关键词:甘蔗; 种质; AFLP; 遗传多样性 Genetic Diversity of 118 Sugarcane Germplasm Using AFLP Markers ZAN Feng-Gang, WU Cai-Wen, CHEN Xue-Kuan, ZHAO Pei-Fang, ZHAO Jun, LIU Jia-Yong* Sugarcane Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Yunnan Province Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement, Kaiyuan 616699, China Fund: AbstractAFLP markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 118 sugarcane germplasm from China, Australia, USA, Philippines, Brazil, and France. A total of 1310 bands were amplified with ten pairs of primers, 1195 of which were polymorphic bands, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 91.22%. The genetic similarity coefficient among 118 sugarcane germplasm ranged from 0.583 to 0.929 with an average of 0.750, the polymorphism information content was 0.2332, and the effective number of alleles per loci was 1.3789. The results showed 118 germplasm were divided into two groups at 0.69 of the similarity coefficient. The group I consisted of YT00-236, YZ04-622, and SP80-1816, which shared lower genetic similarity with the rest of 115 germplasm in another group. The 115 germplasm were divided into five sub-groups at 0.74 of the similarity coefficient. The sugarcane germplasm shared high genetic similarity among countries, and there existed much higher genetic diversity within germplasm introduced from USA.
图2 甘蔗种质AFLP主效应分析图■:澳大利亚种质;▲:巴西种质;□:中国种质;●:法国种质;○:菲律宾种质; △: 美国种质。Fig. 2 Principal components analysis of sugarcane germplasm using AFLP data■: Australia germplasm; ▲: Brazil germplasm; □: China germplasm; ●: France germplasm; ○: Philippines germplasm; △: USA germplasm.
4 结论118份种质资源的遗传基础差异较小, 亲缘关系较近。各国遗传相似性系数中, 澳大利亚材料(0.801) >菲律宾材料(0.775) >法国材料(0.768) >中国材料(0.753) >巴西材料(0.745) >美国材料(0.725), 表明美国种质遗传多样性相对较丰富。聚类结果显示, 粤糖00-236、ROC16、ROC22、云蔗94-375、云蔗89-7、云蔗94-343、04-622和SP80-1816等8份种质较早地和其他110份种质分开, 其中粤糖00-236、ROC16、ROC22、云蔗94-375、云蔗89-7和云蔗94-343等6份种质已在中国作为主要亲本应用, 并得到了部分优良后代材料, 云蔗04-622和SP80- 1816在中国杂交育种中未见应用, 在杂交组合选配中应给予重点关注。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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