0.446 a
1.054± 0.282 abcd
0.904± 0.057 a
0.947± 0.242 a
0.887± 0.391 d
0.775± 0.242 a
0.706± 0.418 a
1.393± 0.046 a
0.419± 0.828 a
0.581± 1.164 a
1.259± 0.223 ab
0.807± 0.322 a
0.994± 0.422 a
1.251± 0.140 abc
0.360± 0.914 a
0.428± 1.171 a
1.017± 0.149 bcd
0.368± 0.772 a
0.315± 0.832 a
1.204± 0.161 abcd
0.286± 0.910 a
0.336± 1.082 a
1.111± 0.209 abcd
0.306± 0.887 a
0.435± 0.937 a
0.860± 0.276 d
0.824± 0.285 a
0.676± 0.299 a
0.907± 0.392 cd
0.626± 0.426 a
0.560± 0.527 a
1.099± 0.346 abcd
0.642± 0.238 a
0.679± 0.315 a
1.193± 0.253 abcd
0.703± 0.166 a
0.856± 0.314 a
The values followed by common letters in the same column for locations are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability leve1. SD stands for standard deviations of the corresponding location evaluation parameters among trials. 同一列中标有相同小写字母的数据在0.05水平上差异不显著。标准差为相应评价指数的试验组间。
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