关键词:棉花; 纤维发育; 液泡转化酶2; 克隆; 功能分析 Cloning and Functional Analysis ofGhVacInc2a Encoding Vacuolar Invertase in Cotton XU Wen-Ting, WANG Cheng, XU Xiao-Yang, NIU Er-Li, CAI Cai-Ping, GUO Wang-Zhen* State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement / Hybrid Cotton R&D Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China Fund: AbstractCotton fiber development depends on a large supply of sugar. Invertase plays a central role in sucrose metabolism. Structural and functional analysis of gene encoding invertase will conductively reveal the complex molecular mechanism of fiber development, and also provide elite gene resources for improvement of cotton fiber quality. In the study, a novel gene encoding vacuolar invertase was obtained by sillico cloning, based on a differentially expressed EST (GenBank accession number EY196825) betweenG. hirsutum acc. TM-1 andim mutant, combined with reconfirmation of ORF information in transcriptional and genomic level. BlastN showed that the gene shared 99% identity ofGhVacInv2reported previously (GenBank accession number FJ864677), and designated asGhVacInv2a (GenBank accession number KF305322).GhVacInv2a contained an open reading frame of 1857 bp that encoded a polypeptide of 618 amino acids, with seven exons and six introns at genome sequence.GhVacInv2a comprised one copy in diploid cotton speciesG. herbaceum andG. raimondii, and two copies in tetraploid cotton speciesG. hirsutum acc. TM-1 andG. barbadense cv. Hai 7124, withGhVacInv2ain A-subgenome andGhVacInv2 in D-subgenome, respectively. Q-PCR expression analysis showed that the set of homoelogous genes performed the highest expressive abundance in anther in comparison with other tissues. In developing fibers, it was predominantly expressed from fiber rapid elongation stage, and there existed significant difference between TM-1 andim mutant during 13 to 19 days post anthesis (DPA) in fiber tissues. Further,GhVacInv2a was located on chromosome 3 by developing subgenome-specific SNP marker, and the association analysis showed that there was a significant correction (P=0.0087) betweenGhVacInv2a and fiber strength, suggesting thatGhVacInv2aprobably plays a key role in fiber qualities formation.
Keyword:Cotton; Fiber development; Vacuolar invertase 2; Cloning; Functional analysis Show Figures Show Figures
图1 GhVacInv2a类同源基因在不同棉种中的系统进化A: 阿非利加棉; D: 雷蒙德氏棉; TM-1_At: TM-1的A亚组; TM-1_Dt: TM-1的D亚组; H7124_At: 海7124的A亚组; H7124_Dt: 海7124的D亚组。GhVIN2代表 GhVacInv2a。Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analysis for GhVacInv2aorthologs in four cotton speciesA: G. herbaceum L. var. africanum; D: G. raimondii; TM-1_At: A subgenome of G. hirsutumacc.TM-1; TM-1_Dt: D subgenome of G. hirsutumacc.TM-1; H7124_At: A subgenome of G. barbadense cv. Hai7124; H7124_Dt: D subgenome of G. barbadense cv. Hai7124. GhVIN2: abbrevation for GhVacInv2a.
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