关键词:烟草; 表达序列标签; 抗病基因同源物; SSR Identification of Expressed Resistance Gene Analogues (RGAs) and Development of RGA-SSR Markers inNicotiana YUAN Qing-Hua, XIE Rui-Hong, ZHANG Zhen-Chen, MA Zhu-Wen, LI Ji-Qin, LI Shu-Ling, CHEN Jun-Biao* Crops Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China
AbstractTobacco is an ideal experimental system for studing on plant-pathogen interaction. Identification of tobaccoR gene and resistance gene analogs is propitious to elucidating the underlying resistant mechanisms. In recent years, the growing public tobacco EST data provide rich source for identifying expressed RGA. In this study, 149 606 Uni-EST were assembled from 412 325 ESTs of tobacco in GenBank. By scanning the Uni-EST with 112 plant R gene protein sequences 1113 NtRGAs were identified. These expressed RGAs comprised 273, 546, 53, 102, and 30 of NBS-LRR, LRR-PK, LRR, PK, and Mlo domains encodingR genes, respectively. No domain was detected in the rest of 109 RGAs. By aligning sequence 1079 NtRGAs were allocated on 712 loci inN. benthamianagenome. A total of 78 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) were identified from 72 NtRGAs. Sixty-four primer pairs were designed base on the flanking sequence of SSR. Among them, 54 primer pairs were amplified with clear bands from tobacco genomic DNA. Nine primer pairs were detected to have polymorphism among 24 varieties ofNicotiana tabacum with two to four alleles (on average 2.56 alleles). Forty-one primer pairs were detected to have polymorphism among six species inNicotiana with two to four alleles (on average 2.61 alleles).
Keyword:Nicotiana; Expressed sequence tags; Resistance gene analogs; SSR Show Figures Show Figures
图1 CL1421Contig1、CL1421Contig2与 N. benthamiana基因组序列比对结果A: CL1421Contig1与基因组scaffold (序列ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24878592)的1078~1448 bp和1547~2749 bp区段匹配;B: CL1421Contig2与基因组支架Scf24878592的1276~1449 bp和1549~2786 bp区段匹配。Fig. 1 Alignment of CL1421Contig1 and CL1421Contig2 to N. benthamianagenomeA: CL1421Contig1 matches with 1078-1448 bp and 1547-2749 bp in genomic scaffold (sequence ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24878592);B: CL1421Contig2 matches with 1276-1449 bp and 1549-2786 bp in genomic scaffold (sequence ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24878592).
图2 FS423566和CL17188Contig1与烟草基因组序列比对结果A: FS423566与基因组scaffold (序列ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24993858)的4904~5308 bp区段匹配; B: CL17188Contig1与基因组scaffold (序列ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24993858)的5494~6282 bp区段匹配。Fig. 2 Alignment of FS423566 and CL17188Contig1 to N. benthamianagenomeA: FS423566 matches with 4904-5308 bp in genomic scaffold (sequence ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24993858); B: CL17188Contig1 matches with 5494-6282 bp in genomic scaffold (sequence ID: Niben.v0.3.Scf24993858).
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