关键词:甘蓝型油菜; 单核苷酸多态性; 发芽率; 盐胁迫; 干旱胁迫; 数量性状座位 QTL Mapping for Germination Percentage under Salinity and Drought Stresses inBrassica napus L. Using a SNP Genetic Map JIAN Hong-Ju**, XIAO Yang**, LI Jia-Na, MA Zhen-Zhen, WEI Li-Juan, LIU Lie-Zhao* College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University / Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Rapeseed, Chongqing 400716, China Fund: AbstractThe objective of this study was to identify QTLs for seed germination percentage under salinity and drought stresses inBrassica napus L. using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross between yellow-seeded GH06 (female parent) and black-seeded P174 (male parent). The RILs were F11 developed via single-seed-descent propagation. QTLs for germination percentage under 16 g L-1 NaCl and 20% PEG-6000 (w/w) treatment, after four-day treatment and on the third and fourth day, were detected using the composite interval mapping (CIM) method. The linkage map contains 2795 SNP markers with the total length of 1832.9 cM and the average distance of 0.66 cM. A total of 19 QTLs were mapped on chromosomes A01, A03, A06, A07, A09, and C06. Twelve of them were identified under salinity stress with explained phenotypic variation from 4.9% to 10.9%, and eight QTLs were related to drought stress with explained phenotypic variation from 3.8% to 6.9%. The QTLs on A03 and A09 were located in close marker regions. Our results showed that the germination percentage of rapeseed is controlled by many minor-effect loci with great influence by environmental factors. Different genes are triggered in response to salinity or drought stress along with the stress duration.
Keyword:Brassica napus; SNP; Germination percentage; Salinity stress; Drought stress; QTL Show Figures Show Figures
表1 亲本和重组自交系群体在不同胁迫环境下的发芽率 Table 1 Germination percentage under different stress environments in parents and RIL population
胁迫环境 Stress environment
重组自交系群体 RIL population
GH06 (%)
P174 (%)
均值 Mean (%)
标准差 SD (%)
范围 Range (%)
方差 Variance
偏度 Skewness
峰度 Kurtosis
变异系数 CV
S4: 盐胁迫累计4 d; SS3: 盐胁迫第3天; SS4: 盐胁迫第4天; D4: 干旱胁迫累计4 d; DD3: 干旱胁迫第3天; DD4: 干旱胁迫第4天。 S4: 4 days under salinity stress; SS3: the third day under salinity stress; SS4: the fourth day under salinity stress; D4: 4 days under drought stress; DD3: the third day under drought stress; DD4: the fourth day under drought stress.
表1 亲本和重组自交系群体在不同胁迫环境下的发芽率 Table 1 Germination percentage under different stress environments in parents and RIL population
图1 盐胁迫下重组自交系群体发芽率的频率分布S4: 盐胁迫累计4 d; SS3和SS4: 盐胁迫第3和第4天。Fig. 1 Frequency distribution of the germination percentage of RILs under salinity stressS4: 4 days under salinity stress; SS3 and SS4: the third and fourth day under salinity stress.
图2 干旱胁迫下重组自交系群体发芽率的频率分布D4: 干旱胁迫累计4 d; DD3和DD4: 干旱胁迫第3和第4天。Fig. 2 Frequency distribution of the germination percentage of the RILs under drought stressD4: 4 days under drought stress; DD3 and DDR: the third and fourth day under drought stress.
图3 甘蓝型油菜种子发芽率与盐胁迫、干旱胁迫相关的QTL在遗传图谱的分布Fig. 3 Putative QTLs of oilseed germination percentage under salinity and drought stresses in the genetic linkage map
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