关键词:玉米; 穗行数; 全基因组关联分析; 候选基因 Genome-wide Association Analysis of Kernel Row Number in Maize ZHANG Huan-Xin, WENG Jian-Feng*, ZHANG Xiao-Cong, LIU Chang-Lin, YONG Hong-Jun, HAO Zhuan-Fang, LI Xin-Hai* Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences / National Engineer Laboratory of Crop Molecular Breeding, Beijing 100081, China
AbstractKernel row number (KRN) is one of grain yield components in maize (Zea mays L.). Investigation of its genetic architecture will help develop high-yield varieties in maize. In this study, the KRN in a panel of 203 maize inbred lines was detected in Urumqi of Xinjiang, Gongzhuling of Jilin, and Sanya of Hainan in 2007, and used to perform the genome-wide analysis for KRN using MaizeSNP50 BeadChip. A total of nine SNPs were found to be significantly associated with KRN at a threshold ofP< 0.0001, which were on chromosome Bins 1.02, 1.10, 7.03, 8.02, 9.06, and 10.03, respectively. Eight of these SNPs were located in the QTL intervals reported previously. Meanwhile, four candidate genes were scanned, encoding auxin signaling F-box containing protein, kn1 protein, AP2 domain containing protein and leucine-rich repeat transmembrane protein kinase respectively. In summary, these identified genes and SNPs will offer essential information for cloning yield-related genes in maize.
Keyword:Maize; Kernel row number; Genome-wide association analysis; Candidate gene Show Figures Show Figures
图1 穗行数全基因组关联分析XJ、JL和HN分别代表新疆、吉林和海南。黑色水平线代表全基因组关联分析的显著阈值。Fig. 1 Genome-wide association study of kernel row number with mixed linear modelXJ, JL, and HN indicate experiments at Xinjiang, Jilin and Hainan, respectively. Black horizontal line indicates the genome-wide significance threshold.
表2 Table 2 表2(Table 2)
表2 与穗行数显著关联的SNP位点( P< 0.0001) Table 2 SNPs identified to be associated with kernel row number ( P< 0.0001)
中的QTL与本文检测到的SNP具有一致性。 MAF: minor allele frequencies. There exists consistency between SNP and QTL interval reported in the references. XJ, JL, and HN indicate experiments at Xinjiang, Jilin and Hainan, respectively.
表2 与穗行数显著关联的SNP位点( P< 0.0001) Table 2 SNPs identified to be associated with kernel row number ( P< 0.0001)
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