关键词:普通小麦; 抗旱性; TaNRX; 分子标记 Cloning a Novel GeneTaNRX of Trx Superfamily and Developing Its Molecular Markers Related to Drought Resistance in Common Wheat ZHANG Fan, JIANG Lei, JU Li-Ping, JIN Xiu-Feng, WANG Xuan, ZHANG Xiao-Ke*, WANG Hong-Li, FU Xiao-Jie College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University / Yangling Subcenter of National Wheat Improvement Center, Yangling 712100, China
AbstractMolecular markers associated with genes for drought resistance play an important role in wheat breeding aiming at improvement of drought resistance. In this study, we obtained the full-length cDNA of a novel gene of thioredoxin (Trx) superfamily,TaNRX(GenBank accession number KC890769), from common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using the protocol of gene homology cloning, electronic cloning, RACE, and bioinformatics analysis. The open reading frame (ORF) ofTaNRX is 1734 bp in length, and the 5′ and 3′ UTRs are 99 and 182 bp, respectively. The ORF encodes a protein of 577 amino acid residues with a putative molecular mass of 63.79 kD. The TaNRX is composed of three Trx-like modules arranged as direct repeats of the classic Trx domain. The first and third modules contain the amino acid sequence Cys-X1-X2-Cys, with the potential for Trx oxidoreductase activity. GeneTaNRX has four exons and three introns, and is mapped on chromosome 5BS of wheat. The variations ofTaNRX sequences were mainly concentrated in the first intron according to genomic sequence variances analysis between two types of varieties with different relative germination rates (RGer). Based on the variations within the first intron ofTaNRX, four complementary dominant markers were developed. In 150 wheat varieties (lines), two genotypes onTaNRXlocus,TaNRX-aandTaNRX-b, were identified to be associated with drought resistance. As revealed by the four molecular markers, the average RGer inTaNRX-a genotype was significantly higher than that inTaNRX-bgenotype (P< 0.01). This result suggests that the molecular markers developed in this study are effective to be used in selection of wheat varieties with drought resistance.
图3 晋麦47 ( TaNRX-a)和西农2208 ( TaNRX-b)中 TaNRX基因结构和序列变异示意图外显子用粗线表示; 非翻译区用细线表示, 包括内含子、5′-UTR和3′-UTR。Fig. 3 Sketch map of structure and sequence variation of gene TaNRXin Jinmai 47 ( TaNRX-a) and Xinong 2208 ( TaNRX-b)The thick line shows the position of exon, and the thin line shows the position of intron, 5′-UTR, or 3′-UTR.
表5 TaNRX-a和 TaNRX-b基因型的相对发芽率(RGR)及抗旱性不同级别的品种数 Table 5 Relative germination rate (RGR) and number of cultivars with different grades of drought resistance in TaNRX-a and TaNRX-b genotypes
基因型 Genotype
品种数 No. of varieties
RGR (%)
各抗级品种数 No of varieties in different grades of resistance
平均值 Average
变异范围 Range
极强 Highly resistant
强 Resistant
中等 Moderately resistant
弱 Susceptible
极弱 Highly susceptible
抗旱性按RGR分级, 从极强至极弱RGR依次为90.0%、70.0%-89.9%、50.0%-69.9%、30.0%-49.9%和29.9%。 Drought resistance is classified based on RGR, and the criteria of RGR for drought resistance from highly strong to weak are 90.0%, 70.0%-89.9%, 50.0%-69.9%, 30.0%-49.9%, and 29.9%, respectively.
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